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Jl. Penarukan No. 1 Kepanjen-Malang
Telp. (0341) 393935, 393936, 393937 Kode Pos 65163



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Kelas : VII (tujuh) Waktu : 90 menit

Petunjuk Umum:
1. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam lembar jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Pilih satu jawaban yang paling anda anggap benar dengan mengarsir pada lembar jawaban.
3. Jumlah soal 50 butir harus dijawab semua.
Read the following dialog for no 1-3
Ella : We have new neighbours. Do you know them?
Ega : No, I don’t. Do they live in front of our house?
Ella : Yes, they do. They moved here yesterday.
Ega : I see. Who are they?
Ella : They are Mr. and Mrs. Abiyu and their son.
Ega : What are they like?
Ella : Mr. Abiyu is friendly and sociable. He is also tall and good looking. Mrs. Abiyu is slim and
pretty. Their son is five years old. He is fat and cute.
1. What is the relationship between the speakers? They are ….
A. neighbours C. siblings
B. playmates D. schoolmates
2. How many people are Ella’s new neghbours?
A. Two C. Four.
B. Three D. Five.
3. What is Mr. Abiyu’s son like?
A. He is good looking. C. He is tall and slim.
B. He is friendly. D. He is fat and cute.
Read the following dialog for no 4-6
Selvia : Vinda, your room is unique. It has items with many different colours and shapes.
Vinda : Yes, that’s right. It has two pink chairs, a red bed, a rectangle table, ehm ….
Selvia : A round mirror and blue bookshelf.
Vinda : You’re right. I never realize that my room is very colourful and has many items with
different shapes.
4. Where does the dialog take place?
A. In Selvia’s house C. In a unique house.
B. In Vinda’s house D. In a colourful house.

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5. The following are the descriptions of Vinda’s room, EXCEPT ….
A. round C. unique
B. colourful D. having many items
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Vinda’s room has one colour. C. Selvia’s room is colourful.
B. There is a pink chair in Vinda’s room D. Selvia praises Vinda’s room.
Read the following dialog for no 7-10
Dhyas : Have you ever ridden a horse?
Arsya : Yes, I have. I rode my uncle’s horse.
Dhyas : How did you feel?
Arsya : It was exciting. I was afraid initially but my uncle convinced me.
Dhyas : Wow! That’s a wonderful experience! Anyway, what is your uncle’s horse like?
Arsya : It is a dark brown male horse. It is big and looks strong. It also has a hairy tail. There’s a
scar on its front right leg. My uncle keeps it in a stable in the backyard. Every day he
feeds his horse and cleans the stable.
7. What is the dialog about?
A. Riding a horse. C. Raising a horse.
B. Feeding a horse. D. Cleaning a horse’s stable.
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The horse is female. C. The horse lives freely on a grassland.
B. The horse is light brown. D. The horse has a scar on its front right leg.
9. What is Arsya like? He is a … boy.
A. shy C. patient
B. brave D. coward
10. “It is big and looks strong.” What is the synonym of “strong”?
A. Weak. C. Powerful.
B. Large. D. Small.
Read the following dialog for no 11-14
Awang : Mira, who are the persons talking with your mother?
Almira : Oh , they are Uncle Aji and his wife. They just came today.
Awang : I see. May I know what Uncle Aji does?
Almira : He is a dentist and he works at a big dental clinic in Batu.
Awang : Wow, great! He must be a famous dentist. He looks friendly and humorous. Is his wife a
dentist, too?
Almira : No, she is not. She is a florist. She sells and plants various kinds of orchids. She is a hard
worker and successful florist.
Awang : Amazing!
11. What are the speakers talking about?
A. A dentist. C. Awang’s uncle and his wife.
B. A florist. D. Uncle Aji and his wife.
12. What is Uncle Aji’s wife like? She is a … woman.
A. diligent C. successful
B. friendly D. humorous
13. From the dialog, we can conclude that ….
A. Almira is Uncle Aji’s niece. C. Almira is Uncle Aji’s cousin.
B. Awang knows Uncle Aji very well. D. Uncle Aji is a famous florist.

