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(\) KEV) bodied < Watliey «Lily Ugalaly AN lak sh ut awn sis vs Halll Sele ests « SLL Lay « Wald nay « Ea lel BTS lane 23-2 geil ode oe deb G Dae sylet JSS US I Ly et fe Big. yet fy ree Gavel cobalt Uy. pans Pra SE Me Maye FD pater ene Gy cb ii! liken! cote ple GLE Ghat be Gol Iya hy bebe ily Wel 5 NI Slee cat US Nab ody « Galle Cer Gea ceca «Lendl Helle Cig « LanSSs Bb oe Spl clade gb Cletay « teal Yea de Glee Cay « yi Oyo 2M Ay ae Bt ISIN Shell oe pone LW LEAN eg at op pl SUBY OF aa. ya LL fe walt Gael Lawl a, pie Sill I Getta all BUA oy LY! Glam J) ALI OE ale gs pee SNE sll allt tla BN Stal pee eal pd Gs Lge latly Gell yy std Rag Gah af otis oy + ppl filme ety Hy Healy samy «fed dee Blab! SL oy AA Slay al Dae bey Bete om be OS of ge ey « Ug alley LY! JF pall ily ge Sal BUI DE ow Hye Oly . DV aire Le pak GS aldl fal te ale CIT be ew EDLY palm ee Gb Oly ed Ge olay GLY c pan We nai G pat! Gale CIS by 2B op eel AU toa Goll engl d GU sp!! etl pS GL aw ube § SIC Gi 2p Je od ofc shkiy Blam ede of tay os Collen wt al tee al ke ty BL ce UII ye lade Sole gle CHU Ll gs alas) bled play 5 Ghul, AMG BU ple cals Fy. LaSLS Wel Lele BBL dally ¢ doll LA! opty « oles Y! play c cLY g 5 GG ole Bp iy Eons ple ey Anal bbe! « Helially «dehy lee IS ably all all C9 Safe A pe ll Spal Gall ny BAI Ee laden are Spall ppl gly bw pet Go be Opt ale pe HUIS See ily dally ely b eassle pb Qial by c balay ASI lid. UUW! Hele! SAN SL ly SA aly Healy GE, cLaadly Geely Sh! edly Sly ee stay lide tea by 6 pled) SI lense sf ah Gena Mo Ly AS Sn. ea Opal glpt ploy Hlaaly analy Jelly DY Clall, ON Gor bplle Qe G Lee tana: cot Se pil Laas AN Ud) yo Hee Elly OL play. ILM cS cal Spl Je Hele Gal at gl PS OB a ity ol gt Be op SUN ANS ab» LT Saw ay yg pl Ua J Set Jat oe (1) LV. Vannier: (sib Bat ey 2S pgp yO GEC ENTE EE Go ALY Ee kash prés sa langue (Revue Pédagosique 1907, T.2 pp. 434863) LiBsprit ot les Moeuts d'une nation a\tH pl ot Efe Barly LS had Gla apd Lead dye GLa Baal, De JEN erly dealt sf poll uly tant, aunt JLly aay oncle, uncle JiLly ASI oie et cousine ULI J ILI del, Lf gal daly cousin BLA f 5 als aA yal ts 5 SN osle oy Lele Ya Sw al 2M apt slat fe Dt SLU go MI gu laf le Mt SLUSH Ged BL gle SAN cle a el MA al J oh he AT ee ally. 2 ODE Say 6 SU a 6 Rall Ce 6 pall ae a OB. Le pls Uyit ST AHL ccsole Uy aM old! 2 MeL aE Sm bell ol AE Ge al Me Cele Ugas elaly § (+. phaais of pof 2 edit atl paver oil Ubi SS Coa Stee ual) ba ge LAY tte Gat! eSahe oe oll) pace am YY all Sgr Y mel led oy al} by Leal SPs oe yyhh iy Uy tide owe ball AS ALLY + Ostet oda bell syle ee Gel Sealy “vous 4 City tu oy Seidl Ha dpa 3 basal iy YL © 3) Cw Enel oy at Gel Jar « ap Abe fd Sale al span GUM peal Uh Cte a ah a ey = ees ole ab caay call ypu GSU pecally « allel ccssle SL AST om palale G Spall OF AB . Heyl BU Glas Lia BIL ed EAE dy call pa olan Gabe Uy 6 1AM ony ald FA SMA sons J go tay oda Je OTA Le iy. onl J proelesily « oi AL eS Sly « Sle GLa tay tle doe. dey SL peel pol ody alti G prdll, pal a wey GG bale oF A Of hia sey ibe fo cpémanall Slinby LA el CAN a alll ll Lb okey ey LT pga Cab US TRAY LAL dal a gal M9 AS ty am « pall» ial Wy) dd, IW ge Sle) Hee G OH cle ly 2 AS Sp by. « oll, ALN lle GIB oy pleads by AY Ga Gb tidal 9H ells I Ola all dpe jel S] woh US Oc alas Sele’! 