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Testicular Germ Cell Tumors:

Classification, Pathologic Features,
Imaging Findings, and Management
Venkata S. Katabathina, MD
Daniel Vargas-Zapata, MD Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) demonstrate a wide variety
Roberto A. Monge, DO of histopathologic, genetic, pathogenetic, and immunocytochemical
Alia Nazarullah, MD characteristics and various clinical-biologic profiles and prognoses.
Dhakshina Ganeshan, MD Most TGCTs arise from an intratubular precursor cell referred

Varaha Tammisetti, MD to as germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS), which is an embryonic

Srinivasa R. Prasad, MD germ cell with the potential to differentiate into a plethora of em-
bryonic and extraembryonic lineages. Advances in pathologic ex-
Abbreviations: AJCC = American Joint Com- amination and genetics paved the way for the 2016 World Health
mittee on Cancer, ESUR = European Society
of Urogenital Radiology, FDG = fluorodeoxy-
Organization (WHO) classification system, which recognizes two
glucose, GCNIS = germ cell neoplasia in situ, pathogenetically distinct groups of TGCTs. Although postpuber-
NSGCT = nonseminomatous germ cell tumors, tal tumors originate from GCNIS, almost all prepubertal tumors
TGCT = testicular germ cell tumor, TM =
testicular microlithiasis, WHO = World Health belong to the non-GCNIS category. Molecular testing for chromo-
Organization some 12p amplification helps to distinguish the two tumor catego-
RadioGraphics 2021; 41:1698–1716 ries. Imaging techniques such as US, CT, MRI, and fluorine 18
(18F)–fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT are pivotal to the diagnosis and
staging, evaluation of complications and treatment response, and
Content Codes:
long-term surveillance of TGCTs. In addition, select MRI findings
From the Departments of Radiology (V.S.K., may help to differentiate a seminoma from a nonseminomatous
D.V.Z., R.A.M.) and Pathology (A.N.), Univer-
sity of Texas Health at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd mixed TGCT. Accurate diagnosis of TGCTs has therapeutic and
Curl Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229; Department prognostic implications. Although seminomas show exquisite re-
of Radiology, University of Texas M. D. Ander-
son Cancer Center, Houston, Tex (D.G., S.R.P.);
sponse to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, postpubertal tera-
and Department of Radiology, University of tomas are highly resistant to both. The 2016 WHO classification
Texas Health at Houston, Houston, Tex (V.T.). system introduced changes in the diagnosis and management of
Presented as an education exhibit at the 2020
RSNA Annual Meeting. Received February 6, TGCTs, including the development of new treatment and follow-
2021; revision requested March 25 and received up guidelines. Radiologists play an essential role in the optimal
April 29; accepted May 7. For this journal-based
SA-CME activity, the author V.S.K. has pro- treatment of patients with TGCTs.
vided disclosures (see end of article); all other
authors, the editor, and the reviewers have dis- Online supplemental material is available for this article.
closed no relevant relationships. Address cor-
respondence to V.S.K. (e-mail: katabathina@ RSNA, 2021 •
RSNA, 2021


Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs), which are the most common
After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to:
testicular neoplasms, commonly occur in young and middle-aged
„ Explain normal germ cell development
men (1). TGCTs demonstrate diverse oncogenesis, pathologic find-
in men and updates to pathogenesis in ings, and clinical-biologic behaviors. Evolving knowledge of genetics,
the 2016 WHO classification system for pathogenesis, and immunohistochemical markers of TGCTs led to
TGCTs. the updated 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification
„ Describe imaging findings of TGCTs, system, which has substantial diagnostic and treatment implications
with special emphasis on the role of im-
aging in staging and surveillance.
(2–5). A new term for the TGCT precursor lesion, germ cell neoplasia
in situ (GCNIS) was introduced, and two main categories of TGCTs
„ Discuss recent updates in the eighth
edition of the AJCC system for stag- were defined: GCNIS-related and non–GCNIS-related tumors.
ing, treatment, and prognostication of US, CT, MRI, and fluorine 18 (18F)–fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
TGCTs. PET/CT are important for diagnosis, staging, evaluation of compli-
See cations, treatment follow-up, and long-term surveillance of TGCTs
(6–8). Also, MRI is useful in the differentiation of seminomas from
nonseminomatous mixed GCTs (NSGCTs)(9). Serum tumor mark-
ers including lactate dehydrogenase, α-fetoprotein, and β-human
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1699

transform into mature sex cell progenitors (Fig 1)

