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Leslie Z. Benet
Laviero Mancinelli
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.


Therapeutics relates drug administration to physiologi- The fundamental hypothesis in clinical pharmcokinetics
cal effects, both beneficial and toxic, in patient asserts that a relationship exists between a drug
populations. The important intervening steps or concentration in some measurable biologic fluid and
processes, which occur following drug dosing that observed drug effects, both therapeutic and/or toxic, as
lead to therapeutic effects in the body, are described in illustrated in Fig. 1. Many drugs, for example, anti-
Fig. 1. This scheme illustrates the dose-effect arrhythmics, anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, and
relationship. The discipline of pharmacokinetics pro- diuretics such as furosemide, show an apparent direct
vides an understanding of drug absorption, disposition, relationship; that is with every change in plasma drug
and elimination, as these relate to the physiological concentration, there is an immediate and corresponding
effects of drugs. Pharmacodynamics relates the change in effect. For other drugs the relationship is more
measured response, either efficacious, toxic, or both, complicated; the drug level of warfarin for instance,
to the drug’s pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetics has triggers a cascade of events leading to prolonged clotting
become increasingly important, as it has proven to be a time. Here, the mean steady-state level rather than the time
very useful tool in understanding not only drug dosage course of concentrations can be most closely correlated to
in relation to achievable drug concentrations in plasma, the therapeutic effect. In some instances, the effect itself is
but also the influence of disease states on the behavior difficult to quantify, and demonstrating any relationship is
of a drug in the body. A very powerful interpretative difficult. When unbound concentrations are maintained at
instrument becomes available when the disciplines of a particular steady-state concentration across a population,
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are combined. then an observed difference in response between
Clinical pharmacokinetics specifically deals with opti- individuals must be due to pharmacodynamic receptor-
mizing drug dosage in individual patients. By using level variability across the population. However, most
plasma concentration measurements, and clinical traditional relationships of drug effects have been
pharmacokinetic principles, doses can be adjusted to developed relative to drug dose rather than steady-state
achieve maximal therapeutic utility, with minimum unbound concentrations. When comparing the dose given
toxic risks for individual patients. to the effect, the variability in drug absorption, first-past
Basic knowledge of pharmacokinetic principles is metabolism, protein binding, and clearance must also be
important not only for the clinician to understand basic included, thereby giving a significantly more variable and
drug –patient interrelationships, but also for the drug complicated relationship.
industry to facilitate the design of relevant studies for The full model for the concentration (C) and effect (E)
drug discovery candidates. The gain from designing relationship is the Hill equation, also called the extended
proper pharmacokinetic studies can probably be counted Emax model (1):
not only in better therapy for the patient but also in
long-term economic savings for the pharmaceutical Emax C s
E¼ ð1Þ
industry. ECs50 þ C s
In this article the basic principles of pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics will be addressed, and examples where E max is the maximal effect, EC 50 is the
of how these principles can be used to increase the concentration giving 50% of maximal effect, and s is the
understanding of drug therapy and drug dosage formulation slope factor. The Hill equation can be simplified to
are given. different extents, for example, if s ¼ 1.

Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology 461

Copyright q 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All rights reserved.
462 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics



loss loss loss

absorption distribution, elimination effects, side effects

concentration - effect relationship


Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the dose-effect relationship for a drug.

Between 20 and 80% of the maximal response, the concentration –effect relationship (i.e., EC20, EC50, EC90,
relationship is logarithmic: etc.) and the time lag between the measured rapidly
changing plasma concentration and the corresponding
E ¼ m log C þ e ð2Þ steady-state effect at that concentration level. This time-
lag parameter is described by the equilibration half-time.
where m is the slope and e is the intercept. This equation
Using both these parameters, that is, the expected effect
has the limitations of not being able to predict effects
and the time required to obtain the effect, allows
outside this range of responses (i.e., ,20% and .80%).
investigators to model the effect – concentration relation-
Below 20% of maximal response, the relationship is
ship when patients are not at steady state.
The relationship between the measured effect and
E ¼ mC þe ð3Þ steady-state plasma concentration sometimes yields bell-
shaped (e.g., nortriptyline) or U-shaped (e.g., clonidine)
This relationship has been used for up to 50% of maximal curves. Several unusual concentration – effect curves,
response; however, it then is a coarse approximation, including the U-shaped curve describing the blood
depending upon the value of s (the lower the value of s, the pressure lowering effect of clonidine, have been explained
better the approximation). by Paalzow and associates (3) as being a result of multiple
The Hill equation should be used only when a receptor responses. The drug then acts on several different
reasonable estimation of Emax is possible and when data receptors that can have opposite effects and that are
are gathered over the whole effect range. If data are triggered at different concentrations.
available only from the lower part of the curve, the linear Tolerance to the drug effect, that is, a decrease in the
equation might just as well be used. The difference effect with time, also obscures the dose-response
between the Hill equation and the linear or log-linear relationship. Pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic
equation is that only the Hill equation gives a causes for tolerance development are possible. Pharma-
mechanistic – physiologic understanding of the effect. cokinetic tolerance, for example, can be caused by
The other equations are merely descriptive. induction of metabolic enzymes, thereby causing a
Sheiner and associates (2) have developed the decrease in drug concentrations. Pharmacodynamic
relationship where the pharmacodynamic model (Eq. 1) tolerance can be characterized mainly in two different
is integrated together with the pharmacokinetic model. ways: the receptors down-regulate in response to the drug,
This makes possible describing both the steady-state giving a smaller response with time, or other physiologic
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 463

mechanisms counteract the drug effect. The blood pressure 10 mg/L, theophylline exhibits a narrow range of concen-
lowering effect of hydralazine that is diminished by a trations where therapy is beneficial.
compensatory increase in heart rate, and the diuretic effect Another measure of utility is in terms of the ratio
of furosemide that is decreased as a result of the drug’s between the concentration level causing an undesirable
volume and salt-depleting actions are two examples. side effect to the concentration level giving the desired
Fig. 2 illustrates a utility curve, that is, a curve therapeutic effect (therapeutic index). For theophylline
describing the clinical utility of a drug in terms of the risk this ratio is 2, for digoxin it is 1.6, and for furosemide it is
of side effects from a high concentration and the risk of no 40. The higher the therapeutic index, the less critical are
effect from a low concentration. The closer the effect and dosing recommendations with respect to the risk of serious
toxicity curves, the more narrow is the range of plasma side effects.
concentrations that can be used for therapy. The utility is
obtained as the difference between the effect and toxicity.
Depending upon the steepness of the concentration – CLEARANCE
effect relationship (the size of s in Eq. 1), an increase in
concentration will result in different changes in effect. An
all-or-none relationship is obtained when the curve is very Clearance is the measure of the ability of the body to
steep (s . 6). Theophylline shows a shallow relationship eliminate a drug, and as such is one of the most important
with plasma concentration for its antiasthmatic effect; a pharmacokinetic parameters, as it gives a well-defined,
big increase in concentration results in a small increase in physiologically relevant measurement of how drugs are
effect. However, as the side effects of theophylline show a eliminated by the organism as a whole, or by a particular
much steeper relationship with plasma concentration, it is organ. Clearance relates drug concentration to the
critical not to increase theophylline concentrations above elimination rate from the body (Eq. 4), or at steady
20 mg/L. With a lower limit for antiasthmatic effect of state the average concentration Css to the dosing rate
because at steady state the input rate into the body will
equal the output rate (Eq. (5)):

1.0 Elimination rate ¼ CL C ð4Þ

0.9 Effect Dosing rate ¼ CLCss ð5Þ

Utility The clearance concept has been used in defining the
pharmacokinetics of drugs since the mid-1970s (4, 5).
0.7 The clearance concept is based in physiology, where it is
Fraction of maximal response

used as a measure of renal function (creatinine clearance).