6 ap My Seal gil Je Gl al cil Dee ahs. Gee Mab J et ce GN ale fred UT G claylll odie oy GEM gle Of at Fy Sl Spall LAI oly oa ge G NM odie CLL bles Sy Webes Je lle gdh Ub fee SP pe Gat ee el dead play ee esa dal ga. Slidell le Gly « Gola VI ally «IW alally « deagel foley ¢ pally ¢ caSull ooo cw IS Ue aihly ySEI ne bigly « dabaly « etbly ¢ rently ¢ girmaly adh cy et UW tty Gaal BA Reg Coley oS haylll odn oye ake 5. Lae olay. GU atlly ¢ Le ASS Gb ately My bes Ye Gl AN ELI fre SPL pe Gd ceil Lat at PALI op Lhe U Lill Ig « wales I bls Les secours d'un indigent; les gages d'une domestique; la pay dun Journaliste; le salaire d’un ouvrier; les feux d'un acteur; les mensualités d’un Journalier; le cusuele d’un curé; le prét d’un sodat; le solde d’un officier; les appointements d'un employé; le traitement dun fonctionnaire; les honoraires d’un médccin on d’un avocat; les rentes dun rentier; les dividendes d'un actionnaire; l'indemnité d'un parlementaire... etc. AS ge Greet peltly pL) GE ye pa be HS BaBL TULL SELL oy day 3 St wok. GA ele ce Geary 6 Bilatly «eM Ll tt By eat Gol dd op Bary Asay GM any «Leal Gey « Ohdrghy pS goby « daly Vy Bilby gy 4 Glass ¢ Sleel ye Hb IF Ay ly. Obey Bab ahph tekey oe cabeethl Elie G Repry iby I YSS (ol til drags 2S Al apAll ate Lele Sballanar gltily cory atl do Clade placed cl Opel Uy «pall o# 2S dante Fy pth at apt ce ll LE aw Ue at Pd cay Le ope ba by ap oda OF cel crab Lae lay oo plely irl Hele IF dy tab I G yl orgy AM We oe CLUS # of = ye He lens ce GLE Ube Yay year tala AY) UAE a Gy ol JR LIS aU JS Karst py Gre ai all dott) Jp Dee le lz LAI I) la aiy 152 Fad Sasty cdo»: bed Sid 4] > Fey alee Fda «FFU wm KG OS by Gilly y «bts J “To pay visit, compliments, attention..”” “How can I pay you for all your goods” “He spent his time in..”” “The watch gains or loses". eB > yc bala aly 4 C1Se FEZ pub 5 sly Gaby ge Wu PP sf pad Ly gel re Gb aiy pti pele pet G Gah Ete oe aI ale 4S by aU BUG. eS1jy YU pd Golde HUIS tee fae pany hl eee Cold LAM, Remedy byl oF pa OI oY PUY ae dal Gall of cm et tepall Yel Lae TY, BES fabs « opt ode ye pl G OSM HA Jf labial, Jot et pals Bc pall falls yall G pay UES Jaen « deal G jlAI Sy Buh fatal Wg OB dy. Ef ere oa call Ut cel Sp yb SD op Bln ree El athe, @ Si ola sail si aq cL py fa pela G caypelyy 6« et $@ pS S} 5) pla WS pS etn 6 « saw St pKeew YB L yagme peated Ge Oy ally oyilly » © « Gash G clu! Igpetd » 2 BUN Joy bbl 6 Gy US SI ly. « Le of be ga Robey eal day SN CUI Gd alee gy outa! Mig dayall AAU gt oy pe Ve ghdlb ple MA LeU ode GZ Lys. for WL the stomach Ila J le Gila pall ly gle baal dal J we AD be tI het tue GUS et iery (bal sty BUS Updo aller ILI psley (D4 Imexpressible 2 aie pall Se Ye » = Uae play (9 Combination 2S sh gat » GAN Ualine Sy 6 Early Oley Tha GE lebety « Alia AAT atlas shy Lentiy OSI) algal penis « aamying Wont sgeeny «lit BBN AY GO Golde LIS La al} bey HUB