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Módulo 15

Simple present x present continuous

O Simple Present é usado em:
- Processos que acontecem com frequência.
- Fatos
- Hábitos, hobbies ou profissões
Veja os exemplos:

I go I don’t go Do I go…?
You go You don’t go Do you go …?
He goes He doesn’t go Does he go…?
She goes She doesn’t go Does she go…?
It goes It doesn’t go Does it go…?
We go We don’t go Do we go…?
You go You don’t go Do you go…?
They go They don’t go Do they go…?
Obs.: Lembrando que o auxiliar da terceira pessoa (he, she e it) é o DOES, na negative e na

I go to the Club every week.

I don’t go to the Club every week.
Do I go to the Club every week?
Mude o sujeito:
He: he goes to the club every week
He doesnt go to the club every week
Does he go to the club every week?
You:go to the club every week
You don’t go the club every week
Do you go to the club every week?
They:go to the club every week
They don’t go to the club every week
Do they go to the club every week?
- Fatos:
I live I don’t live Do I live...?
You live You don’t live Do you live...?
He lives He doesn’t live Does he live...?
She lives She doesn’t live Does she live...?
It lives It doesn’t live Does it live...?
We live We don’t live Do we live?
You live You don’t live Do you live...?
They live They don’t live Do they live...?

I live in Mococa.
I don’t live in Mococa.
Do I live in Mococa?
Mude o sujeito:
We: live in mococa
We don’t live in mococa
Do we live in mococa ?
She lives in mococa
She doesnt live in mococa
Does she live in mococa?

Hábitos, hobbies ou profissões:
I work I don’t work Do I work...?
You work You don’t work Do you work...?
He works He doesn’t work Does he work...?
She works She doesn’t work Does she work...?
It works It doesn’t work Does it work...?
We work We don’t work Do we work...?
You work You don’t work Do you work...?
They work They don’t work Do they work...?
I work at the supermarket.
I don’t work at the supermarket.
Do I work at the supermarket?
Mude o sujeito:

Crie frases de acordo com os verbos a seguir. Faça cada uma das frases com sujeitos e
modos (afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo) diferentes:
Eat Play Study Drink Work

Present Continuous
É usado para descrever um único processo que está acontecendo no momento e ainda
não acabou ou uma situação passageira.

Ex: I am reading a book now.

I am working in the morning.

She is playing video game.

They are studying Portuguese.

Para construir uma frase afirmativa no presente continuous, precisamos de

Sujeito + verb to be + verbo principal+ing

I am styding

Para construir uma frase negativa, adicionamos o don’t ou o doesn’t, se for terceira

I am studying - I am not studying

Para construir uma pergunta, devemos inverter o verb to be com o sujeito.

I am studying - Am I studying?

Mude as frases a seguir para a negativa e para a interrogativa:

- I am working everyday.


- She is driving the car.


They are playing the guitar.


He is eating a pizza now.


Simple present x present continuous

I work at Mars - I am working in a now project.

I play the violin - I am playing video game.

I practice Jiu-Jistu - I am practicing English today.

Mude as frases do Simple present para o present continuous:

Ex.: I play basketball – I am playing basketball.

- I study science: ___________________________________________________

- We work everyday: ________________________________________________
- They play the piano:________________________________________________
- I eat beef: _______________________________________________________
- She walks in the park:_______________________________________________
- You work at school: ________________________________________________
- We drink juice: ____________________________________________________
- I live in Brazil: ____________________________________________________

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