TEACHING POINTS (3). During migration, there is a hypothetical risk
„ GCNIS-related tumors include seminomas, embryonal carci-
of gonocytes being deposited along the pathway,
nomas, postpubertal yolk sac tumors, teratomas, choriocar-
cinomas, NSGCTs, and “burned-out” TGCTs. Non–GCNIS-
leading to the development of extragonadal GCTs
related tumors include prepubertal teratomas, yolk sac tumors, (12). Because of activation of the hypothalamic-
and spermatocytic tumors, which commonly affect older men. pituitary-gonadal axis at puberty, the gonocytes
„ US can help to differentiate seminomas from NSGCTs. Most enter meiosis, triggered by the loss of expression
seminomas appear as well-circumscribed homogeneously hy- of DMRT1 (sex-determining transcription factor),
poechoic masses. In comparison, nonseminomas tend to be and obtain a haploid genotype (3).
poorly defined heterogeneous masses with areas of necrosis,
hemorrhage, fibrosis, cystic change, and calcifications.
„ In 2015, the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR)
2016 WHO Classification of TGCTs:
proposed a classification system for TM that was based on the
What Is New?
number of microliths per field of view at US and a summary Substantial advances in histopathologic, ge-
of management guidelines. TM is classified into three groups: netic, and molecular findings have led to better
(a) limited TM, with less than five calcifications per view; understanding of the pathogenesis of TGCTs,
(b) classic TM, with greater than five calcifications per view; which is reflected in the updated 2016 WHO
and (c) diffuse TM, with multiple diffuse calcifications mani-
festing with a “snowstorm” appearance.
classification system (2,5). GCNIS was accepted
„ Enlargement and cystic changes in metastases, with interval
to replace prior misleading terms such as carci-
development of calcifications, osseous elements, and macro- noma in situ, testicular intraepithelial neoplasm,
scopic fat, suggest the possibility of growing teratoma syn- and intratubular germ cell neoplasia, unclas-
drome. Minimal or no uptake of FDG is seen at PET/CT. sified type. TGCTs were classified into two
„ Although conventional imaging practice is to measure lymph main pathogenetically determined categories:
nodes in the short-axis dimension for most cancers, National GCNIS-related tumors and non–GCNIS-related
Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines and AJCC staging tumors. GCNIS-related tumors typically occur in
systems recommend measuring lymph nodal metastases in the
greatest diameter of the lymph nodes in patients with testicular
men aged 18–45 years and are characterized by
cancer. Treatment strategies change depending on these values. chromosome 12p amplification. GCNIS-related
tumors include seminomas, embryonal carcino-
mas, postpubertal yolk sac tumors, teratomas,
choriocarcinomas, NSGCTs, and “burned-out”
chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), are beneficial TGCTs. Non–GCNIS-related tumors include
in the management of TGCTs (10).The current prepubertal teratomas, yolk sac tumors, and
WHO classification system proposes new man- spermatocytic tumors, which commonly affect
agement and follow-up guidelines to improve the older men (2–5). Non-GCNIS TGCTs lack
overall prognosis of patients with TGCTs (11). chromosome 12p amplification (3,4) (Table
In this article, we review the 2016 WHO clas- 1). GCNIS expresses stem cell–like markers
sification system for TGCTs, with attendant (eg, OCT3/4 and c-KIT) and can accumulate
implications for diagnosis, management, surveil- multiple mutations, eventually developing into
lance, and prognosis, while highlighting changes invasive malignancy (13,14). Spermatocytic
made in the eighth edition (2017) of the American seminoma is now referred to as a spermatocytic
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), tumor, node, tumor on the basis of its indolent behavior, deri-
metastasis, and serum markers staging system. vation from mature germ cells, and absence of a
relationship to seminomas (2,5).
Normal Germ Cell Development
in Men Pathogenesis of TGCTs
Arrested germ cell development is an important Abnormalities in germ cell development and
step in the development of TGCTs. Because the migration are thought to be the initiating factors
pathogenesis of GCNIS-related TGCTs starts that contribute to the development of TGCTs.
before birth, understanding normal germ cell Several risk factors have been identified, including
development is imperative to comprehending cryptorchidism, atrophic testis, hypospadias, family
the pathogenesis of TGCTs (3). The gonocytes history of a TGCT, low sperm count, testicular
or primitive germ cells with stem cell–like mark- dysgenesis syndrome, hereditary conditions such
ers such as receptor tyrosine kinase (c-KIT ) as Cowden syndrome, and exogenous exposure
and octamer binding transcription factors 3 and to estrogen (3,8,13,15). In a recent study, Nead
4 (OCT3/4) may be identified at the bilaminar et al (16) has shown that exposure to diagnostic
disk stage of the embryo at approximately 2 weeks radiation below the waist may increase the risk of
of gestation. Primitive germ cells colonize the developing TGCTs. Reduction of medically unnec-
testicular parenchyma after extensive migration essary radiation to the testicles and optimization of
and, by puberty, lose the primitive markers to shielding practices are essential, when appropriate
1700 October Special Issue 2021

Figure 1. Illustration shows the normal embryonic development and maturation of germ cells in men.

(16). The pathogenesis is different for the two types

Table 1: Current WHO Classification System
of TGCTs (Fig 2) (13,15). for TGCTs
Increased maternal estrogen levels from
exogenous exposure or multiple endogenous GCNIS-related TGCTs
hormone disrupters result in the arrest of fetal Seminomas
germ cells at the gonocyte stage. These ab- Nonseminomatous mixed germ cell tumors
normal gonocytes acquire multiple mutations   Embryonal carcinoma
during migration to the testicular parenchyma.    Yolk sac tumors, postpubertal type
Interaction of environmental factors and predis-    Teratomas, postpubertal type
posing conditions results in the development of    Choriocarcinomas and other trophoblastic
GCNIS (3,8,13,15). Arrested gonocyte devel- tumors
opment leads to the proliferation of the GCNIS Burned-out (regressed) germ cell tumors
due to pubertal activation of the hypothalamic- Non–GCNIS-related TGCTs
pituitary-gonadal axis. Chromosome 12p Yolk sac tumors, prepubertal type
amplification contributes to the invasiveness of Teratomas, prepubertal type and associated
TGCTs and is a hallmark feature of all GC- tumors
NIS-related TGCTs (3,8,13,15). Seminomas    Dermoid cysts
are the first tumors that develop from GCNIS    Epidermoid cysts
and exhibit hypomethylated chromatin and    Well-differentiated tumors
primitive stem cell–like markers (eg, commonly    Neuroendocrine tumors
OCT3/4)(3). Differentiation of seminoma cells Spermatocytic tumors
due to multiple epigenetic alterations leads to
other TGCTs, including choriocarcinomas that Sources.—References 2 and 5.
recapitulate extraembryonic tissues (ie, express
β-hCG), postpubertal yolk sac tumors that
express α-fetoprotein, and teratomas that are oblastoma occurring in the context of disorders
reminiscent of embryonic tissues (Fig 2) (3). of sexual development, GCNIS does not contrib-
In contradistinction, non-GCNIS tumors lack ute to pediatric GCTs (15). Prepubertal yolk sac
chromosome 12p amplification. Except for gonad- tumors are characterized by the loss of the tumor
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1701

Figure 2. Illustration shows the pathogenesis of TGCTs. Seminomas, embryonal carcinomas, choriocarcinomas, postpubertal yolk
sac tumors, and postpubertal teratomas develop from GCNIS and demonstrate isochromosome 12p. Prepubertal yolk sac tumors,
prepubertal teratomas and associated tumors, and spermatocytic tumors develop from normal germ cells, without GCNIS.

suppressor gene RUNX family transcription factor Radiologists should be aware of the following
3 (RUNX3) (13). Spermatocytic tumors dem- key concepts: (a) the presence of microlithiasis
onstrate recurrent amplifications of chromosome in the adjacent testicular parenchyma suggests
9p (which contains a locus of the doublesex and the diagnosis of TGCT; (b) most seminomas
mab-3 related transcription factor 1 [DMRT1] are homogeneous tumors, but heterogeneous
gene) (3,13,15). tumors correspond to NSGCTs; (c) a hetero-
geneous mass with cystic changes and calcifica-
Role of Imaging tions suggests the possibility of a mixed NSGCT
Imaging is essential to diagnosis, staging, with a postpubertal teratoma component;
surgical planning, and surveillance of TGCTs (d) the presence of macrocalcifications and
(7,17,18). Although the final diagnosis of hypoechoic areas at US in a young patient with
TGCT is made at pathologic examination, retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy is suspicious
distinctive histologic features are reflected in im- for a “burned out” TGCT (a metastatic TGCT,
aging findings in selected patients (Tables 2, 3) with spontaneous regression of the primary tu-
(7,17). Urologists expect to glean the following mor, without treatment); and (e) the presence of
information from radiology reports: (a) in the “onion ring”calcifications is diagnostic of benign
primary tumor, potential clues to the histologic epidermoid cysts (7,17).
diagnosis and involvement of the scrotal wall; Regarding staging and surveillance, the sites
(b) metastases, including location, size, and and characteristics of metastases are related to
invasion into the adjacent structures; (c) follow- the histopathologic characteristics of the primary
up imaging studies for disease monitoring and tumor. For example, NSGCTs grow more rapidly
identification of complications; and (d) surveil- than do seminomas; visceral metastases occur
lance, including evaluation of recurrent and more frequently (>15%) with NSGCTs than with
residual disease (7,17–19). seminomas (<5%) (19). Although the presence
During assessment of a primary testicular of a hemorrhagic component is highly specific for
mass, radiologists may suggest potential his- choriocarcinomas, teratomas are characterized by
tologic diagnosis when it is possible to do so. cystic changes and calcifications (7,17).
1702 October Special Issue 2021

