Chapter 14 - Glucocorticoid Therapy

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CHAPTER 14 Glucocorticoid Therapy

Claudia E. Reusch

CHAPTER CONTENTS The initial discovery was followed by the development of synthetic
Chemistry of Glucocorticoids and Structure-Activity Relationship, 555 steroids mainly for use in inflammatory and immune-mediated
Molecular Mechanism of Action, 556 diseases. However, it soon became obvious that their efficacy is
Genomic Effects, 556 not without costs in terms of potentially serious adverse effects
Nongenomic Effects, 558 (Goulding and Flower, 2000b).
Biologic Effects of Glucocorticoids, 559 Currently, glucocorticoids are among the most frequently used
Effects on Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid Metabolism, 559 (and misused) drugs in veterinary medicine. Despite the wide-
Effects on Other Tissues, 559 spread use of glucocorticoids, scientifically based information on
Anti-Inflammatory and Immunosuppressive Effects, 562 optimal dose, dose interval, and physiological and pharmacologi-
Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacology, 563 cal effects in dogs and cats is scarce. Therefore, treatment protocols
Duration of Action, 563 are often extrapolated from human medicine or rodent studies or
Route of Administration, 563 are the result of clinical experience (Ferguson et al, 2009; Boothe
Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion, 565 and Mealey, 2012). Knowledge on effects, different potencies of
Dose Equivalents of Glucocorticoids, 565 synthetic glucocorticoids, adverse effects, and contraindications
Galenic Formulations and Steroid Esters, 566 will help the veterinarian to make informed decisions and to avoid
Combination Products, 567 serious complications as much as possible.
Therapeutic Application and Classes of Glucocorticoid Usage, 567
Goals and General Guidelines, 567 CHEMISTRY OF GLUCOCORTICOIDS AND
Physiological Replacement Therapy, 568 STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP
Anti-Inflammatory Therapy, 568
Immunosuppressive Therapy, 569 All hormones of the adrenal cortex are derivatives of cholesterol
Antineoplastic Therapy, 569 and contain the cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus
Shock, 569 (Fig. 14-1). The main products of the adrenal cortex are C21
Neurological Diseases, 570 and C19 steroids. The C19 steroids have a keto or hydroxyl
Adverse Effects, 570 group at position 17 and display androgenic activity. The C21
Iatrogenic Hyperadrenocorticism, 570 steroids have a two-carbon side chain at position 17 and are
Alteration of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis, 571 classified as mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. Those C21
Diabetes Mellitus, 572 steroids that have an additional hydroxyl group at position 17
Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage and Ulceration, 572 are often called 17-hydroxycorticoids or 17-hydroxycorticosteroids
Laboratory Abnormalities, 573 (Barrett et al, 2012).
Pancreatitis, 573 Cortisol (hydrocortisone) has glucocorticoid as well as miner-
Miscellaneous, 573 alocorticoid properties due to its ability to stimulate both gluco-
Glucocorticoid Reduction Protocol, 574 corticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors (Parente, 2000). Certain
structures and groups on the steroid base, as well as the orientation
of the groups in the ring system, are essential for the biological
In 1949, Hench and colleagues reported on the first therapeutic activity. The groups lying below the plane of the steroid ring are
use of a glucocorticoid in nine patients with rheumatoid arthritis. indicated by α and a dashed line (.... OH), the groups lying above
The substance had been known under the term “compound E” the ring are indicated by β and a solid line (– OH) (Parente, 2000;
and was then named “cortisone.” Later it was found that the true Barrett et al, 2012). The important features for biological activity
hormone is in fact cortisol, which is reversibly converted to its are: a ketone group at C-3 and C-20, a double bond between C-4
inactive metabolite cortisone. In 1950, Edward Kendall, a bio- and C-5, a hydroxyl group in β-orientation at C-11, a two-carbon
chemist at the Graduate School of the Mayo Foundation, the chain in β-orientation, a hydroxyl group in α-orientation at C-17,
Swiss chemist, Tadeus Reichstein, and a Mayo Clinic physician, and a methyl group in β-orientation at C-18 and C-19 (Parente,
Philip Hench, were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on 2000) (Fig. 14-2).
the adrenal gland hormones. The Noble Lecture held by Kendall Chemical modifications of the cortisol molecule have generated
on December 11, 1950, was titled, “The Development of Cor- compounds with higher glucocorticoid activity and less mineralo-
tisone as a Therapeutic Agent” (Kendall, 1950). The finding of corticoid activity (Fig. 14-3). Modifications of the molecular struc-
Hench and colleagues (1949) introduced the world to a new type ture also alter the protein binding and hepatic metabolism thereby
of therapy and there was a saying, “Therapy was now dated BC prolonging duration of action. High anti-inflammatory properties
(before cortisone) or after (AC)” (Goulding and Flower, 2000a). are unfortunately also associated with higher glucocorticoid activity


12 17 (i.e., effects on carbohydrate and protein metabolism) (Boothe and

13 Mealey, 2012). Introduction of a double bond between C-1 and
11 C-2 resulted in prednisone and prednisolone, revealing increased
C D 16 anti-inflammatory and reduced mineralocorticoid activity com-
1 9 pared with cortisone and cortisol. Of note, cortisone and predni-
10 14
sone are inactive compounds (or prodrugs) until the 11-keto group
2 is converted into a hydroxyl group in the liver by the enzyme 11-β
8 15
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD) type 1 (Parente, 2000;
Ferguson et al, 2009). The addition of a methyl group in position
3 7 C-6α resulted in methylprednisolone, which has slightly higher anti-
inflammatory and less mineralocorticoid effect than prednisolone.
4 6 The insertion of a 16α-hydroxy group decreases mineralocorticoid
FIGURE 14-1 Basic chemical structure of the glucocorticoids (steroid nucleus). activity and leads to the synthesis of triamcinolone (which also has
a 9α-fluoro group). The most potent anti-inflammatory glucocorti-
coids, dexamethasone and betamethasone, were designed by adding
a fluorine atom at C-9α, which increases glucocorticoid activity, and
a methyl group at C-16, reducing mineralocorticoid effects (add-
ing was in α-orientation for dexamethasone and β-orientation for
betamethasone) (Parente, 2000). The effects of glucocorticoids are
dose dependent, and they are classified according to their potency
in relation to the potency of cortisol (Table 14-1). There is an ongo-
ing search to identify compounds or mechanism by which adverse
20 effects can be minimized (McMaster and Ray, 2007; Vandevyver
18 et al, 2013). One mechanism is the topical administration of drugs,
CH3 which are rapidly metabolized if absorbed into the systemic circu-
17 lation. This goal is mainly reached by manipulation of chemical
11 13
groups of the D ring of the steroid base (Ferguson et al, 2009).
19 Examples of those so-called “soft” glucocorticoids include beclo-
CH3 16 methasone, budesonide, fluticasone propionate, ciclesonide, and
1 9 loteprednol etabonate (Ferguson et al, 2009; Boothe and Mealey,
10 14 2012). In particular the use of budesonide as an oral drug for the
8 15 treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and budesonide and fluti-
casone propionate as inhaled medications for chronic inflammatory
3 airway disease has recently gained popularity in dogs and cats (Bex-
5 7 field et al, 2006; Padrid, 2006; Dye et al, 2013; Galler et al, 2013;
4 6
Pietra et al, 2013).

Cortisol (hydrocortisone) MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF ACTION

Genomic Effects
CH2 OH Glucocorticoid activities can roughly be divided into genomic
and nongenomic effects. The classical genomic effect is medi-
ated by a cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor (GR) that belongs
C=O to the nuclear receptor superfamily, which includes all of the
steroid receptors. GRs are widely distributed throughout the
CH3 body: every cell appears to have GRs (Boothe and Mealey,
O OH 2012). The GRs consist of three domains with different func-
tions: a poorly conserved N-terminal domain, a highly con-
served DNA-binding domain, and a well-conserved C-terminal
CH3 glucocorticoid-binding domain. Several splice variants of the
GR exist, of which GRα is the most widely expressed and is the
variant exerting most of the glucocorticoid actions. The vari-
ant GRβ is unable to bind glucocorticoids, but it may act as an
inhibitor of GRα. The β variant may play a role in glucocorti-
coid resistance and possibly in autoimmune and inflammatory
0 disorders (Ferguson et al, 2009; Nixon et al, 2013). In the rest-
ing (ligand-free) state, GR is located in the cytoplasm, where it
Cortisone exists as a multiprotein complex containing several heat-shock
proteins (Hsp90, Hsp70, Hsp56, Hsp40); there is also interac-
B tion with other molecules, such as immunophilins and several
FIGURE 14-2 Structure of (A) cortisol (hydrocortisone) and its inactive additional factors (Stahn et al, 2007; Vandevyver et al, 2013).
metabolite cortisone (B). The GR is inactive until bound to a glucocorticoid ligand.
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 557

Glucocorticoids enter the cell by passive diffusion through the a high-affinity GR (Nixon et al, 2013). The best character-
cell membrane, although there may also be an active trans- ized mechanism of transcriptional activation is the binding of
port mechanism. After binding of the glucocorticoid, the heat the GR/glucocorticoid complex to specific DNA binding-sites
shock proteins dissociate from the GR, resulting in confor- (glucocorticoid response elements [GREs]) in the promoter
mational changes that unmask nuclear localization sequences. regions of target genes after entering the nucleus (Vandevyver
Thereafter, the GR/glucocorticoid complex is translocated et al, 2013). Binding to positive GRE induces synthesis of
into the nucleus, where it activates or represses target gene anti-inflammatory proteins as well as regulator proteins that
transcription (Nixon et al, 2013). Although the main actions are important for metabolism (e.g., enzymes involved in glu-
of glucocorticoids are mediated through the GR, some effects coneogenesis). The process mediated through positive GRE
are also mediated through another nuclear receptor, the min- is also called transactivation and is considered to be respon-
eralocorticoid receptor (MR). The MR has a high affinity for sible for numerous side effects of glucocorticoids. Binding
endogenous glucocorticoids, which are generally present in to negative GRE leads to inhibition of gene transcription
much higher concentrations than mineralocorticoids. One of (transrepression) of the pro-opiomelanocortin (the precursor
the major mechanism by which the body limits the access of of adrenocorticotropic hormone—ACTH), α-fetoprotein,
endogenous glucocorticoids to the MR is through the activ- and prolactin gene, as well as suppression of inflammatory
ity of the enzyme 11β-HSD type 2 that converts cortisol to genes, such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-2 (IL-
inactive cortisone. Therefore, when the MR is co-expressed 2) Löwenberg et al, 2007; Stahn et al, 2007). Besides binding
with 11β-HSD type 2, its activation results in mineralocor- to GRE, other mechanisms for the upregulation and down-
ticoid activity; in the absence of 11β-HSD type 2, the MR is regulation of genes exist. For instance, suppressed target gene





Prednisolone Prednisone





0 0

CH3 Triamcinolone

FIGURE 14-3 Structure of selected synthetic glucocorticoids.