0.6 Creatinine is formed from muscle breakdown at a
constant rate, and thus a constant creatinine concentration
0.5 in plasma results. The magnitude of this concentration is
dependent on the elimination rate of creatinine and the
size of the muscle pool (formation rate). By measuring
the plasma concentration and the renal excretion of
creatinine, renal clearance can be estimated and thereby
0.2 kidney function indicated, as creatinine is mainly filtered
into the urine
Urine volume  Urine concentration
CLcreatinine ¼ ð6Þ
Plasma concentration
100 101 102 103 Drugs are not only eliminated via the kidneys but also
Concentration (mg/l) eliminated in the bile by the liver and metabolized in the
Fig. 2 Utility curve and concentration – effect/toxicity relation- liver and elsewhere, which makes direct measurement of
ships for a theoretical drug according to Eq. (1). EC50 for efficacy the elimination rate of a drug difficult. Indeed, other
¼ 10 mg/L, EC50 for toxicity ¼ 60 mg/L, thus the therapeutic routes of elimination could include loss in expired air,
index is 6; s ¼ 1.0. Utility is obtained as the difference between saliva, sweat, partition into tissue stores, efflux from the
effect and toxicity. blood into the gut lumen, and gut metabolism as well as
464 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

other sites of metabolism such as the lung. The total partitioning into red blood cells (CRBC/Cp ¼ 2.7). Thus,
clearance, CL, can be defined as the amount of drug delivered to the liver by the blood is
much higher than that assumed from measuring its plasma
Dosei:v: concentration alone. The relationship between plasma and
CL ¼ ð7)
AUC blood clearance at steady state is given by
where Dosei.v. is the intravenous dose, and AUC is the  
resulting area under the plasma concentration time curve. ¼ ¼1þH 1 ð9Þ
CLb Cp Cp
Total clearance can also be measured during continuous
drug therapy as dosing rate divided by Css according to Eq. 5. Imipramine blood clearance can be calculated by
Clearance is referenced to plasma (plasma clearance, substituting the red blood cell to plasma concentration
CLp), blood (blood clearance, CLb) or plasma water ratio and the average value for hematocrit (H ¼ 0.45) into
(unbound clearance, CLu), depending upon where the Eq. 10). The resulting blood clearance is calculated to be
concentration is measured. Total clearance can be divided 595 ml/min, a value within the physiologic range of liver
into the contributions of each of the eliminating organs, the blood flow The higher plasma versus blood clearance for
most important being renal clearance, CLR, and hepatic imipramine also indicates that the drug present in the red
clearance, CLH. blood cells is readily available for the metabolizing
enzymes by being in rapid equilibrium with the drug
CL ¼ CLR þ CLH þ CLgut þ CLother ð8Þ
present in plasma water. Thus, the plasma clearance may
assume values that are not “physiologic.” However, if the
Renal clearance can be separately determined by
concentration in blood is used to define clearance, the
measuring the excretion rate of unchanged drug into the
maximal clearance possible is equal to the sum of blood
urine, as for creatinine. The difference between total
flow to the various organs of elimination. If a drug shows a
clearance and renal clearance is usually called nonrenal
higher blood clearance than the combined blood flow, a
clearance, meaning the clearance that is not accounted for
probable cause is extrahepatic or extrarenal elimination,
by excretion of unchanged drug into urine, be it
such as the metabolism of nitroglycerin in blood and
metabolism in the liver or elimination by any other organ.
tissues. The rate of elimination of a compound by an organ
Clearance is measured in units of volume per time
is the difference between the rate of presentation to the
(ml/min or L/h) and thus is defined using the same units as
organ and the rate of exit from the organ. Rate of
blood or plasma flow. By definition, clearance gives the
presentation equals the organ blood flow multiplied by the
volume of plasma (blood) from which a drug is completely
entering concentration (QCin), and the rate of exit equals
removed per unit time. For some drugs the liver or kidneys
the blood flow multiplied by the exiting drug concentration
have the ability to clear drug from all the blood flowing
(QCout) (Fig. 3).
through the organ; for example, p-aminohippuric acid
(PAH) has a renal plasma clearance of 600 –700 ml/min, Rate of elimination ¼ Q Cin  Q Cout ð10Þ
which equals renal plasma flow. Because PAH does not
partition into red blood cells, PAH renal blood clearance By relating the rate of elimination to the entering
will equal renal blood flow (see imipramine in the next concentration (Eq. 4), an expression for organ clearance
paragraph for calculations according to Eq. 9, CRBC/Cp ¼ of drug can be obtained
0). So, when the eliminating organ has a high capacity to QðCin  Cout Þ
eliminate a drug, the blood clearance equals the blood flow CLorgan ¼ ¼ Q ER ð11Þ
to that organ. As the organ cannot eliminate drug any
faster than the rate at which drug is presented to the organ, in terms of blood flow and ER, the extraction ratio, which
blood flow becomes the limiting value for clearance. Thus, equals (Cin2Cout)/Cin. A high organ clearance signifies
hepatic blood clearance cannot exceed 1.5 L/min, and that the organ has a high capacity to extract drug from the
renal blood clearance cannot exceed 1.2 –1.3 L/min. blood.
Some drugs show a higher plasma clearance than the For a compound for which the organ has a high
corresponding plasma flow through the eliminating organ. extraction capacity, the exiting concentration is very low
Imipramine has a plasma clearance of 1050 ml/min (6), relative to the entering concentration, and ER approaches
thus exceeding the rate of plasma flow to the liver, where it unity. For an organ with a low extraction capacity, the
is predominantly eliminated. Looking at whole blood, the exiting concentration is not very different from the entering
concentration of imipramine in blood is higher than its concentration, and ER approaches zero. Extraction ratio
concentration in plasma because of a considerable can thus be expressed as the fraction of the organ blood flow
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 465

clearance, and hepatic blood flow. The unbound clearance,

CLu, equals CL/fu.
Rate in Rate out A reasonable assumption is that the active secretion
QCin QCout mechanism in the kidney can also be described by the
well-stirred model. However, the kidneys have several
mechanisms that may determine renal clearance of a drug,
including passive filtration and reabsorption.
The renal clearance is the sum of filtration and secretion
minus reabsorption. It can be described as
Rate of CLR ¼ CLfiltration þ CLsecretion  CLreabsorption ð15Þ
Q(Cin – Cout) or,
Fig. 3 Extraction of drug in an organ of elimination. CLR ¼ ðCLfiltration þ CLsecretion Þ
ð1  fraction reabsorbedÞ ð16Þ

that is cleared by the organ (ER ¼ CLorgan/Qorgan). Several Filtration in the kidneys is determined by the glomerular
models relating the hepatic clearance to physiologic filtration rate, GFR (120 ml/min in a healthy young
parameters have been suggested, including the well-stirred person), and by the fraction of the drug that is dissolved in
and the parallel tube models (7, 8), the distributed model plasma water, that is, the unbound fraction, fu. Thus,
(9, 10), and the dispersion model (11 – 14). The well-stirred
model is the most easily understood and most commonly CLfiltration ¼ fu GFR ð17Þ
employed model, and the following discussion will be Suppositions regarding the mechanisms by which a
based on this approach. drug is renally eliminated can be made by comparing the
The well-stirred model assumes that the unbound drug filtration clearance with the measured renal clearance.
concentration leaving the organ, for example the liver, is Drug is always passively filtered to some extent,
equal to the unbound concentration within the organ, thus depending of the value of fu. If CLR . CLfiltration, the
assuming an instant “mixing” at the entrance of drug into drug is also secreted and may be reabsorbed but to a
the organ. The intrinsic ability to metabolize or otherwise smaller extent than it is secreted. If CLR , CLfiltration,
clear unbound drug and the protein binding (unbound however, this is an indication of reabsorption but does not
fraction, fu) together with the blood flow through the liver exclude secretion. If CLR ¼ CLfiltration, the drug can still be
(QH) all contribute to the resulting hepatic clearance, both secreted and reabsorbed, but to the same extent.
which may be mathematically expressed as Conclusive evidence on whether a drug is reabsorbed
fu CLu;int cannot be made solely on the basis of clearance values.
CLH ¼ QH ð12Þ
QH þ fu CLu;int