I. dna aly CLAN fe Uh OLS ar 6 Aylall anal ¢ Sed) diel of SiN WY> by «BS Glall Yo Bah bY as of putas 6 4 ot a SSF tela aly «ley lly LILI Ls ASS « Leal SU! Seay 6 ane tne Sally al pole ayy SEY Gy pal pl Real path eal ie ony. BAY ly ype oo 2SY Gas 6 Lal ge ce el AS § selyilly DW, BW oy G ESL ay) Yu WS Joma ality eet My pat dela opty aL) Oly 8] ee LIS old Gall Gall) GY UY, pl Qe Y ages tle cil dae chy Le lar 6 bad py DU el bab nye Y Sos ABN AY eS By. pent lal otast G WNW yee Behe oe Me calls) Ollie 4 GLE L Pl Sy LSI pls GL tummy Jib ela ll le LUCY ote past (9) ifs » IS fact gy Pane LIS dah BN GUE oe le 1) a fy Kher SIF oe GE i a Nb IE LS olny y Knickerboker (Stl Sule Ga Lad Unc gL a , Vanvier Op. eit Uebel of any 6 a2 Cel one OF oad Uadery IS Y el gm opealy WSS deme pal GLY BLM SY pptde ell doyle ppentih Bochimans Obesiyall UF oe sy) Aid. BY> oy sip by pte Gate Sd ype, HL Hale Wahl 1B pe CHAT pe KF tly glee ) IS Conall ably Syl OULEM Bh Ge ISead LI Slat Reba Woe cell Lays cbale say GM easly Mall SS Sys IEE Gyptll ode ollie of Saas, Wael pb cat oS GS Gao bE Lil pall Lie oly bale op eT GUS Gall ph Ha id IS owe de ay a beep GA IS BB pd Bret fe UYU oye clad Lybll bt le DY bd ey ee att eat de AW hd) Tae Sly Kay. clapedl ght sey LSA LN OS gy Hurons sisal dy pganl enti feild tay Sy ole Gel ad sted Jal YE 2» UL IS SA lai 6 ph adler UG IV ge peal Lad gd le Jay ad De GS eehy tll adler Ue GON ¢ poly adler DG ce jeacll peal Je SI Jo BY jay Jab A Sy HlSay .. ily alle Gh) Tasmanic laud Sy cabal IS, OL ys GW f Ug st ey Web SB § Saad fo Jay ad Yeah cap ngs Y (Maal LS OM» He Opi | dapaill Riaall Je este el qe OdghIL eines gobf 13] « IS Sia etsy Cm ey — abl path LIS yo Sl Jey SLB dela HEN Jy pa ony «Lod Gay « SL any Halal lly foleely Uglany Gale [adr GLY eat OSI) rhb pet 6 AIS Gull le dh BWY) GW a AS pl ole fe ab Ribot: L"Evolution des les Générales VA. yo SH lll sat #9 2 (1) id. 206 et sui, (4) id. 173.174 CF) hid 110 (8), aya sans abl Slay «OSM teat yaiy etal BUI oe Gall ASI «erg BBs ye ro Qasd 1 UEVYe Caley Leg) gg « Lajhel splay MLW! Bling « SSVI gency Mie WaBh else Oecd syle La Le SF LISI le gery Ae Brey Lele Ugey EIS Split aress oul Mia oe yyles JSG. Splatt Ba Spall op GE els Jo US JM veka oe bes Ge SAN SG I Mee Mall» LISS. UAW Gy Uae Gy yl OW par Sy & Jal Gy Ao pba ely So Je IM on ate De tet Je allt Comal ¢ SDLeid ley yb bs LSI ae Mele ae a UL Jo Gls I « sue > Ul. gle SLE Lah «flat Sled G take Gall yb hy Ugh oI fash Fal path pall Hla oh GIA Play tl Jo lho Creal SH AT Jo Gls Ci Plume i443) cont BSN AT es Sida sal pad bes LA Ul OW pa OS eA st > Bhey elt pe G UKs abl op Sabb osha TIF NY OF Spd GLY 6 te dye ge US pues UIT « aly Na IBY LAI talent Sy fle ele alah SG an Stall Sp ay. Og ye WLS pS IZ IE Oly « plas! SET a pryte Se TL JULY pele SAI gad of Lids pyran « Envoyer aux galéres 56 Sele ¢ cry § LSU Git) gb Jo Gel oe Ahadl plas pid Les Uglte OD) yas SK) ¢ garlérien Gisy ley + esis Heglal Sth FHS Sp yey GF Sh CLs glue GUIS panel B55 AYA ek ay (pl) 5 gol ab ey LN ta pie Gall Gl 1) Be Ve IS a Sal yf — Halt SW oT om Jo 6 (hu J Jl gly dey Slot ab Sy poe el sat a ies