Dexamethasone Betamethasone




FIGURE 14-3, cont’d

expression can be achieved through direct protein-protein essential for the anti-inflammatory actions (Nixon et al, 2013;
interaction with pro-inflammatory transcription factors, Vandevyver et al, 2013).
such as activator protein-1 (AP-1), nuclear factor kappa-
light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), nuclear Nongenomic Effects
factor of activated T-cells (NFAT), or signal transducers and
activator of transcription (STAT; Löwenberg et al, 2007). It In addition to the classic genomic mode of action, glucocorticoids
takes approximately 30 minutes for the activation of the GR, may exert effects through nongenomic mechanisms. It has been
nuclear transportation of the GR/glucocorticoid complex, recognized that some of the immunosuppressive, anti-inflamma-
binding to promoter regions, and initiation of transcription tory, anti-allergic effects, and effects when used during shock occur
and translation. Hours to days are required until changes on too fast to be regulated via transcription. Rapid clinical effects may
cellular, tissue or organism level become obvious (Stahn et al, be seen when glucocorticoids are administered intravenously or
2007). For many years, it was thought that the undesirable intra-articularly at high doses. Various underlying mechanisms for
side effects of glucocorticoid therapy are due to dimer-medi- the nongenomic effects have been described, such as nonspecific
ated transactivation, whereas its beneficial anti-inflammatory interactions of glucocorticoids with cellular membranes, nonge-
activity is mainly caused by monomer-mediated transrepres- nomic effects that are mediated by the cytosolic GR, and specific
sive effects. Research was therefore focused on the develop- interactions with a membrane-bound GR (Löwenberg et al, 2007;
ment of dissociated compounds that only exhibit those actions Stahn et al, 2007).
of glucocorticoids that are monomer-dependent. The dimer/ It has been shown that glucocorticoids at high concentrations
monomer dogma has recently been challenged, because it was intercalate into membranes, thereby changing their physiological
demonstrated that the GR dimer-dependent transactivation is properties and the activities of membrane-associated proteins. For
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 559


Cortisol (hydrocortisone) 1 1 20 8-12
Cortisone 0.8 0.8 25 8-12
Prednisolone/Prednisone 4 0.8 5 12-36
Methylprednisolone 5 0.5 4 12-36
Triamcinolone 5 0 4 12-36
Betamethasone 25-30 0 0.7-0.8 36-72
Dexamethasone 25-30 0 0.7-0.8 36-72
Aldosterone 0 200-1000
Fludrocortisone 10 125-200

Data from Parente L: The development of synthetic glucocorticoids. In Goulding NJ, Flower RJ, editors: Glucocorticoids, Basel, 2000, Springer Basel AG; and Boothe DM, Mealey KA:
Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. In Boothe DM, editor: Small animal clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, ed 2, St Louis, 2012, Saunders/Elsevier.

instance, this results in reduced calcium and sodium cycling across metabolism), decreased protein synthesis, and increased release of
the cell membrane of immune cells, which contributes to rapid amino acids, providing precursors for gluconeogenesis in the liver.
immunosuppression and reduction of the inflammatory process. In adipose tissue, glucocorticoids stimulate lipolysis, which gener-
Binding of glucocorticoids to the cytosolic GR leads to dissociation ates free fatty acids and glycerol, thereby providing energy and
of signaling molecules, which mediate rapid responses; the cyto- substrate for gluconeogenesis (Carroll et al, 2011; Hall, 2011).
solic GR is also involved in inhibition of the release of arachidonic In healthy individuals, the increase in blood glucose is coun-
acid, an essential mediator for cell growth and various metabolic/ terbalanced by an increase in insulin secretion. High levels of
inflammatory reactions. Binding of glucocorticoids to a membrane- glucocorticoids (endogenous or exogenous) reduce the sensibility
bound GR, which may be a variant of the cytosolic GR, seems to be of many tissues, in particular muscle and fat, to the stimulatory
involved in apoptosis and T cell receptor–mediated signal transduc- effects of insulin on glucose uptake and utilization (i.e., lead to
tion (Stahn et al, 2007). The physiological significance of the non- insulin resistance). In this way, glucocorticoids may induce glu-
genomic effects is not totally clear. It is assumed that they play an cose intolerance and diabetes mellitus or worsen glycemic control
important role during stress when the concentration of endogenous in an individual with pre-existing diabetes. Glucocorticoid excess
glucocorticoids is high (Jiang et al, 2014). Fig. 14-4 summarizes also leads to increased breakdown of protein, clinically seen as
genomic and nongenomic mechanisms of glucocorticoids. muscle wasting, thinning of the skin, and delayed wound healing
(Boothe and Mealey, 2012). Although glucocorticoids stimulate
lipolysis, increased fat deposition is a common clinical sign. The
paradox has been explained by steroid-induced stimulation of
The name glucocorticoid is derived from the words glucose and appetite and the lipogenic effect of hyperinsulinemia. The reason
cortex, and it relates to the role of glucocorticoids in glucose for the abnormal fat distribution is unknown (Carroll et al, 2011).
metabolism and their origin from the adrenal cortex. Glucocorti-
coids, however, have a much broader spectrum of function, they Effects on Other Tissues
influence most cells in the body, and without them an individual
will not survive a stressful event. Growth and Development
Glucocorticoids play an important role in normal fetal development.
They stimulate lung maturation through synthesis of surfactant pro-
Effects on Carbohydrate, Protein, and Lipid Metabolism
teins in the near-term fetus, allowing adaption to air breathing. In
The physiological effects of glucocorticoids in the fed state are physiological concentrations, glucocorticoids stimulate gene tran-
small; however, during fasting, they contribute to the mainte- scription of growth hormone (GH); glucocorticoid excess, however,
nance of blood glucose levels by increasing hepatic gluconeogen- inhibits skeletal growth by catabolic effects on bone, muscle, and
esis and decreasing uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues (muscle, connective tissue and inhibition of insulin-like growth factor-1
fat). These effects protect glucose-dependent organs (e.g., brain (IGF-1) effects (Ferguson et al, 2009).
and heart) from starvation. Glucocorticoids stimulate glycogen
deposition and inhibit glycogen-mobilizing enzymes. This allows Bone, Cartilage, and Calcium
other hormones (e.g., glucagon and epinephrine) to mobilize glu- The effects of glucocorticoids on bone are complex and include
cose when needed (e.g., between meals). Glucocorticoids exert direct and indirect effects. Under physiological circumstances,
catabolic effects on muscle (i.e., decreased glucose uptake and bone formation and bone resorption are tightly coupled; in cases of

FIGURE 14-4 Genomic and nongenomic immunoregulation by glucocorticoids (GCs). GCs passively diffuse into
cells and bind to the cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor (GR), after which the GC-GR complex translocates into
the nucleus for gene regulation. Left: Ligated GR directly inhibits pro-inflammatory transcription factors (i.e.,
activator protein-1 [AP-1], nuclear factor of activated T-cells [NFAT], nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer
of activated B cells [NF-κB], and signal transducers and activator of transcription [STAT]) (a) or actively sup-
presses transcription (transrepression) of inflammatory genes (i.e., interleukin-1β [IL-1β] and IL-2) through
binding to negative glucocorticoid response elements (nGRE) (b). Activated GR induces transcription (transacti-
vation) of immunosuppressive genes (i.e., IκB, annexin-1, IL-10, mitogen-activated protein kinase [MAPK] phos-
phatase-1, lipocortin-1, and annexin-1) via positive GREs (pGRE) (c). GC-induced biological responses, which are
based on transrepression, are slow because some time is required before RNA and protein levels of target genes
are fully degraded (a,b). GC-dependent transactivation of genes that encode regulator proteins is less slow (“me-
dium slow”) compared with transrepression (c). Right: GCs induce rapid effects (occurring within minutes) on
transmembrane currents, signal transduction (e.g., T-cell receptor [TCR] and MAPK signaling pathways), second-
messenger cascades or intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. It is currently assumed that nongenomic GC effects
are mediated by cytosolic or membrane-bound GRs, or via nonspecific interactions with cell membranes. In this
simplified scheme, no GR-chaperones are depicted. (Reproduced with permission from Loewenberg M, Verhaar
AP, van den Brink GR, et al.: Glucocorticoid signaling: a nongenomic mechanism for T-cell immunosuppression,
Trends Mol Med 13:158, 2007.) cGR, Cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor; mGR, membrane-bound glucocorticoid
receptor; TF, transcription factor.

glucocorticoid excess, those processes are uncoupled (van Brussel the study by Costa and colleagues (2010) and also do not occur in
et al, 2009). Glucocorticoid excess decreases number and function dogs with long-standing glucocorticoid excess (e.g., in dogs with
of osteoblasts, induces apoptosis of osteocytes, and increases the endogenous hyperadrenocorticism).
formation of osteoclasts. Indirect effects include disturbed calcium At physiological concentrations, glucocorticoids stimulate col-
metabolism, muscle weakening, and decrease of GH and gonado- lagen; glucocorticoid excess results in inhibition of collagen syn-
tropin secretion (Canalis et al, 2007; van Brussel et al, 2009). In thesis, depression of chondrocyte metabolism, and decrease of the
humans, glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis belongs to the most proteoglycan content of cartilage (Boothe and Mealey, 2012).
devastating side effects of long-term glucocorticoid therapy (van Glucocorticoids inhibit calcium absorption from the intesti-
Brussel et al, 2009). In dogs and cats, effects of glucocorticoids are nal tract by antagonizing the effect of active vitamin D3 and by
rarely described. Recently, the effect of glucocorticoids on mineral decreasing the expression of specific calcium channels in the
density of the vertebral spine was investigated. Application of duodenum. The inhibition is not due to decreased levels of
2 mg/kg prednisone over 30 days led to a significant loss of bone vitamin D3, as those are normal, or even increased in the pres-
mass (Costa et al, 2010). Pathological fractures were not seen in ence of glucocorticoid excess. Glucocorticoids also increase renal
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 561

calcium excretion as well as the excretion of phosphorous. Serum aldosterone revealed conflicting results (Goy-Thollot et al, 2002;
phosphate concentrations are reduced, whereas calcium concentra- Javadi et al, 2003; Wenger et al, 2004). Martinez and colleagues
tions are usually maintained normal (Canalis et al, 2007; Carroll (2005) demonstrated increased vascular reactivity to increasing
et al, 2011). Theoretically, the reduced absorption and increased doses of norepinephrine in dogs with experimentally induced
secretion of calcium would promote secondary hyperparathyroid- hypercortisolism.
ism. In humans on glucocorticoid therapy, however, increased Glucocorticoids increase the number and affinity of β2 recep-
parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels have not been consistently tors, thus promoting bronchodilatation (Boothe and Mealey,
demonstrated. Glucocorticoids may alter the secretory dynamics 2012).
of PTH with a decrease in its tonic release and an increase in pul-
satile bursts. Additionally, they may enhance sensitivity of skeletal Gastrointestinal Tract
cells to PTH by increasing the number and affinity of PTH recep- Glucocorticoids are involved in normal function and integrity of
tors (Canalis et al, 2007). So far, no detailed studies on calcium the gastrointestinal tract. Glucocorticoid excess is associated with
balance in dogs and cats with endogenous or exogenous glucocor- reduced gastric mucosal cell growth and renewal and decreased
ticoid excess have been performed. In dogs, the administration of mucus production, resulting in impairment of the protective bar-
approximately 1 mg/kg prednisolone every other day for 6 weeks rier of the gastric mucosa (Boothe and Mealey, 2012). Gluco-
did not result in significant changes in concentrations of total corticoid therapy in dogs with neurological disease may result
and ionized calcium, phosphate, vitamin D metabolites (25(OH) in gastrointestinal hemorrhage, ulcers, and colonic perforations.
D and 1,25(OH)2D3), and PTH in blood and urinary fractional Gastric hemorrhage has also been described in healthy dogs given
excretion of calcium and phosphate (Kovalik et al, 2012). The high doses of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (Rohrer
results contrast in part those of Ramsey, et al., (2005) who assessed et al, 1999a).
parameters of calcium metabolism in dogs with endogenous
hyperadrenocorticism. Total and ionized calcium concentrations Central Nervous System Function
were not different to a matched control group. Different from Glucocorticoids are involved in maintaining adequate blood glu-
humans and the study of Kovalik, et al, (2012), phosphate and cose concentrations for cerebral functions, maintaining cerebral
PTH concentrations were significantly higher. Approximately one blood flow, and influencing electrolyte balance in the central
third of the dogs had PTH concentrations greater than three times nervous system (CNS). They also decrease formation of cerebro-
the reference range. No explanation for the increased phosphate spinal fluid, appear to regulate neuronal excitation, and appear
concentrations could be given; it was assumed to play a role in the to have neuroprotective effects (Boothe and Mealey, 2012). In
increase in PTH concentrations (Ramsey et al, 2005). humans, glucocorticoid excess initially causes euphoria, and pro-
longed exposure may result in various psychologic abnormalities,
Renal Function including irritability, emotional lability, and depression; impair-
Glucocorticoids increase the glomerular filtration rate, sodium ment in cognitive functions is also common (Carroll et al, 2011).
transport in the proximal tubule, and free water clearance. They In dogs treated with glucocorticoids, euphoric effects are also
have an inhibitory effect on antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and commonly seen.
may decrease permeability of the distal tubules to water through a
direct effect (Boothe and Mealey, 2012). Cortisol and several syn- Blood Cells
thetic glucocorticoids have mineralocorticoid activity. Depending Glucocorticoids have only little effects on erythrocytes, although
on the concentration or dose and the activity of the 11β-HSD mild polycythemia may be seen. The underlying mechanism may
type 2, they act on the MR and cause sodium retention and potas- be glucocorticoid-induced enhancement of erythroid progenitor
sium loss. The polyuria and polydipsia commonly seen in dogs proliferation (von Lindern et al, 1999).
(infrequently in non-diabetic cats treated with glucocorticoids) is Endogenous or exogenous glucocorticoid excess may induce
considered to be mainly due to inhibition of ADH release and leukocytosis in dogs and cats. The leukogram (“stress leukogram”)
action. is characterized by mature neutrophilia, lymphopenia, and eosin-
openia. In dogs, monocytosis may be an additional finding, which
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions is usually not present in cats. The mature neutrophilia is due to
Glucocorticoids have positive inotrope and positive chronotropic several factors, such as increased release of neutrophils from bone
actions on the heart. Because glucocorticoids are necessary for marrow, shift of marginated neutrophils in the circulating neutro-
maximal catecholamine sensitivity, they contribute to the main- phil pool, and decreased movement of neutrophils from blood into
tenance of normal vascular tone. They decrease capillary perme- tissue. Lymphopenia is the result of a redistribution of circulating
ability through inhibition of the activity of kinins and bacterial lymphocytes; lysis of lymphocytes may occur with high doses of
endotoxins and by decreasing the amount of histamine released glucocorticoids. Eosinopenia is caused by inhibition of eosinophil
by basophils (Ferguson et al, 2009). Refractory shock may occur release from the bone marrow and sequestration of eosinophils
when individuals deficient in glucocorticoids are exposed to stress within tissues (Schultze, 2010; Valenciano et al, 2010). In dogs,
(Carroll et al, 2011). glucocorticoid excess may provoke thrombocytosis (Neel et al,
Glucocorticoid excess may lead to hypertension through vari- 2012); knowledge on potential glucocorticoid-induced thrombo-
ous mechanisms, such as their intrinsic mineralocorticoid activity, cytosis in cats is scarce.
activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; enhance-
ment of cardiovascular inotropic and pressor activity of vasoactive Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis
substances, including catecholamines, vasopressin and angioten- Glucocorticoids inhibit synthesis and secretion of ACTH from the
sin II; and suppression of the vasodilatory system, including the corticotropic cells in the anterior pituitary and of corticotropin-
nitric oxide (NO) synthase, prostacyclin and kinin-kallikrein sys- releasing hormone (CRH) and ADH from neurons in the hypo-
tems. The exact mechanisms in dogs and cats have not been elu- thalamus in a negative feedback fashion. Exogenous glucocorticoids
cidated (Reusch et al, 2010). The studies on the potential role of have profound effects on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal

