Epic Assignment

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SCHEDULE OF EPIC (MTH 10:00-11:30)


BS Computer Science

Lesson 1. Advanced Listening Practice

1. How does the idea of "zero" play a special role all through the movie, and what does it mean in
the story?
He was a zero in a world full of numbered people. He was constantly bullied and was never
accepted in their society. Despite that, he continued to be himself, and then he met his wife,
who was also numbered as Zero. They fell in love and filled the voids in their hearts made by
their society. The idea of "zero" for me meant that even if you were born with nothing, you can
still at least try to be something. Nothing is set in stone, you can always change for the better
and find new meaning to your life without letting society tie you down.
2. What aspects of the story resonated with your own experiences or beliefs?
The aspect that clearly and accurately resonated with my own experiences is in my current
relationship. My girlfriend made me feel like I deserved everything, even when I thought I
deserved nothing from this world. She made me feel like I didn’t have to belong to be happy and
that being worthless was just a value I imposed upon myself. To her, I was everything, and that
changed me for the better and made me the person who I am now.
3. Were there any moments in the film that made you reconsider your own perspectives or
assumptions? Can you provide examples?
While watching the short story, I really related to the early half of the video. Zero in his
childhood wanted to feel like he belongs so he tried to be with people who never really wanted
him to be there. That hit to me, I also once belonged to a group of friends who never gave any
value to me being there for them. I felt like I forced myself to them, sacrificing my own
happiness just to feel like I belonged

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