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Unit: 7 Health and safety Lesson: 1 SB. P: 6-7 WB .P: 86
Learning Domains:
-learning to communicate in English -learning language system
Learning Outcomes:
Listening for specific information; guessing the meanings of words from context
*How to give first aid?
Learning strategies:
Strategies of cooperative learning (pair work – group work).
Learning Aids:
The board, tape, student book and workbook. (IQ board)
Learning activities:
Warm up:
Look at the photographs and answer the questions in pairs.
1- What can you see in the photographs? 2- What are the different people trying to do?
Key Vocabulary:
- breathe -CPR -emergency services -danger -respond -first aid
S. B. EX. 1: Vocabulary
.1 Look at the words and phrases in the box and answer the questions
S. B. EX. 2: Listen to a nurse telling people how to give first aid and answer the questions
S. B. EX. 3: Listen again and put the things that the nurse describes (a–f) in the correct order.
S. B. EX. 4: Discuss in pairs. What can you do to help someone? Would you like to learn first
aid? Why/Why not?
S. B. EX. 5: Read two examples of research into hygiene. What are the two reports trying to say?
S. B. EX.6: Do you believe the reports. Why/Why not? Reading
S. B. EX. 7: Read the advice about interpreting research. What is it warning us about?
S. B. EX. 8: Read the article again and correct these statements.
S. B. EX. 9:Discuss these questions in pairs.
W. B. EX. 1:Match the words with the definitions.
W. B. EX. 2:Read the article about being clean around the house and answer the following
W. B. EX. 3:Write a paragraph about how you help to keep your home clean. Include
answers to the questions above.
Homework :

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Unit: 7 Health and safety Lesson: 2 SB. P: 8-9 WB .P: 87
Learning Domains:
-Learning language system.
Learning Outcomes:
*Reading: Leaflet about home hygiene *should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t
Learning strategies:
Strategies of cooperative learning (pair work – group work).
Learning Aids:
The board, tape, student book and workbook. (IQ board)
Learning activities:
Warm up:
What do you do to help keep your home clean?
-Key Vocabulary:
- allergy at least bedding dust soil
Key Structure:
● Use should/shouldn’t for suggestions and advice:
You should always wash your hands after you’ve touched the cat.
● Use must/mustn’t for rules and laws: You must leave your bins outside today.
● Use must/mustn’t for strong advice and warm invitations: They mustn’t eat that cheese. It’s
green! You must come and have lunch with us.
● Use mustn’t to express prohibition: You mustn’t park your car here; it’s not allowed
S. B. EX. 1: Reading 1 Read the leaflet about hygiene at home quickly. Which DOs and DON’Ts
are only for inside a house or flat?
S. B. EX. 2: Read the leaflet again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?.
S. B. EX. 3: Speaking 3 Discuss these questions in pairs.
S. B. EX. 4: Match sentences 1–4 with one of these descriptions.
S. B. EX. 5: Reply using should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t and the words in brackets.
S. B. EX.6: Speaking
Discuss these questions in pairs.
W. B. EX. 1: Complete the sentences with the correct words.
W. B. EX. 2: Look at the advice and put it into the correct list in the table. Then make sentences.
W. B. EX. 3 Circle the best option to complete the sentences.
W. B. EX. 4: Write a paragraph about your plans for next year.
Homework : Ss answer W. B. EX 2 as homework.

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Unit: 7 Health and safety Lesson: 3 SB.P:10 wb:88
Learning Domains:
-Learning values -Learning how to learn.
Learning Outcomes:
*ask for some advice.
Learning strategies:
-Strategies of cooperative learning (pair work – group work).
Learning Aids:
The board, tape, student book and workbook. (IQ board)
Learning activities:
Warm up:
Before you start Discuss the following questions in pairs.
1- Who do you ask when you need advice?
2 -What do you ask advice about?
3- Can you remember any good advice that you have received?
Key Vocabulary:

S. B. EX. 1: You are going to think of some helpful ideas and suggestions for a friend who
has a problem.
S. B. EX. 2 Speaking
2- In pairs, discuss these questions. Make a note of any ideas that you and your partner
agree about.
S. B. EX. 3: Make notes of some advice to give your friend using your ideas from Exercises
1 and 2.
S. B. EX.4: Work with a partner and discuss what advice you would give in these situations.
W. B. EX. 1: Read the email quickly and answer these questions
W. B. EX .2: Read the email again and choose the correct answers
W. B. EX.3: Imagine you are Maher’s friend. Write an email to him with your advice. Tell him
what he should and shouldn’t do.
Homework : Ss answer W. B. EX 2 as homework.

Covered Not covered

responsive Not responsive
Fulfilled Not fulfilled

Unit: 7 Health and safety Lesson: 4 SB.P: 11 WB.P 89

Learning Domains:
- Learning values -Learning communication.
Learning Outcomes:
Issues: Citizenship – how to help others; Communication – giving advice
Learning strategies:
-Strategies of cooperative learning (pair work – group work).
Learning Aids:
The board, tape, student book and workbook. (IQ board)
Learning activities:
Warm up:
Before you start: Discuss these questions in pairs.
1- Have you ever seen a building on fire?
2- Where do fires usually happen?
3- What would you do if you saw a fire?
Key Vocabulary:
S. B. EX. 1: Vocabulary 1 Match the words to their definitions.
S. B. EX. 2: Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the box. breathe doors
emergency evacuate immediately wrap
S. B. EX. 3 Speaking
3- What should people do if there’s a fire? Discuss your answers in pairs.
S. B. EX. 4: Look at the actions in Exercise 2 and answer the questions.
1- Are all of the actions necessary in a fire?
2 -Are there any other things that you should do in a fire?
S. B. EX. 5: What actions are necessary in these situations?
1 -Someone has broken their arm.
2- Someone has burnt their hand.
3 -Someone has cut their leg.
W. B. EX. 1: Find the words in the word search.
W. B. EX. 2: Complete the sentences with the words from the word search
W. B. EX. 3: Read the advice and match the ideas with the different situations. In case of
emergency …
W. B. EX. 4: Write a paragraph giving advice about what to do in a fire.
Homework : SS. answer EX 1 as homework.

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