(HPA) axis. Even “physiological” doses of glucocorticoids (0.22

Anti-Inflammatory and Immunosuppressive Effects
mg/kg prednisolone once daily) may result in suppression of
the HPA axis, which is reflected by reduced increase of cortisol Glucocorticoids suppress inflammatory and immune-mediated
after ACTH stimulation and lead to a reduction of the zona fas- responses of the body, and this fact has been the stimulus for the
ciculate and reticularis to the zona glomerulosa in the adrenal development of potent glucocorticoid preparations. The anti-
gland (Ferguson et al, 2009). Generally, the degree and dura- inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects only occur when
tion of suppression of the HPA axis depends on dose, potency, supraphysiological doses (i.e., pharmacological doses) are given.
half-life, and duration of administration of the glucocorticoid Both effects are closely related, and which of the two predomi-
preparation. HPA axis suppression can occur with any form of nates in a clinical situation is a question of the dose given. Many
glucocorticoid. Glucocorticoids possessing anti-inflammatory hundreds of glucocorticoid response genes have been identified.
effects but no suppressive effects on the HPA axis have not Additional to the genomic effects, rapid actions of glucocorti-
yet been identified (Ferguson et al, 2009). For more details on coids on inflammation are mediated by nongenomic mechanisms
HPA axis suppression, see the Adverse Effects section. (Rhen and Cidlowski, 2005). It is important to remember that
the encompassing properties render glucocorticoid therapy dan-
Thyroid Function gerous, because it can mask severity and progression of the disease
Glucocorticoids have a major impact on the hypothalamic pitu- and serious side effects may occur. Glucocorticoids limit early and
itary thyroid axis and also influence peripheral metabolism of thy- late manifestations of inflammation, including edema formation,
roid hormones. Main proposed mechanisms include inhibition of fibrin deposition, leukocyte migration, phagocytic activity, colla-
synthesis and release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (also known gen deposition, and capillary and fibroblast proliferation. Many of
as thyrotropin; TSH), decrease in thyroxine (T4) binding proteins, these processes involve lymphokines, and other soluble mediators
and impairment of peripheral 5′-deiodination. Studies in dogs do of inflammation and glucocorticoids exert their anti-inflamma-
not point as clearly to a suppressive effect on TSH secretion in tory effects through those mediators (Boothe and Mealey, 2012).
dogs as compared to humans. In dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, Generally, due to the fact that GR expression is ubiquitous, gluco-
reduced T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations were found corticoids can affect nearly all cells of the immune system. Glucocor-
in more than 50% of cases. The concentrations of both hormones ticoids inhibit proliferation, growth and differentiation, adhesion,
normalized during treatment of the hyperadrenocorticism. The migration, and chemotaxis of monocytes/macrophages, neutro-
T4 response after TSH administration was also reduced (Peter- phils, and T cells (Box 14-1). Antigen processing by monocytes/
son et al, 1984). TSH concentrations in dogs with hyperadreno- macrophages is suppressed, and antibody production by B cells may
corticism were not different from that of control dogs in another be impaired; apoptosis of monocytes/macrophages, T cells, and B
study (Meij et al, 1997). The effect of exogenous glucocorticoids cells is increased (Vollmar and Dingermann, 2005). Of note, B
on thyroid hormones has been evaluated in various studies. The
duration and extent of thyroid hormone suppression varies with
type, dose, and route of administration, and duration of therapy BOX 14-1    S
 elected Effects of Glucocorticoids
and is certainly also influenced by individual sensitivity. In dogs, on the Immune System
the application of immunosuppressive doses of prednisone/pred-
nisolone (1.1 to 2.0 mg/kg twice a day) for 3 weeks significantly Neutrophils
decreased T4; it also decreased free T4, albeit to a lesser extent. Neutrophilia
The effect on T4 was seen as early as 1 day after start of therapy. Depressed chemotaxis
Endogenous TSH concentrations were not affected (Torres et al, Depressed margination
1991; Daminet et al, 1999; Daminet and Ferguson, 2003). See Depressed phagocytosis
Chapter 3 for more details. Depressed antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
Depressed bactericidal activity
Growth Hormone and Gonadotropins Stabilization of membranes
Glucocorticoids decrease GH secretion, most likely by increas- Inhibition of phospholipase A2α
ing somatostatin release. Dogs with hyperadrenocorticism have
decreased response of GH after stimulation with xylazine, clonidine,
Depressed chemotaxis
and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) (Frank, 2005).
Depressed phagocytosis
Exogenous glucocorticoid excess presumably has the same effect.
Depressed bactericidal activity
Hyperadrenocorticism is also frequently associated with repro-
Depressed IL-1 and IL-6 production
ductive disturbances, such as testicular atrophy, reduced libido,
Depressed antigen processing
and persistent anestrus. Similarly, exogenous glucocorticoid
(prednisone) leads to a decrease in circulating testosterone con- Lymphocytes
centrations in male dogs. Prednisone treatment also resulted in a Depressed proliferation
reduction of basal luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration, which Depressed T-cell responses
suggested that glucocorticoids inhibit the gonadal axis at the hypo- Impaired T-cell mediated cytotoxicity
thalamic or pituitary level (Kemppainen et al, 1983; Kemppainen, Depressed IL-2 production
1984). Interestingly, however, basal LH concentrations in dogs Depressed lymphokine production
with hyperadrenocorticism were not different from controls. It was Immunoglobulins
hypothesized that glucocorticoids have a direct inhibitory effect Decreased antibody synthesis only after high dose, long-term therapy
on gonads and/or on transport and metabolism of their secretory Interference with antibody function
products and influence the sensitivity of the feedback control at
the hypothalamic/pituitary level (Meij et al, 1997). Glucocorticoid Modified from Tizard IR, Veterinary immunology, ed 9, St Louis, 2013, Elsevier.
administration to pregnant dogs may lead to abortion. IL, Interleukin.
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 563

