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Greater Invoking Ritual of the

Hexagram, Malkuth


Black Altar cloth, candle, incense, cup of

water, Lotus
(or Phoenix)1 Wand (wrapped),
Planetary Banishing
Dagger, materials for the Rite of the
Eucharist (optional).

The Knaves or Princesses and the tens.

COLORS: Black flashing with

complementary white.

INCENSE: Dittany of Crete (Origanum

1. Go to the Northeast corner. Stand
facing outward, away from the
Altar. Proclaim: "Hekas, Hekas Este
Bebeloi" [he-kas he-kas este

2. Go to the West of the Altar, facing East.

Perform the Lesser Banishing
Ritual of the Pentagram.

3. Perform the Lesser Banishing

Ritual of the Hexagram.

4. Perform the Rite of Purification with

Water and Consecration
with Fire.

5. Unwrap your Lotus Wand.

6. Perform the Rite of the Qabalistic

7. Perform an Invocation of the Highest
Divine Force.
8. Pick up your Lotus Wand. Assume the
God Form of Geb, dressed in
black, olive, citrine, and russet with white
trim, while vibrating
"Geb" [geb].

9. Go to the Eastern end of the Circle.

Stand facing outward.
10. Holding the Lotus Wand by the white
band, trace a black Invoking
Malkuth Hexagram (Eastern form) while
vibrating [ara-
Trace a white Malkuth symbol in its
center, while vibrating
[a-do-ni ha-a-rets]. Project black Light
through it, using the Sign of the Enterer.

11. Give the LVX Signs.

12. Raise your arms, reaching outward
and slightly upward. Proclaim
(and vibrate as indicated): "In the Name
of the Lord
[a-do-ni ha-a-rets], I invoke you, you
Forces of [mal-kut].
13. Pierce the center of the Hexagram,
and trace a line of white Light
as you move to the South. Finish the line
at the point where the
center of the next Hexagram will be. ETC
...Trace a black Invoking Malkuth
Hexagram (Supreme form) while
vibrating [a-ra-re-ta]. Trace a white
Malkuth symbol
in its center, while vibrating [a-do-ni ha-
a-rets]. Project
black Light through it, using the Sign of
the Enterer.

Give the LVX Signs.

Raise your arms, reaching outward and
slightly upward. Proclaim
(and vibrate as indicated): "In the Name
of the Lord [a-do-ni ha-a-rets], I invoke
you, you Forces of [mal-kut].
Each of the Names in the following
Invocation should be vibrated
twice. The first time, vibrate the Name
while you trace it in Hebrew
(over the Hexagram, from right to left).
The second time, vibrate
the Name again, while you trace its Sigil,
Proclaim: "In the Name of the Lord [a-
do-ni ha-arets],
,of the Archangel [san-dal-fon], and of the
Choir of
Angels [esh-em], I invoke you, you
Forces of [malkut]."
Extend your arms outward and upward.
Proclaim: "I invoke you,
you Angels of the celestial Spheres,
whose dwelling is in the In-visible. You
are the Guardians of the Gates of the
Universe. May
you also be the Guardians of this Mystic
Sphere. Keep far removed
the Evil and the Unbalanced. Strengthen
and inspire me, so that I
may preserve unsullied this Abode of the
Mysteries of the Eternal
Gods. Let my Sphere be pure and holy, so
that I may enter in, and
become a partaker of, the Light Divine."
33. Give the LVX Signs, and remain thus
for a short time, while you
feel the invoked Energies.
34. Go to the Northeast corner of the
Circle, and face outward. Extend
your arms outward and upward, and
proclaim: "The visible Sun is
the dispenser of Light to the Earth. Let
me form therefore a Vortex
in this Chamber, that the invisible Light
of the Spirit shall shine
therein from above."
35. Circumambulate ten times around the
perimeter of the Circle.
Imagine Magical Current flowing
through you, and visualize a
clockwise-spinning Vortex being created
as you move. Give the
Sign of the Enterer each time that you
pass by the Eastern end of
the Circle (in the direction you are going,
without stopping). Finish
in the Northeast.
36. Go to the West of the Altar, facing
East. Perform the Rite of Adoration
of the Lord of the Universe.
37. State clearly the Magical Intentions

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