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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Unit Code & Title

Student's name

Student ID Number

Student Statement I declare that:

● I understand what is required to achieve proficiency in the previous unit(s)
● The work submitted for this evaluation is my own work.

Student's signature


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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Assessment Task 2
Identify opportunities for operational change

Instructions for the student

In this task, you will identify an opportunity for operational change in an organization. You will
consult with stakeholders to identify a suitable opportunity for change, complete a cost-benefit
analysis, complete a risk management plan, and make a presentation to stakeholders on the
opportunity for change.
This assessment can be done in your workplace if you are working in a context where you have (or
are likely to have) responsibility for change management as part of your role; however, the
assessment can be based on the simulated business, Australian Hardware, if necessary. Talk to your
evaluator about where they will conduct this evaluation.
Complete all parts of the assessment with supporting documentation as needed. Submit the
assessment assignment in the required format and within the deadline agreed upon with your

Evaluation conditions
The skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a simulated workplace or environment where
conditions are typical of those of a work environment in this industry.
This includes access to:
● Documentation and resources relevant to organizational change management in the
Evaluators in this unit must comply with the requirements for evaluators in applicable legislation,
frameworks and/or standards in vocational education and training.

Resource requirements
For this assessment, students will need access to:
● Workplace stakeholders (or other learners if conducting the assessment in a simulated
● A quiet area to consult with stakeholders

● organisational plans, policies and procedures; or, if the assessment is conducted in a simulated
workplace, simulated policies and procedures for Australian Hardware, available at
● Appendices for this task:

○ Appendix 2.1: Query Log

○ Appendix 2.2: Risk Management Plan.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Review your workplace's operating policies and procedures, risk management, and financial
If you complete the assessment using the simulated workplace:
● visit and review Australian
Hardware's organizational plans, policies and procedures
● Read the following scenario.

He recently attended a meeting where Mary Chu, Chief Operating Officer of Australian
Hardware, briefed managers on the organization's progress against its strategic goals over the past
two quarters. He reported the following:
● Australian Hardware continues to maintain its 8% market share

● The company is confident of hitting its target of $3.7 billion in sales revenue

● Most stores were on track to reach sales revenue of $27 million

● The business had recorded an increase in foot traffic to stores (an average of 900 visits per
day) and a 5% increase in website visits.
He identified some performance gaps and opportunities:
● Only 10% of existing staff have completed environmental training

● The company continued to struggle to recruit qualified staff, with some stores reporting
vacancy rates of 14 per cent
● there is an opportunity to promote Australian Hardware's environmental commitment
through website and media campaigns
● Potential to increase online sales and website functionality

● Rewards & Recognition Program Needs to Be Updated

● Increase customer engagement through annual online focus groups

● Feasibility study needed on cybersecurity risks facing Australian hardware

● A project to increase staff engagement levels across the company.

Mary Chu announced two recent management decisions that the board endorsed:
● Scope of the Australian Hardware Website Redesign Project

● the introduction of flexible working hours for administrative staff and head office
He was cautiously optimistic that Australian Hardware would achieve its vision of becoming the
leading hardware and home improvement retailer in Australia within the next five years.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

1. Review your organization's strategic plan.

a. Identify a minimum of three key objectives and current progress towards these

Provide a URL for your organization's strategic plan (attach a hard copy if the link is not

Provide the URLs of a minimum of three internal and three external sources of information
that were accessed to perform the SWOT analysis

Objectives and progress

Goal: Reach sales revenue of $3.7 billion

Current Progress: The company is confident of achieving this goal. No specific information is
provided on current progress, but management's confidence suggests that the company is on the
right track to achieve it.
Goal: Maintain an 8% market share
Current Progress: The company has maintained its 8% market share, indicating that it has been
successful in this goal so far.
Objective: Increase customer engagement through annual online focus groups
Current Progress: No specific information is provided about current progress toward this goal. It
is suggested that this is a future goal that the company is considering implementing

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

b. Initiate a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis to conduct

this review.
Identify where progress against the strategic plan is on the goal (strengths), where there
is a performance gap (weaknesses), and where there are potential threats.
Opportunities will be evaluated in Step 2.

Key Strategic Strengths Weaknesses/Gaps Threats


Achieve sales Management's Lack of detail on Difficulties in hiring

revenue of $3.7 confidence in specific strategies to qualified personnel
billion achieving the goal. reach the revenue can affect the
target. company's ability to
Maintaining a
meet demand and,
market share of 8% Dependence on
therefore, achieve
indicates a strong external factors such
sales targets
competitive position. as market economics
that could affect the
company's ability to
achieve the goal.