cells are thought to have greater resistance to the effects of gluco- from plasma, whereas the biological half-life refers to the dura-
corticoids, although the inhibition of T-cell help will have indirect tion of effect. The biologic half-life of glucocorticoids is dispa-
consequences for B-cell activation. Glucocorticoids may inhibit the rate, because many of the biological effects are due to alterations
action of complement molecules and interfere with the function in genetic regulation of protein production; biological effects are
of immunoglobulins by down-regulation of Fc receptor expression delayed and prolonged compared to the drug concentration in
(Day, 2011). Usually, high doses of glucocorticoid are required to plasma (Cohn, 2010). It is the biological half-life that needs to
suppress antibody production, and therapeutic doses do not signifi- be considered when a treatment protocol is established. Gluco-
cantly decrease the antibody response to an antigenic challenge (e.g., corticoids are usually divided into three groups according to the
vaccinations; Boothe and Mealey, 2012; Tizard, 2013). duration of HPA axis suppression. Cortisol (hydrocortisone)
Inflammatory and immunologic reactions are mediated by various and cortisone are considered short-acting (biologic half-life < 12
signaling pathways. The pathways that are associated with the activa- hours); prednisolone, prednisone, methylprednisolone, and tri-
tion of NF-κB are of particular importance (Fig. 14-5). In its inactive amcinolone are intermediate-acting (biologic half-life 12 to
state, NF-κB is sequestered in the cytoplasm by the inhibitory factor 36 hours); and dexamethasone and betamethasone are long-acting
IκB-α. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin-1 (IL-1), drugs (biologic half-life 36 to 72 hours) (see Table 14-1). Duration
microbial pathogens, viral infections, and other inflammatory signals of action is influenced by factors such as route of administration,
trigger signaling cascades that activate IκB-α kinases, resulting in libe­ the preparation used (e.g., soluble or insoluble steroid ester), and
ration and translocation of NF-κB into the nucleus. NF-κB stimu- other variables, such as health of the patient and concurrent use
lates the transcription of cytokines (e.g., IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and TNFα), of other drugs.
chemokines (e.g., IL-8, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 [MCP-1]),
cell-adhesion molecules, complement factors, and receptors for these Route of Administration
molecules. After binding to its receptor, glucocorticoids inhibit NF-κB
by direct protein-protein interaction; glucocorticoids also induce the Glucocorticoids of varying potency are available in oral, paren-
synthesis of IκB-α, thereby inhibiting translocation of NF-κB into the teral, and topical formulations.
nucleus (Rhen and Cidlowksi, 2005; Steinfelder and Oetjen, 2009;
see also Oral
Similar to NF-κB, the transcription factor AP-1 is one of the Cortisol (hydrocortisone) and synthetic glucocorticoids are
key mediators of the inflammatory response; AP-1 is inhibited by orally effective, and oral administration is the preferred route
glucocorticoids as well (Busillo and Cidlowski, 2013). NF-κB also for systemic application (except in emergency situations). It is
induces the transcription of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), an enzyme the safest, most convenient, and most economical route. The
that is essential for prostaglandin production; glucocorticoids main disadvantages and limitations of the oral route include
inhibit COX2 through inhibition of NF-κB. Other mechanisms vomiting as a result of irritation of the gastric mucosa, variable
by which glucocorticoids inhibit prostaglandin synthesis are medi- absorption due to many factors (gastrointestinal disease, local
ated through induction and activation of annexin I (also called blood flow, and/or presence of food or other drugs), and the
lipocortin-1) and through induction of mitogen-activated protein need for cooperation of the pet. The oral bioavailability differs
kinase (MAPK) phosphatase 1. Annexin I is an anti-inflammatory between glucocorticoids; it is generally highest for cortisol,
protein that inhibits phospholipase A2α, thereby blocking the release prednisolone, and methylprednisolone and lower for dexa-
of arachidonic acid and its subsequent conversion to eicosanoids. methasone. Triamcinolone and budesonide have a very low oral
Phospholipase A2α is also inhibited by MAPK phosphatase 1. bioavailability; in the case of budesonide, the low bioavailability
MAPKs are pivotal in the regulation of immune responses; they are is a desired effect because it is designed for local application
involved in the production of inflammatory mediators (e.g., TNFα, (e.g., for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]).
IL-1, IL-6, prostaglandin, NO, and inducible nitric-oxide synthase) Previously, it had been thought that prednisolone and the pro-
and in T-cell development and function. Removal of the phospha- drug prednisone are equivalent in terms of dosing when used as
tases (which is induced by glucocorticoids) renders MAPK inac- oral drugs. However, this belief does not seem to be correct. It
tive (Rhen and Cidlowski, 2005; Liu et al, 2007). Glucocorticoids was shown in cats that only 21% of orally-administered predni-
reduce local inflammation by preventing the actions of histamine sone appeared in the blood as active prednisolone. It is not clear if
and plasminogen activators (Stewart and Krone, 2011). In summary, the differences are due to decreased gastrointestinal absorption or
the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of gluco- to decreased hepatic conversion of prednisone to prednisolone
corticoids are attributed to partial or complete suppression of an (Graham-Mize and Rosser, 2004). According to these data, the
extremely complex interplay of cells and cell mediators. The potent dose of prednisone must be three- to fivefold higher than that of
effects of glucocorticoids on leukocytes are responsible for most of prednisolone to achieve equivalent activity (Boothe and Mealey,
the anti-inflammatory activity. These effects are also immunosup- 2012). Because prednisone is commonly used in cats, its poor
pressive, which explains their efficacy in immune-mediated disease. absorption (or poor conversion) may contribute to the perceived
It should be remembered, however, that glucocorticoids can lead to glucocorticoid resistance in cats (Lowe et al, 2008a). Also in dogs,
an increased susceptibility to infection (Papich and Davis, 1989). oral administration of prednisone may not result in systemic predni­
solone concentrations, which are achieved with oral prednisolone.
The relative bioavailability of prednisolone was only 65% when
prednisone was administered compared to the administration of
prednisolone (Boothe and Mealey, 2012). These data suggest that
prednisolone should be preferred over prednisone.
Duration of Action
A distinction has to be made between plasma half-life and bio- Parenteral
logical half-life of glucocorticoids. Plasma half-life is the amount Most glucocorticoids for parenteral use are synthesized as glu-
of time required for 50% of a drug’s concentration to disappear cocorticoid esters, which either improves solubility or increases


Cell membrane

Cytokine receptor



IKBa Glucocorticoid
IKBa receptor

p50 p65

NF-KB p50 p65




p50 p65

Glucocorticoid Coding
response element sequence

IKBa-gene Proinflammatory

FIGURE 14-5 Inhibition of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells
(NF-κB) by glucocorticoids. NF-κB is a dimer and consists of two subunits (p50, p65). In its inactive state, it is
sequestered in the cytoplasm by the inhibitory factor IκB-α. Upon stimulation by, for example, cytokines NF-κB is
released and translocates into the nucleus. After binding to specific DNA sites, NF-κB increases the transcription
of target genes, which include genes of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, cell adhesion molecules, comple-
ment factors, immunoreceptors, and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2). Glucocorticoids inhibit NF-κB after their binding to
the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) through direct protein-protein interaction between the GR and the p65 subunit.
Glucocorticoids can also stimulate the transcription of the IκB-α gen, thereby augmenting the inhibition of NF-κB.
Inhibition of NF-κB is one of the major mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect of
glucocorticoids. (Redrawn from Steinfelder HJ, Oetjen E: Nebennierenrindenhormone. In Aktories K, Foerstermann U,
Hofmann F, Starke K, editors: Allgemeine und Spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, ed 10, 2009, Elsevier Urban
& Fischer.) mRNA, Messenger ribonucleic acid.
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 565



Intravenous (IV) Absorption circumvented Valuable for emergency use Increased risk of adverse effects
Potentially immediate effects Permits titration of dosage Must inject solutions slowly as a rule
Suitable for large volumes and for Not suitable for oily solutions or insoluble substances
irritating substances when diluted
Subcutaneous (SC) Prompt, from aqueous solution Suitable for some insoluble suspensions Not suitable for large volumes
Slow and sustained, from repository and for implantation of solid pellets Possible pain or necrosis from irritating substances
Intramuscular (IM) Prompt, from aqueous solution Suitable for moderate volumes, oily Precluded during anticoagulant medication
Slow and sustained, from repository vehicles, and some irritating substances May interfere with interpretation of certain diagnostic
preparations tests (e.g., creatine phosphokinase)
Oral ingestion Variable, depends upon many Most convenient and economical; Requires patient cooperation
factors (see text) usually safer than other routes Absorption potentially erratic and incomplete for drugs
that are poorly soluble, slowly absorbed, or unstable

duration of action. Water-soluble esters of cortisol and synthetic binding capacity. Albumin, on the other hand, has a low affinity but
glucocorticoids can be given intravenously to achieve high con- large binding capacity. Glucocorticoids compete with one another
centrations rapidly. Prolonged effects are obtained by intramus- for binding sites and will displace one another at high concentra-
cular (IM) injection of water-insoluble esters (suspensions) of tions (Boothe and Mealey, 2012). Compared to cortisol, binding
cortisol and its synthetic derivatives (see later). Injection of drugs to CBP is less for synthetic glucocorticoids; they are mainly bound
has certain advantages over oral administration. Absorption is to albumin or circulate as free hormones, thereby diffusing more
usually more predictable than oral application, and therefore, the readily into tissues. Glucocorticoids distribute widely in all tissues
effective dose can be accurately selected. In particular, intravenous of the body, and they pass the blood brain and placental barrier.
(IV) administration circumvents absorption issues and permits Glucocorticoids are metabolized in the liver and to a lesser extent
titration of dose. It also allows the administration of large vol- in the kidney; synthetic drugs are metabolized slower than cortisol.
umes. Disadvantages include the need for asepsis, possible pain Metabolism is by oxidation or reduction followed by glucuronida-
and necrosis, and costs. See Table 14-2 for some characteristics of tion or sulfation, and excretion of the metabolites is mainly via the
the major routes of glucocorticoids. kidney. Only small amounts of glucocorticoids are excreted in the
unmodified form. Biliary and fecal elimination do not appear to
Topical be significant; enterohepatic cycling takes place to a small extent
Topical steroids for dermatological indications are available in (Ungemach, 2010; Boothe and Mealey, 2012).
ointments, creams, gels, solutions, shampoos, and rinses. Glu- Synthetic steroids with an 11-ketogroup, such as cortisone and
cocorticoids for ophthalmological indications come as eye drops prednisolone, must be enzymatically reduced to the 11-β-hydroxy
(aqueous solutions and suspensions) and ointments; intra-articular derivative before they become biologically active. The enzyme 11β-
application is usually in form of crystal suspensions. Glucocor- HSD type 1, which catalyzes this reaction, is expressed mainly in
ticoids are also used as inhalants in patients with lung disease. the liver but also in other tissues, including adipose tissue, immune
Topical therapy can provide high concentrations of a potent glu- system cells, and brain tissue. Similarly, also in natural situations, this
cocorticoid at a specific site while reducing systemic side effects. enzyme generates active (endogenous) cortisol from inactive (endog-
However, topical glucocorticoids can be absorbed to a certain enous) cortisone. The isoform 11β-HSD type 2 is predominantly
extent, exerting the same adverse reaction as systemically admin- expressed in classic mineralocorticoid targets, such as distal nephron,
istered steroids. The extent of percutaneous absorption depends salivary glands, colon, and placenta. It inactivates cortisol by mediat-
on various factors, including the preparation vehicle, ester form of ing the conversion to inactive cortisone and thereby ensures that only
the steroid (greater lipid solubility enhances percutaneous absorp- aldosterone binds to the MR (Chapman et al, 2013; Fig. 14-6).
tion), integrity of epidermal barriers (e.g., absorption is increased
in case of inflammation), size of treated area, and duration of treat- Dose Equivalents of Glucocorticoids
ment. Absorption is enhanced by use of occlusive wraps and possi-
bly by clipping the skin (Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997; Boothe The glucocorticoid activity is closely related to the anti-inflam-
and Mealey, 2012). Systemic effects (e.g., suppression of the HPA matory activity, and the effective anti-inflammatory time usually
axis) may also occur with inhaled glucocorticoids and in conjunc- equals the time of HPA axis suppression (Ferguson et al, 2009).
tion with intra-articular, intra-lesional, or ocular application. The anti-inflammatory and mineralocorticoid activities of corti-
sol (hydrocortisone) are used as a baseline for comparison with
the synthetic glucocorticoids and are arbitrarily assigned as being
Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion
1. Chemical modifications have generated glucocorticoids with
After absorption, cortisol and synthetic glucocorticoids are bound greater glucocorticoid/anti-inflammatory activity and less miner-
to corticosteroid binding protein (CBP, also called transcortin) and alocorticoid activity. Some derivatives (e.g., triamcinolone, dexa-
albumin. Only the unbound, free fraction of glucocorticoids is methasone) have no or negligible mineralocorticoid effects even
active and can enter cells. CBP is α-globulin secreted by the liver, at high doses. Increased anti-inflammatory potency is also associ-
which has a high affinity for glucocorticoids but a relatively low ated with longer duration of action. The latter can be prolonged

FIGURE 14-6 Interconversion of cortisol and

cortisone by 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
(11β-HSD) type 1 and 2. Similar to the conver-
sion of cortisone to cortisol, prednisone has
to be converted to prednisolone to be able to
bind to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). NAD+,
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADH, nico-
tinamide adenine dinucleotide plus hydrogen;
NADP+, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine di-
nucleotide phosphate plus hydrogen.