Thus, an example of a high-extraction drug is when the Intestinal Metabolism or Clearance

capacity of the liver to metabolize a drug is large
Recently, it has been recognized that small intestinal
compared to the rate at which drug enters the liver
metabolism and active efflux of orally absorbed drugs, are
(fu CLu,int @ QH), clearance approximates liver blood flow
major determinants of oral drug bioavailability (15). Many
CL ø QH ð13Þ elements, including patient specific ones, determine the
extent of oral drug delivery. The observed oral bioavail-
An example of low-extraction drug is when the capacity of ability (Foral) of any particular drug is dependent upon the
the liver to metabolize a drug is small relative to the rate of following processes: delivery to the intestine (gastric
presentation (fu CLu,int ! QH), because of a low intrinsic emptying, pH, presence of food), absorption from the
ability to metabolize or because of diffusion problems to lumen of the intestine (dissolution, lipophilicity, particle
the enzyme site. Under these conditions, hepatic clearance size, active uptake), intestinal metabolism (phase I/phase
approximates II), active extrusion (drug efflux pumps), and then first
CL ø fu CLu;int ð14Þ
pass hepatic metabolism (16).
The enzymes of the cytochrome P 4503A family are the
Between these extremes, hepatic clearance is dependent on predominant phase I drug metabolizing enzymes in man.
all three factors: Unbound fraction of drug, intrinsic The major isoform of the CYP3A family is CYP3A4, the
466 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

ERG = 59%
predominant form found in adult human liver and small Gut
intestine. Members of the 3A4 family are estimated to be ERH = 24%
responsible for the metabolism of more than one half of all Gut Wall
drugs that are substrates for the P450 system of metabolic
enzymes in man (17). The levels of CYP3A4 found in Portal
human liver and small intestine is highly variable, with Vein 27%
10– 100 fold variations observed in liver and as much as
30-fold variation in the small intestine, respectively (18).
Levels of CYP3A4 in the small intestine are generally 51%
10– 50% of the levels found in the human liver, and these M 8% 1
levels as well as the activity of the enzyme decrease
longitudinally along the small intestine (19). The enzymes
of the CYP3A4 subfamily comprise approximately 30% of Fig. 4 This cartoon depicts the various processes leading to an
all hepatic cytochromes and at least 70% of all intestinal oral bioavailability of 27%, following an oral dose of the
cytochromes responsible for drug metabolism (20). Sandimmunew formulation of cyclosporine (15). The values at
Previously, drug absorption from the gut was assumed the bottom of the figure indicate the average fraction of the dose
lost in each of the processes; i.e., 14% of the dose is either
to occur by passive processes, and little attention was paid
unabsorbed, counter transported (effluxed) by P-gp, or degraded
to the activity of counter transport systems. It has now in the gut lumen, 51% of the drug is metabolized in the
been recognized that P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ATP- enterocytes of the gut wall, and only 8% is lost due to hepatic
dependent efflux transporter, is expressed at high levels on first-pass metabolism.
the apical surface of the columnar epithelial cells in the
jejunum of the small intestine (21). P-gp represents the
best studied member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) complementary role for these proteins in the pharmaco-
family of transporters, and is the product of the multidrug kinetics of drug absorption.
resistance gene MDR1 in man. P-gp is expressed in a wide Oral bioavailability (Foral) is equal to the product of the
variety of tissues including the adrenal glands, the bladder, fraction of dose absorbed (Fabs), the fraction of the
the cells of the blood –brain barrier, kidney, liver, lungs, absorbed dose which passes into the hepatic portal blood
pancreas, rectum, spleen, and most importantly for the flow unmetabolized (FG), and the hepatic first-pass
purpose of oral bioavailability, in the esophagus, stomach, availability (FH), as seen in Eq. 18.
jejunum, and colon (21 –23). In an apparent contrast to the
situation noted above for CYP3A, levels of P-gp increase Foral ¼ Fabs FG FH ð18Þ
longitudinally along the intestine, with the lowest levels
Gut and hepatic availability may be defined as one minus
found in the stomach and the highest levels found in the
the extraction ratio (ER) at each site.
colon (23).
The co-importance of CYP3A and P-gp for the oral Foral ¼ Fabs ð1  ERG Þð1  ERH Þ ð19Þ
bioavailability of drugs is suggested by their shared
The hepatic extraction ratio (ERH) can be determined after
locations within the enterocytes of the small bowel, as
intravenous dosing from the ratio of hepatic clearance
well as a significant overlap in their substrate
(CLH) to hepatic blood flow (QH).
specificities (21, 24 –28). Intracellularly, P-gp is found
traversing the plasma membrane of enterocytes while CLH fu CLu;int
CYP3A is found within the cytoplasm on the ERH ¼ ¼ ð20Þ
QH QH þ fu CLu;int
endoplasmic reticulum. Although gene expression of
these two proteins does not appear to be coordinately QH
regulated (29, 30), their proximal spatial relationship So that FH ¼ ð21Þ
QH þ fu CLu;int
suggests that P-gp may act to regulate exposure of drug
(substrates) to metabolism by CYP3A. Repeated The ability to estimate the gut extraction ratio requires
absorption and extrusion processes would then, result further experimental manipulations and assumptions,
in repeated exposure of drug to CYP3A, resulting in such as evaluating the effects of an enzyme inducer,
enhanced overall metabolism, and correspondingly lower e.g., rifampin, on oral and i.v. drug dosing as first utilized
oral bioavailability, as depicted in Fig. 4. This spatial by Wu et al. (31) for cyclosporine, or measurement of
juxtaposition, coupled with the large number of overlaps portal concentrations as first utilized by Thummel and
between CYP3A and P-gp substrates, suggests a strong co-workers (19) for midazolam.
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 467

