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Name: ____________________ School: ________________________

Date: ________________
The ant and the Dove
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water.
A er walking around for some me, it came to a spring.
To reach the spring, it had to climb up a blade of grass.
While making its way up, it slipped and fell into the water. The ant could have
almost drowned. But a dove up a nearby tree had seen it. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly
plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and
climbed up there. Soon the leaf carried it safely to dry ground.

A toe A hunter A rifle A leaf

Three days later, a heartless hunter was about to shoot the sleeping dove, hoping to hunt it. Guessing what he
was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the toe. Feeling the pain, the hunter shot and missed the dove. Then,
he dropped his rifle. Hearing the bang, the dove quickly woke up and flew away to safety.

The moral: One good turn deserves another. Author: Aesop

1- Read, Circle and Write the right answer.

1) The tle of the lesson is “The Ant And …………………………………….….”

A) The Bird B) The Dog C) The Dove D) The Duck
2) The writer of the text is ……………………………………………………………...
A) unknown B) the teacher C) Aesop D) Dickens
3) The ant was ………………………………….…………… for some water.
A) searching B) reading C) digging D) asking
4) The ant found ……………………………………………………………….
A) a bo le B) a spring C) a glass D) a river
5) The ant climbed …….……………………………………………………………….……...
A) a ladder B) a flower C) a blade of grass D) a can of cola
6) The ant …………...…………………… into water.
A) fell B) jumped C) dived D) looked
7) The dove ……………………….………….….. the troubled ant.
A) saw B) drew C) called D) smiled at
8) The dove helped the ant by plucking a ……………………………………...
A) paper B) loaf C) leaf D) feather
9) The dove was si ng on a …………………………………………………….………………………………………...….
A) flag mast B) scarecrow C) big log D) nearby tree
10) The leaf carried the ant to ……………………………………...……………...….
A) dry weather B) dry fruits C) dry land D) dry clothes
11) The hunter came a er ……………………………………………...…………………. days.
A) two B) three C) four D) five
12) The hunter was ……………………………………...
A) merciful B) so -hearted C) heartless D) open-minded
13) The dove was ………………………………….…………… when the hunter shot it.
A) reading B) singing C) sleeping D) ea ng
14) The ant ……………………………………………… what the hunter was about to do.
A) guessed B) missed C) planned D) par cipated in
15) The ant ………………………………………………………………. the hunter.
A) bit B) hit C) burnt D) slapped
16) The hunter was bi en on his ………………………………………………………...
A) hand B) toe C) elbow D) nose
17) The hunter used a …………………………………………. to hunt the dove.
A) bow B) net C) rifle D) snare
18) The dove was awakened by the ………………………………………….
A) horn B) engine noise C) bang D) music
19) The dove flew away to …………………………………………………………………………….
A) seventy B) sanity C) safety D) the moon
20) The moral of the story is “One good …………….……………………... deserves another.
A) turn B) burn C) learn D) animal
2-Read, circle and write the answer? (1,2 & 3)
1. The animals in the story are ……………...…………… and ……………………………...
A) a dog /an ant B) a dove / an ant C) a dove / a camel
2. The dove ………………………………………………… the ant.
A) ate B) killed C) slapped D) helped
3. The ant bit the hunter on his …………………………….…….
A) arm B) hand C) toe D) ear

Q4. What caused the dove to awake?
Q5. Why did the ant bite the hunter?
Q6. How many characters are there in the story?
Q7. What did you learn from the story? Give examples?






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