substantially by esterification. See the Chemistry of Glucocorti- kind of ester at C-21 of the glucocorticoid base determine to a
coids and Structure-Activity Relationship section and Box 14-1 large extent the lipid/water solubility ratio and the duration of
for more details; the effects of esterification are discussed later. action (Ferguson et al, 2009). The ester moiety also determines if
There is a general belief that there are no relevant qualitative dif- the drug can be given intravenously, intramuscularly, or topically
ferences between the various glucocorticoid preparations because (Fig. 14-7; Table 14-3). Glucocorticoid preparations for oral use
they all bind to the GR. Equipotent amounts of any glucocorticoid are either free alcohols or they are esterified; however, in this case,
exert similar effects, meaning that a higher dose of a less potent esterification does not impair bioavailability.
glucocorticoid can achieve the same effect as a lower dose of a more For parenteral application, three galenic formulations are
potent preparation (Cohn, 2010). When choosing a treatment available.
protocol, the veterinarian has to be aware of the equivalent doses
of glucocorticoids. Failure to make dose adjustments for different Water-Soluble Ester (Aqueous Solutions)
glucocorticoids will result in the administration of inadequate or The most commonly used esters are succinate, hemisuccinate,
excessive doses, leading to either inefficacy or dangerous overdose. and phosphate; common formulations are hydrocortisone sodium
For instance, a dose of 1 mg/kg prednisolone in a dog is a reason- succinate, prednisolone sodium succinate, prednisolone sodium
able anti-inflammatory dose; the equivalent dose of dexamethasone phosphate, methylprednisolone sodium phosphate, and dexa-
is only approximately 0.14 mg/kg (Calvert and Cornelius, 1990a). methasone sodium phosphate. Those esters are hydrolyzed within
Generally, the anti-inflammatory dose is considered to be approxi- minutes, resulting in immediate availability of the glucocorticoid.
mately 10 times the physiological dose, and immunosuppressive They can be administered intravenously, as well as intramuscularly
doses are roughly twice the anti-inflammatory dose. In contrast to and subcutaneously. These characteristics render them ideal for
the aforementioned belief of equal effects, it is possible that there emergency situations. The duration of action of these esterified
are indeed some qualitative differences between the various syn- glucocorticoids is equivalent to that of the unmodified glucocor-
thetic steroids. In an in vitro model, it was shown that dexametha- ticoid (Cohn, 2010).
sone was more effective than prednisone and cortisol in inhibiting
the clearance of immunoglobulin G (IgG)-coated cells by its effect Free Alcohol Solutions
on Fc receptors of splenic macrophages (Ruiz et al, 1991). In These preparations are unique to veterinary medicine as dexa-
healthy cats, dexamethasone showed a greater diabetogenic effect methasone solutions. Dexamethasone is poorly soluble in water,
than equipotent doses of prednisolone (Lowe et al, 2009). but it is available as an injectable preparation in solution with
polyethylene glycol. The glucocorticoid is released within minutes
to a few hours. Free alcohol solutions can be administered intra-
Galenic Formulations and Steroid Esters
muscularly as well as intravenously. IV application, however, may
Water solubility of glucocorticoids is generally low and can be be associated with CNS side effects. If IV application of larger
altered by pharmaceutical manipulations. Esterification and the doses is required, water soluble esters should be used.
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 567

C CH2 CH2 C O Na Sodium succinate
P O Na
Sodium phosphate
CH3 Acetate
Acetonide FIGURE 14-7 Esters of glucocorticoids. Gluco-
corticoid structure illustrating various esters that
may bind to C-21.

TABLE 14-3   D

Sodium succinate Minutes to hours Hours Hydrocortisone, prednisolone, prednisone, methylprednisolone,
dexamethasone, betamethasone
Sodium phosphate
Acetate Days to weeks Days to weeks Methylprednisolone, triamcinolone, betamethasone
Acetonide Weeks Weeks Triamcinolone

Insoluble Steroid Ester (Suspensions) cats and cats that live outdoors and are only seen occasion-
Suspensions can be administered intramuscularly, intra-articu- ally by their owners. The same anti-inflammatory effects can
larly, and intralesionally. They are not to be given intravenously. be achieved with much shorter acting oral preparations. Use
They are used as depot preparation because of their slow release of short-acting drugs allows the dose to be altered as needed
of the active glucocorticoid from the site of administration. and helps to minimize HPA axis suppression and other adverse
They provide long-term, low level therapy and are not indi- effects (Feldman and Nelson, 2004).
cated in situations in which a quick effect and high blood lev-
els are needed (Feldman and Nelson, 2004). The duration of
Combination Products
action depends on the extent of water-solubility. Water solubil-
ity of acetate and diacetate esters is moderate and duration of Combination products between glucocorticoids and other phar-
action ranges from days to weeks. Pivalate, dipropionate, and maceutical products (e.g., antibiotics) are available. However, their
acetonide esters are the least water soluble and have duration use is associated with various problems, such as dose discrepancies
of actions of several weeks. It is of utmost importance to real- and variable duration of effects of the constituent drugs. Dose
ize that glucocorticoid preparations esterified with those esters discrepancy means that administrations based on recommended
do not compare with the native base with regard to duration dose for one of the drugs may result in underdosing or overdos-
of effect. For instance, the duration of effect of methylpred- ing of the other drug in the product. The use of those drugs is
nisolone is 12 to 36 hours; the duration of methylprednisolone discouraged.
acetate, however, is 3 to 6 weeks (Cohn et al, 2010). The major
advantage of the suspensions is convenience of administration.
However, they have major disadvantages, such as unpredictabil-
ity of blood concentrations, long-term suppression of the HPA
axis (may be up to several months after a single dose), pos-
Goals and General Guidelines
sible induction of glucocorticoid resistance, and the fact that
the drug cannot be withdrawn in case adverse reactions occur Except in case of physiological replacement, therapy with gluco-
(Boothe and Mealey, 2012). Steroid suspensions should be corticoids is not directed at the inciting agent. Glucocorticoids
handled with care, and the guidelines of the manufacturer with are used to reduce the processes that are activated in response to
regard to storage temperature and shelf life should be followed. a disease (Boothe and Mealey, 2012). Oftentimes, glucocorti-
The steroid suspensions represent some of the most abused and coids are applied, although there is no indication or even a clear
overused drugs in veterinary medicine. Other than for intra- contraindication in higher than recommended doses and/or as
lesional and intra-articular therapy, those long-acting prepa- depot preparations that lead to long-term suppression of the
rations are hardly ever needed. The exceptions are fractious HPA axis. The goal is to bring the disease process under control

with the lowest dose necessary. In serious conditions, initial IV increased two to five times in case of moderate stress, and five
application may be required. For this purpose, water-soluble to twenty times in case of severe stress (e.g., surgery) (Ferguson
ester preparations should be used. Thereafter, treatment should et al, 2009). See Chapter 12 for more details.
be continued with oral glucocorticoids (e.g., prednisolone). Par-
enteral use of depot preparations (insoluble steroid esters) should Anti-Inflammatory Therapy
only be used in exceptional cases (i.e., if application of shorter
acting steroids is not possible [fractious cats]). After achieving Inflammatory and allergic disorders are the most common rea-
disease remission, the latter should be maintained with the low- sons for the use of glucocorticoids. If no specific treatment can
est possible dose; alternate-day regimens using oral predniso- be initiated or is insufficient, glucocorticoids can help to com-
lone should be used whenever indicated. Cats have fewer GRs bat the clinical signs. However, there is a great potential for
than dogs and require higher doses. For the discussion on the misuse in this category. If an infectious disease goes unnoticed,
preferred use of prednisolone over prednisone, see the Route of the use of glucocorticoids may have deleterious effects because
Administration section. the disease can progress and the outcome can potentially be
Generally, given dose ranges should be regarded as approxi- fatal. Due to the general effects of glucocorticoids (e.g., reduc-
mate guidelines, because glucocorticoid sensitivity differs tion of fever, stimulation of appetite, feeling of euphoria, and
between individuals. Frequent reevaluations of patients treated suppression of the clinical signs of inflammation), the clini-
with glucocorticoids are of utmost importance. It is the predom- cian may have the impression of improvement, while in fact
inant opinion that cats require higher doses of glucocorticoids the disease is worsening (Cohn, 2010). Calvert and Cornelius
than dogs. This belief is supported by a study demonstrating (1990b) described this as, “When glucocorticoids are mis-
that cats have approximately half the density of GRs in skin used, the patient may walk all the way to the necropsy labora-
and liver as compared to dogs, and the receptors have lower tory.” There are a few exceptions, as in some infectious diseases
binding affinity (van den Broek and Stafford, 1992; Lowe et al, (e.g., bacterial or Malassezia-induced otitis externa or severe
2008a). Physiological effects of glucocorticoids occur at much ehrlichiosis), the concurrent administration of glucocorticoids
lower doses than do anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive may have beneficial effects. It is understood that in the latter
doses (see Dose Equivalents of Glucocorticoids). Before initiat- disease the application should be limited to a few days (2 to 7
ing glucocorticoid therapy, the clinician should identify the goal days) (Cohn, 2003; Rougier et al, 2005; Bensignor and Gran-
(e.g., physiological replacement, suppression of inflammation, demange, 2006). Generally, before using glucocorticoids for
suppression of the immune system, or other actions like in neu- their anti-inflammatory effects, information regarding specific
rological or neoplastic disorders) (Cohn, 2010). Other questions conditions should be reviewed.
that should be answered prior to glucocorticoid therapy are (Fer- Except in emergency cases (e.g., acute bronchial disease)
guson et al, 2009):
   in which IV administration of sodium succinate or sodium
• Has an exact diagnosis been made and specific treatment been phosphate esters of prednisolone or methylprednisolone is
initiated? indicated, oral prednisolone is usually the treatment of choice.
• Have other types of treatment been explored to minimize glu- In dogs, the anti-inflammatory dose of prednisolone is 0.5 to
cocorticoid dose and side effects? 1.0 mg/kg per day. In cats, it is usually recommended to give
• Are there contraindications or known risk factors? twice the dose of dogs (e.g., 1.0 to 2.0 mg/kg) (Lowe et al,
• How serious is the disease? 2008a; Cohn, 2010). As soon as clinical signs of inflammation
• What is the anticipated length of glucocorticoid therapy? are under control, the dose should be reduced to the lowest
necessary concentration. The induction period usually ranges
between 5 and 7 days (Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997). Pred-
Physiological Replacement Therapy
nisolone (or methylprednisolone) enables accurate dose titra-
Animals with primary or secondary adrenocortical insufficiency tion and the possibility of withdrawal in case of adverse effect.
require replacement of glucocorticoids. In case of primary It is also the glucocorticoid that can be most appropriately used
disease (Addison's disease), the majority of patients also need every other day after remission is achieved, thereby allowing
mineralocorticoid replacement. Replacement means to provide the HPA axis to recover to a certain extent (Boothe and Mealey,
glucocorticoids in amounts similar to those of the naturally 2012). There is some controversy as to whether the daily dose
produced glucocorticoids (mainly cortisol). Ideal replacement of prednisolone should be given at once or divided twice daily.
mimics the hormonal output of the adrenal gland under basal As studies supporting either frequency are lacking, once-daily
conditions, which is roughly 1 mg/kg cortisol per day in dogs dosing seems reasonable—in particular in animals that are dif-
and cats. Dose increase is needed in times of stress (Ferguson ficult to medicate (Lowe et al, 2008a).
et al, 2009). A perfect replacement is difficult to reach because Topical instead of systemic glucocorticoids may be use-
of the dynamic function of the adrenal gland with minute-to- ful in inflammatory conditions of the eye, skin, respiratory
minute adaption of cortisol secretion according to the actual tract, gastrointestinal tract, and joints. Topical steroids reduce
requirement. Prednisolone is the glucocorticoid preparation inflammation by their local activity while minimizing systemic
most commonly used for replacement therapy in a dose of effects. Newer generation glucocorticoids (also called “soft
0.1 to 0.25 mg/kg once daily. Glucocorticoid sensitivity varies glucocorticoids”) were designed specifically for topical use in
widely between individuals, and therefore, replacement doses humans, and some of them have also been investigated in small
have to be curtailed to the patient's need. In some dogs in animals. Inhalant glucocorticoids are used in nebulizers or
which the mineralocorticoid deficiency is replaced by fludro- metered dose inhaler (MDI) in patients with chronic inflam-
cortisone (which also has glucocorticoid activity), additional matory airway inflammation. They have relatively low systemic
prednisolone may not be required under normal conditions. bioavailability because of their poor absorption and extensive
During times of stress, the need for glucocorticoid activity first-pass metabolism in the liver into inactive metabolites.
increases. As a rough guideline, the replacement dose should be Examples are fluticasone and budesonide; their local potencies
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 569

