Supervisor Observation 1 Lesson Plan

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev.

Fall 23) Name: __Victoria


Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

Part 1: Lesson Content

Title of Lesson In the Days of King Adobe

Meeting your students’ needs as How does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
people and as learners This lesson is guided by a folktale which contains elements of comedy and fantasy which will intrigue
students. This group of students especially enjoy literature that contains comedy, fantasy, and sarcasm,
so I believe they will enjoy this story.

How does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

This lesson teaches students life skills such as understanding the value of honesty.
This lesson will give these students the tools to extract meaning/purpose of stories through the
identification of theme. This will allow them to apply the theme to their daily lives and learn from the

What Standards (national or ELA.4.R.1.2 Explain a stated or implied theme and how it develops, using details, in a literary text.
state) relate to this lesson?
(You should include ALL applicable
Understanding the standards Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students already learned or been exposed to
over time related to this standard?

ELA.3.R.1.2: Explain a theme and how it develops, using details, in a literary text.
Students have already had exposure to identifying theme and using the text to support their findings.

Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn next related to this standard?

ELA.5.R.1.2: Explain the development of stated or implied theme(s) throughout a literary text.
Students will next learn about how theme develops throughout a text.

What misconceptions might

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: __Victoria

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

students have about this Students might not understand the sarcasm within the folktale – they might take the story literally. They
content? also might not understand the more abstract concepts that hint at possible life lessons or themes.

Objectives- What students will Some examples:

know or be able to do after the --Students will be able to accurately (measure- how well) differentiate (action- how) between potential
instruction – the learning and kinetic energy (content- what).
outcomes --Based on what they read in the first half of a fiction story, students will be able to write (action- how) a
Content (WHAT students are reasonable (measure- how well) prediction (also part of the action) for how the main character will
learning- look to the standard) respond to a challenge in the second half (content- what).
Action (HOW students will show it- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
there might be clues in the
standard) Based on the reading, students will be able to accurately identify the theme of the folktale and support
Measure (HOW WELL they need to their answer with details from the text.
do it)
(Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)

`` Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in
the standard? _____Understand, Apply, Evaluate_________________________________

Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? ____Understand, Apply,
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I chose these levels because students must understand what theme is in order to begin the task at hand,
students must then apply their understanding of theme to use what they read and gather text evidence,

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: __Victoria

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

and lastly students must evaluate the text to ultimately identify a theme.

Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan:

know students have mastered Students will verbally share what they believe the theme is, using text evidence/details from the story to
your objectives? support their answer. They will also write their answer within their “MyBooks”.

Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?
Formative, because students are actively learning about theme – this is not the end of the unit/module.

How does it align with your objective?

This aligns with my objective as students will explicitly pull from the text and support their
understanding of the theme.

Assessment Scoring/Rubric
What are the criteria for how you - Students identify a theme statement
will assess student - Students provide at least one detail from the text to support their theme statement
learning/student work? If you’re - Students write in complete sentences
using a rubric, include your rubric

Part 2: Lesson Implementation

Management & Environment - I will be seated in the rocking chair at the front of the room and I will have the small group seated
(integrated throughout your on the carpet in front of me
step-by-step plan): - I will ensure all students have their Mybooks and are turned to the correct page. I will also make
 How will you arrange sure all students are ready by pointing to the first word and following along as I read.
yourself and the students - Prior to reading I will verbally remind students to follow along as I read. I will also let them know
(location in the classroom, to look out for details in the text that might hint at the theme.
seating)? - If students do not meet my expectations, I might give them a verbal reminder to stay on
 What processes & task/follow along.
procedures will you use?
How and when will you
communicate those to
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: __Victoria

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

 What expectations will you
have for the students? How
and when will you
communicate those to
 What strategies will you use
if students do not meet your
expectations? Are there
specific students who
require a more extensive
management plan? What
will that consist of?
 What will students do if
they complete the task
(What materials will you use? Why I will use the textbook, which includes the folktale.
did you choose these materials?
Include any resources you used.
This can also include people!)

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: __Victoria

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

Differentiating Instruction What is informing your need to differentiate (mark those that apply & explain):

Readiness Interest Learner Profile

The students within this small group need more one on one support in ELA. Through small group, these
students are able to get assistance.

How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? (mark those that apply):

Process Product Content

By doing this lesson in a small group, the students are able to engage in the task at hand, as opposed to
falling behind and following along with the larger group without truly understanding what is going on.

Describe what/how you will differentiate:

I will read the portion of the text aloud to them and also work with them to identify the theme, instead of
having them read and complete the task independently.

Which specific students will benefit, and why?

All the students in the small group will benefit as they are able to receive better support and guidance
during this task.

Accommodations (If needed) What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners, using the
(What students need specific WIDA levels? (Refer to your ESOL Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual Entering, Emerging, Developing, Expanding, Bridging
students (initials), and then explain  Entering/Emerging:
the accommodation(s) you will  Developing/Expanding:
implement for these unique  Bridging:

What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: __Victoria

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education

References (Planning of

instruction should be guided by
research-informed - This source highlighted the importance of asking divergent questions within small groups.
approaches. Acknowledge It also provides stems/phrases to base these questions off of.
references used to inspire lesson

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? ______ELA________________________________
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other
Act as if you needed a substitute to words, what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es;
carry out the lesson for you.) guided/gradual release/etc.) _______Guided________________________
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
 What Higher Order Thinking 3. Step-by-step plan:
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? Time: Action Steps:
 How will materials be
 Who will work together in 10:10-10:11: I will begin by calling the small group over after my CT has finished the whole group
groups and how will you reading. I will sit in the rocking chair and have the five students join me at the carpet. I will ensure all
determine the grouping? students have their books and are ready to get started.
 How will students transition
between activities? 10:11-10:12: “As mentioned earlier, we are going to be thinking about the theme. Can anybody remind
 What will you as the teacher me of what we have learned about theme so far?”
do? As we read these pages I want you to look out for any details that might hint at the theme of this folktale.
 What will you as the teacher Before I begin reading I would like to see everyone pointing at the very first word ready to go. As I read I
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (rev. Fall 23) Name: __Victoria

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 5 Date of Lesson: Feb 13, 2024

say? would like you all to follow along.”

 What will the students do?
 What student data will be 10:12-10:17: Read pages 107-108 aloud
collected during each phase?
 What are other adults in the 10:17-10:25: “Now that we have finished reading, who can tell me what they think the theme might be?
room doing? How are they What makes you think that? Are there specific details in the text that support that?”
supporting students’ learning? During this time I will call on the students that raise their hands/answer. I will ensure that students use
the text to support their answers. I will also ask that as students provide their response, then write it
down as well.

10:25-10:26: Now that we have written our answers down, who wants to share why they think theme is

After students write their answers down, I will have them remain seated, as my CT will then bring the
whole group together to discuss the class’s answers.

Read the story again and think through questions

Be sure you can explain what the theme is
Make connection to their own life
Why did the author write about this?
What is the purpose of theme? – introduction?

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