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94 英文單字連鎖記憶手册

MMHCTT47^ 三 E:m

MHRi 三孑分鐘背熟〒面的明|
I r (A) exact [ ig'zaekt ] ( = accurate ) adj ・正確的 L I (B)
act [ aekt ] v.行動
【厕麦】exactly adv.正確地 action n・行動 active adj.

【格> ]Action speaks louder than words.事實勝於雄辯 f (A)exalt [ ig'zolt ] ( = praise

highly ) v.t.稱載 t(B)exult [ igrzAlt ] ( = rejoice greatly ) v.i.興高采烈
【!■用 K] be exalted to the dcie.大受稱讚
((A) examination [ rg,zaemia'nejon ] n.考試;檢査
'((B)determination [ di,t3*ma'nej9n ] n.決定—>determine v.t.決定
[UtfflR J take an examination 接受考試
f(A)examine [ igrzaemin ](二 test ) v.t•考試
I (B) example [ ig'zaempl ] n.樣本;實例
【價用 IS 】for example = for instance 例如
((A) except [ ik'sfpt ] prep.除...........以外 v.t.把.......除外(二 omit )
”1 (B) exception [ ik^epjan ] n.例外
[RS] exceptional 例外的
【At 用 IB]with the exception of 除............之外
f(A)exchange [ iks^fendj ] ( = give and take ) v.t.交換;互换
I(B)change [ tjendj ] v.t.换;改變
【價用 K] in exchange for 與..........交换
f(A) excuse [ iks'kjuz ](二 forgive ) v.t.原諒;寬恕 n. [ ikslcjus ]雑口
* 1 (B)accuse [ a'kjuz ] v.t.控告
【價用 HKDmake an excuse 找 H 口
(2)accUse+A+of + 罪名二 charge + 人+with + 罪名(控告某人
r(A) exercise [ 'ekgsaiz ] n.運動;習題 v.t.訓練;鍛鍊
& 1(® precise [ prifsais ] adj.精確的;讒愼的
【伝用 take exercise 做運動 do exercises 做習題
r(A)expect [ iks'pekt ] ( = anticipate = lode forward to ) v.t.期待
t(B) respect [ risFpekt ] ( = look up to ) v.t. & n.尊敬
[RW] expectant adj.期待的 expectation n・期待;預料 respectful adj.表尊敬的
respectable adj.値得尊敬的 respective adj.個別的
f(A) explain [ iksrplen ] ( = give reason for = account for ) v.t. 說明 10-1(B) plain [ plen ]
n.平原 adj .清楚的
[關 R】explanatiwi n.說明

IL r(A) express [ iks'pres ] v.t.表示 adj.明白的 n.快車 丄 I (B)press [ pres ] v.t.壓

[] expression n・表現 expressive adj.富於表情的
IZ I (A)exquisite [ ^kskwizrt ] ( = elaborately made ) adj.精緻的
I (B) requisite [ rrekwizit ] ( = needed ) adj.需要的
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 95

聯考戰場刀舟当能 編南 1
囚囱四 1 The approximate area of the college is a square miles ; the area is 5・
皿) 12 square miles.
(A) exact (B) exactly (C) act (功 active 賦 act ively
[A][B] 2 A boy with an__________brain will be more successful than a
(C]E[E dull boy.
(A) exact (B) exactly (C) act (功 active ©actively
LAJRI© 3. He was ed to the skies.(大受稱讚)
団J (A) exal t (B) exult
EJEKISLE 4. The whole country are ing over the victory.
(A)exalt (B) exult
囚⑥皿 IE
5. His_______to carry out the plail was not weakened by the
difficulties he met with.
(A) examination (B) determination
囚 6. The dentist made a careful ______________of my teeth and found
(EtSCEC three decayed teeth.(蛀牙)
E (A) examination (B) determination
囚 7. Many great men have risen from poverty------------------------Lincoln
[EISIEEE and Edison, for___________.
(A) examine (B)example (C)examination (D) instance
E & AH men between 18 and 45 without________________are expected
to serve in the army during the war.
(A) expectation (B) exception (C) except (D) expect
9. I will_______you this time, but next time I will punish you.
(A) accuse (B) excuse (C) charge (0 forgive
[SfflOEtE 10. I'll________him with stealing my money.
(A) accuse (B)excuse (C) charge (D) forgive
[ATKircirpirFi 11. John and his girl friend promised to meet here at eight o'clock・(八點正)
(A) precise (B) exercise (C) precisely (D) sharp (E) sharply
12The two persons standing in
STKSEIE policemen ; one is in uniform the doorway of the store are and the
clothes.(便衣) other is in
(A) explain (B) plain (C) neat
13. She wears a dress of (D)dirty
KLUfSlEtE (A) exquisite (B) requisite des ign.

1(A) 2(D) 1 (A) 4.(B) 5(B) &(A) 7. (B)(D) &(B) 9.(B)(D) 1O.(C)
邮跳呻 13.CA)

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