are extremely high. In the case of budesonide, the potency immunosuppressive agents may have steroid-sparing effects and
compared to cortisol is 60, that of fluticasone is 540 (Viviano, may allow disease control at lower glucocorticoid doses and faster
2013). Both have been successfully used as inhaled glucocor- tapering of the dose (Cohn, 2010).
ticoids in dogs and cats (Bexfield et al, 2006; Padrid, 2006;
Cohn et al, 2010; Galler et al, 2013). Budesonide is also avail- Antineoplastic Therapy
able as an oral drug and exerts its inflammatory action locally
in the intestinal tract. It is mainly used to treat IBD in dogs Prednisolone is often included in combination chemotherapy
(Dye et al, 2013; Pietra et al, 2013). Mometasone is a potent protocols for their cytotoxic activity. Additional desired effects
topical glucocorticoid with low systemic effects designed for of prednisolone are reduction of edema and inflammation,
use in dermatological diseases; it is 25 times more potent than appetite-stimulations, and decrease of nausea and vomiting.
cortisol (Mendelsohn, 2009). Oral prednisolone is also used for alleviation of chronic cancer
pain; the recommended dose in dogs is 0.25 to 1.0 mg/kg, and
for cats it is 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg (Mealey et al, 2003; Lascelles,
Immunosuppressive Therapy
2013). Interestingly, in dogs with multicentric lymphoma
Glucocorticoids are considered the initial first-line therapy in using a multidrug protocol, the benefit of prednisolone with
various immune-mediated diseases, including immune-medi- regard to outcome was recently questioned (Zandvliet et al,
ated hemolytic anemia, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, 2013). In case of financial or other restrictions, prednisone/
immune-mediated polyarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, prednisolone (initial dose, 2 mg/kg) is sometimes used as a
and pemphigus complex. They are also used to prevent organ single agent in lymphoma cases with a possible tumor control
rejection after transplantation and to reduce immunological of 1 to 2 months. Besides the short remission period, other dis-
reactions associated with some infectious diseases, such as feline advantages include serious side effects and the potential induc-
infectious peritonitis (FIP) and ehrlichiosis (Cohn, 2003; Greg- tion of multidrug resistance. The latter would limit the success
ory et al, 2006; Case et al, 2007; Addie et al, 2009; Hopper et al, of more aggressive drug therapy in case the owner changes his
2012). It should be noted, however, that treatment protocols for or her mind (Chun, 2009; Vail et al, 2013). Besides the poten-
small animals are mostly empirical and adapted from human tial risk of decreased response to later chemotherapy, glucocor-
medicine. Rigorous evaluations by randomized double-blinded ticoids induce apoptosis of neoplastic lymphocytes and may
placebo-controlled trials have not been performed (Whitley and interfere with the diagnosis; they should therefore only be used
Day, 2011). after the diagnosis has been made.
The goal of immune-suppressive therapy is to achieve disease Glucocorticoids may also be used in patients with hypercalce-
remission quickly, which usually requires high doses; thereafter, mia of malignancy (see Chapter 15) and to increase blood glucose
the dose is tapered slowly to the lowest level that will maintain concentrations in cases with insulinoma (see Chapter 9).
remission. Oral application of prednisolone is the preferred
modality. In acute or emergency situations, IV application of Shock
water-soluble esters of prednisolone or methylprednisolone may
be indicated. Depot preparations do not allow dose adjustments The use of high-dose glucocorticoid therapy for shock has fallen
and should not be used. The initial oral dose of prednisolone repeatedly in and out of favor (Cohn, 2010). Different from the
typically is 2 to 4 mg/kg in dogs and 2 to 8 mg/kg in cats per past, high-dose glucocorticoids are nowadays mentioned only in
day (Cohn, 1997; 2010; Lowe et al, 2008a). The dose is usu- the treatment protocols of anaphylactic shock. In humans, epi-
ally divided twice daily, based on the belief that this division nephrine is the first line treatment with a rapid onset of action;
will decrease gastrointestinal side effects. Generally, larger dogs and although glucocorticoids are often used, their onset of action
should be treated with the lower end of the dose range (Cohn, is considered quite slow (Lieberman, 2014). A systemic review
2010). In the opinion of the author, the high-end dose in cats of databases failed to identify adequately designed studies, and
should be used with great caution. The recommendation may no relevant evidence for the use of glucocorticoids was found.
in part be based on the frequent use of prednisone instead of The authors were therefore unable to make any recommenda-
prednisolone. As mentioned earlier, it is now known that only tions for the use of glucocorticoids in the treatment of anaphy-
a small part of oral prednisone appears as prednisolone in the laxis in humans (Choo et al, 2013). Similarly, in dogs and cats,
systemic circulation in cats (Graham-Mize and Rosser, 2004). epinephrine is the drug of choice for treatment of anaphylaxis
Some clinicians prefer to use dexamethasone for the first few (Shmuel and Cortes, 2013). Glucocorticoids continue to be fre-
doses and thereafter switch to oral prednisolone. There are no quently used in small animals with anaphylaxis; however, as in
controlled clinical studies to confirm any advantage of this humans, no studies support their benefit. Of note, glucocorticoids
approach. In one experimental study, dexamethasone was more themselves may cause allergic reaction and even anaphylaxis. The
effective than prednisone and cortisol in inhibiting the clearance application of methylprednisolone sodium succinate 30 mg/kg
of IgG-coated cells (Ruiz et al, 1991) (see Dose Equivalents of intravenously is commonly mentioned for cases with anaphylactic
Glucocorticoids). shock (Dowling, 2009).
If dexamethasone is used, equipotent doses have to be calcu- In humans with septic shock, relative adrenal insufficiency
lated (e.g., 2 mg/kg prednisolone equals approximately 0.3 mg/kg may be present and low-dose glucocorticoid therapy for a few
dexamethasone). High doses of prednisolone are continued for days appeared to be safe and may have some benefit for shock
several days after remission is achieved; usually, high doses are reversal and short-term survival (Annane et al, 2009; Sligl et al,
needed for 1 to 4 weeks. 2009). Although relative adrenal insufficiency may also exist in
Thereafter, the dose should be tapered slowly over many weeks dogs and cats, no clinical studies have investigated the use of low-
to months (see Glucocorticoid Reduction Protocol). Adverse dose glucocorticoid therapy in cases with septic shock. The results
effects are commonly seen with immunosuppressive doses, and of one experimental study using low-dose corticosteroids showed
the owner has to be warned about them. The addition of other beneficial effects in dogs with severe sepsis; however, results also

pointed to reduced bacterial clearance even with short term treat- TABLE 14-4   POTENTIAL DRUG
ment (Hicks et al, 2012). Therefore, no recommendation can be INTERACTIONS OF
made for the application of glucocorticoids in septic shock. They GLUCOCORTICOIDS
should only be used at low doses, if at all, under close monitoring
Antacids Reduced oral glucocorticoid absorption
Neurological Diseases Anticholinesterase agents Muscle weakness
Previously, glucocorticoids were advocated for the treatment of Aspirin (salicylates) Reduced salicylate blood levels
traumatic brain injury on the basis that they decreased brain Cyclophosphamide Inhibition of hepatic metabolism of
edema. However, in humans, high-dose methylprednisolone was cyclophosphamide
associated with an increase in mortality. Their use in humans
as well as in small animals with brain injury is no longer rec- Cyclosporine Increase blood levels of each, by inhibiting
ommended (DiFazio and Fletcher, 2013). In acute spinal cord hepatic metabolism of each other
injury, methylprednisolone is considered to reveal free radical- Digoxin Secondary to hypokalemia, increased risk
scavenging effects, which other glucocorticoids are lacking. It is for arrhythmias
suggested that methylprednisolone has a positive effect if admin- Diuretics (furosemide, Increased risk of hypokalemia
istered within 8 hours of the time of insult. Suggested initial thiazides)
dose of methylprednisolone sodium succinate is 30 mg/kg fol-
Ephedrine Increased metabolism of glucocorticoids
lowed by repeated boluses of 15 mg/kg at 2 and 6 hours, then
every 8 hours up to 48 hours after the trauma (Park et al, 2012). Estrogens Potentiation of glucocorticoid effect
However, these doses are enormous and have the potential of Insulin Decreased insulin effect
serious side effects (e.g., gastrointestinal ulceration, immuno- Ketoconazole Decreased metabolism of glucocorticoids
suppression, and impaired wound healing). Sound data to sup-
port the use of this protocol is lacking in small animals, and its Macrolide antibiotics (eryth- Decreased metabolism of glucocorticoids
use in acute spinal cord injury is currently controversial (Park romycin, clarithromycin)
et al, 2012). Nonsteroidal anti-­ Increased risk of gastric ulceration
inflammatory drugs
Phenobarbital Increased metabolism of glucocorticoids
Adverse effects are common with glucocorticoid therapy, in
Phenytoin Increased metabolism of glucocorticoids
particular if the protocol includes high doses and/or long-term
application. Severely reduced quality of life and even fatal out- Rifampin Increased metabolism of glucocorticoids
comes are possible. On the other hand, glucocorticoids may be Vaccines Immunosuppressive doses of glucocorti-
life-saving and have major therapeutic benefits when used ade- coids may augment virus replication,
quately. As with any therapy, benefits must be weighed against avoid live-attenuated vaccines
potential adverse effects. Glucocorticoids can also alter the effec-
tiveness or toxicity of other drugs. One of the most important Modified from Plumb DC, editor: Plumb’s veterinary drug handbook, ed 7, Ames, IA, 2011,
examples is the substantially increased risk of gastric ulceration
when glucocorticoids are co-administered with non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agents (Table 14-4). Numerous adverse effects be seen either as a short- or long-term effect. Resolution of
may occur; the most important ones are discussed in the follow- those signs takes considerably longer than cessation of polyuria,
ing section. polydipsia, polyphagia, and panting. Improvement may be seen
within a few weeks; however, depending on severity, resolution
Iatrogenic Hyperadrenocorticism may take up to 6 months or longer. Resolution may not always
be complete; for instance, persistence of calcinosis cutis and of
In a significant percentage of dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, pulmonary mineralization has been reported, and there may be
the disease is in fact caused by exogenous glucocorticoids. Clini- color change in new hair growth (Huang et al, 1999; Blois et al,
cal signs and laboratory abnormalities of iatrogenic hyperadre- 2009). Exogenous glucocorticoids lead to atrophy of the adrenal
nocorticism are identical to those of the endogenous form of the glands, which may be seen ultrasonographically as reduction in
disease. Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and panting usually length and height of the cranial and caudal pole. The decrease in
manifest within the first 1 to 2 weeks of therapy in dogs (e.g., size is progressive during therapy and percentage change varies
with oral prednisolone in anti-inflammatory or immunosup- between dogs (Pey et al, 2012). Generally, there is a large indi-
pressive doses). These signs may even occur within hours after vidual variation with regard to glucocorticoid sensitivity. The
the first dose. They dissipate as the dose is tapered or discon- same dose may be tolerated well in one dog, whereas substantial
tinued (Feldman and Nelson, 2004). More severe signs such side effects are seen in another dog. Even low doses (e.g., sug-
as cutaneous lesions (thin hair coat, alopecia, hyperpigmenta- gested for physiological replacement) may induce side effects in
tion, pyoderma, calcinosis cutis, and thin skin), poor wound sensitive dogs. In particular, large breed dogs may develop pro-
healing, muscle weakness and atrophy, hepatomegaly due to found weakness and paraparesis when treated with high doses of
steroid hepatopathy, pendulous abdomen, urinary tract infec- glucocorticoids.
tion, and myotonia usually require a longer time and develop Cats are considered to be more resistant than dogs toward the
within weeks to months (Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997; development of iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism. Associated
Huang et al, 1999; Feldman and Nelson, 2004). Lethargy may signs occur most often after repeated injections of long-acting
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 571

