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Title : When the Lord of Hosts goes before You

Scripture Portion : Deuteronomy 31:8

“ The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake
you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." So Moses wrote down this law and gave it to the
priests, the sons of Levi, who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and to all the elders
of Israel. ”
Definition : The personal assistance and assurance of the presence of God with His people by
closely walking with them (Exo 13:21, Num 14:14, Psa 77:20, Psa 136:13)

A) The Pattern of His Presence – The Frontliner of God’s Flock

 The Ark of His Presence – Glory and throne of the Father
 The Pillar of Cloud and Fire – The overshadowing of the Holy Spirit
 The Angel of God – the captaincy of the Lord Jesus

B) What happens when God goes before you ?

1. Grants divine rest from all labors – Exodus 33:14

2. Level down all crooked paths – Isa 45:2
3. Fight the enemies on our behalf – Deu 1:30
4. Grants protection and security – Isaiah 52:12, Exodus 14:9
5. Breaks the doors of bronze and cut the iron bars to make entrance into new
territories – Micah 2:13, Isaiah 45:2
6. Tremblings, Pourings, Shakings – Psalms 68:7-8
7. To lead and give light in the path of our journey – Exodus 13:21
8. To seek out a place for you to encamp and show you the way in which you should go
– Deu 1:33

C) The Dimension of this Presence : Exo 13:21, Deu 1:33, Neh 9;12
a) Pillar of Fire – in the Night
- To give light
- To seek a place to encamp
- To show the way in order to TRAVEL
• Sometimes we tend not to move in the night seasons in our life. But this
dimension help us to Move on.

b) Pillar of Cloud – in the Day

- To lead the way

D) The Illustrations to demonstrate this type of His Presence :

1. Children of Israel during crossover Red Sea (Exo 14:19)
2. King David before the army of Philistines (2 Sam 5:24)

E) The Danger of Substituting this Presence with Alternates – Exo 32:1-23

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