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14. “They just came today…”. What does the word “they” refer to?
A. Uncle Aji and Almira’s mother. C. Awang and Almira.
B. Uncle Aji and his wife. D. Almira and Uncle Aji.
15. Danial : What does your father do?
Yusuf : He is a …. He specifically examines sick children.
A. dentist
B. nurse
C. pediatrician
D. surgeon
16. Haya : What does your elder brother do?
Dewi : He is a teller.
Haya : Where does he work?
Dewi : In a ….
A. bank C. shop
B. shop D. restaurant
Read the following dialog for no 17-19
Ageng : Alghan, let’s jog tomorrow morning.
Alghan : What time?
Ageng : At 6 a.m.
Alghan : O.K. Do you jog every Sunday?
Ageng : Not only on Sundays. I usually jog on Tuesdays and Fridays afternoon, too.
Alghan : That’s why you always look very fit.
Ageng : Thank you. O.K. I’ll be at your house at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
17. What activity does Ageng do?
A. Cycling. C. Walking.
B. Running. D. Jogging
18. How many times does Ageng do the activity in a week?
A. Once. C. Three times.
B. Twice. D. Six times.
19. What will Ageng do tomorrow morning?
A. He will jog with Alghan C. He will jog with his family.
B. He will take a walk alone. D. He will go to the park with Alghan
Read the following text for no 20-23
Mr. Hilman and his family are my neighbours. The Hilman family lives next door. Mr. Himan
lives with his wife, Mrs. Adelia, and their children, Zahra and Ronald.
Mr. Hilman is a baker. He runs his own bakery in town and Mrs. Adelia teaches students at
Taman Harapan Kindergarten. Zahra studies at Junior High School 1 and Ronald is an elementary
school student. Zahra and Ronald often help their father serve customers.
The Hilman family is generous and friendly. They live humbly although they are wealthy
family. You know, they get on well with their neighbours. They always participate in working bees.
Besides, they often help people who are in need. Of course, people here know them well and respect
20. What does the text tell about? It tells about …
A. Mr. Hilman’s profession. C. The writer’s life.
B. The Hilman family. D. The writer and Mr. Hilman.

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21. What is Mr. Hilman’s duty?
A. He teaches kindergarten students.
B. He serves customers or buyers in a shop.
C. He delivers breads, pastries and other baked goods.
D. He makes a variety of breads, pastries, and other baked goods.
22. Why are people familiar with them?
A. They live near the street. C. They always donate their cakes to people.
B. They seldom join working bees. D. They are kind and warm.
23. “They live humbly although they are wealthy family.” (paragraph 3).
The word “wealthy” can be best replaced by ….
A. happy C. rich
B. humble D. poor
Read the following dialog for no 24-25
Sufi : Where does your father work, Seftia?
Seftia : He works in a construction company.
Sufi : (24) ….
Seftia : He designs buildings and offices.
Sufi : So, he is (25) …, isn’t he?
Seftia : You’re right.
24. A. What does he do? C. What is he like?
B. When does he work? D. How does he work?
25. A. an engineer. C. a bricklayer
B. an architect. D. a technician
Read the following text for no 26-29
There is a new swimming pool in my town. It is located near a playground. It has four pools, a
shady parking area and two clean canteens. The water source is from spring, so it is clean and clear.
Let’s go inside and see the facilities. The shallowest pool on the left, called pool A, is for kids
to learn swimming. It’s about thirty centimeters deep. The deeper pool, called pool B, is on the right
of the entrance. Teens who cannot swim learn to swim in this seventy centimeter-deep pool. The
third pool, called pool C, is about 150 centimeters deep. There are two slides, one is ten meters high
and the other one is only four meter high. The last pool, called pool D, is 2.5 meters deep. It is only
for expert swimmers. Furthermore, there are ten bathrooms for people to wash their bodies after
swimming. Two of them are for kids.
The ticket is affordable, only Rp 6,000.00 per person. It is always crowded during holidays.
26. What does the text tell about?
A. A new water park. C. A new amusement park.
B. A new playground. D. A new swimming pool.
27. You cannot swim and are going to learn to swim. Which pool do you go to?
A. Pool A. C. Pool C.
B. Pool B. D. Pool D.
28. Why is swimming in this swimming pool safer for people’s health?
A. The entrance ticket is affordable. C. The water is natural and clean.
B. It has complete facilities. D. It has four swimming pools.
29. “It is only for expert swimmers.” The word “it” refers to ….
A. Pool A. C. Pool C.
B. Pool B. D. Pool D.

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30. Rizky : Zainur, Have you ever been to Lampion Park?
Zainur : Yes, I have.
Rizky : ….
Zainur : It’s large, clean and beautiful. There are many beautiful flowers. Many benches
are available for visitors
A. Do you have any suggestion? C. Where is it located?
B. What is it like? D. When do you usually go there?
Read the following text for no 31-33
I love my cat, Kitty. It makes me happy. When I tickle it, it rolls around and taps its paws on
my hand. I like the feeling. It has three colours, white, yellow and black. It often lies on my feet
when I study or watch TV. Occasionally, it sleeps on my bed with me, on my feet. It feels warm.
31. What is Kitty?
A. A friend. C. A bird.
B. A doll. D. A cat.
32. What is Kitty like?
A. It has long soft fur.
B. It has white, yellow, and black fur.
C. It always sleeps on the writer’s arm.
D. It likes tapping its paws on the writer’s foot.
33. What can we conclude from the text?
A. The writer is very fond of her cat. C. The writer lets Kitty sleep on her pillow.
B. The writer and Kitty like to watch TV. D. Kitty often paws the writer’s feet.
Read the following text for no 34-36
I’m proud of my cousin Dewi. She is one year older than me and now she is in the eighth
grade. She is like my teacher to me. She often gives me ideas of what to write for my writing
assignments, what to make for my craft lessons, etc. At the last school anniversary, she and her
classmates participated in a dance competition and they won. They wore clothes they made
themselves and the clothes were beautiful.
I really like their performance.
34. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe the writer’s cousin.
B. To describe the writer’s family.
C. To describe how to be a good cousin.
D. To describe the writer’s experience with her cousin.
35. How old is Dewi?
A. One year younger than the writer. C. One year older than the writer.
B. The same age as the writer. D. Two years older than the writer.
36. Who participated in the dance competition?
A. Dewi and the writer. C. The writer and her classmates.
B. Dewi and her classmates. D. Dewi, the writer and their classmates.
37. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The writer is one year older than Dewi.
B. The writer is in the same class with Dewi.
C. Dewi and the writer won the dance competition.
D. Dewi often gives the writer ideas of what to make for her craft lessons.