glucocorticoid preparations; however, occurrence of signs (e.g., dose of prednisone (2.2 mg/kg IM) did not result in adre-
polyphagia and weight gain) have also been reported after a nocortical suppression (Kemppainen et al, 1982). How-
single injection of methylprednisolone acetate (Ferasin, 2001). ever, even prednisone/prednisolone given at physiological
It is often assumed that polyuria and polydipsia do not occur doses can suppress the HPA axis when given for some
in cats until diabetes mellitus is induced by exogenous glu- time. Oral application of 0.22 mg/kg (physiological dose) or
cocorticoids. Although this may be true for the majority of 0.55 mg/kg per day led to a significantly depressed cortisol after
cases, polyuria and polydipsia have also been reported in cats ACTH stimulation after 1 week. Administration of 1 mg/kg
without diabetes (Lien et al, 2006; Lowe et al, 2008a). Other prednisone daily resulted in HPA axis suppression within 2
signs of iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism are similar to those weeks; administration of 1 mg/kg prednisolone every other
seen in dogs. Unique to the cat is the development of spon- day was associated with HPA axis suppression after 3 weeks
taneous tearing and sloughing of the skin and, in rare cases, (Chastain and Graham, 1979; Moore and Hoenig, 1992). Cats
medial curling of the pinnae (Scott et al, 1982; Lowe et al, are more resistant to the development of clinical signs of iat-
2008a; 2008b). Steroid hepatopathy does occur in cats, but is rogenic hyperadrenocorticism; however, they experience HPA
considered to be less common than in dogs (Schaer and Ginn, suppression similar to dogs (Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997).
1999). Of note, signs of iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism may The application of a single dose of methylprednisolone acetate
not only occur with oral or parenteral application but also with (20 mg IM) to healthy cats led to a reduced cortisol response
topical treatment. Exceptions are the newer generations of top- after ACTH within 1 week (Scott et al, 1979). In a cat treated
ical glucocorticoids (budesonide, fluticasone), which seem to with subcutaneous (SC) methylprednisolone acetate (20 mg)
have minimal side effects. There is no treatment for iatrogenic weekly for 4 weeks, complete suppression of the HPA axis was
hyperadrenocorticism. The only measure consists in cessation still seen 1 month after the last injection (Ferasin, 2001). Daily
of glucocorticoid therapy. Because the HPA axis is usually sup- oral administration of prednisolone (2 mg/kg) resulted in HPA
pressed, adrenocortical insufficiency may develop if therapy is axis suppression after 1 week and was more pronounced after 2
abruptly stopped (see later and Glucocorticoid Reduction Pro- weeks of daily therapy (Middleton et al, 1987). Similarly, daily
tocol section). oral methylprednisolone (4 mg/kg) was associated with HPA
axis suppression within 1 week (Crager et al, 1994).
Any topically applied glucocorticoid can suppress the HPA
Alteration of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis
axis. Application of triamcinolone, fluocinonide, and beta-
Closely related to the development of clinical signs of gluco- methasone valerate on the skin of healthy dogs (once daily for
corticoid excess is the suppression of the HPA axis. Of note, 5 days) resulted in decreased cortisol after stimulation with
however, suppression of the HPA axis may be present without ACTH within 5 days. The HPA axis remained suppressed for 3
the animal displaying clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism. to 4 weeks after the last treatment (Zenoble and Kemppainen,
All synthetic glucocorticoids suppress CRH and ACTH secre- 1987). Ophthalmic instillation of 1% prednisolone acetate or
tion, but their effects are not equivalent. Generally, the greater 0.1% dexamethasone four times daily in both eyes resulted in
the anti-inflammatory potency, the greater is the capacity to HPA axis suppression within 2 weeks, intensifying throughout
suppress the HPA axis. Over time, the glucocorticoid-produc- the treatment period (Roberts et al, 1984; Glaze et al, 1988).
ing cells of the two inner zones of the adrenal cortex atrophy Ototopical administration of therapeutic doses of dexametha-
and the responsiveness of the HPA axis decrease progressively sone-containing ointment daily to healthy dogs resulted in HPA
(Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997). Animals with suppression axis suppression within 11 days (Abraham et al, 2005). The new
of the HPA lack the ability to secrete cortisol sufficiently in generation of topical steroids cause minimal signs of iatrogenic
response to stress and may develop signs of acute adrenocortical hyperadrenocorticism but are associated with HPA axis sup-
insufficiency. The zona glomerulosa and its function are pre- pression. Oral budesonide in dogs with IBD resulted in signifi-
served, and therefore, electrolyte abnormalities associated with cantly lower post-ACTH cortisol concentrations after 30 days
mineralocorticoid deficiency are not seen. Suppression of the of therapy (Tumulty et al, 2004). Inhalant budesonide in cats
HPA axis may occur quite soon after the onset of glucocorticoid with chronic bronchial disease resulted in HPA axis suppression
therapy. in three of 15 cases (Galler et al, 2013). Inhaled fluticasone in
Oral, parenteral, and topical administration all lead to healthy dogs and inhaled flunisolide in healthy cats suppressed
HPA axis suppression, which is most serious and prolonged the HPA axis within 2 to 3 weeks (Reinero et al, 2006; Cohn
after repeated injection of long-acting preparations (water- et al, 2008).
insoluble esters). In experimental dogs, a single dose of Diagnosis of HPA axis suppression is made by performing an
methylprednisolone acetate (2.5 mg/kg IM) suppressed the ACTH stimulation test. Depending on the severity, post-ACTH
HPA axis, as demonstrated by reduced response of cortisol cortisol concentrations can be below the detection limit of the
after ACTH, for at least 5 weeks (Kemppainen et al, 1981). cortisol assay, low (e.g., 2 to 5 μg/dL, 55 to 138 nmol/L) or low-
A dog that was treated for pruritus with a similar single dose normal. Animals with undetectable or low concentrations are at
of methylprednisolone acetate experienced HPA axis sup- risk for signs of adrenal insufficiency, in particular when encoun-
pression for 7 weeks (Meyer, 1982). A single dose of triam- tering a stressful situation. Potentially lethal situations may arise.
cinolone acetonide (0.22 mg/kg IM) suppressed the HPA axis If clinical signs (e.g., lethargy, anorexia, or vomiting) develop
for 2 to 4 weeks (Kemppainen et al, 1982). Single IV doses after cessation of steroids, prednisolone administrations should be
of 0.01 mg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone (as free alco- instituted. The dose is somewhat arbitrary and depends on the
hol) resulted in reduced cortisol response after ACTH for clinical situation. If severity of signs and extent of stress are mod-
16 to 24 hours and 32 hours, respectively. Dexametha- erate, prednisolone doses between 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day may be suf-
sone sodium phosphate was associated with a somewhat ficient; doses up to 2 to 4 mg/kg/day may be needed temporarily
shorter suppression compared with the free alcohol with in life-threatening situations. The prednisolone dose should then
the 0.01 mg/kg dose (Kemppainen and Sartin, 1984). A single be tapered slowly. Generally, glucocorticoids should be reduced

slowly after a longer period of glucocorticoid administration (e.g., Diagnosis of steroid-induced diabetes should result in cessation
> 2 weeks). Suppression of the HPA axis is usually reversible. The of glucocorticoid therapy whenever possible; depending on the dis-
length of time required for full axis recovery depends on duration, ease, alternative drugs (e.g., cyclosporine) or topical use of the new
dose, preparation, and frequency of application of the steroid. generation of glucocorticoids should be considered. In cats, steroid-
Single doses of triamcinolone acetonide or methylprednisolone induced diabetes often goes into remission, provided that the glu-
acetate can suppress adrenal responsiveness for up to 5 weeks (see cocorticoid application is ceased immediately and insulin treatment
earlier). Multiple injections of long-acting preparations will aggra- is initiated. In dogs, diabetic remission has been seen; however, too
vate the suppressive effect, and HPA axis malfunction may persist few data have been published to make a general statement. In a
for months. Oral administration of shorter-acting or less-potent dog or cat with known diabetes, glycemic control usually worsens
preparations may result in quicker normalization (Behrend and when glucocorticoids are administered. Diabetes mellitus should
Kemppainen, 1997). not be regarded as an absolute contraindication for glucocorticoids,
Abrupt cessation of glucocorticoids may result in a so-called because in some diseases they may be life-saving. The glucocorti-
glucocorticoid withdrawal syndrome (Greco and Behrend, coid dose should be as low as possible to control the disease. In
1995). Several subgroups are known in humans; one of them short-term glucocorticoid therapy (1 to 2 weeks), the insulin dose
is attributed to the sudden lack of the high concentration of may be maintained while awaiting the withdrawal of the drug. If
steroids. In this situation, the body perceives the glucocorticoid long-term glucocorticoid therapy is needed, an increase in the daily
withdrawal as a relative deficiency. The signs are vague and can insulin doses is usually necessary to maintain control over the dia-
easily be mistaken with those of true adrenal insufficiency. The betic state. The amount of increase is variable and should follow
syndrome has been poorly characterized in dogs and cats. In the guidelines discussed in Chapters 6 and 7. Careful monitoring
questionable cases, an ACTH stimulation test should be per- of blood glucose levels is important. After the effect of the gluco-
formed to differentiate between absolute or relative adrenal corticoid on insulin sensitivity wears off, the insulin requirement
insufficiency. Prednisolone administration may be needed in decreases, resulting in the need to also decrease the insulin dose.
either situation. Remission may fail to appear if treatment is inadequate or if the cat
has substantial islet pathology. If glucocorticoid therapy cannot be
terminated and no alternative drug can be used, the insulin dose
Diabetes Mellitus
has to be adjusted based on the severity of the insulin resistance. In
Glucocorticoids may exert diabetogenic properties thereby induc- those cases, glycemic control oftentimes remains difficult.
ing hyperglycemia in previously normoglycemic patients, as well
as worsening glycemic control in patients already known to have Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage and Ulceration
diabetes mellitus. Glucocorticoids increase insulin resistance in
peripheral tissues (muscle, fat) and increase hepatic glucose produc- In the physiological state, glucocorticoids exert protective effects for
tion, and they may also inhibit insulin release from the β cells. In the gastrointestinal integrity by various mechanisms. The adminis-
humans, overt diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance is seen in 14% tration of glucocorticoids in pharmacological doses may alter muco-
to 28% of individuals receiving long-term glucocorticoids. Preva- sal defense mechanisms in many ways (e.g., by decreasing mucus
lence of diabetes induced by exogenous glucocorticoids has not been production, altering the biochemical structure of mucus, decreas-
systematically studied in dogs and cats. It is well known that cats ing mucosal cell turnover, increasing acid output, and impairing
are more susceptible to the diabetogenic effects of glucocorticoids mucosal blood flow). Other mechanisms are decreased healing rate
than dogs. Approximately 80% of cats with endogenous hyperad- and promotion of bacterial colonization of ulcers (Hanson et al,
renocorticism are diabetic, whereas in dogs, the prevalence is only 1997; Rohrer et al, 1999a; Feldman and Nelson, 2004). In most
about 10%. Steroid diabetes can occur after oral or parenteral, as situations, it is unlikely that glucocorticoids are the sole factor for
well as after topical administration of any of the traditional gluco- gastrointestinal problems. The exception may be when extremely
corticoids, but it has not been reported with the newer class of topi- high doses of steroids are used. The application of methylpredniso-
cal drugs (budesonide, fluticasone). Glucocorticoid sensitivity varies lone sodium succinate (30 mg/kg initially, and then 15 mg/kg 2
between individuals and therefore dose, duration, and frequency of and 6 hours later and every 6 hours thereafter for 48 hours) was
application that will ultimately lead to hyperglycemia cannot be associated with gastric hemorrhage in all of the 10 dogs and was
predicted. Experimental studies have shown that abnormalities may severe in nine of them (Rohrer et al, 1999a). Similarly, the applica-
already become apparent after short-term therapy. Administration tion of extremely high doses of dexamethasone (4.4 mg/kg/day for
of 2 mg/kg prednisolone once daily for 8 days resulted in reduced 8 days) or prednisone (8.8 mg/kg/day for 7 days) to experimental
glucose tolerance after an IV glucose load in all six cats, and three dogs did result in endoscopic evidence of hemorrhage but not in
of the six cats developed hyperglycemia (Middleton and Watson, ulcers (Sorjonen et al, 1983; Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997).
1985). Weekly injections of 20 mg methylprednisolone subcutane- In clinical patients, the most striking gastrointestinal side effects
ously lead to hyperglycemia within 4 weeks in the two cats stud- have been reported in dogs with neurological disease. However,
ied (Scott et al, 1982). Within 1 month of daily administration of because a neurological problem can result in gastrointestinal
immunosuppressive doses of prednisolone or dexamethasone, 29% lesions itself, it is difficult to say how much glucocorticoids con-
and 71% of cats developed glucosuria (Lowe et al, 2009). The later tributed to the development of the problems. In one study, 23
study points to a greater diabetogenic effect of dexamethasone than of 155 dogs with intervertebral disk herniation had gastrointes-
equipotent doses of prednisolone. Steroid-induced diabetes is also tinal problems, and 10 of them had not received glucocorticoids
seen in dogs but with much lower frequency than in cats (Camp- (Moore and Withrow, 1982). More than 75% of dogs with acute
bell and Latimer, 1984; Jeffers et al, 1991). Administration of anti- intervertebral disc disease treated with glucocorticoids had gastric
inflammatory/immunosuppressive doses of prednisone (1.1 mg/kg/ mucosal lesions as detected by endoscopy. In 8% of dogs, gastric
day) or prednisolone (1 to 2 mg/kg/day) for 28 days to normal dogs ulcers developed during the treatment period. Only 24% of the
has not produced hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, or insulin dogs had clinical signs such as vomiting or melena (Neiger et al,
resistance (Wolfsheimer et al, 1986; Moore and Hoenig, 1993). 2000). The most catastrophic of the gastrointestinal complications
CHAPTER 14 |   Glucocorticoid Therapy 573