Table 2: Imaging Findings and Features of GCNIS-related TGCTs

Type of TGCT Imaging Findings Features

Seminoma US: well-circumscribed homogeneously hypoecho- Elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase
ic mass with lobulated margins levels
MRI: T1-isointense and T2-hypointense mass, Uniform cellular composition at patho-
with marked restricted diffusion logic evaluation
Embryonal carci- US: heterogeneously hypoechoic mass with ill-de- Poor prognosis with extratesticular
noma fined margins and invasion of tunica albuginea extension and metastases
Postpubertal yolk US and MRI: ill-defined masses with varying Marked elevation of serum
sac tumor amounts of cystic components from hemorrhage α-fetoprotein levels
and necrosis
Choriocarcinoma US: solid hypoechoic mass or heterogeneous mass Marked elevation of serum β-hCG
with hemorrhagic areas levels
CT: hypervascular metastases to the liver, lung Aggressive tumor with worst prognosis
parenchyma, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes, Microscopic vascular invasion leading
with spontaneous rupture to early hematogenous spread
Postpubertal tera- US: well-circumscribed predominantly cystic le- Normal serum tumor marker levels
toma sion with macroscopic fat and calcifications
“Burned out” US: linear or nodular macrocalcifications, small Teratomas and choriocarcinomas com-
TGCT echogenic foci, focal hypoechoic areas with or monly regress and form a fibrotic
without calcifications, microlithiasis, and atro- scarlike area with calcifications
phic testis

Table 3: Imaging Findings and Features of Non–GCNIS-related TGCTs

Type of TGCT Imaging Findings Features

Prepubertal tera- US: mature teratoma heterogeneously echogenic owing to Comprise 65% of all prepubertal
toma and asso- cystic lesions containing sebaceous fat tumors
ciated tumors* CT and MRI: macroscopic fat, calcifications, and cystic
Dermoid cyst at US: pilosebaceous component with no
other germ cell layer, cystic lesion with a thin wall and
a few septa
Epidermoid cyst at US: “onion ring” appearance, without
increased vascularity
Epidermoid cyst at MRI: T1 and T2 hyperintensity
Prepubertal yolk US: homogeneous solid hypoechoic mass that may Pure form is the most common
sac tumor involve the entire testicular parenchyma, or heteroge- testicular malignancy in chil-
neous mass with solid and cystic areas dren younger than 2 years
Elevated serum α-fetoprotein
Spermatocytic US: well-circumscribed multinodular heterogeneous mass Rare tumor
tumor with cystic foci Occurs in older men
Normal serum markers
Metastases are rare
*Includes dermoid cysts, epidermoid cysts, well-differentiated tumors, and neuroendocrine tumors.

Imaging TGCTs with US TGCTs (Fig 3) (20). Also, US is helpful for

Color Doppler US is the imaging modality of identification of cystic change, necrosis, and
choice for the initial evaluation of scrotal masses calcifications in TGCTs. US is invaluable in the
(20,21). US is helpful for differentiation of evaluation of intra-abdominal or pelvic meta-
testicular from extratesticular lesions and for static disease and in identification of testicular
identification of undescended or malpositioned masses in young men with incidental retroperi-
testes in patients with cryptorchidism, micro- toneal lymphadenopathy (20,22). US can help
lithiasis, small precursor lesions, and regressed to differentiate seminomas from NSGCTs.
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1703

Figure 3. Undescended testis in a 12-year-old boy

with cryptorchidism. Gray-scale US image of the left
inguinal canal shows a hypoechoic oval structure (ar-
row) that is consistent with an undescended testis.

Figure 4. Differentiation of seminomas from NSGCTs. (A) Gray-scale US image of the scrotum in a 27-year-old man
shows a well-circumscribed homogeneously hypoechoic testicular mass (arrow) with associated microlithiasis (arrow-
head), which was proved to be a pure seminoma at pathologic examination. (B) Gray-scale US image of the scrotum in
a 32-year-old man shows an ill-defined heterogeneously mixed echogenic mass (arrow) with scattered anechoic areas
representing cystic or necrotic changes, which was proved to be an NSGCT composed of 45% postpubertal teratoma,
30% yolk sac tumor, 20% embryonal carcinoma, and 5% choriocarcinoma.

Most seminomas appear as well-circumscribed indicated for late-stage TGCTs with suspected
homogeneously hypoechoic masses. In compari- pulmonary metastases (26).
son, nonseminomas tend to be poorly defined
heterogeneous masses with areas of necrosis, Imaging TGCTs with MRI
hemorrhage, fibrosis, cystic change, and calcifica- MRI is helpful in preoperative characteriza-
tions (Fig 4) (6,20,23). Although internal tumor tion and staging of TGCTs, especially when
vascularity is commonly seen in most tumors, testicle-sparing surgery is planned (8,27). MRI
poorly vascularized tumors occasionally may be may allow differentiation of benign lesions from
misdiagnosed as segmental infarction or scarring TGCTs, thereby allowing unnecessary surgery to
(23). US elastography and contrast-enhanced US be avoided (Fig 6) (27,28). Although diffusion-
may be helpful in the assessment of testicular le- weighted and contrast-enhanced MRI are com-
sions and in the differentiation of malignant from monly used, functional MRI techniques including
benign lesions (24,25). perfusion MRI, diffusion-tensor MRI, and MR
spectroscopy are being investigated for the charac-
Imaging TGCTs with CT terization of TGCTs (28). MRI has the potential
CT is the usual workhorse modality for staging, to help distinguish seminomas from NSGCTs
treatment follow-up, assessment of complications, (9,29). Seminomas appear as unencapsulated tu-
and long-term surveillance of TGCTs (6,7,18). mors that are isointense at T1-weighted MRI, with
Also, CT of the abdomen and pelvis is helpful to homogeneous low signal intensity at T2-weighted
identify malpositioned testes, metastatic retroper- MRI. Fibrovascular septa manifest as hypointense
itoneal adenopathy, and emergency complications band-like structures at T2-weighted MRI, with
such as urinary obstruction and hemorrhage (Fig prolonged and more prominent enhancement (Fig
5) (6,7). Although chest radiography may suf- 7) (9,29). In comparison, NSGCTs are markedly
fice for early-stage TGCTs, CT of the chest is heterogeneous with a hypointense pseudocapsule
1704 October Special Issue 2021

Figure 5. CT evaluation of TGCTs. Coronal contrast-enhanced CT image of the

abdomen in a 28-year-old man shows bulky retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy,
with scattered hypoattenuating areas (arrow) and an ill-defined heterogeneous
lesion in the left hepatic lobe (arrowhead). Both of these lesions were proved to
be metastatic disease from a testicular NSGCT with predominant choriocarci-
noma components.