ode aly wy ate a BAN glae oo — gall palit ge Uae ce hay by Blea alt opted ad AT A AoW be lynaiy be eleel ad cake Ja lk Gam Gee lal placed ASG YS Le AI ML fe ye patty Coline epee gall galt ew by SS ed cg pil Le Ul yo GYT tasters deyall MAU GF bly. le! Role oles G PLM G Ulead gle f gull tae Gat tl olay ga PSS cols tray Aly PLAT: Lea plas yf slash ff stall 3 oe play. apmally 55 Gilly GB PLA G laa (lb Mele) LA 5 loli ee DLA Spas VY cmmel mc cleat plas oy gle Ue UGLY tiyall soll CAL AEN eighth ad JAM ane aly. all Wa ab) WSDL ae ei Vata il de cel Gee FA ca ka dled elt RAS Legh Us yy. Ul ode abit com US Je Gry. Settled ele pad Ect EE ot eet Je lle at Cu SBI» RUS) § cate cole Glee AS Gal gf a Gt Neat paBl G Wheaeal GL oe play Se LE LAS ei «pla » Va nb S) Grad Y cxncth S5 Cm bale da oV fowl G «gall Le ele ad eapll Sub ge Eee Ole Gelb! plume! 85 EA AAU GS Gad «egal SG ne Gop gl pls yy BALAN a AUB be play. derlly y ally Ll: OLS” 213) eel § obine pyae URE Mia oy SB BLE I Galea A” § (UW gall Lin J aaleed pS Tagg gst JS Obi] le «ody olll Ob] SANS teraly «fat EE IF Nb gle # HS ie EMI GN oh Sie Le Al ede Joy > 5 JW IF SAM Je ce aig ane BB ey Lebret Ab IF el (le I cane ea lb WS Je Jae LAG lee O° ai salaire GUS Ld) dal 6 plabll cle oe all cst plah Bop oe cot Gra be — hat IS ab artiver 2S 6 LA Uline gi ge al BG ble gL CH Ee blll I perl Je — ae i Sha JAG Ue = plu quay Le fe lal eld Jpey IG BL SWE ae cole! ile ga GEIS planed 385 Tal Gee US pad. ae GMAT gall Via ploy ALI ales a SI sli BD Ne lay. Lastly OLA erly AM) AAI OLIS Eyl SDL AT GF He aed AS Fc Gal op tall bay Deal LS tnd al dy yl gill Lia GS tie sly J ole Gel & eal cae Sasly § fall att J) GUI I UB oy « AM > ge asl «BND cay UB CAL SE AT a SM beet Pl op Rill > ney § doe Cabal SI all ep « OL» + Aa ela Ge ne ade bd ad oer oy wy de oA ll Ye Siy pA tales ie gj Hal bball G ISI plan! 5855 BS cr ll Saal op stab ast ol ened DY pra awe LIS Ria al By «all ey. Lely dy hoy te GLU twit a + Pas; rien; personne.. ete. Wale om gill Lin G laa Sole Gant bo G LIS plarenly AT clades Le G bey. eWay le Lypaiy sill RLS oT es Fev ed SI Ly Osis ppl clam, pitty Hay wot By ol cont Sil By cae Atl G ae Sai Heda Bye etl oak aA Opal By cea cent Gili Gy NU ole ply oe ele ae Chall ye ole Gant ales 3 OLA pal anti oe Westy Hele aL oat Sly {eb ett CH OLS pat Jy oJ 7 tall Digg SS J OLS BY Gots als I yes All Sell gab be Lotar Qi ai f Stas (ait ue lel Stn ee JJG ole I fhe gf ale Gude Sy t loge sf Salad T Gell ott! EIS ALB SL 2 A Sell tly. Le olay dete wale phe Sh ST ele BL Gli Ge at Ula Gol at an Jl OMT, Jas tly GAH otey SUV ADI Ye Lin Gay . alse! le sf el I Lele olay DL pling ayiily wlilly dena or BS Fall Soil a. ple Ul Slo lll Gar Cw els Iyypally LA COLUM Wule gad ELL pls Ue Dil CLUS Pe HS OLS ay uae by fell A dG edly. gaily veste, casaquin, cabas, earosse, soupentes, briquet, pacotlle, corvette fiégate, brulot, boulet, arpent, écu, liard, toise... ete.(") ee CSD a sil by iL J a ake gil eal eg: ull (ny Slaal SSL JN aly +p ody Ble ae el fa ey Dauzat, Philosohie du Langage, pip. 228 et suv. (1) aie

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