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Unit 03 : Back to nature sequence 02 : Stop and consider

Lesson: cause effect relationship

Consider the following sentences

1- Fish is dying because fertilizers which contain phosphorus and sulphur are spilled into the
2- Fertilizers which contain phosphorus and sulphur are spilled into the rivers; as a result, fish is
3- The Earth is getting warmer because because the volume of carbon dioxide has increased.→…….
4- The volume of carbon dioxide has increased; consequently, the Earth is getting warmer.→………..
a- What do the first and the third sentences express?

b- What do the second and the third sentences express?

1- To express cause, we use ………………….
2-To express result , we use the following connectors: ………………….
Task 01:Rewritethe following sentences expressing the cause effect relationship. Use the
connectors you studied above
1- Many people catch Parkinson disease because Farmers use heavily fertilizers
2- The land is polluted and poisoned because people don’t stop throwing toxic waste
3- Sea creatures are killed because solid waste is dumped directly into the oceans
4- Many countries decided to reduce carbon emissions because global warming becomes the biggest
Task 02: Match each cause of pollution with its corresponding effect in the table below. Use the
link words and make the necessary changes in punctuation.

cause connectors effect

a- Factories and vehicle release gases …; as a result, 1- The UV rays are not filtered.
into the air. 2- The atmosphere is full of
b- CFCs destroy the ozone layer ….; as a consequence pollution.
c- The atmosphere is loaded with …; therefore 3- People suffer from skin cancer.
acids. …;thus
d- The UV rays reach the surfave of 4- Acid rain destroy forest.
the earth

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