Figure 6. Testicular infarct in a 40-year-old man. (A) Gray-scale US image of the scrotum shows an ill-defined hypoechoic focal mass
(arrow) that is suspicious for a neoplasm in the right testicle. (B, C) Coronal T2-weighted (B) and gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted (C)
MR images of the scrotum show a well-circumscribed wedge-shaped lesion that is hypointense (arrow in B) in the right testicular pa-
renchyma with mild contrast enhancement (arrow in C), which are findings that are suggestive of a testicular infarct, and this diagnosis
was subsequently proved at surgical excision.

at T2-weighted MRI. They may show heteroge- lignancies from benign lesions and is used in
neous areas at T1- and T2-weighted MRI that the posttreatment monitoring of select TGCTs
are secondary to the presence of cystic change, (7,32). Although PET/CT is useful in identify-
hemorrhage, or necrosis (Fig 7) (9,29). Zhang et ing viable residual tumor in sites of metastasis
al (30) showed that a T2-weighted MRI-based ra- measuring larger than 3 cm after chemotherapy
diomics signature might allow noninvasive differ- in patients with seminomas, it is unreliable for
entiation of seminomas from NSGCTs (30). MRI excluding viable tumor in NSGCTs (Fig 8)
is also helpful for assessment of tumor extent, (18,26,32,33). PET/CT should be performed at
including invasion of the adjacent structures, and least 6 weeks after chemotherapy to avoid false-
for detection of malpositioned testes in patients positive results from associated inflammation
with cryptorchidism (8,27). MRI is comparable to (34). A PET/CT examination that is negative for
CT for the identification of metastatic lymphade- cancer after chemotherapy is reassuring. PET/
nopathy in TGCTs and for the effective detection CT is recommended to identify early relapse in
of residual or recurrent disease and distant metas- patients with elevated serum marker levels and
tases, including intracranial metastatic disease and normal CT examinations (18,26,33,34).
complications (7,8,31).
Testicular Microlithiasis
Imaging TGCTs with 18F-FDG PET/CT Testicular microlithiasis (TM) is the presence of
Although it is not commonly used, 18F-FDG parenchymal calcifications (typically 2–3 mm in
PET/CT helps to differentiate testicular ma- size) in or outside the lumen of the seminiferous
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1705

Figure 7. Differentiation of semi-

nomas from NSGCTs in two pa-
tients. (A–C) Pure seminoma
in a 27-year-old man. Axial T2-
weighted (A), diffusion-weighted
(b = 800 sec/mm2) (B), and gado-
linium-enhanced T1-weighted (C)
MR images of the scrotum show a
well-circumscribed homogeneous T2-
hypointense testicular mass (without
a discrete capsule) (arrow in A) that
demonstrates diffusion restriction (ar-
row in B) and relatively homogeneous
enhancement (arrow in C). This mass
was proved to be a pure seminoma at
radical orchiectomy. (D, E) NSGCT in
a 40-year-old man. Coronal T2-weighted (D) and gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted (E) MR images of the scrotum show an
ill-defined hypointense mass arising from the right testicle that shows heterogeneous enhancement and extension into the
epididymis (arrow) and was proved to be an NSGCT at surgical resection.

Figure 8. Seminoma with viable tumor in the bilateral inguinal

lymph node, with metastases, in a 22-year-old man after he un-
derwent orchiectomy. Axial 18F-FDG PET/CT image shows areas of
substantially increased FDG uptake (arrows), which are suggestive
of viable tumors in the bilateral inguinal lymph nodes and were
proved at pathologic examination.

monly and is not required for diagnosis (Fig

9) (20,35). In 2015, the European Society of
Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) (39) proposed
a classification system for TM that was based
on the number of microliths per field of view at
US and a summary of management guidelines.
TM is classified into three groups: (a) limited
TM, with less than five calcifications per view;
(b) classic TM, with greater than five calcifica-
tubules (20,35). Although TM is seen in greater tions per view; and (c) diffuse TM, with mul-
than 50% of patients with TGCTs, it can also be tiple diffuse calcifications manifesting with a
seen in healthy men. The relationship between “snowstorm” appearance (Fig 9) (39). Winter
these two entities is still controversial (20,35). et al (35) also proposed guidelines based on US
Studies (36–38) performed to evaluate TM as a findings and associated risk factors for TGCTs.
risk factor for TGCTs have shown ambiguous Both guidelines suggest that the presence of TM
results. Two large studies by Trout et al (37) and itself does not mandate regular surveillance, and
Heller et al (38) demonstrated a strong associa- careful clinical correlation for associated risk
tion between TM and TGCTs. Despite these re- factors is required to make decisions on further
sults, currently there is no definitive evidence that management (35,39). Although the presence of
TM alone is a true premalignant condition. Cur- risk factors for TGCTs may necessitate urologic
rent guidelines reflect this philosophy (35,39). consultation and annual follow-up US up to
At US, TM appears as distinct echogenic foci. the age of 55 years, men with incidental, iso-
Posterior acoustic shadowing is not seen com- lated TM without a mass or risk factors should
1706 October Special Issue 2021

Figure 9. TM in three patients according to the ESUR classification system. (A) Gray-scale US image of the testicle shows only four
microliths per field of view (arrows), which is suggestive of limited TM. (B) Gray-scale US image of the testicle shows more than five
microliths per field of view (arrows), which is suggestive of classic TM. (C) Gray-scale US image of the testicle shows multiple micro-
liths per field of view (arrows) (ie, the “snowstorm appearance”), which is suggestive of diffuse TM.

