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The Qliphotic Poems (Thomas Karlsson)


the fire in the cave

and the shadows on the wall
dancing dreams
dragon’s teeth that grows
the vestal fire
in the middle of the square
falling stars impregnate the field
the clock strikes and Kali reaps
grapes bleed from the top of the log
once you enter here
you may never look back
the salt in the mine redeems your soul
the woman in the red mantle
and the bull from the Aldebaran
thistles of sand
in a sea of riches and lust
the owls watches over the wanderer's steps
in the dark forest
in Azazel’s desert
at the crater of the volcano
by the shore of the sea
take the step into the arms of the future
let the clock strike and Kali harvest
when you feel the Dragon's breath your life begins


dancing dreams and shadows on the wall

caressed by strength and weakness
blind and seeing
deafened and hearing
a scent of lavender
and a taste of olive
a hand black and eternal
an eye that sees what you are seeking to see
bodies soaked in sweat
light of black tar
far above, far below
swear a pact with the cult of the damned
sap flows from the crack in the birch
the ice in your hand becomes the elixir of life
the moon illuminates the flesh
a cellar
a chamber
a temple
a church
Shekinah shines through the shape of longing and forms
a light in the shadows
builds the world of dreams
music is the language of the Serpent
the fruit of knowledge
the eroticism of eternity


caressed by strength and weakness

a lightning flash that blinds your soul
in the labyrinths of wisdom, the seeker is lost
in the labyrinths of wisdom, the seeker finds the self
frailty becomes power
despair turns into doubt
and doubt becomes faith
faith turns into determination
an ending without end
to have faith and to trust
the black hand is an embrace
a whisper in the dark
the heaviness and darkness constitute a letter in the angel’s name
a letter that reveals the way to God
Cain's children bear the mark
Cain's children have the map
the one they called the Devil is the true god
burn in the bonfire
set the bonfire aflame!
gladiators of madness
caress Lilith’s cat
the rainbow shows the path
when the deluge comes to an end
and the thousand eyes of the peacock are a mirror of the soul
A’arab Zaraq

a thousand eyes mirror the soul

lightning strikes the sea
the darkness leaves a layer of frost
the diamond is born from the middle of the rose
thunder echoes through the valley
old giants and petrified trolls awake at night
they dance quietly to the song of the star
Chronos devours himself
and the hourglass falls to the ground
the spear pierces the bodies of the holy
in dire ecstasy, below the image of Venus illegitima
ride Marah, ride!
ride across the black sea of dreams
fly, raven, fly!
fly beyond the horizon
to the distant shore
war and passions blaze in the clouds
alike a spear
the rays of the black sun
pierce the center of the heart


blood flows like wine from a broken chalice

when the rays of the black sun strike the center of the heart
flow out into the endless ocean
fight upstreams until the soul reaches the source
rest on the shore after the long journey
let the dawn wake you up after a lifelong sleep
crawl out of the egg from a shattered world
reborn alike a phoenix from the nourishing ashes
broken shells are the shadow of the resurrected
under the black sun, the Beast is a God and God a Beast
a thousand doors stand open
a thousand doors within a thousand doors
two doors are ajar
one up towards the star
one down towards the past that you have left behind
ride on the dragon's back
and you have your feet under hell
and your head above the heavens


rest on the shore after the long journey

guide the seekers and carry the torch into the future
a thousand years in the realm of the black sun
is a thousand years of giving and receiving
of above and below
of wisdom and ecstasy
a unity with everything you are
beyond this is the fire of seduction
the Dragon's guardian to the utmost
at some point you will seek the utmost
what is the utmost?
with fire, the question will be answered
Death was executed by the Dragon's guardian
but Death is the answer to the questions of the Sphinx
your bloodstream is a lava flow
a lava flow of what was and what is to come
who are you?
you know, but do not want to answer
wormwood and ash spice your wine
the scythe mows the weeds
the scythe destroys everything
even everything you were and are
with pain and longing, you leave your daimon behind
you are alone, yet less alone than ever before


Death was executed by the Dragon's guardian

even Death stands naked at the foot of the lapis lazuli mountain
what was, what is and what is to come
is revealed at the feet of the diamond goddess
from here, there is no return
the eroticism of eternity caresses your soul
the Dragon, once a stranger
gives you a name
and you understand
a name of love, power and knowledge
the Dragon whispers its name
you do not understand, but you understand


you understand understanding beyond understanding

bathing in the swirls of the ocean
shouting loudly in the labyrinths of silence
the Norns weave your garment out of Ariadne's red thread
the spider devours the spider as the sperm cell penetrates the egg
Chronos eats his children
until even time is devoured by itself
the egg hatches and the child arises
to the ravens of memory and consciousness
you see in a darkness so deep that it blinds the unseeing
universe after universe flows from Kali's fountain
out of the mouths of a thousand and a thousand serpents
born out of each one, are one thousand and one thousand serpents
who each spit out a thousand and a thousand serpents
countless, like water drops in an endless ocean
you see
you understand
resting in the vortex of wisdom


resting in the vortex of wisdom

the ruler of the armies rises with a crown of thistles and gold
in the beginning was the word
and so also at the end of the road
the evening star has crossed the ocean of night
and extends its hand like the morning star
Leviathan's armor is the word from the mouth of God
the promise of the Serpent has been fulfilled and the tree bears fruit
Lilith unites with Lucifer in graceful ecstasy
the nectar of eternity falls
and drips from their bodies
the king and queen proclaim the power of silence
beyond the word, the existence beyond existence lies hidden
the tree of knowledge is now inseparable from the tree of life


the tree of knowledge is the tree of life

the Serpent's promise has been fulfilled
beyond the beginning and the end
the wordless shell, in which the black diamond has been perfected, opens
through the violent pressure of eons
the black ash of Death is the invincible diamond of life
Moloch and Satan in constant commotion
the Adversary cuts through the web of the universe
the bull from the Aldebaran is crowned in the new world
the womb is the grave, the grave is the womb
the eye sees and creates
from the Dragon, God rises again
in the eye of the Dragon you see God
The Dragon's eye reflects you who have created yourself
mirror images of mirror images in a perpetual dance
rise and fall, fall and rise
rest in the arms of the Dragon
give birth to wisdom and worlds
you are the Serpent and God
The Destroyer and the Savior
rise and fall, fall and rise
rest in the arms of the Dragon

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