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The main issue in this case is the conflict between disclosing personal details of patients
with COVID-19 for the purpose of contact tracing and protecting public health, versus protecting
the privacy and rights of COVID-19 patients as mandated by law.

The people suggesting the disclosure of personal details are motivated by a desire to protect
themselves and their families' health by knowing if they had come into contact with someone who
tested positive for COVID-19. They believe that this information would help them take necessary
precautions and prevent further spread of the virus. However, their approach disregards the legal
protections for COVID-19 patients to prevent discrimination.


The issue revolves around the tension between the need for public health protection through
contact tracing and the protection of privacy rights for individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. On
one hand, there are people advocating for the disclosure of personal details of COVID-19 patients
to aid in contact tracing efforts and to safeguard the health of their families. On the other hand,
there is a law that has been published that protects the privacy and rights of COVID-19 patients,
aiming to prevent discrimination and stigma.

This case falls under the stage 5 of Moral Development where individuals adhere to societal
laws and rules but also recognize that these rules are not absolute and can be changed if they are
unjust or infringe upon individual rights. They consider the broader social contract and the need
for maintaining social order and the common good. They may prioritize public health and the well-
being of the community over individual privacy rights in this case.

Advocates for disclosing personal details argue that by having access to this information,
they can make informed decisions about their potential exposure to the virus and take necessary
precautions. They believe that such knowledge could help protect themselves and their families,
thereby contributing to public health. From their perspective, the greater good justifies the
temporary infringement on the privacy rights of COVID-19 patients.
However, it is crucial to recognize the importance of privacy and the legal protections in
place for COVID-19 patients. These safeguards are in line with fundamental human rights and
ethical principles. Protecting individuals' privacy and preventing discrimination are paramount, as
they not only uphold the dignity and autonomy of COVID-19 patients but also foster trust in the
healthcare system. By safeguarding privacy, individuals may be more inclined to seek testing and
treatment, contributing to overall public health efforts.

The conflict between public health and privacy rights is a challenging ethical dilemma. It
requires a careful balance between the collective well-being and individual rights. One possible
solution lies in adopting a middle ground approach that respects both concerns. This could involve
anonymized contact tracing, where individuals are informed about potential exposure without
disclosing specific personal details of the COVID-19 patients. By maintaining confidentiality
while still providing necessary information, this approach mitigates the risks of discrimination and

To solve this case, it's important to think about different viewpoints and have discussions
with the public. We need to consider ethics, laws, and knowledge about public health. Working
together with health officials, legal experts, and the community can help find a middle ground that
takes care of public health and respects people's rights. This way, we can create a society where
both the community's well-being and individual freedoms are valued.


Following the group's discussion and careful evaluation of the potential outcomes of the
problems, one possible solution to accommodate the conflicting interests of public health and
privacy rights is to implement an anonymized contact tracing system. This approach would involve
informing individuals who may have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient without
disclosing specific personal details of the patient. By using unique identifiers or codes instead of
personal information, privacy rights can be protected while still providing crucial information for
contact tracing purposes (Smith, 2022). Anonymized contact tracing has been shown to be
effective in countries such as South Korea and Singapore, where privacy concerns were addressed
through technological solutions that ensured the anonymity of individuals involved (Lee et al.,
2020; Yang et al., 2021).
In addition to anonymized contact tracing, public education campaigns and awareness
initiatives can play a vital role in addressing the issue. By disseminating accurate information about
COVID-19, its transmission, and preventive measures, individuals can make informed decisions
to protect themselves and their families without relying solely on the disclosure of personal details
of COVID-19 patients (World Health Organization, 2020). These campaigns can emphasize the
importance of collective responsibility and community solidarity in combating the pandemic,
fostering a sense of empathy and understanding.

To ensure the effectiveness of such initiatives, collaboration between public health

authorities, legal experts, and privacy advocates is crucial. Multi-stakeholder dialogues can help
navigate the complexities of the issue and lead to the development of comprehensive guidelines
that strike a balance between public health and privacy rights (van der Sloot & Crespo, 2020).
Engaging the public in the decision-making process, through public consultations or citizen panels,
can also foster trust, transparency, and democratic values.

In conclusion, implementing an anonymized contact tracing system, coupled with public

education campaigns and multi-stakeholder collaborations, can offer a viable solution to the
conflict between public health and privacy rights. By protecting individual privacy while still
providing necessary information, society can effectively address the COVID-19 pandemic while
upholding fundamental rights and values.