be reassured and educated about the need for hypointense, with well-circumscribed or lobulated
monthly testicular self-examination (35,39). margins (9,29,43,46). At diffusion-weighted MRI,
marked restricted diffusion secondary to increased
GCNIS-related TGCTs cellularity and underlying inflammation can be
seen; bandlike hyperenhancement of fibrovascular
Germ Cell Neoplasia in Situ septa is characteristic of GCNIS (Fig 7) (9,43,46).
GCNIS is found in the testicular parenchyma
adjacent to TGCTs in 90% of TGCTs and in the Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors
contralateral testis in 4%–8% of TGCTs. Patients NSGCTs comprise 30%–40% of all TGCTs and
with cryptorchidism or atrophic testis are at higher may be pure or mixed tumors. Mixed tumors
risk for GCNIS and TGCTs (40). Approximately show variable proportions of embryonal carci-
70% of GCNIS-positive men may develop TGCT noma, yolk sac tumors, postpubertal teratomas,
within the next 7 years (13). Lenz et al (41) and choriocarcinomas (2,5,42). NSGCTs are
showed that an irregular or coarse echogenic ap- diagnosed in men during the 3rd decade of life
pearance of the testicular parenchyma at US may (20,42). Unlike seminomas, NSGCTs manifest
suggest the possibility of GCNIS. However, this with advanced disease in 60% of patients. The
finding has not been confirmed in larger studies. prognosis is unfavorable for tumors with a higher
The positive predictive value is low (22%). Cur- clinical stage (6,42). Imaging findings of NSGCTs
rently, US has no role in screening for GCNIS. reflect their variegated nature and the proportion
of specific histologic types (Fig 11) (2,5,6). At
Seminomas US, NSGCTs are typically heterogeneous; have
Pure seminomas, which account for up to 50% ill-defined margins; and contain cystic areas and
of TGCTs, commonly occur in men aged 30–40 echogenic foci that correspond to necrosis, hemor-
years (42,43). Serum lactate dehydrogenase levels rhage, and calcifications (Fig 11) (6,7,20,47).
are elevated in patients with seminomas, and Cysts within NSGCTs correspond to epithelium-
approximately 15% of patients may have a mildly lined true cysts in teratomas and dilated rete testis
elevated β-hCG level because of the presence of or necrosis in other tumors (20). The presence of
syncitiotrophoblastic cells (2,10,42). At patho- solid hypoechoic areas in NSGCTs commonly
logic examination, seminomas are usually solid corresponds to embryonal carcinoma and yolk sac
tumors with a pale tan slightly lobulated cut sur- tumor components, whereas hemorrhagic areas or
face. At histologic examination, a diffuse arrange- metastases with hemorrhage indicate choriocarci-
ment of large polygonal cells that are divided into noma (6,7,20,47). NSGCTs show heterogeneous
large lobules by fibrous bands is a typical find- signal intensity at T1- and T2-weighted MRI, with
ing (2,4,5). At immunohistochemical analysis, hemorrhage and necrosis. NSGCTs also show het-
seminoma cells stain positive for c-KIT, placental erogeneous contrast enhancement and frequent in-
alkaline phosphatase, and OCT3/4 (2,4,5). vasion of adjacent structures (Fig 7) (9,28,43,46).
The imaging appearance reflects the uniform
cellular composition of seminomas (43–45). Embryonal Carcinomas
At US, seminomas typically are homogeneous, Aggressive features such as extratesticular
hypoechoic, and solid appearing, with well-cir- extension and metastatic disease are common
cumscribed or lobulated margins, and they show in TGCTs that show embryonal carcinoma
increased vascularity along the fibrovascular septa (20,46). At histopathologic examination, ana-
at Doppler US (Fig 10) (43,44). At MRI, semino- plastic-appearing cells with diverse architectural
mas are homogeneously T1 hypointense and T2 patterns are seen (2,4,5).
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1707

Figure 10. Pure seminoma in a 35-year-old man. (A) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen demon-
strates a testicular mass with a pale tan lobulated cut surface (arrows). (B) Photomicrograph shows nests of
large polygonal cells with moderate eosinophilic cytoplasms and prominent nucleoli (arrows) that are sepa-
rated by fibrous bands containing a lymphocytic infiltrate (arrowheads), which are consistent with a pure sem-
inoma. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 320.) (C, D) Gray-scale (C) and color Doppler (D)
US images of the scrotum show a well-circumscribed lobulated homogeneously hypoechoic testicular mass
(arrow) with increased vascularity.

Figure 11. NSGCTs in three patients. (A–C) Pathologic findings of an NSGCT with a predominant yolk sac tumor and embryonal
carcinoma in a 26-year-old man. Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen (A) shows a discrete solid-cystic mass with areas of
hemorrhage and necrosis (arrow in A). Photomicrograph of the yolk sac tumor component (B) shows tumor cells palisading around
a central capillary, known as a Schiller-Duval body (arrow in B). (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 340.) Photomicro-
graph of the embryonal carcinoma component (C) shows a tubulopapillary appearance of cytologically anaplastic-appearing cells
(arrows in C). (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 340.) (D) Gray-scale US image of the right testicle in a 22-year-old
man with a pathologically proven NSGCT (mostly a mixture of embryonal carcinoma and postpubertal teratoma) shows an ill-defined
heterogeneously hypoechoic mass (arrow) replacing the entire testicular parenchyma. (E) Gray-scale US image of the left testicle in a
24-year-old man with a pathologically proven NSGCT (99% teratoma) shows a cystic mass (arrow) with thickened septa.
1708 October Special Issue 2021

Figure 12. NSGCT with a predominant

embryonal carcinoma component in a
24-year-old man. Gray-scale US image of the
scrotum shows a lobulated heterogeneously
hypoechoic testicular mass (arrow) with in-
vasion of the adjacent tunica albuginea (ar-
rowhead). This mass was proved to be an
NSGCT with 95% embryonal carcinoma
and 5% postpubertal teratoma at pathologic

Figure 13. NSGCT with a predominant yolk sac tumor component in a 19-year-old man. (A) Gray-scale
US image of the scrotum shows a well-circumscribed hypoechoic testicular mass with scattered cystic areas
(arrow) and TM in the remaining testicle (arrowhead). (B) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image of the scrotum
shows a well-circumscribed heterogeneously enhancing mass in the right testicle (arrow). This mass was
proved to be an NSGCT with 99% postpubertal yolk sac tumor.