It is apparent that the greatest impact on oral Volume of Distribution

bioavailability, that would result from the concerted
To measure drug concentrations, a blood sample is
activity of intestinal CYP3A and P-gp, will be observed in
centrifuged and the plasma concentration analyzed. The
drugs that are characterized by low to intermediate hepatic
relationship between the amount of drug in the body and
first-pass extraction. High hepatic extraction will probably
the concentration (C) is called volume of distribution:
obscure the gut effects. The inhibition or induction of
intestinal CYP3A directly translates into changes in the V ¼ amount in body=C ð22Þ
oral bioavailability of drugs. Inhibition and induction of
P-gp in contrast, manifests as a change in the rate of Depending on the fluid being measured, blood (Cb),
absorption, Tmax, which can also affect the extent of oral plasma (Cp) or plasma water (Cu), different values for the
availability, since the Tmax changes reflects the access of volume term can be obtained as the concentrations in these
the drug to the intestinal enzymes. fluids differ.
Many commonly prescribed drugs are joint substrates The volume of distribution is a proportionality
for CYP3A and P-gp, which as has been discussed, both constant. It can be smaller or larger than the true
reside in the human intestine, associates within the physiologic fluid spaces of the body, depending upon
enterocytes. It is therefore very likely that changes in whether the affinity of the drug is highest in plasma
bioavailability for a number of drugs could result from constituents or in other tissues. For a normal 70-kg man,
intestinal metabolism and/or efflux counter transport of the plasma volume is 3 liters, blood volume is about 5.5
absorbed drug back into the intestinal lumen. Selective liters, extracellular fluid outside plasma is 12 liters, and
inhibition of one or both of these processes could total body water is approximately 42 liters.
theoretically increase bioavailability, while decreasing To determine the volume of distribution of a drug, an
the variability inherent in absorption. An approach using i.v. dose is necessary. The volume of distribution can be
specific modifiers of intestinal metabolic and counter calculated from the plasma concentration versus time data
transport activity could conceivably transform the by means of noncompartmental methods as described by
therapeutic efficacy of many drugs now in use. Benet and Galeazzi (32) for a bolus i.v. dose
Dosei:v: AUMC
Vss ¼ ð23Þ
Here Vss represents the volume in which a drug would
DISTRIBUTION appear to be distributed during steady state, AUC is the
area under the plasma concentration time curve, and
The systemic circulation transports drug molecules from AUMC is the area under the first moment of the plasma
the site of administration to all tissues and organs in the concentration time curve, that is, the area under the curve
body. Depending upon the physicochemical properties of of the product of time, t, and plasma concentration, over
the drug (lipophilicity, degree of ionization), the drug the time span zero to infinity. The volume of distribution at
partitions into different tissues to different extents. steady state can also be determined by compartmental
The rate at which distribution takes place into a tissue is methods, that is, by using the coefficients and exponents of
dependent on both the drug partition coefficient (concen- a multiexponential fit to the data (33).
tration in tissue/concentration in blood at equilibrium) and An alternative measure of volume of distribution is
the blood flow to that tissue. The higher the perfusion rate Varea. This parameter is dependent on the terminal half-life
(blood flow per unit volume of tissue), the more rapid is or, expressed differently, the terminal rate constant lz,
equilibrium achieved between blood and tissue. The where lz, is equal to 0.693/ t1/2
higher the partitioning into the tissue, the longer reaching Dosei:v: CL
equilibrium takes, as more drug has to be transported to the Varea ¼ ¼ ð24Þ
z AUC z
Within the blood, drug is dissolved in the plasma water as Dosei.v./AUC = CL, according to Eq. 7a. Although Varea
(unbound concentration, Cu). Drug can also be bound to is a convenient and easily calculated parameter, the value
plasma proteins and concentrated in the red blood cells. It of Varea can show differences when the half-lives differ, for
is the unbound drug molecules that diffuse across the example, between different patient populations, without a
membranes into the tissues. At equilibrium, the unbound true difference in the distribution space. Contrary to Varea,
concentration of drug is thought to be the same throughout Vss is theoretically independent of changes in elimination.
the whole body. Thus, to determine whether a particular disease state is
468 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters for cefamandole in normals and uremics

Parameter Normalsa Uremicsb Significance

CL (ml/min kg) 2.81 1/2 0.98 0.115 1/2 0.023 p , 0.05

t 12 (h) 1.2 1/2 0.2 13.0 1/2 4.5 p , 0.05
lz (h21) 0.576 1/2 0.096 0.0534 1/2 0.0187 p , 0.05
Varea (L/kg) 0.298 1/2 0.104 0.138 1/2 0.048 p , 0.05
Vss (L/kg) 0.161 1/2 0.050 0.134 1/2 0.045 n. s.

Data is 1/2 S.D.

Data from Ref. (34).
Data from Ref. (35).

influencing the clearance process and/or the distribution of sole measure of disposition changes. It is now appreciated
the drug, the Vss volume term should preferentially be that half-life is a secondary, derived parameter that relates
used. An example of the different conclusions that can be to and depends on the primary parameters of clearance
drawn, depending on which of these volume terms is used, (CL) and volume of distribution (V) according to the
is shown in Table 1. The pharmacokinetic parameters for following relationship in Eq. 25:
cefamandole in six normal volunteers (34) and in three
0:693 V
uremic patients (35) are compared. As cefamandole is t1=2  ð25Þ
almost exclusively eliminated via the kidneys, uremia CL
results in a dramatic decrease in clearance (24-fold). The Thus, to look at half-life only as a measure of, for instance,
terminal half-life increases, but only by a factor of 11, the effect of liver disease on drug pharmacokinetics is not
resulting in more than a twofold difference in Varea sufficient, as a change in half-life can be caused by either a
between the two groups (Eq. 24). Based on these data, change in clearance or a change in volume of distribution.
conclusions could be made that a decreased renal function Furthermore, half-life may be unchanged in a particular
not only influences the ability to excrete cefamandole but disease state due to parallel changes in both V and CL.
also results in a decrease in the distribution of the drug in Clearance and volume of distribution are two separate
the body. However, when comparing Vss the conclusion is and independent characteristics of a drug. They are closely
that no significant difference exists in the distribution of correlated with physiologic mechanisms in the organism
cefamandole between the two patient populations. (thereby the term primary parameters). Clearance defines
the body’s ability to remove the drug, that is, by
metabolism or by renal or biliary excretion. Volume of
HALF-LIFE distribution is a measure of the physical interrelationship
between the drug and body constituents, such as binding to
plasma proteins or partition into muscle, tissue, or fat.
Half-life is the “oldest” and best known of all
pharmacokinetic parameters. It is a measure of the time
required for the amount of drug in the body to decline to
half of its value. Half-life is a useful measurement to PROTEIN BINDING
determine the time to reach steady state for chronic dosing,
or the time for the amount or concentration of drug to
decline, for example, after an intoxication. To reach 90% At steady state, the distribution of any drug in the body is
of steady state or to eliminate 90% of the drug from the dependant upon its binding to plasma proteins, blood cells
body takes 3.3 half-lives because 50% of the steady-state and tissue receptors. Only unbound drug is capable of
level is reached in one half-life, 75% in two, 87.5% in entering and exiting from plasma and tissue compart-
three, and 93.75% in four half-lives. The corresponding ments. Therefore, an apparent volume of distribution can
values hold for elimination of drug from the body. be expressed as follows (36),
Half-life can be readily determined from a plot of log fu
plasma concentration versus time and was for many years V ¼ Vp þ VTW ð26Þ
considered to be the most important characteristic of a
drug. Early studies examining drug disposition in disease where Vp represents the volume of plasma, VTW is the
states were compromised, by a reliance on half-life as a volume of tissue fluid (nonplasma), fu represents the
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 469

Table 2 Conditions that alter the concentration of two major plasma proteins

Plasma protein Condition Change in concentration

Albumin Hepatic cirrhosis Decrease

Nephrotic syndrome
End stage renal disease
a1 Acid glycoprotein Myocardial infarction Increase
Crohn’s disease
Rheumatoid arthritis

(Adapted from Ref. 40.)