A mother of two sons requested the school to ban junk foods and soda in their school
canteen because her youngest child was hospitalized for several months due to kidney failure for
eating unhealthy foods and they needed to file leave of absence for early recovery. Her reason for
writing a letter is for the sake of the health and welfare of her son and other students. However,
the canteen was a cooperative store where all teachers and some parents share and receive
dividends every year where part of that dividend is used for the school’s feeding program that
benefits the majority of the students. It will be a problem for the school canteen to ban selling junk
foods and soda since it serves as the kinds of food that served as their one of the major sources of
their income to fund the said feeding program.


Both issues need to be addressed, but the health and welfare of students should be taken
priority. In relation, both issues are concerned with the health and welfare of students when it
comes to banning junk foods and soda as what the mother requested and the feeding program of
the school canteen making it hard to decide leading to an ethical dilemma because both are
important and should be considered.

The mother has her point for banning junk foods and soda in the school canteen. Junk food
has a bad reputation because of its unhealthy and greasy content. Certain preservatives and
ingredients are added to processed food to increase its shelf life (Pereira, 2021). However, children
are spoiled and stubborn nowadays, most of them are not properly disciplined yet. Other children
still tend to buy unhealthy foods even if their parents told them that it is bad for their health. This
is because children who eat junk food regularly get habituated to a certain type and amount of
flavor and find it difficult to adjust to balanced meals with nutritional value (Pereira, 2021).
Children won’t listen if they are told to because what matters the most for them is to satisfy their
stomach. They are drawn to the taste and flavors of junk foods and soda which makes it hard for
them to resist the temptation to buy these kinds of food even if they are aware of its negative health
effects. In fact, junk foods are significantly more prevalent in middle and high schools relative to
elementary schools (Finkelstein, Hill and Whitaker, 2008). If the canteen won’t sell unhealthy
foods in their canteen, students can be prevented from buying such snacks which will allow them
to avoid getting sick and avoid ending up in the hospital like what happened to the mother’s
youngest son.

On the other hand, it would not be a good favor for the school canteen to ban junk foods
and soda because it is also one of their sources of income which they use for the feeding program.
According to Gordon et al. (2007) revenues from these food sales provide much-needed funding
for schools, especially in times of budgetary pressures. Thus, it will be such a loss for the school
canteen if they will not sell unhealthy foods and remove it from their list because their feeding
program benefits most of the students. Therefore, students would not be able to have free foods in
school because there will be an inadequate budget to pursue their feeding program due to the reason
that selling junk foods and soda will not be implemented anymore. These issues are associated
with Stage 6 of Moral Development and it falls under the Universal Ethical Principle Orientation
where the decision is made based on self-chosen ethical principles of conscience, and taking the
perspectives of the group which will affect the decision. Thus, final measures that the group will
be using is to consider which situation is much more important to address by assessing the
outcomes of issues when it has been solved.


Based on the group’s further research and assessment of possible outcomes of the issues,
the group decided to take the side of the mother who requested that junk foods and soda should be
banned in the school canteen since it is a rightful act that is more important and necessary for the
sake of the health and welfare of her son and other students.

Based on the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2007, selling of carbonated drinks, sugar-based
synthetic or artificially flavored juices, junk foods and any food product that may be detrimental
to the child’s health and do not bear the Sangkap Pinoy seal and/or did not pass Bureau of Food
and Drug Administration approval is prohibited. Thus, only nutrient-rich foods shall be sold in the
school canteen which includes milk, shakes and juices prepared from fruits and vegetables.
Meaning, the selling of junk foods and soda by the school canteen is illegal since it is prohibited
by the authority and this further reason that these foods shall be banned in their school.
Furthermore, the school canteen doesn’t need to stop their feeding program because they
may use other alternatives to their foods like adding healthy ingredients which can eliminate the
junk in junk food to make it into a healthy one. According to Pereira (2021) using the right oil and
the optimal temperature for cooking ensures less penetration of the oil in the foods. Not many
children like to see vegetables on their plate at school, but children don't mind eating mixed
vegetables when they are made into a patty and put between burger buns. Through these methods,
the school canteen can ensure that their meals are made fresh with healthy ingredients.

Generally, banning junk foods and soda in the school canteen should be implemented.
Afterall, they can still have an income for their feeding programs on junk foods that can be turned
into healthy snacks using different methods which the students wouldn’t mind since it can still be
flavorful. As for the beverages, the school canteen may follow the guidelines on what beverages
and foods to sell within the scope of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2007. Moreover, another strategy that
may help the school canteen to have more income for their feeding program is to limit the size of
the food and drinks that they will serve or they may slightly increase the price of each food and
drink served. When all of these are considered, it will become a win-win situation.