At US, embryonal carcinoma is a solid pre- (20,46,48). The tumor usually demonstrates
dominantly hypoechoic heterogeneous mass with variable signal intensity at T1- and T2-weighted
ill-defined margins, contour abnormality of the MRI because of hemorrhage and cystic degen-
testicle, and invasion of the tunica albuginea (Fig eration (28,46).
12) (17,20). Ill-defined hypoechoic areas and
echogenic foci represent hemorrhage, necrosis, Choriocarcinoma
and calcifications (20,43,48). At MRI, the tumor Up to 16% of NSGCTs show choriocarcinoma,
shows heterogeneous signal intensity, with areas which is the most aggressive TGCT. The pure
of necrosis and hemorrhage (46,48). form of this tumor is rare (20,48). Choriocar-
cinoma is associated with microscopic vascular
Postpubertal Yolk Sac Tumor invasion, resulting in early widespread hema-
A pure postpubertal yolk sac tumor in adults is togenous dissemination. Serum β-hCG levels
rare and is almost always part of an NSGCT. are markedly elevated (10,48). The presence
The tumor demonstrates extraembryonic dif- of hemorrhagic nodules is typical at pathologic
ferentiation into yolk sac elements and is com- examination of gross specimens. Extensive areas
monly associated with marked elevation of serum of hemorrhage that are surrounded by a mixture
α-fetoprotein levels (5,10,48). At pathologic ex- of trophoblasts with vascular invasion are seen
amination of gross specimens, the yolk sac tumor at histopathologic examination. Tumor cells are
component in an NSGCT appears as a solid to positive for β-hCG and GATA binding protein
cystic area with a gray to tan myxoid cut surface 3 (GATA3) at immunohistochemical analysis
and foci of necrosis and hemorrhage. Tumor cells (Fig 14) (2,4,5).
are positive for glypican-3 and α-fetoprotein at At imaging, primary and metastatic masses are
immunohistochemical analysis (2,4,5). hypervascular with central hemorrhagic necrosis
At imaging, NSGCTs with a predominant (20,46). Common metastatic sites at patient pre-
yolk sac tumor component may manifest as sentation include the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal
ill-defined masses with varying amounts of tract, and brain (46). At US, the primary testicu-
cystic change, indicating necrosis and echogenic lar mass is solid, hypoechoic, and heterogeneous,
foci that correspond to hemorrhage (Fig 13) with cystic areas from hemorrhage and necrosis
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1709

Figure 14. (A, B) Testicular choriocarcinoma in a 29-year-old man. (A) Photograph of pathologic specimens
shows a hemorrhagic tumor rimmed by a gray-tan area (arrows). (B) Photomicrograph shows large multi-
nucleated syncytiotrophoblasts and intermediate-sized cytotrophoblasts (arrows), with areas of hemorrhage
(arrowheads). (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 320.) (C, D) Choriocarcinoma in a 39-year-old
man. Gray-scale US image of the scrotum (C) shows an ill-defined heterogeneously hypoechoic mass with cystic
areas (arrows in C) that represent hemorrhage and necrosis. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image of the pelvis (D)
shows a large retroperitoneal lymph nodal mass (arrowheads in D) with heterogeneously enhancing areas in the
periphery and central necrosis, which are typical of choriocarcinoma metastases.

(Fig 14) (48). At CT and MRI, multifocal meta- scopic fat (20,48). At MRI, teratomas are well-
static masses are seen, with hypervascularity and circumscribed complex cystic masses with signal
hemorrhagic necrosis (Fig 14) (46). TGCT with intensity that varies according to the contents of
substantial choriocarcinoma components has the the tumor (eg, serum, mucin, or keratin) (46).
worst prognosis of all TGCTs and is rapidly fatal Somatic-type malignancies that arise in the tera-
if left untreated (42,48). toma (ie, previously called teratocarcinomas) are
seen in approximately 3%–6% of teratomas. They
Postpubertal Teratoma may arise in the testes or retroperitoneal lymph
A pure teratoma is uncommon in postpubertal nodes and are associated with a poor prognosis
male patients, and most tumors manifest as a (42). Sarcoma is the most common somatic-type
component of an NSGCT (5,42). Serum tu- malignancy, the majority of which are rhabdo-
mor marker levels are normal (10). One-third of myosarcomas (42).
patients present with advanced disease, includ-
ing mediastinal or intracranial masses, which are Burned-Out TGCTs
associated with a higher incidence of recurrence A burned-out TGCT is a metastatic TGCT in
(42). At pathologic examination of gross speci- which the primary tumor has completely or
mens, tumors are often solid to cystic masses, partially regressed, forming a fibrotic scarlike
with histologic features that vary depending on area. Burned-out TGCTs manifest exclusively by
the tissue types present (2,4,5). means of metastasis, most commonly in the ret-
Imaging shows predominantly cystic lesions roperitoneum (2,49,50). Proposed mechanisms
with macroscopic fat, calcifications, and solid include ischemic regression from rapid tumor
components, depending on their immaturity (Fig growth that exceeds perfusion and immune-
15) (20,46,48). At US, these masses are mark- mediated regression (49,50). The most frequent
edly heterogeneous and predominantly cystic subtypes that regress are NSGCTs that predomi-
(20,48). Echogenic areas may correspond to nantly contain teratomas or choriocarcinomas
calcification, cartilage, immature bone, or macro- (50). At pathologic examination, the regressed
1710 October Special Issue 2021

Figure 15. Pure postpubertal teratoma in a 42-year-old man. (A) Gray-scale US image of the scrotum
shows a mixed solid and cystic testicular mass with a few punctate echogenic foci (arrow). (B) Axial
contrast-enhanced CT image of the abdomen shows a retroperitoneal lymph node with multiple calcifica-
tions (arrowhead). Postpubertal teratoma was diagnosed on the basis of pathologic examination.

Figure 16. Burned-out TGCT in three patients. (A) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen in a young man (in his 20s) shows
the testicular parenchyma with a fibrotic scarlike area (arrow) and central calcification (arrowhead). (B) Gray-scale US image of the
scrotum in a 26-year-old man shows a focus of hyperechoic calcification (arrow) and an ill-defined hypoechoic area (arrowhead) with
predominant choriocarcinoma components. (C) Gray-scale US image of the right inguinal canal in a 17-year-old adolescent boy
shows an atrophic and undescended testicle with multiple hyperechoic calcifications (arrows).

areas show dense fibrosis with scar formation, epidermoid cysts. A prepubertal teratoma can be
with or without tubular lithiasis, and lymphoplas- mature or immature. Younger patients and those
macytic inflammation (Fig 16) (2,4,49). with larger tumors and elevated α-fetoprotein
US findings of a burned-out TGCT include levels are more likely to have immature terato-
linear or nodular macrocalcifications, small mas (51). At US, mature teratomas commonly
highly echogenic foci, focal hypoechoic areas manifest as cystic lesions that contain sebaceous
with or without calcifications, microlithiasis, and material that contributes to a heterogeneously
atrophic testis (Fig 16) (6,49,50). At MRI, a focal echogenic appearance. Immature teratomas are
T2-hypointense area of architectural distortion typically larger and solid from neuroectodermal
in the testicular parenchyma is seen without an components. Imaging features may also change
identifiable mass (6). CT and MRI demonstrate over time (Fig 17) (45,51). CT and MRI can
retroperitoneal metastases and other metastases show fat, calcification, and cystic components in
(Fig E1) (49,50). mature teratomas (45).
A dermoid cyst comprises a pilosebaceous
Non–GCNIS-related TGCTs component with no other germ cell layer and
appears as a cyst with a thin wall at imag-
Prepubertal Teratoma and Associated ing (45). An epidermoid cyst is a rare type of
Tumors monodermal teratomatous cyst that is lined with
Prepubertal teratomas and associated tumors a benign squamous epithelium that contains
account for 65% of testicular tumors in prepu- keratin material (Fig 18) (20,45,52). At US,
bertal children. They have an excellent prognosis epidermoid cysts show the characteristic “onion
compared with that of postpubertal teratomas ring” appearance, with alternating hypoechoic
(2,4,45). Dermoid cysts, epidermoid cysts, and and hyperechoic keratin layers and no color flow
well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors are at Doppler US (Fig 18) (20,47). Less-charac-
distinct types of prepubertal teratomas (2,4,45). teristic imaging appearances at US include a
These tumors are also seen in adults, especially central hyperechoic area with a surrounding
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1711