fraction unbound in plasma, and fu,T is the fraction kinetics are quickly compensated for by movement of
unbound in tissue. Human plasma contains over 60 drug from tissue stores into plasma, precluding the need
proteins. Albumin is the major component of this for adjustment of dosage regimens.
protein family responsible for the binding of most drugs Variation in plasma protein concentrations can occur
in plasma. Acidic drugs bind primarily to albumin, the secondary to decreased albumin concentrations associ-
major drug-binding protein in plasma. Some acidic ated with hepatic cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome
drugs bind with very high affinity, for example, (Table 2). Increased (a1-acid glycoprotein concentrations
furosemide, which is 98 –99% bound and warfarin, are associated with the stress response to disease states
which is 99.5% bound. Basic drugs bind to albumin such as myocardial infarction, inflammatory disease, and
with lower affinity but are more avidly bound to postsurgically (41). A more relevant problem resulting
proteins like a1-acid glycoprotein and various plasma from competition between drugs for plasma protein
lipoproteins. These proteins have lower concentrations binding is the misinterpretation of the measured
in plasma relative to albumin. Binding is therefore more concentrations of drugs in plasma, as most assays are
easily saturable, as is the case with some drugs such as not able to differentiate between bound and unbound
prednisolone and disopyramide, yielding fluctuations in drug (42). Concentration-dependent binding of a drug to
the free fraction of drugs falling within the therapeutic a plasma protein is expected when the total drug
plasma concentration range (6). Because the binding of concentration approaches the protein concentration. For
drugs to plasma proteins and tissue binding sites is albumin this concentration is 0.6 mM, and for a1-acid
largely nonselective, many drugs with similar chemical glycoprotein in healthy individuals it is 0.015 mM,
properties can compete with each other for access to assuming that one drug molecule binds per protein
binding sites. The concern over the potential for adverse molecule. For a drug with a molecular weight of 250,
drug events based on competitive displacement from this corresponds to concentrations in plasma of 150 mg/L
plasma protein binding sites has been overstated and 4 mg/L, for saturation of albumin and a1-acid
however. Indomethacin has been shown to markedly glycoprotein, respectively.
decrease warfarin binding to human serum albumin, in
vitro (37). However, this in vitro drug interaction has
not been confirmed by in vivo studies (38). Steady-state
Influence of Protein-Binding
unbound drug concentrations in vivo are largely
Changes on Volume of Distribution
independent of factors which alter protein binding,
unless a drug is very highly protein bound, for example, As is obvious from the relationship shown by Eq. 26, a
greater than 90% (39). A dynamic equilibrium exits drug which is characterized by a high degree of binding to
between tissue and plasma stores of any drug. Binding plasma proteins (i.e., a low fu) will exhibit a small volume
at these sites is reversible and changes so rapidly that of distribution. Decreases in albumin concentration, for
equilibrium is re-established within milliseconds. There- example, may result in a decline in the fraction of drug
fore, changes in the free fraction of drugs brought about bound to plasma proteins. The increased amount of
by competition with higher avidity ligands or saturable unbound drug is then free to distribute to other tissues.
470 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Unlike binding to plasma proteins however, binding to For a high extraction ratio compound (fu CLu,int@QH),
tissue receptors cannot be measured directly. This exposure will be inversely dependent upon hepatic blood
parameter is generally assumed to be constant. Again, flow
from Eq. 26, this would appear to result in a volume of
distribution increase. However, these changes are only AUC ø ð29Þ
important for drugs exhibiting a high degree of binding in QH
plasma (.90%) and an even higher degree of binding in while for a low extraction ratio compound (QH @ fu CLint),
the tissues, that is, drugs with a high volume of exposure will be inversely related to fraction unbound and
distribution. Changes in protein binding will not intrinsic hepatic clearance.
significantly affect volume of distribution for low V
drugs. Note that changes in volume of distribution do not Dosei:v:
AUC ø ð30Þ
influence the steady-state relationship between dosing rate fu CLu;int
and average concentration (Eq. 5).
However, for an orally administered compound exposure
will also be a function of oral bioavailability
Influence of Protein-Binding Foral Doseoral
Changes on Clearance AUC ¼ ð31Þ
If we examine Eq. 12– 14, we can see that for drugs with a Substituting, Eq. 18 for Foral, Eq. 21 for FH. and Eq. 12 for
low extraction ratio (i.e., chlordiazepoxide), Qorgan is CL into Eq. 30 above, and simplifying yields the following
much greater than fu, CLint; clearance is then approximated expression of exposure following an oral dose of a drug
by fu CLint. However in the case of a high extraction ratio where elimination is via the liver.
drug (i.e. lidocaine), fu CLint is much greater than Qorgan,
and clearance approaches organ blood flow. Therefore, Fabs FG Doseoral
AUC ¼ ð32Þ
clearance of high extraction ratio drugs is perfusion rate fu CLu;int
limited, and not influenced by protein binding. Clearance
Note that for oral dosing, exposure is inversely related to
of low extraction ratio drugs, in contrast to Eq. 14, is
fraction unbound and intrinsic clearance for all drugs
dependent upon both the fraction unbound and the intrinsic
independent of whether they are low or high extraction
clearance (CLint) of the metabolizing organ, for example,
ratio compounds.
the liver.
Comparing Eq. 29 and 31 for a low extraction ratio
drug where elimination is primarily hepatic, it is obvious
that similar oral and i.v. doses will yield similar AUC
THE CONCEPT OF EXPOSURE values, unless the product of Fabs FG is low. A drug with
FabsFG < 1, such as acetaminophen yields similar
Most pharmacokinetic theory has concentrated on exposure following both oral and intravenous dosing,
explaining changes in clearance and bioavailability in and also the variability of exposure will be similar for
terms of the parameters of intrinsic clearance, blood flow both routes, since the factors controlling variability, fu
and fraction unbound (Eqs. 12 and 21). Yet the response of CLu,int, are the same in each case. Cyclosporine is an
a patient to a dose or dosage regimen of a drug is example of a low extraction ratio drug eliminated
dependent on the patient exposure to the drug, which is systemically by hepatic metabolism where exposure is
best characterized by AUC. Thus, it will be useful to markedly less following oral dosing vs. i.v., since Fabs
consider the importance of individual parameters such as FG is so low, in this case due to marked first pass gut
CLint, Q and fu in terms of exposure concepts. Consider metabolism as depicted in Fig. 4. For this drug we would
first an intravenous dose of a drug where from Eq. 7a expect variability in exposure to the oral drug to be
greater than i.v., due to the addition of the Fabs: FG
Dosei:v: differences.
AUC ¼ ð27Þ
CL Propranolol is a good example of a high extraction ratio
and for a drug excreted exclusively by the liver drug where systemic elimination is almost completely
substitution of Eq. 12 into Eq. (7a) yields hepatic. Although there is some gut metabolism for
propranolol following oral dosing, it is not extensive (FG
Dosei:v: ðQH þ fu CLu;int Þ @ FH). Fig. 5 depicts the predicted differences in exposure
AUC ¼ ð28Þ
QH fu CLu;int following i.v. (10 mg) and oral (80 mg) dosing for this high
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 471


250 250

100 100
Plasma Propranolol (ng/ml)

Plasma Propranolol (ng/ml)

50 50

25 25

10 10

5 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (hours) Time (hours)

Fig. 5 Plasma propranolol levels in 5 subjects after i.v. administration of 10 mg and oral administration of 80 mg to fasting subjects.
Observe the much larger variability in plasma concentrations between individuals after administration via the oral route. (From Ref. 43.)

extraction ratio drug. Note in comparing Eq. 28 and 31 that Note that unbound drug exposure will be independent of fu
exposure is less for the oral dose since fu CLu,int . QH. In for orally administered drugs that are predominantly
addition, it is obvious from Fig. 5 that the variability eliminated by hepatic mechanisms. When AUC from
following oral dosing is much greater than that following Eq. 31 is substituted into Eq. 33 then
i.v. dosing. That is, hepatic blood flow from subject to
subject shows much less variability than the intrinsic Fabs FG Doseoral
AUCu ¼ ð35Þ
clearance of the hepatic enzymes. CLu;int
Returning to pharmacodynamic considerations, it is
Similarly for intravenous dosing of low extraction ratio
generally believed that drug responses, both efficacious
drugs, AUCu is independent of fu. Substituting, Eq. 29 into
and toxic, are related to exposure of the patient to unbound
Eq. 33 yields
concentrations of the drug. For intermittent (not
continuous infusion) dosing of drugs, Eq. 1 can be written Dosei:v:
as AUCu ø ð36Þ
Emax AUCsu For high extraction drugs predominantly eliminated by the
E¼ ð33Þ
AUCsu;50 þ AUCu s liver, fu does affect AUCu

fu Dosei:v
where AUCu,50 is the unbound AUC that yields 50% of the AUCu ø ð37Þ
maximal effect over a dosing interval. That is, the effect QH
achieved over a dosing interval for a given dose of the drug For drugs where hepatic elimination is negligible, then
is a function of the exposure to unbound concentrations of FH ¼ 1 and following oral or intravenous dosing we may
the drug. Unbound drug exposure is related to total predict AUCu as follows
exposure by fu, fraction unbound.
fu Fabs FG Dose
AUCu ¼ AUC fu ð34Þ
AUCu ¼ ð38Þ
472 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