is colon perforation. Colonic perforation in 13 dogs treated with may also be seen with the new generation of glucocorticoids. A
glucocorticoids was uniformly fatal (Toombs et al, 1986). Ten of short term (30 days) oral application of budesonide was associated
the 13 dogs were neurosurgical patients, one was treated for head- with an increase in ALP activity in dogs, but the difference to pre-
trauma and non-ambulatory paresis, and two others had under- treatment levels was not significant (Tumulty et al, 2004). Cats are
gone major surgery for other reasons. Dexamethasone was the generally considered more resistant to the effects of glucocorticoids
most frequently used steroid and was given in a mean cumulative and do not have a glucocorticoid induced isoenzyme. Increases in
dose of 6.4 mg/kg/day over a period of 5 days. The most com- liver enzyme activities after administration of glucocorticoids do
mon clinical signs were depression, anorexia, and vomiting. Signs occur, and the most consistent increase is seen in ALT activity.
became evident 3 to 8 days after surgery and preceded death by an The ALP activity may also increase; however, it often still remains
average of 22 hours (Toombs et al, 1986). within the normal range (Scott et al, 1982; Sharkey et al, 2007;
Because of the potential association between glucocorticoids Lowe et al, 2008b). As in dogs, glucocorticoid administration in
and gastrointestinal side effects, certain precautions should be cats may result in steroid (vacuolar) hepatopathy, although the fre-
taken, in particular in patients with neurological disease. Non- quency is lower (Schaer and Ginn, 1999). Increase in serum lipids
ambulatory patients certainly have an increased risk (Behrend and (cholesterol, triglycerides) may be seen in both species.
Kemppainen, 1997). The following recommendations have been Glucocorticoids also affect hematological parameters. In dogs
made: to use prednisolone or methylprednisolone instead of the with iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism, eosinopenia was seen in 18
more potent dexamethasone, limit treatment to the lowest pos- out of 28 dogs and was the most frequent finding. Other constitu-
sible dose and duration, avoid concurrent or successive use of ents of the “stress leukogram” were also found, but to a lesser extent
other drugs with known ulcerogenic potential (in particular non- (Huang et al, 1999). In 14 cats treated with glucocorticoids (4.4
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), avoid urinary retention by mg/kg prednisolone or 0.55 mg/kg dexamethasone for 56 days),
closed urine drainage, and correct fecal retention problems prior neutrophils were significantly higher, and lymphocytes and eosino-
to surgery (Toombs et al, 1986). phils were significantly lower after treatment (Lowe et al, 2008b).
Misoprostol, cimetidine, or sucralfate were evaluated for their In this study, monocytes were also increased, which is usually con-
potential preventative role for gastrointestinal hemorrhage but did sidered not a typical finding in steroid-treated cats.
not show any effect (Hanson et al, 1997; Rohrer et al, 1999b).
Laboratory Abnormalities
More than 500 drugs have been reported to the World Health
The most common biochemical abnormalities in dogs receiving Organization (WHO) because they were suspected to induce
exogenous glucocorticoids are elevation of liver enzymes. Any glu- pancreatitis in humans. In many of them, evidence of causal-
cocorticoid and any form of application (oral, parenteral, or topi- ity is weak, and for only 31 of those drugs a definitive causality
cal) can lead to an increase of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine has been established. Among them are steroids, but they do not
aminotransferase (ALT), and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT). belong to the group of high risk drugs (Nitsche et al, 2010). Previ-
However, there is a tremendous amount of variation between indi- ously, glucocorticoids were also assumed to cause pancreatitis in
vidual dogs; in some, the elevation may reach several-fold of nor- small animals. Much of the evidence regarding this association,
mal, whereas others only have minor increase or even no change. however, is related to an increased viscosity of pancreatic secretion
In part, the changes may be dose-related. The administration of shown in rabbits. In dogs, increased viscosity of pancreatic secre-
1.1 mg/kg/day prednisone by mouth for 35 days did not result in tions has been shown only when isolated pancreases were perfused
a significant increase of ALP and the glucocorticoid-induced ALP with a huge dose of methylprednisolone (400 mg); a lower dose
isoenzyme. Only five of the 18 healthy dogs had ALP activities (200 mg) did not change the viscosity (Kimura et al, 1979; Beh-
above the reference range (Moore et al, 1992). A prednisone dose rend and Kemppainen, 1997). Pancreatitis has also been seen in
of 4.4 mg/kg/day IM for 14 days was associated with a significant dogs treated with glucocorticoids. However, these were sporadic
increase in ALP activity within 2 days, in ALT activity within cases, and the dogs suffered from intervertebral disc disease, which
3 days, and in GGT activity within 6 days. Six weeks after the end may alone be a risk factor (Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997). The
of the study, the enzyme activities were still slightly to moderately administration of dexamethasone to healthy dogs in various doses
increased (Badylak and Van Vleet, 1981). for up to 3 weeks did not cause pancreatitis. However, it increased
The application of other glucocorticoids, such as dexametha- lipase activity without any histological damage to the pancreas
sone, methylprednisolone (acetate), and triamcinolone, has simi- (Parent, 1982). In a more recent study, evaluating the canine pan-
lar effects. The contributory role of the glucocorticoid induced creatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI), immunosuppressive doses
isoenzyme of ALP to the increase of total ALP activity seems to of prednisone (2.2 mg/kg once daily) given for 6 weeks did not
be inconsistent. In the study of Moore and colleagues (1992), it result in an increase in cPLI (Steiner et al, 2009).
contributed only to a small extent to the total ALP activity. In a In dogs and cats, the early concerns that glucocorticoids could
study by Solter and colleagues (1994), the initial increase of ALP cause pancreatitis have now largely been dismissed. Steroids are
was mainly due to the liver ALP isoenzyme, followed by the gluco- no longer included in the list of drugs suspected of being associ-
corticoid and bone isoenzyme 7 and 10 days after initiating treat- ated with pancreatitis (Armstrong and Williams, 2012; Mansfield,
ment with prednisone. Serum bile acids may also increase during 2012). It is possible, however, that glucocorticoids are a contrib-
glucocorticoid therapy, whereas ammonia tolerance test does not uting factor in sick animals or that only a subset of patients is
seem to be affected (Meyer, 1982; DeNovo and Prasse, 1983; susceptible for steroid-induced pancreatitis.
Solter et al, 1994). For effects on blood glucose and lipase activity,
see the Diabetes Mellitus section and the Pancreatitis section. Otic Miscellaneous
medications containing triamcinolone or dexamethasone were also
associated with an increase in ALP, ALT, and GGT (Meyer et al, Glucocorticoids may have numerous other adverse effects, includ-
1990; Abraham et al, 2005). Increase in liver enzyme activities ing growth retardation in young animals, induction or worsening

of hypertension, disposing the animal to infections due to immu- latter should allow the HPA axis to recover on the “off-days” and
nosuppression (e.g., urinary tract infection), interference with fer- is assumed to provide greater safety than if therapy is suddenly
tility, induction of abortion, and behavior changes. discontinued. Successful alternate-day therapy depends upon the
therapeutic effects lasting longer than the suppressive effects on
the HPA axis (Ferguson et al, 2009). Alternate-day therapy should
not be applied during the initial phase of glucocorticoid therapy
There are various ways to taper an animal from glucocorticoids, because it will not be effective to bring the disease under con-
and there are no studies demonstrating that one way is better than trol. Prednisolone is the preferred glucocorticoid for alternate-day
the other. Several principles, however, are widely accepted. Taper- therapy; the action of cortisol (hydrocortisone) is too short and
ing of the glucocorticoid dose should always be done if therapy that of dexamethasone is too long for this approach. When chang-
was longer than or equal to 2 weeks, or if high doses have been ing to alternate-dose therapy, the same daily dose of prednisolone
used (> 1 mg/kg prednisolone/day or its equivalent) (Ferguson can be given every other day (e.g., change from 5 mg every day to
et al, 2009). In the latter case (i.e., short duration of high dose), 5 mg every other day), which results in a 50% reduction of dose.
tapering can be done quickly over a few days. Tapering of the ste- Alternatively, the same dose can be maintained by doubling the
roid dose should be started after the disease being addressed is dose on the “on-days” (e.g., change from 5 mg every day to 10 mg
in remission (e.g., normalized hematocrit in immune-mediated every other day) (Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997). In case of
anemia, and/or absence of gastrointestinal signs in IBD). Inflam- serious immune-mediated diseases, this latter approach for mov-
matory diseases usually require 5 to 7 days of induction therapy, ing from daily to alternate-day therapy is preferred. If alternate-
whereas immunosuppressive diseases may need 10 to 28 days dose therapy is successful to maintain the disease in remission,
(Behrend and Kemppainen, 1997). Worsening of the disease soon further reduction to every third day can be attempted (Behrend
after the start of tapering suggests that the tapering was done too and Kemppainen, 1997).
fast. If an immune-mediated disease recrudesces, a second remis- Tapering of oral prednisolone used for immune-mediated dis-
sion is more difficult to obtain than previously. If recrudescence ease in dogs could be done as follows (Behrend and Kemppainen,
occurs, the glucocorticoid dose should be increased immediately 1997):
to a dose equivalent even higher than the initial dose. If remission Induction: 2.0 mg/kg divided b.i.d. for 10 to 28 days
is lost in an inflammatory disease, the dose should be increased to
Tapering: 1.5 mg/kg divided b.i.d. or once daily for
the last dose that kept the animal disease free (Behrend and Kemp-
10 to 28 days
painen, 1997). In general, the longer the induction phase and/or
1.0 mg/kg divided b.i.d. or once daily for
the greater the induction dose, the more stepwise and longer the
10 to 28 days
period between dose reductions has to be. Glucocorticoids used
0.5 mg/kg divided b.i.d. or once daily for
for life-threatening diseases should be tapered more slowly than
10 to 28 days
glucocorticoids used for other diseases (Cohn, 2010). Tapering
0.25 mg/kg once daily for 10 to 28 days
for immune-mediated disease can take several months; some cases
0.25 mg/kg every other day, for 21 days or more
may even need life-long therapy.
The initial dose reduction step may be done by consolidating
the dose, thereby achieving longer dosing intervals; this might It should be understood that the animal should be reevaluated
spare the HPA axis suppression while the desired effects are main- before every reduction step to ensure that the disease is still in
tained. For instance, if prednisolone is administered twice daily, remission. The glucocorticoid dose used for induction in inflam-
the daily dose is given at once (e.g., 10 mg prednisolone once matory diseases is substantially lower (0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg/day in
daily instead of 5 mg prednisolone twice daily). The daily dose dogs) and the induction period is shorter (5 to 7 days). Tapering,
is then reduced incrementally (Cohn, 2010). Usually, when the therefore, can be done faster, usually within 10 to 14 days. Taper-
daily prednisolone dose has been reduced to 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg/ ing of the higher anti-inflammatory and immune-suppressive
day, the dose interval is switched to alternate-day therapy. The doses in cats should be done accordingly.


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