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280 Clark Drive
Henderson, Nevada 89074 Mrs. Tara Imboden, Principal
Phone: 702-799-5730 FAX: 702-799-5759 Mrs. Andrea Heinlen, Assistant Principal

(All meetings are subject to video recordings)

School Organizational Team

Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2024

1. Meeting called to order (Mrs. Heinlen) 4:00 pm

2. Approval of minutes November Plus December – non mtg minutes Tina
Klainer made a motion to approve the minutes, Anna Sowell seconded:
minutes approved
3. New Business:
a. CCSD Student Code of Conduct Imboden will resend the link to the SOT,
it needed access for many of the members when they tried to open it.
Those who did review it had no input for district in terms of
additions/changes to the document.
b. 2024-2025 “for sures”
i. Bell times remain the same as current year
ii. Moving to a 6 day rotation Members discussed and asked questions
about using specialists during their open periods for interventions.
A suggestion was to run a club during an open period
(hydroponics, choir, garden) and have a specialist assigned to each
grade level.
iii. All current self-contain programs and sped will remain (no deletions
or additions)We will get a primary resource room teacher next year.
iv. We are not being rezoned
c. SPP Act 2 Reviewing our progress
d. DMC Budget Budget was presented, reviewed, and a motion was made by
Ana Pisano for approval, seconded by Anna Sowell. Budget (2nd draft)
was approved for submission.
i. Document given at PTA meeting
ii. Budget draft
iii. Suggestion was made by PTA to seek business/company funding for
the garden and hydroponics
iv. Emailed PTA and will provide our software programs, going through
the wishlists Member stated that Prodigy is free and we should not
be paying for it. Admin will survey the school teams to determine
exactly what software programs they’re using and actually needing
for next year’s funding.
4. Community Questions Members posed a question if CCSD is continuing with
free lunches next year.
5. Next Meeting…
a. February 27/20, 2024 4 pm Library Motion was made to team to change
the February meeting date to the 20th instead of the 27th. It was
unanimously agreed upon. The meeting will be held on the 20th. Anna
Sowell made a motion to close the meeting, Richard Saladino seconded,
meeting concluded.

Members in attendance: Andrea Heinlen, Richard Saladino, Anna Sowell, Ana

Pisano, Karly Wride.

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