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Read the following text for no 38-40
I like my hometown. It is cool and green. There are many new buildings. The streets and the
markets are clean. There are many plants on the sides of the roads.
However, I don’t like a few things about my town. The traffic is rather dangerous. Several
people drive too fast. Many young people ride carelessly. They stop at wrong places and often block
the ways. You have to be very careful when you cross the road.
38. What does the second paragraph tell about?
A. The writer’s hometown.
B. Things which the writer likes in his hometown.
C. Things which the writer doesn’t like in his hometown.
D. The people in the writer’s hometown.
39. What are the roads like?
A. They are shady. C. They are dusty.
B. They are hot. D. They are quiet.
40. “The traffic is rather dangerous.” The opposite meaning of the word “dangerous” is ….
A. hazardous C. safe
B. serious D. risky
Read the following text for no 41-42
Mr. Hari is a janitor in our school. He is a hard worker. He (41) … the yard every morning
and afternoon. He cleans the toilets. I like him because he is friendly, and he knows our names. But
sometimes he is (42) …. He often teases me, and laughs at me in front of my friends. He is
sometimes fussy too. He tells us not to litter, again and again. He gets mad when we don’t put our
rubbish in the rubbish bin.
41. A. sweeps C. mops
B. washes D. keeps
42. A. angry C. tired
B. annoying D. boring

Read the following text for no 43-44

There is a lake near my hometown. It is very large and panoramic. The (43) … around the
lake is very green and cool. But, I want to say some sad things about it. It is very (44) … and the
food and drinks are very expensive. People litter everywhere because there are not many garbage
bins. The vendors leave their waste everywhere. Some wooden benches are broken, so we cannot sit
on them.
43. A. land C. forest
B. water D. river
44. A. neat C. clean
B. interesting D. dirty
45. Where can we hear the caution?
A. In a math lesson. Always save your work
B. During a computer lesson. to avoid losing the data
C. In a computer exhibition.
D. When we browse the Internet.

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46. What does the caution mean?
A. We should not drive in the area. SLIPPERY ROAD
B. We should avoid passing the area. DRIVE CAREFULLY
C. We should drive carefully in the area.
D. There will be a heavy rain in the area.
For no 47-48, arrange the words into a meaningful sentence.
47. attends–club–Rista–Saturday–English–every
1 2 3 4 5 6
The correct arrangement of the words is ….
A. 3–1–5–2–6–4 C. 3–1–6–5–2–4
B. 3–1–6–4–5–2 D. 3–1–6–5–4–2

48. of–is–achievement–very–his–proud– Mr. Baihaqi–son’s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement of the words is ….
A. 7–2–1–4–6–5–3–8 C. 7–2–6–8–3–5–1–4
B. 7–2–4–6–1–5–8–3 D. 7–2–8–1–5–3–6–4
49. Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph.
(1) Anindya likes to be her friend.
(2) Jasmine is beautiful.
(3) They often study and play together.
(4) She is thirteen years old.
(5) She has dark brown eyes, a pointed nose, thick eyebrows, thin lips and straight hair.
(6) Jasmine is Anindya’s classmate.

The best arrangement of the sentences is ….

A. 6–3–1–5–2–4 C. 6–4–2–5–1–3
B. 6–4–5–1–2–3 D. 6–5–1–3–2–4
50. Arrange the sentences into a good dialog.
(1) Nadya : I’ll recommend my father repair his car at your father’s workshop.
(2) Farhan : Yeah, he opened the workshop three years ago.
(3) Nadya : Where does he work?
(4) Farhan : He works at his own workshop.
(5) Nadya : What does your father do, Farhan?
(6) Farhan : Thank you.
(7) Nadya : Really?
(8) Farhan : He is a car repairman.

The best arrangement of the sentences is ….

A. 5–6–3–2–1–8–7–4 C. 5–8–1–4–3–6–7–2
B. 5–6–7–8–1–2–3–4 D. 5–8–3–4–7–2–1–6

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