In conclusion, the students will still be able to eat their favorite flavorful snacks and the
school canteen may still pursue their feeding program and even increase their budget when they
have applied the different strategies mentioned above.

The identified problem in this case is the occurrence of numerous natural disasters
worldwide and their destructive impact on the environment. These natural disasters pose a
significant threat to ecosystems, wildlife, and human lives. The frequency and intensity of these
disasters have increased over time, resulting in severe consequences for the planet.
The problem also involves the ethical dilemma presented by the scientist who developed a
population control virus as a means of saving the environment. While the scientist's intention is
driven by a desire to protect the Earth, the proposed solution raises ethical concerns. Creating a
virus that controls the population not only disregards established rules and laws but also devalues
human life. It poses a fundamental threat to human rights and the principles of individual autonomy
and dignity.


From what states in the case, natural disasters have devastating effects on the environment.
They can lead to the loss of biodiversity, destruction of habitats, and pollution of land, water, and
air. Ecosystems suffer from the disruption caused by these events, impacting the delicate balance
of nature. This, in turn, affects the survival of various species and the overall stability of
ecosystems. Furthermore, the destruction of infrastructure and the displacement of communities
have long-lasting social and economic repercussions.
The scientist's intention to develop a virus for population control stems from a moral
principle centered around saving the environment. This suggests a stage 6 perspective of moral
development, where the scientist believes that the appropriate action is determined by their own
ethical principles of conscience. However, despite their internal moral conviction, the proposed
solution raises ethical concerns.
Creating a virus to control the population violates established rules, laws, and ethical
norms. It disregards the fundamental principles of human rights, such as the right to life and
individual autonomy. The proposed solution devalues human life, reducing individuals to mere
tools for environmental preservation. This perspective fails to recognize the inherent worth and
dignity of every human being.

After conducting thorough research and analyzing various potential scenarios related to the
issues, the group came to a conclusion and agreed that at this point, alternatives must be
considered. There are still people who genuinely care for our environment and will do everything
for its sake. Individuals that have the power to advocate the ethical way of dealing with these
problems. Additionally, one of the best solutions is to expand the knowledge of everyone about
the discipline and proper custody of the environment. According to Philstar Global (2009), the
nature of fury can be dealt with if we have the sanity not to abuse it. We must educate ourselves
and future generations on how to care for the environment so that we do not reap their wrath in the
form of large-scale disasters.
Discipline is vital to our collective survival and has long been sought after. It also remarked
that complying with environmental protection laws requires discipline, and we must sacrifice
personal comfort and economic interests to preserve our nature as well as our environment
(Philstar Global, 2009). Sacrifice and discipline lead to personal growth. Sacrifice will create an
opportunity for growth and discipline will create the growth. If we have the discipline to repeat
this growth cycle, we can be knowledgeable and, thus, apply our learnings to the environment.
Consequently, we can achieve an objective.
All in all, it is not too late to do something for the sake of our Mother Earth. The very
existence of humans can change the course of the future. We have the power and with great power,
comes great responsibility.

Finkelstein, D.M., Hill E. L. & Whitaker, R. C. (2008). School Food Environments and
Policies in US Public Schools. Pediatrics, 122(1), 251-259.
Gordon A., Crepinsek M.K., Nogales R. & Condon, E. (n.d.). School Nutrition Dietary
Assessment Study-III: Volume II: Student Participation and Dietary. Mathematica Policy
reports Intakes. Retrieved from
Lee, J. H., Hwang, J. I., Shin, Y., & Kim, M. Y. (2020). Governmental responses to
COVID-19 and privacy issues in South Korea. Sustainability, 12(17), 6977. doi:
Pereira, A. (2021, October 13). Pros and Cons: Should Junk Food Be Banned or Allowed in
Schools?. We Have Kids.
Philstar Global (2009, October 3). In what ways can we start taking care of the environment
for the sake of future generations. Retrieved from
Smith, A. (2022). Balancing privacy and public health in the age of COVID-19: A case study
of contact tracing apps. Computer Law & Security Review, 44, 105554. doi:
van der Sloot, B., & Crespo, R. G. (2020). Privacy in times of pandemic: Preliminary
reflections on the (perennial) tension between collective welfare and individual rights.
Computer Law & Security Review, 40, 105379. doi: 10.1016/j.clsr.2020.105379
World Health Organization. (2020). Key messages and actions for COVID-19 prevention and
control in schools. Retrieved from

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