Group 7 Technological Innovations

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Lesson 2 Assessment

Activity 2

Assumptions Science Interpretation

and Technology
1. Do we affect Science and Technology The complex and bidirectional
or do they affect us? ( Anastacia, 2018) relationship between science and
technology impacts society through
funding, policy decisions, and innovation
demand. These discoveries shape our
lives, values, and interactions, influencing
each other's direction.

2. Is ther a place for morals when science Morality is crucial in guiding the ethical
and technology shows us the "right way"? use of science and technology. Society
(Anastacia, 2018) guided by moral and ethical values, must
decide how to use advancements like
artificial intelligence and biotechnology
for humaties benefit and without harm.
Morals play a role in determining the right
way to use these tools and knowledge.

3. Is there always a technological solution Technology can solve many problems,

to everything? (Cohen, 2013) but not all problems are solved through
technology alone. Social, political, or
cultural factors may require broader
solutions. Technology can introduce new
ethical dilemmas, so a balanced approach
is needed, considering both technological
aspects and broader context, ethical
considerations and individual and societal

4. Is Techonology making us less Technology has significantly

human? (Gullans, 2015) impacted our lives, improving
communication, information
access, and efficiency. However,
concers about potential negative
effects include reduced face-to-
face interaction, social isolation,
privacy issues, and mental health
impacts. Ethical concerns also arise
from the use of advanced
technologies. The impact of
technology on humanity depends
on how it is used and regulated,
with societies choices shaping its
Technology in Filipino Households

Household Appliances Impact

1. Refrigerators Refrigerators in Filipino households
have significantly improved food
security and family budgets by
enabling extended food storage,
reducing waste, and ensuring a
stable supply of fresh ingredients.

2. Washing Machines It revolutionized laundry, saving

time, and effort, benefiting working
parents and enabling more women
to pursue careers outside the

3. Electric Fans Electric fans are crucial for

enhancing comfort, particularly
during hot seasons by providing
heat relief and enhancing sleeping

4. Microwaves Microwaves have sped up meal

preparation and reheating, making
it easier for families to manage
busy schedules and reduce cooking
Activity 3. 1

First, we chose the telephone, which
1. Telephone
contributed significantly to the progress
of modern civilization because it helps a
lot in terms of communicating, unlike
before, when you'd need to write down
what you wanted to say to your friends,
family, and loved ones. We could strongly
say that the telephone could contribute a
lot to our modern civilization because it's
proven that through telephones, you can
communicate easier and faster with just a
click and send a message.

Next, electricity is the main source of all

2. Electricity
digital and mechanical devices. It has
significantly contributed to the progress
of modern civilization because, without
electricity, the machines and
technologies that we have cannot be
used. So electricity has a big contribution
to the modern civilization to function with
the technologies, machines, and gadgets
that we have.

Batteries are one of our top 5 inventions

3. Batteries
in the history of science. For us, they
have contributed significantly to the
progress of modern civilization because
they are the alternative tool to electricity
that all machines, technologies, and
gadgets can generate as long as they
have a battery controller.

It has contributed significantly to the

4. Internet
progress of modern civilization because,
without the internet, we can't browse any
queries that we need or want to know. We
decided to include the internet in our top
5 because it has contributed to us,
especially for all the students out there. It
is easy to browse the things that you
didn't know, the current news, and of
course, it has entertainment to view and
some lessons to take.

5. Vaccines Last are the vaccines. For us, they

are the most crucial discoveries in
the history of science. They
contributed significantly to the
progress of modern civilization
because, from herbals, they
upgraded to vaccines, which have a
low percentage of making you sick
as long as you complete your
vaccines from infant to adult.
Activity 3.2
Photomontage Through History


Group number: 7
Jieryll Joy Dulos
Pretz Marie Ebo
Jevon Niño Eldian

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