and for a drug eliminated by renal processes Eq. 5 can also be described by a Michaelis-Menten
QK fu CLu;int
CL ¼ ð39Þ
QK þ fu CLu;int Vm C
Rate of metabolism ¼ ð43Þ
Km þ C
where QK is blood flow to the kidney. Substituting Eq. 38
into Eq. 37, then From these equations metabolic clearance can be
Fabs FG DoseðQK þ fu CLu;int Þ described as
AUCu ¼ ð40Þ
QK CLu;int Vm
CL ¼ ð44Þ
For a low extraction ratio drug in the kidney (Qk@fu Km þ C
CLu,int), Eq. 39 becomes where Vm is maximal velocity and Km is the Michaelis-
Fabs FG Dose Menten constant. When kinetics are linear, C ! Kin, and
AUCu ¼ ð41Þ clearance equals Vm/Km, but as the concentration
approaches or exceeds Km, clearance becomes dependent
wheras for a high extraction ratio drug in the kidney (fu on the concentration, resulting in saturable metabolism. At
CLu,int @ Qk), Eq. 39 becomes steady state, when input rate (Rin) equals elimination rate,
the steady-state concentration can be described by replacing
Fabs FG Dose fu
AUCu ¼ ð42Þ rate of metabolism in Eq. 42 by Rin and rearranging
Km Rin
Note from the equations above that fu becomes a Css ¼ ð45Þ
determinant of AUCu, and its thereby effect, only for a Vm  Rin
high extraction ratio drug given intravenously when the Drugs that show saturable metabolism within the
liver is the major route of elimination (Eq. 36), and for a therapeutic range include phenytoin and salicylate.
high extraction ratio drug given orally or intravenously Because of the serious side effects encountered with
when the kidney is the major route of administration phenytoin, and because of the genetic variability in
(Eq. 41). Since most drug dosings do not fall into these metabolic capacity with respect to individual Vm and Km
very limited categories, it now becomes clear why changes values, phenytoin therapy is closely monitored using
in protein binding as a function of disease state or drug plasma concentration analysis. Phenytoin has a therapeutic
interactions are generally of irrelevant consequences. concentration range of 10 –20 mg/L, which is above Km
for most individuals. A small change of the dose in this
region leads to a big change in plasma concentrations. An
NONLINEAR PHARMACOKINETICS orbit graph of the relationship between Vm, Km, and the
average steady-state concentration of phenytoin based on
Eq. 44 is shown in Fig. 6.
Most drugs fortunately show linear pharmacokinetics
The mean values of Km and Vm within the population are
within the therapeutic plasma concentration range (that is,
4 mg/L and 7 mg/kg/day, respectively. The variation within
with a doubling of the dose, the plasma concentration is also
the population is also depicted in Fig. 6, where 50% of the
doubled), making possible the prediction of the impact of
population has Km and Vm values within the innermost
changes in drug dosing on the pharmacokinetic outcome.
circle, 75% within the second circle, and so on. With the
Nonlinear pharmacokinetics are caused mainly by
help of this graph, the suitable dosing rate of phenytoin for
saturation of the metabolizing enzymes during drug
an individual patient can be determined. With two plasma
elimination or during the first passage of drug through the
concentrations at two different dosing rates of phenytoin in
liver, and also by saturable protein binding as previously
one patient, his/her individual Vm and Km values can be
discussed. This leads to less predictable results in drug
obtained to further optimize the dosing schedule.
therapy and to the risk of a higher incidence of side effects.
Saturable first-pass effect
Because of very high drug concentrations entering the gut
Nonlinear Elimination/Clearance
and the liver during the absorption of a drug after oral
All metabolic processes are saturable at a certain administration, the liver may often be exposed to drug
concentration of the substrate/drug. Thus, rate of concentrations that are much higher than after i.v.
elimination of the drug by metabolism as described by administration or much higher than the concentrations
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 473

Table 3 The extent of urinary excretion of p-Aminobenzoic acid and its acetyl metabolite as a function of rate and route of
administration in one subject

Total PABA in urine

in 24 h
as % of dose Acetyl-PABA in urine
Total dose excreted in as % of total
Route Na-PABA (g) 24 h (%) PABA (%)

i.v. Bolus 1 102 51

Prolonged administration
i.v. infusion—270 mm 0.4 90 95
10 Oral doses given every 0.4 95 97
half hour
Single dose
Oral solution 1 103 51
2 103 47
4 102 36
8 102 30

(Adapted from Ref 46.)

encountered during the elimination phase after oral

administration. These initial hepatic portal vein concen- Phenytoin Dose 13
trations after oral administration may exceed Km even if the or VM
plasma concentrations measured in a peripheral venous (mg/kg/day)
sample do not exceed Km. The higher the dose, the more of 11
the drug escapes first-pass metabolism, which gives higher
bioavailabiity with increasing dose. An illustrative example
of this is the availability of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) as 9
shown in Table 3 (46). Virtually all PABA is eliminated
into the urine as metabolite and unchanged drug within 24 h.
However, the percent of the dose that has been metabolized 7
to acetyl-PABA is dependent on dose size and rate of
administration, with a clear decrease of the fraction of
metabolite formed with increasing dose after oral 5
administration. Also, the fraction of the dose that is
metabolized increases dramatically with prolonged oral
and i.v. administration. This may also have an impact on 3
slow-release formulations, which for drugs exhibiting a
saturable first-pass effect never yield portal vein concen-
trations as high as comparable immediate-release tablets, 1
thus resulting in lower bioavailabiity for the slow-release
formulation. 20 16 12 8 4 0 5 10 15
Cpss (mg/1) Km (mg/1)

Fig. 6 The Bayesian feedback method of phenytoin dosage

STEADY-STATE CONSIDERATIONS prediction. The eccentric circles represent the fraction of the
IN DESIGN OF sample population whose Vm and Km values are within that orbit.
DOSAGE REGIMENS By drawing lines from the measured Css values via the given
doses of phenytoin, the most probable values of Vm and Km can
be estimated and further used in calculation of new dosing rates
Most drug therapy is designed for chronic drug corresponding to a target concentration. (From Ref 44; also
administration, such as for treatment of hypertension or discussed in Ref 45.)
474 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

diabetes. At steady state, the rate of input equals the rate of
elimination (cf. Eqs. 5 and 6):

F Dose
¼ CL Css;avg ð46Þ
 30 24-h dosage

where F is bioavailabiity, t is the dosing interval, and

of theophylline (µg/ml)
Plasma concentration
Css,avg is the average concentration during steady state.
Note Css,avg is another measure of exposure as discussed
previously, since during the dosing interval Css,avg is 20 8-h dosage
equivalent to AUC/t. Multiplying both sides of Eq. 45
by t and dividing by CL yields Eq. 30. From Eq. 45
dosing rate can be calculated knowing F and CL, or if
Css,avg is measured, CL/F can be estimated in a 10
patient. Plasma drug concentration measurements as an
aid in giving appropriate drug treatment may be useful
1V infusion
1. The therapeutic index of the drug is low (e.g.,
theophylline, digoxin). 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
2. No pharmacodynamic measurements (e.g., blood Time (h)
pressure, minor side effects such as dry mouth during Fig. 7 Relationship between frequency of dosing and maximum
anticholinergic drug therapy) can be used as end points and minimum plasma concentrations when a steady-state
for therapy. theophylline plasma level of 15 mg/ml is desired. The smoothly
3. The drug shows nonlinear kinetics within the rising line shows the plasma concentration achieved with an
therapeutic range (e.g., phenytoin). intravenous infusion of 43.2 mg/h. The doses for 8-h
4. The patient is “uncommon” (e.g., newborns, small administration are 340 mg; for 24-h administration, 1020 mg.
children, pregnant women, or patients with decreased In each of the three cases, the mean steady-state plasma
concentration is 15 mg/ml. (From Ref 47.)
kidney function).
For the average steady-state concentration, the
frequency of drug administration is not important as long calculated as (Css,max) multiplied by the fraction remaining
as the dosing rate is the same (Fig. 7). Thus, 1020 mg of in the body at the end of the dosing interval:
theophylline can be given every 24 h or 340 mg every 8 h
and still have the same average plasma concentration as Css;min ¼ Css;max e ð48Þ

when a constant infusion of 43.2 mg/h is given (17).