Maintain an 8% The company has Potential for Difficulties in

market share maintained its increased recruiting qualified
market share of 8%, competition in the personnel can affect
indicating a stable market that could the company's
competitive position. affect the company's ability to maintain
ability to maintain its market share in a
its market share. competitive

Increase customer Recognition of the Lack of expertise or Failure to effectively

engagement through importance of resources to conduct implement online
annual online focus increasing customer online focus groups focus groups can
groups engagement. effectively. result in lower
customer satisfaction
Resistance or lack of
and missed
active participation
opportunities for
by customers in
online focus groups.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

c. Identify two management decisions made in the last six months that require operational
changes. Stick to those decisions related to the achievement of organizational goals.

Decision Operational change required Relationship to key strategic


Scope of the It requires the allocation of Increased online sales and

Australian Hardware additional resources, both improved website functionality.
website redesign human and financial, to carry
Promotion of environmental
project: out the redesign effectively.
commitment through the
It involves the need for website and media campaigns.
coordination between web
development, graphic design,
and marketing teams to ensure
a successful implementation.
You might need constant
monitoring of project progress
and adjustments as needed

Introduction of It requires the implementation Increase staff engagement

flexible working hours of a time management and across the company.
for administrative staff performance tracking system to
Improve employee retention
and head office ensure that flexible schedules
and work environment.
managers do not impact productivity.
It may require staff training and
effective communication about
the new flexible scheduling
You need a mechanism to
assess the impact of flexible
schedules on achieving
organizational goals.

2. Analyze your organization's external and internal environments to identify three opportunities
for operational change.
Note: If you complete this assessment in a simulated workplace, please review the
information provided on the Australian Hardware intranet, including the SWOT analysis
included in your business plan. You should also research the Australian retail environment to
identify three external drivers of change that Australian hardware is facing. For internal
controllers, please review Australian Hardware's business plan and the information provided
by Mary Chu in the scenario provided.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Opportunity Implementation of Environmental Training Programs

for change

External Controllers Internal Controllers

Environmental Regulations: There is Low Environmental Training Completion

growing pressure both nationally and Rate: Currently, only 10% of staff have
internationally for companies to adopt more completed environmental training,
sustainable and environmentally friendly indicating an opportunity to improve and
practices. expand these programs.
Consumer Expectations: Consumers are Management Commitment: The company's
increasingly concerned about the management has shown interest in
environmental impact of companies and are promoting environmental commitment,
looking to support those that demonstrate a which supports the implementation of
genuine commitment to sustainability. training programs.

Opportunity Improving the Acquisition of Qualified Personnel

for change

External Controllers Internal Controllers

Talent Shortage in the Labour Market: History of Hiring Difficulties: The company
Australian hardware is struggling to recruit has experienced recurring problems hiring
qualified staff due to competition and a qualified personnel, which points to the
shortage of professionals in certain areas. need to review and improve its recruitment
and selection processes.
Vacancy Rates in Some Stores: Vacancy
rates of 14% in some stores indicate the Management Commitment: Management
need for effective strategies to attract and has recognized the need to address this
retain talent. issue, indicating internal support for
implementing changes in talent acquisition.

Opportunity Rewards & Recognition Program Update

for change

External Controllers Internal Controllers

Competition in the Labor Market: Offering Need to Improve Staff Engagement:

an attractive rewards and recognition Updating the rewards and recognition
program can help retain and motivate program can be an effective strategy to
employees in a competitive job market. increase employee engagement and
Management Support: Management has
endorsed the decision to update the
program, indicating an internal commitment
to improving staff engagement.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Details of a minimum of three sources of information used to identify external drivers
The Australian Hardware Intranet

Details of a minimum of three sources of information used to identify internal drivers

Company Interviews and Releases: Interviews with managers and company releases can
provide insight into strategic decisions, organizational changes, internal goals, and other
Internal Company Documents: Documents such as annual reports, internal presentations,
strategic plans, and internal policy documents can provide a detailed view of the company's
goals, strategies, and operations.
Employee Surveys and Feedback: Collecting employee feedback through satisfaction
surveys, meetings, or internal discussion forums can reveal perceptions about
organizational culture, internal challenges, and opportunities for improvement.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

3. Consult with a minimum of three stakeholders to analyze and prioritize identified

opportunities for change.
a. List at least three stakeholders that should be consulted.

