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NOM : hadid PRENOM : oussama mehdi



1 2
A body is in stress when forces are applied to it which cause its size and shape to change. In

other words, stress causes distortion. The intensity of stress depends on the size of the force

and the cross-sectional area (c.s.a) of the body which resists the force. That is,

applied force
c . s . a of the body
5 6
Distortion due to stress is called strain. D ifferent forces will distort bodies in different

ways. 7 A tensile force will lengthen a body. 8 0ne subjected to a compressive force will

contract. If a body bas a uniform c.s.a., that is if it has the same c.s.a. throughout its length,
we calculate strain as

change of length
original length
10 11
Most materials used in engineering are elastic. A material which bas the property of
elasticity will retum to its original size and shape when the forces producing strain are
removed. However, if these forces go beyond a certain lirnit, called the elastic limit,
an elastic material will not regain its original dimensions. If we take a bar of uniform
c.s.a. of an elastic material like mild steel, and apply gradually increasing tensile forces to
it, it will extend. If we measure each extension produced by each increase in force, we
will find that the bar's increase in length is in proportion to the increase in force. ln
other words, strain is proportional to stress. A graph of stress against strain would
therefore be a straight line like that in diagram 1:


Diagram 1

Another way of expressing this is:

=a constant
18 19
The value of this constant is different for each elastic material. It is called the Modulus
Elasticity. If we exceed the elastic limit, then strain is no longer proportional to stress and
there is permanent deformation. These findings illustrate Hooke's law, which states that
within the elastic limit, the strain produced, is proportional to the stress producing it.

Contextual reference: underline the right answer

1. In sentence 1, 'it' refers to : b (a) stress

(b) a body
2. In sentence 1, 'its' refers to : b (a) the force's
(b) the body's
3. In sentence 8, 'one' refers to : a (a) a body
(b) a tensile force

4. In sentence 9, 'it' refers to : a (a) the body's

(b) a force's
5. In sentence 12. 'its' refers to : b (a) the elastic limit's
(b) elastic material
6. In sentence 16. 'that' refers to : b (a) the graph
(b) the straight line

7. In sentence 19, 'it' refers to : a (a) a constant

(b) an elastic material

8. In sentence21, 'it' refers to :a (a) the stain

(b) the stress


Fill the blanks with the words in the following table:

capacity; columns ; transfer ; poor ; settlement ; scour ; recommended ; floor

The foundations, walls, column ., stairs and roof are some of the building elements
that all types of building have in common. Foundations are structures that transfer
weights from walls and floor…to the ground. There are two types of foundations:
shallow foundations and deep foundation . Shallow foundations are usually embedded
a metre into the soil, whereas deep foundations are embedded more in depth . They
are…recommended .in case of very large design loads, a poor soil at shallow depth or
site constraints, such as property lines. There are different types of deep foundations
and they can be made of timber, steel and reinforced or pretensioned concrete.
Geotechnical engineers design foundations to ensure that they have an adequate load capacity
with limited settlement. When designing foundations, it is also important to consider scour
(when Rowing water removes supporting soil from around a foundation) and frost heave
(when water in the ground freezes and forms ice lenses


1. Define soil mechanics in a paragraph USING YOUR OWN WORDS:

Soil mechanics is a branch of engineering that deals with the behavior and properties of soil,
particularly in relation to the design and construction of structures on or in the ground. It involves
the study of how soil responds to various forces and loads, such as the weight of buildings, traffic, or
natural phenomena like earthquakes. Soil mechanics aims to understand the physical and mechanical
properties of soil, such as its strength, stiffness, and permeability, in order to ensure the stability and
safety of structures. This field of study also involves analyzing the interaction between soil and
structures, and finding suitable engineering solutions to mitigate potential risks and challenges posed
by the soil conditions.

2. Enumerate the different types of soil, with examples, used in geotechnical engineering and
explain the difference between them USING YOUR OWN WORDS .

1. Gravel: Gravel consists of coarse particles ranging in size from 2 mm to 60 mm. It is often used as a
foundation material due to its high load-bearing capacity. Examples include crushed stone and river

2. Sand: Sand particles range in size from 0.06 mm to 2 mm. It is commonly used as a backfill material
and for drainage purposes. Examples include beach sand and desert sand.

3. Silt: Silt particles are smaller than sand particles, ranging in size from 0.002 mm to 0.06 mm. It has
a fine texture and is often found in riverbeds and floodplains.

4. Clay: Clay particles are the smallest, measuring less than 0.002 mm in size. It has a cohesive nature
and can retain water. Clay is used in the construction of earth dams and as a liner for waste
containment facilities.

5. Peat: Peat is an organic soil formed from partially decomposed plant material. It is lightweight and
has a high water content. Peat is commonly found in wetland areas.

6. Loam: Loam is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay. It has good drainage properties and is fertile,
making it suitable for agricultural purposes.
3. Write in your YOUR OWN WORDS a paragraph enumerating the ingredients to make
concrete and explaining the procedure to have the right proportions.

To make concrete, the essential ingredients needed are cement, aggregates (such as crushed
rocks or gravel), water, and a specific proportion of admixtures. The procedure for obtaining
the right proportions begins with determining the required strength and durability for the
concrete mix. Based on this, the appropriate mix design is selected, specifying the proportions
of cement, aggregates, and water. The general guideline for a basic concrete mix is to have
around 10-15% cement, 60-75% aggregates, and 15-20% water. However, these proportions
can vary depending on factors like the desired strength, project requirements, and local
conditions. It is crucial to accurately measure and combine the ingredients, usually by weight,
to achieve the desired concrete mixture consistency and workability. This process ensures that
the concrete will have the required strength and durability for its intended application.

4. What is the value of the vertical stress of a soil at a depth of 10 m below the ground level
The vertical stress of a soil at a specific depth can be calculated using the formula:

Vertical Stress = Unit Weight × Depth

Vertical Stress = 20 kN/m³ × 10 m

Vertical Stress = 200 kN/m²

5. Daytime temperatures in North Pole can reach as low as - 50°C

7. Draw a soil profile of the following site:

A 20 m thick clay layer resting over a 5 m thick sand layer. A fill of 4 m thick sand is placed
above the clay layer. The soil profile of the site is submerged.

| Fill (Sand) - 4m |
| Clay - 20m |
| Sand - 5m |


1. Give the expression of the following equations.

i. Absolute value of y equals b minus c squared.
|y| = (b - c)²
ii. The equation x equal to eleven plus or minus square root of 9, has two solutions, x
equals seven and x equals three

That is incorrect. The equation x = 11 ± √9 actually has two solutions: x = 14 and x = 8.

2. Combine the sentences by using the following connectives words:

Since ; consequently ;because; due to; as;

1. There was heavy rain the whole day. The match was cancelled.
……………………………………due to………………………………….

.2. Forest department planted more trees; the green cover is increased in the country
…………………………………due to…………………………………………..

3. I stayed at home. it was raining.


4. Constructions of big dams – evacuation of thousands of families.


5. Rain the whole day, the match was cancelled.

6. The temperature increases. The volume of the gas is increases

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