Song Dossier (Is It Really Me)

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Song: Is It Me

Show: 110 in the shade

Composer: Music by Harvey Schmidt, Lyrics By Tom Jones, Book by N. Richard Nash

Show Premiere: 1963

Synopsis of show:
The show opens on a 110-degree day in a small town called Three Point in 1936 somewhere in
the southwest United States. H.C. and his two sons Jim and Noah are waiting at the train station
to collect their sister. (me, Lizzie) I was visiting with family and friends in hopes that I could find
myself a husband. However, I was unsuccessful. So the brothers come up with a plan to have
Sherif File and I fall in love at a picnic later that night. They have Lizzie wear her nicest dress
and make her tastiest picnic basket. Lizzie lets herself dream a little. File however does not
seem to care. He only cares about an outlaw who is rumored to be on his way to Three Point.
Files don’t even come to the picnic. Lizzie’s father and brothers try to comfort her. Jim tells her
to play stupid so that then men in town will start to like her. More like how Lily Ann acts. (She is
a woman in town that all the men are in love with.) she refuses and says that she wants her
future to stand up and she wants to stand next to him. She wants her and her future partner to
be equal.
In comes Starbuck. He calls himself a rainmaker. And promises that if he is given $100 he will
make it rain. So H.C. (Lizzie’s dad) agrees to give him the money. However, I can see right
threw his lies. After H.C. pays Starbuck says there will be rain in the next 24 hours.
Files shows up at the picnic but continues to say that he wants to be alone. He ends up
breaking down and telling Lizzie a little bit about his past and why he is so reluctant to love
Lizzie. They both open up to each other but then Lizzie starts to try and take back some of the
things that she has said and this makes Files upset and he storms off. Her family shows up to
scold her about driving him away with her stubbornness. Noah gets mad at their dad for trying to
comfort Lizzie. Lizzie concludes that she might die an old maid.
Act two starts with Starback at the picnic all alone surrounded by the last of the lovers that were
there. Lizzie is struggling because the end of the day means the end of her daydream that Fiels
might like her. Lizzie runs into Starbuck and they talk. They talk about life and How Lizzie just
wants simple little things. Then she breaks down and starts crying. (she is scared no one will
ever want her. ) Starbuck says that she is beautiful. And tells her to see herself through his
eyes. Then they start to have sex. (This is the first intense moment that Lizzie has ever had)
File runs into one of Lizzie's brothers talking about how this picnic went. File came to ask about
Tornado Johnson (Starbuck) he knows that H.C. gave him $100 to make it rain. But H.C. knows
where Starbuck is (and who he is with) and doesn’t tell File where he is. (he knows what is
happening he is not dumb but he wants Lizzie to feel loved) this makes the brothers angry.
Back with Starbuck and Lizzie, Starbuck confesses that he has never made it rain. I tell him that
you can't live in your delusions but you can’t ingnor them. This is when I sing is it me.
Back at the house, my father and brothers are all sitting around in a sober mood. I come in over
the moon. I tell them all what happened. Then shit hits the fan when File comes in and Arrests
Starbuck everyone stands up for him and he is relieved. Starbuck asks Lizzie to go with him on
his journey. Suddenly aware that he does like Lizzie and might lose her, Files confesses his
love. Lizzie with newfound self-worth chooses Files. As Starbuck leaves, clouds roll in and it
begins to rain.

Character: Lizzie

Age of character: Late 20s or early 30’s (not said but that is my best guess)

What is the general musical style of the show (Traditional musical theater, pop, operetta,
It is a blend of country and folly music. With elements of classic musical theater
How is the show typical or atypical of the work of the composers/ creators of the show?
It is very typical of the composer.
How is this show typical or atypical for the time period of the show’s premiere?
This show came out right at the tail end of the golden age. So while it does have that very
classic sound it was borderline out of date. The theater was moving into a big flashy showcase
and this is still quaint and story-driven.
What historical events do you think may have influenced the show?
1. The great depression
a. This was the stock market crash of 1929 and everything that came after that.
People lost their jobs, businesses closed, and overall, it was just hard to do
2. The dust bowl
a. The Dust Bowl was the worst drought in recent history. It made things like
farming very hard. May farmers left their towns in search of better lives.
Complete character analysis of the character who sings the song:
● I am incredibly intelligent
● I have no self-confidence
● I am the only woman living in my household
● My mother passed away a few years ago
● She is strong-willed at a time when women are not supposed to be strong-willed
● She has pressure to marry but refuses to change herself to do so.
● She is vulnerable
● She feels like a burden to her dad and brothers
Character’s objective:
My objective in the show is to find a husband
My objective in the song is to believe that I am beautiful.
Context of song; at what point in the show does this song take place?
This song happens in Act 2. It is the moment when I start to gain some confidence in myself. It
highlights my personality growth as a character and my willingness to learn and grow when
shown kindness.
To whom is the character speaking and why?
I am speaking to Starebuck about myself. But it's an internal journey that is just being explored
with him.
Where does the scene take place? (Detailed description)
It varies from show to show but In my brain, It is happening outside in a secluded spot or
Stabuck little traveling cart things. (the place that he lives is like a camper but old-timey)
How does the song contribute to the character’s objective?
One of Lizzie's biggest struggles is that she thinks that she is “plain” and confidence is key when
looking for a partner. This song helps her realize that she is beautiful and is worth love.
What purpose does this song serve in the dramatic structure of the show as a whole?
1. We get a deeper understanding of Lizzie and what she thinks of herself and see her
allow herself to be beautiful.
2. It helps move the love story of Starbuck anf Lizzie along
How are you going to rehearse the song and why? (Answer the 4 questions)
1. When was the show written
a. 1963
2. When does this show take place
a. 1936
3. How old is the Character
a. Late 20’s early 30’s
4. What style is the song
a. It is a ballade
That is 4 votes for Ohhs
List any other information that you think may be important to your character or you as
the artist.
● The main reason that Lizzie can not get a man is that she is not soft-spoken. She
speaks her mind and is fiercely independent.
● Lizzie has low confidence in her looks but high confidence in her brain. (she is
headstrong and smart)
● Files claims to be a widower but his wife just left him.

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