However, the fluctuations around the mean value are The difference between maximum and minimum concen-
influenced by the dosing interval. For drugs with a small trations at steady state is (F Dose/V), and thus the amount
therapeutic index, the fluctuations between maximum and that is eliminated during the dosing interval equals the
minimum concentrations during a dosing interval must be available dose.
kept within the therapeutic range, thus favoring shorter The factors that determine the average concentration at
dosing intervals. steady state are bioavailability and clearance. The
Maximum (Css,max) and minimum (Css,min) concen- maximum concentration is determined by the volume of
trations during a dosing interval tau (t) can be estimated distribution, the smaller the volume, the higher the
using the following equations, assuming rapid absorption concentration. The dosing interval compared to the half-
compared to elimination, and a one-compartment model life is most important in defining the fluctuations. A very
for the elimination, where lambda (l) is the rate constant convenient dosing interval is equal to the half-life of the
for drug elimination: drug. This results in a decline during the dosing interval to a
minimum concentration that is 50% of the maximal
F Dose=V concentration. However, administration of a drug every
Css;max ¼ ð47Þ half-life might sometimes be difficult to achieve because of
ð1  e Þ
too short or too long half-lives compared to our 24-h cycle.
In Equation (46) (F Dose)/V describes what is added to the A practical minimum dosing interval is 6 h, and the
concentration from the new dose. Thus, (Css,min) may be maximum is 24 h. For drugs with short half-lives,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 475

slow-release preparations might give smoother plasma influences of genetic variations, age, and disease states.
concentration curves and decrease the number of dosings Disease states influence the pharmacokinetics of drugs
required. Compliance ultimately determines the thera- mainly by impairing drug transport and/or elimination,
peutic outcome; therefore, adjusting drug dosings to the such as in heart failure or kidney or liver disease.
daily routine of an individual, as much as possible, is Kidney function and age show a close correlation.
important. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 100 –125 ml/min/70 kg
at 20 –30 years of age, and then declines approximately
1 ml/min per year as the patient ages. Decreased kidney
Loading Dose function as a result of disease is usually detected by
A loading dose is given to attain the effective target measuring serum creatinine levels and calculating the
concentration rapidly. It can be given as one dose or, more creatinine clearance as a measure of GFR, even though
commonly, be divided into several doses over a relatively using creatinine as a marker for decreased kidney function
short period of time, such as one per day. The size of the has received increased criticism due to overestimation of
loading dose depends on the target concentration and the GFR at medium –low kidney function (48). A GFR
volume of distribution and bioavailability of the drug. The between 20 and 50 ml/min indicates moderate renal
loading dose should give the same amount of drug as will failure, and values ,10 ml/min indicate severe renal
be present in the body during steady state failure. If a major portion of the dose of a drug is
eliminated unchanged via the kidneys, or if active or toxic
Loading dose ¼ Css V =F ð49Þ metabolites are renally eliminated, corrections for kidney
function may be necessary in dosing recommendations.
A loading dose is used when the need for drug therapy is
The influence of age on metabolic clearance is less
too urgent to wait 3– 4 drug half-lives to reach the desired
clear than its influence on renal function. Metabolic
drug concentration in the body. The advantage is a more
clearance is more variable between individuals because of
rapid attainment of steady state. The disadvantage is a
the genetic control and the influence of environmental
higher risk of side effects if the drug concentrations become
factors on the metabolic capacity. The term metabolism
too high or if the individual is more sensitive to the drug
also encompasses many different enzyme reactions that
than the average patient. However, in some instances, such
might be influenced to different extents by age, liver
as in dosing anti-arrhythmics following an acute myocar-
disease, or genetic variables. Unlike renal disease, in
dial infarction, the only choice is to give a loading dose.
which creatinine clearance provides a reasonable estimate
of kidney function, not one good indicator exists for the
degree of liver function impairment with respect to drug
metabolizing capacity.
Liver disease includes many diverse conditions. A
distinction can be made between acute and chronic liver
disease with respect to changes in clearance. Acute states
When starting a patient on a particular drug therapy, the do not generally seem to influence metabolic clearance of
clinician is dependent on general dosing information, such most drugs, but chronic states, such as cirrhosis, seem to
as from the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) or other decrease metabolic function to a greater degree. Also in
literature or experience, including an evaluation of the cirrhosis, a portion of the blood flow may be shunted past
physical status of the patient. At that time the clinician the small capillaries within the liver or bypass the liver,
cannot know exactly how this specific patient will react to causing even less exposure of the drug to the metabolizing
the drug, pharmacokinetically or pharmacodynamically. enzymes and thereby greatly increasing the bioavailability
For optimal therapy, the progress of therapy should be of high-extraction-ratio drugs. Different drugs show
followed with measurements of relevant effect parameters, different behavior with respect to the influence of liver
by titrating the dose to avoid certain known side effects, or disease on pharmacokinetics. Oxidative pathways seem to
by using therapeutic drug monitoring (drug plasma be more highly affected by liver disease than conjugation
concentration measurements). reactions such as glucuronidation. This is evident in the
The need for individualized dosage recommendations benzodiazepine group, where in cirrhosis patients
has received increased attention in recent years parallel to oxazepam and lorazepam are preferred over diazepam
the increased knowledge of what can cause interindividual and chlordiazepoxide due to the smaller changes in
variability in pharmacokinetic handling of drugs and in clearance for the former drugs, which are predominantly
pharmacodynamic response. These causes include the glucuronidated (49).
476 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Cardiac failure may influence drug disposition by can be either monogenic or polygenic, depending on
decreasing the cardiac output and increasing the peripheral whether it is derived from a single gene at a single locus
resistance, thereby redistributing the blood flow from (position), or by multiple loci on the chromosomes
peripheral organs and tissues, such as kidneys and respectively. An allele is one, two or more different
muscles, in favor of central organs, such as brain and forms of the same gene, containing specific inheritable
heart. This might cause a slower than normal distribution differences, occupying corresponding positions on paired
of drug throughout the body and higher initial concen- chromosomes. Genetic polymorphism, refers to monogenic
trations in the central organs that could cause an increased traits existing in the population in at least two phenotypes,
risk of side effects. Because of a lower blood flow to the each of which exits at a frequency of at least 1%. An
gastrointestinal tract, heart failure might cause a slower individual possessing a pair of identical alleles for a given
rate of absorption of drugs. However, this seldom results in trait is said to be homozygous for that trait. Individuals who
a lower bioavailability. A decreased and redistributed are heterozygous for a given trait, possess a combination of
blood flow in liver and kidneys could yield a slower dominant and recessive alleles for that trait.
elimination of highly extracted drugs (50). The cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system
of enzymes is responsible for the primary portion of
xenobiotic (foreign substance) metabolism in man. This
large family of genes is composed of numerous subtypes,
among which CYP2D6, CYP3A4/3A5, CYP1A2,
The 20th century yielded an enormous expansion in the CYP2E1, CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 play especially
chemical arsenal available to medical professionals, for important roles in genetically determined responses to a
the treatment of disease. The worldwide use of these drugs, wide spectrum of drugs. Examples to date of inherited
particularly over the past several decades, has revealed variability in pharmacokinetics have been almost entirely
substantial interindividual differences in the response to restricted to drug metabolism. Renal clearance for any
drugs. These differences, confirmed and explained by drug tends to be very similar for age and weight matched
pharmacokinetic analysis, appear in individual patients as patients in good health. Similarly, the role of genetics in
variations not only in expected therapeutic responses, but determining the absorption and distribution of drugs is
often in the frequency and nature of associated adverse poorly defined.
events. Any particular drug or drug dose may be A number of examples of genetic polymorphisms in
therapeutic in some patients, but ineffective in other drug metabolism have now been identified, involving
individuals. Along the same lines, some individuals may oxidation, S-methylation, and acetylation., as shown in
experience drug related adverse effects from standard Table 4. These polymorphisms were initially identified by
therapy, while others are unaffected. Recognition of these adverse drug reactions occurring in distinct groups, termed
interindividual differences in drug response is an essential “poor metabolizers,” following normal therapeutic doses
first step in optimizing drug therapy. A great deal of of the initial, archetypic drugs.
evidence has accumulated over the past several decades Patients who are homozygous for the CYP2D6 “slow”
indicating that a substantial portion of the observed alleles exhibit a poor metabolizer phenotype, with
variability in response to drugs is genetically determined, impaired metabolism and excretion of many drugs, such
although age, nutrition, health, and environmental factors as metoprolol, nortriptyline and propafone (51). These
play important roles. Pharmacogenetics is primarily “poor metabolizers” are more likely to experience adverse
concerned with the genetic basis underlying this reactions to standard doses of these drugs. The frequency
interindividual drug response, and focuses on genetic of this recessive trait ranges from 1 – 2% in Asians,
differences among individuals, and on the different approximately 5% in African Americans to 6 – 10% in
patterns of drug response among geographically and Caucasian populations (52). More than 40 drugs now in
ethnically distinct populations. The goal of pharmaco- clinical practice, particularly in the areas of cardiovascular
genetics is to make truly individualized drug therapy, one disease and psychiatric disorders exhibit the same
could say personalized medicine, possible, and with a polymorphic pattern of metabolism by CYP2D6
reasonably predictive outcome. (53, 54). Along similar lines, patients who are homo-
The basic unit of inheritance is the gene, a specific DNA zygous for the recessive allele of CYP2C19 are highly
sequence of base pairs which codes for a particular protein. sensitive to omeprazole, diazepam, propranolol, mephe-
The genotype, is the configuration of genes in an individual, nytoin, amitriptyline and other drugs metabolized by this
while the phenotype, is the outward physical expression of isoform (51). The “poor metabolizer” phenotype of
those genes. The mode of inheritance of any individual trait CYP2C19 comprises approximately 2 –5% of Caucasians
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 477