Figure 17. Prepubertal teratoma in a

9-year-old boy. Gray-scale US image of the
scrotum shows a well-circumscribed heter-
ogeneously echogenic mass with scattered
cystic areas (arrow), which was proved to
be a prepubertal teratoma at pathologic

Figure 18. Testicular epidermoid cysts in two patients. (A) Photomicrograph of a right testicular mass in a
33-year-old man shows a mature squamous epithelium–lined cyst (arrows) that is filled with acellular keratin
debris (arrowheads). (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 320.) (B) Gray-scale US image of the
scrotum in a 27-year-old man shows a right testicular mass with multiple concentric echogenic layers (arrow)
(ie, the classic “onion ring” appearance) from alternating hypoechoic and hyperechoic keratin layers in the
right testicle.

Figure 19. Atypical epidermoid cyst in a 31-year-old man. (A) Gray-scale US image of the scrotum shows a
mixed echogenic testicular mass with multiple circumferential calcifications (arrow). (B) Axial T1-weighted MR
image of the scrotum shows an ill-defined hyperintense focal mass in the left testicle (arrow), which was proved
to be an epidermoid cyst with atypical features at pathologic examination.

hypoechoic halo (ie, a “target” appearance), a Prepubertal Yolk Sac Tumors

well-circumscribed hypoechoic mass with rim A pure form of prepubertal yolk sac tumor is the most
calcification, or an echogenic capsule (Fig 19) common testicular malignancy in children younger
(20,51,52). The appearance of these masses at than 2 years (45). Elevated serum α-fetoprotein
T1- and T2-weighted MRI is similar to that at levels are seen and used for diagnosis and surveil-
US, with an outer hypointense fibrous capsule, lance (10,45). Tumors are histologically similar to
dense central debris that is hypointense, and the postpubertal type, except for a lack of GCNIS
mid-zone de­squamated cellular debris with and the absence of regression (2,4,5).
hyperintense high water and high lipid contents At US, the prepubertal yolk sac tumor mani-
(Fig 19) (52). fests as either a homogeneous solid hypoechoic
1712 October Special Issue 2021

mass that can involve the entire testicular pa-

renchyma or as a heterogeneous mass with solid
and cystic areas (Fig 20) (45). At MRI, the mass
is T2 hyperintense and T1 hypointense, with
restricted diffusion and heterogeneous contrast
enhancement (45).

Spermatocytic Tumors
A spermatocytic tumor is a rare TGCT (ie, it
represents only 1% of testicular cancers) that is
derived from mature germ cells such as a sper-
matogonium or an early spermatocyte. These
tumors rarely metastasize, and patients with them
have normal serum tumor marker levels (2,5).
In contradistinction to a seminoma, this tumor
Figure 20. Prepubertal yolk sac tumor in a 12-year-old boy.
manifests in men during the 6th decade of life Gray-scale US image of the scrotum shows an ill-defined het-
(43). At imaging, a spermatocytic tumor appears erogeneous mass with solid and cystic areas (arrow) that is
as a large (>5 cm) well-defined multinodular completely replacing the right testicular mass.
heterogeneous mass with cystic foci (43,46). It
has an excellent prognosis, without recurrence or
metastasis (43,46).

Complications of TGCTs
The complications of TGCTs include ureteral
obstruction, choriocarcinoma syndrome, growing
teratoma syndrome, testicular torsion, sarcoid-
like reaction, gynecomastia, and paraneoplastic
syndromes such as encephalitis (53). Metastatic
lymphadenopathy may cause ureteral obstruction,
which results in hydronephrosis and obstruction at
nephrography (Fig 21). Choriocarcinoma syn-
drome occurs in patients with metastatic chorio-
carcinoma. Spontaneous extensive bleeding from
hypervascular metastases results in diffuse alveolar
hemorrhage, hepatic subcapsular hematomas, and
hemoperitoneum (Fig 22) (53). Figure 21. Metastatic retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy in
Growing teratoma syndrome is an entity that a 20-year-old man with NSGCT causing substantial urinary
entails growth of NSGCTs, even after appropri- tract obstruction. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image of the
ate treatment with chemotherapy. Serum tumor abdomen at the level of the kidneys demonstrates retro-
peritoneal lymphadenopathy (arrow), resulting in moderate
markers are not elevated. This syndrome mimics hydronephrosis and decreased renal parenchymal enhance-
disease relapse or treatment failure because of the ment, which are suggestive of substantial urinary obstruc-
development of a mature teratoma in a preexisting tion (arrowheads).
metastasis (53). The initial NSGCT may or may
not contain a teratoma component. The treatment
of choice is surgical excision because chemother- Sarcoid-like reactions associated with TGCTs
apy is usually not effective (54). Enlargement and manifest as perihilar and mediastinal lymphade-
cystic changes in metastases, with interval devel- nopathy and perilymphatic pulmonary nodules.
opment of calcifications, osseous elements, and Similar findings may occur in the spleen or other
macroscopic fat, suggest the possibility of grow- lymph nodes (53,56). The sarcoid-like reaction
ing teratoma syndrome. Minimal or no uptake of may lead to confusion because it mimics progres-
FDG is seen at PET/CT (Fig 23) (53). sion of metastatic disease (53).
TGCTs may be associated with testicular tor-
sion in up to 6.4% of cases (55). An undescended Imaging Mimics and Pitfalls
testis is at higher risk for development of a TGCT, At US, numerous conditions may mimic a
and subsequent torsion in the abdominal or pelvic TGCT, including testicular hematoma, infarct,
cavity may cause substantial necrosis, which may abscess, adrenal rests (ie, congenital adrenal
manifest as a well-defined mass with intratumoral hyperplasia), lipomatosis (ie, Cowden syndrome),
necrosis and air at imaging (Fig 24) (6). sarcoidosis, splenogonadal fusion, metastases,
RG • Volume 41 Number 6 Katabathina et al 1713

Figure 22. Choriocarcinoma syndrome in a 25-year-old man. (A) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image of
the liver shows an ill-defined hypoattenuating liver lesion (arrow) with heterogeneous enhancement and a
left subcapsular hematoma (arrowhead) from spontaneous rupture of another left-lobe liver lesion (not shown).
(B) Axial CT image of the chest shows multiple metastatic nodules (arrowheads) in the bilateral pulmonary
parenchyma, with associated adjacent ground-glass attenuation that represents perilesional hemorrhage. These
findings are consistent with choriocarcinoma syndrome from a testicular choriocarcinoma.

