Debut Script Unfinished

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Good evening!

May I request everyone to please stand for the Lord's moment for our guidance,
blessings, and divine intervention to be led to us by ______________.

EMCEE: Alright! Good evening once again ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here tonight
to witness this once-in-a-lifetime moment of _________. I hope everyone’s having a good time
tonight. Okay pa ba tayo?? Sino na excited makita ang ating debutant? Well I know we all are
ready to see her but before that let me hear you say Check na check when I say Energy Check.
Pwede ba yun? Alright! Energy check?
(Crowd response should be CHECK NA CHECK. If mahina ang response ulitin mo lang ulit I
pitch ang ENERGY CHECK.)
Thank you everyone for of course cooperating. Sana may energy tayo all throughout the night.
An 18th birthday marks almost the steps from youth to young adult, with all its relative
responsibilities. Join us as we celebrate this wonderful girl’s coming of age. Let us all celebrate
as our girl becomes a full-bloomed lady tonight, as our girl turns 18.
In a land not so far away, there was once this young little girl with a beauty of an angel. Born
under the sign of Langga. Langga which means loved. Loved by the people around her. She
grew up with so much love and kindness. She is loved by everybody through her beauty inside
out. Her heart is a unafraid and her mind is ready to try. She’s ready for more adventure for the
sake of fun and friendship. More refined than shy. More adventurous than playful. Indeed she
has all grown up and what a sight she has become.

Ladies and gentlemen me I present to you the lady of the night, the debutant herself, Miss
Daisy Mae.

Emcee: Before we proceed to the main part of tonight celebration, let us first acknowledge the
people who made all these success: from the planning to the execution, the foods, the details
of the party and to everyone who have made this party made possible. Without them this night
wouldn’t be as magical as it is. May I call in the proud parents of our debutante Mr. & Mrs.
______, to welcome us all tonight and as well as to extend their gratitude for coming.

EMCEE: Thank you Mr and Mrs. _______ for welcoming us in celebrating your daughter’s
precious day tonight.
Alright! I guess everyone’s waiting for this moment aside from witnessing our debutantes look
for tonight. Kaya wag na nating patagalin to lets have our dinner.
Everyone may we all stand to bless the food.


Okay. This time may I request the closest friends of langga to please come over in front and lets
have some fun muna.

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