Table 4 Polymorphic drug metabolizing enzymes

Variant pheno-
Enzyme types Drugs Modified response

Plasma pseudocholinesterase Slow hydrolysis Succinylcholine Prolonged apnea

Acetyl transferease NAT2 Slow, rapid Isoniazid Toxic neuritis, lupus erythematosus.
acetylators Sulfamethazine (Slow acetylators)
Paraminosalicylic acid
Thiopurine methyltransferase Poor TPMT 6-Mercaptopurine Bone marow toxicity, hepatotoxicity
methylators 6-Thioguanine Azathioprin
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogen- Slow inactivation 5-Fluorouracil Enhanced toxicity
Aldehyde dehydrogenase Fast, slow Ethanol Slow: facial flushing
metabolizers Fast: protection from liver cirrhosis
CYP 2D6 Rapid, poor Debrisoquine Poor: increased toxicity
metabolizers Spartein Rapid: drug resistance
Dextromorphan, etc.
CYP 2C9 Poor metabolizers Tolbutamide Increased response or toxicity
Nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
CYP 2C19 Poor and extensive Mephenytoin Poor: increased toxicity
hydroxylators Hexobarbital Extensive: drug resistance
Proguanil, etc.

and 3– 23% of Asians. Another polymorphically expressed approximately 40 –50% of Caucasians, and results in
enzyme of the P450 superfamily is CYP2C9. This enzyme decreased clearance of drug with increased potential for
is responsible for the metabolism of a range of associated toxicities.
therapeutically important drugs such as phenytoin, Genetic heterogeneity appears then, to be an
tolbutamide and warfarin (5). It has been estimated, that important source of the observed variability in drug
approximately 5% of Caucasians posses the genetic response. This strongly implies that information pertain-
variant of CYP2C9 associated with a fivefold decline in ing to interethnic and interindividual genetic differences
metabolic activity (6). Drugs such as phenytoin and can play an important role in drug discovery and
warfarin, for example, have narrow therapeutic indices, development. New genetic tools for the rapid, inexpen-
and individual genetically based variations in metabolism sive determination of patient genotypes could have
could have important clinical significance. important therapeutic implications. The need for a new,
Individuals also vary widely in their elimination individualized approach to drug therapy is now, more
kinetics of isoniazid, procainamide, and other substrates obvious than ever. Every year approximately 3 billion
of N-acetyltransferase (NAT2). Peripheral neuropathy prescriptions are issued in the United States, of which
associated with the use of isoniazid, an antituberculosis 2 million result in an adverse reaction, with as many as
drug, first surfaced more than 40 years ago. It is now 1 million resulting in hospitalization. Some 100,000
known that the “slow acetylator” phenotype represents patients die each year as a result of drug induced adverse
478 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

reactions. Early or preventive therapy, guided within the therapeutic range of drug concentrations is.
by individual genetic information, could significantly Both lidocaine and propranolol have a high extraction in
improve clinical outcomes, while reducing the incidence the liver with low bioavailability as a result (35 and 36%,
of drug associated adverse events. respectively) (6). However, propranolol is given orally and
lidocaine is not. Therapeutic concentrations of lidocaine
are 1.5 –6 mg/L, and side effects start to appear at
concentrations of 6 –10 mg/L. For lidocaine falling below
the therapeutic concentration range is just as serious as
going too high in concentration, as both situations may
cause arrhythmias. With a half-life of only 1.8 h, oral
doses would have to be given very often, which is not
Depending on the use of a drug, different parameters are practical. Also, the variability in the first-pass effect
important in designing a dosage form. For intermittent between individuals (Figs. 4, 5) makes uniform dosing
drug use, such as aspirin for headache, the ideal dosage recommendations difficult. Propranolol also has a
form should give a rapid rate of absorption to yield quick relatively short half-life (3.9 h), but the therapeutic index
relief of the pain. This objective has led to the formulation is much higher, and plasma concentrations falling below
of buffered or soluble forms of acetylsalicylic acid, for the “therapeutic concentration” are not as critical for the
which the absorption rate is limited mainly by the drug’s patient; therefore, larger fluctuations in plasma concen-
ability to cross the GI membranes. With a different trations can be allowed during a dosing interval without
indication, such as aspirin used chronically for rheumatoid loss of an acceptable therapeutic outcome.
arthritis, low exposure to the stomach is desired; for this The pharmacokinetic profile of a drug can in this way
purpose, enteric-coated tablets and granules of the drug be used as a basis for dosage form development, together
have been formulated. with the specific requirements of the particular drug
For a drug intended to be used chronically, the concerning maximal and/or minimal concentrations
clearance of the drug from the body, together with the desired, effectiveness versus toxicity, the desired rate of
extent of availability, determines the dose size for a given attaining an effect, and the convenience of drug
therapeutic drug level (Eq. (45)). If clearance and volume administration for the individual.
of distribution of the specific drug result in a short half-life Thus, the knowledge of basic pharmacokinetic features,
and keeping drug concentrations above a certain level is such as rate of absorption, degree of absorption, degree of
important, for example, during antiarrhythmic treatment, renal elimination versus metabolism, whether the drug is a
the dosing interval is crucial, leading to the demand for a high or a low extraction drug, and the like, and knowledge
controlled-release dosage form. of the pharmacokinetic – pharmacodynamic relationship
However, pharmacokinetic properties of a drug may are tools in optimizing drug product development to the
pose limitations as to the possibility of attaining an ideal needs of the patient.
therapy. The choice of digoxin over digitoxin is mainly
determined by the shorter half-life and in the minds of
some clinicians a safer and more predictable drug therapy
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