testis (11,34,58). The extent of the disease and

postorchiectomy serum tumor marker levels (lac-
tate dehydrogenase, β-hCG, and α-fetoprotein)
help in the determination of the disease stage and
prognosis and provide guidance on treatment
decisions (11).
The eighth edition of the AJCC tumor, node,
metastasis, and serum markers system is cur-
rently used for staging TGCTs (34,59). The extent
of the local tumor is determined at pathologic
examination after orchiectomy, whereas imaging
studies are pivotal to node and metastasis stag-
ing (Table E1) (18,59). Although conventional
imaging practice is to measure lymph nodes in the
short-axis dimension for most cancers, National
Figure 23. Growing teratoma syndrome in Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines and
a 29-year-old man with a history of testicular AJCC staging systems recommend measuring
NSGCT after orchiectomy. Coronal contrast- lymph nodal metastases in the greatest diameter of
enhanced CT image of the abdomen shows a
large retroperitoneal multicystic mass with mul- the lymph nodes in patients with testicular cancer.
tiple enhancing septa and scattered calcified foci Treatment strategies change depending on these
(arrows). This mass was proved to be a mature values (18,34,59).
teratoma at pathologic examination and was The eighth edition of the AJCC staging system
consistent with growing teratoma syndrome.
has introduced some important changes in the
tumor and metastasis aspects of staging TGCTs,
and lymphoma (Figs 6, E1–E5) (43). MRI may and treatment guidelines have changed accord-
be helpful in selected cases to differentiate TGCT ingly (18,59). Although the presence of enlarged
from other benign and malignant lesions. Ad- nonregional lymph nodes (eg, iliac, inguinal, and
vanced US such as US elastography or contrast- pelvic nodes) and lung metastases are considered
enhanced US may improve the detectability of M1a, distant metastases including nonpulmonary
tumors (Figs E2–E5) (24,57). visceral metastases and discontinuous spermatic
cord involvement are staged as M1b disease (59).
Management and Prognosis Depending on the pathologic diagnosis (eg, pure
Radical orchiectomy is the treatment of choice seminoma vs NSGCT) and staging, multiple
for most TGCTs. Further treatment depends treatment options exist, including surveillance,
on the pathologic diagnosis, disease stage, and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, radiation
other risk factors (11,34). Testis-sparing surgery therapy, or cisplatin-based chemotherapy (11,34).
may be a viable alternative to radical surgery in Current guidelines suggest that excision of
patients with small testicular masses (ie, <2 cm), residual tumor be considered in masses that mea-
bilateral TGCTs, and in a functionally solitary sure larger than 1 cm and that residual metastatic
1714 October Special Issue 2021

disease in the liver and the lungs requires detailed

description at imaging, because metastasectomy
is a surgical salvage option (19,34). Bleomycin-
related pulmonary toxicity usually manifests in
the first 3 years after chemotherapy; common
imaging findings are linear or nodular subpleural
basal predominant pulmonary lesions (19). De-
velopment of new venous or arterial thrombi and
plaques in the assessed vascular structures should
raise suspicion for potential cisplatin toxicity (19).
Novel targeted therapies, including antiangiogenic
agents such as pazopanib, sunitinib, and sorafenib,
and the immune checkpoint inhibitor pembroli-
zumab are being investigated in the treatment of Figure 24. Seminoma with torsion in a 49-year-old man with
an undescended testis. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image of
relapsed and refractory disease (8). Imaging has
the abdomen shows a large well-circumscribed soft-tissue–at-
an essential role in the surveillance and restag- tenuation mass in the abdomen (arrow) with heterogeneous
ing of TGCTs. Various surveillance protocols can hypoenhancement and multiple foci of air (arrowheads). At
be used, depending on the stage, overall risk, and surgical resection, this mass was proved to be a seminoma with
torsion and subsequent necrosis in an intra-abdominal testicle.
treatment given (7,17).
The International Germ Cell Cancer Collabor-
ative Group (IGCCCG) established a consensus- identify GCNIS and malignant TGCTs may fa-
based prognostic classification system for germ cilitate early diagnosis and surveillance (13,14,65).
cell tumors in 1997 (60). In this risk-stratification The CXC motif chemokine ligand 12 shows
system, patient prognosis is categorized as good, promise for risk stratification and prognostication
intermediate, or poor on the basis of the pri- for patients with stage I NSGCTs (66).Multiple
mary tumor location (eg, testis, retroperitoneal, actionable targets including high-mobility group
or mediastinal), postorchiectomy serum tumor protein 1 (HMGA1) pseudogenes, Aurora-B
marker levels, and nonpulmonary metastases (60). serine-threonine kinases, and G protein-coupled
Primary tumor histologic examination and sites of receptor 30 (GPR30) are essential in TGCT carci-
metastatic disease are the two most important de- nogenesis (65).
terminants of the prognosis, and imaging is crucial
to achieving good outcomes (19,61). Conclusion
Intrathoracic metastases occur much more fre- TGCTs comprise a heterogeneous group of
quently in NSGCTs than in seminomas. Although testicular neoplasms with distinctive histogen-
seminomas disseminate through the thoracic duct esis, pathologic characteristics, and genetic
into the posterior mediastinum, NSGCTs usually abnormalities. The fundamentals of embryologic
metastasize to the prevascular space or the pulmo- origins and the molecular underpinnings of many
nary hilar, supraclavicular, or cervical lymph nodes TGCTs provide a basis for a better understand-
(Fig E6) (19). Almost all intracranial metastases ing of distinct histopathologic factors, biomarkers,
are from NSGCTs (19). The presence of bone and diverse tumor biologic characteristics. The
metastases indicates aggressive behavior in both pathogenetically derived 2016 WHO taxonomic
seminomas and NSGCTs (19,61). Although the system divides TGCTs into GCNIS-related and
overall prognosis of metastatic TGCTs has im- non–GCNIS-related tumors. Imaging is a critical
proved in the last 20 years, the existing IGCCCG component of the diagnosis, staging, and surveil-
classification system correctly stratifies the risk lance of TGCTs. Novel molecular and imaging
(62). A new prognostic model for advanced biomarkers are under investigation for assessment
NSGCTs proposed by Gillessen et al (63) that of treatment response, prognosis, and surveillance
includes older age and lung metastases as negative of TGCTs.
factors is being evaluated in larger studies. Emerg-
ing clinical, molecular, and immune-mediated Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest.—V.S.K. Activities related
to the present article: editorial board member of RadioGraph-
biomarkers are being developed as potential prog- ics (not involved in the handling of this article). Activities not
nostic indicators of TGCTs (64). related to the present article: disclosed no relevant relationships.
Other activities: disclosed no relevant relationships.
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