Name of the Role Reason for consultation

interested party

Maria Chu Chief Operating Officer Since Maria Chu is the Chief Operating
(COO) Officer and has provided key insights into
the organization's progress, it would be
critical to consult her for more details on
the management decisions made and how
they might impact operations in the

David Mifsud Chief Financial Officer The CFO has a detailed financial view of
(CFO) the company. You may be consulted to
speak with them about opportunities for
change that could have financial
implications and how they could impact
sales revenue and profitability targets.

Elizabeth Madden General Marketing The General Manager of Marketing will

Manager provide us with information on
opportunities to promote environmental
commitment through marketing and
media campaigns, as identified at the

b. Document queries using the template in Appendix 2.1. Your evaluator will observe
your inquiries using Observation Checklist 1. Read the checklist first to make sure you
understand what is required.
Note: If you complete this assessment using the simulated workplace, your assessor will
identify who will play the roles of the Australian hardware team members in the query.
4. Identify a minimum of five risks or barriers that may present the highest priority opportunity
for change. Complete a risk management plan using your organization's risk management
process and risk management plan template, or the template provided in Appendix 2.2.
5. Complete a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for this opportunity for change. Include in your
a. Direct, indirect, intangible costs, and costs of the potential risks of the proposed change
b. A copy of your calculations
c. any interested party you have consulted when preparing the collective agreement.
Note: If you are using the simulated workplace, please refer to the Australian Hardware org
chart to identify the personnel who can be assigned to the project team. The costs of salaries

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

for different levels of employees that can be resources in your change project are available
online at and other recruiters when you type "salary surveys" into a search engine.
Costs for equipment or other items that may need to be purchased are available through

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) - Implementing Flexible Schedules

to. Costs:

1. Direct Costs:

 Salaries and Benefits of Personnel Assigned to the Project

 Technology and Software Costs for Remote Work

 Training and Development to Adapt to New Schedules

2. Indirect Costs:

 Transition and Adaptation Time

 Potential Interruptions in Initial Productivity

3. Intangible Costs:

 Improved Staff Satisfaction and Retention

 Increased Employee Engagement and Motivation

4. Potential Risk Costs:

 Possible Resistance to Change

 Challenges in Schedule Coordination

 Impact on Initial Productivity

 Customer Dissatisfaction with Service Changes

b. Calculi:

Direct Costs:

 Project Staff Salaries: $10000 USD

 Technology & Software Costs: 6500 USD

 Training & Development: $2000 USD

 Indirect Costs: $4000 USD

 Initial Interruptions: $2000 USD

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Potential Risk Costs:

 Exchange Resistance: $2000 USD

 Schedule Coordination Challenges: $1000 USD

 Productivity Impact: $1000 USD

 Customer Dissatisfaction: $1000 USD


 Satisfaction and Retention Improvement Rating: $15000 USD

 Assessment of Increase in Commitment and Motivation: $18000 USD

c. Stakeholders Consulted:

 Flexible Schedule Implementation Project Team

 Chief Operating Officer (COO), Maria Chu

CBA Summary:

Total Cost:

$10,000 + $6,500 + $2,000 + $4,000 + $2,000 + $2,000 + $2,000 + $1,000 + $1,000 +

$1,000 = $31,500 USD

Total Benefit:

$15,000 + $18,000 = $33,000 USD

6. Make a presentation to stakeholders about the opportunity for change.

Your evaluator will observe your presentation using Observation Checklist 2. Read the
checklist first to make sure you understand what is required.
Note: If you use the simulated workplace, your evaluator will arrange role-play participants
who will play the team members who will form your audience.

Shipping Checklist
For this assessment task, you must submit:
● a SWOT analysis with consulted sources

● Three opportunities for change

● Completed Appendix 2.1: Query Log

● Risk Management Plan (Organisational Template, Own Template or Appendix 2.2 completed)

● cost-benefit analysis (CBA ) with calculations and details of those consulted to generate the
Keep copies of all documentation for use in Assessment Task 3.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Assessment Task 2 – Observation Checklist 1

Student's name

Student ID Number

Unit Code & Title

Advisor's Name

Supervisor's Name

Evaluation Summary

For the evaluator: For the student:

These observations should be carried out while the Your evaluator will observe you using the criteria in
learner demonstrates the performance results, skills, the following checklist to ensure that you meet the
and knowledge needed to consult with stakeholders. requirements of this evaluation. This can be done in
a simulated environment.
Ensure that the environment meets health and safety
requirements prior to assessment. Regardless of Read this checklist before your hands-on demo to
whether the task is simulated or performed in a real make sure you understand the requirements.
workplace, you will need to ensure access to the
necessary resources that are listed in the evaluation
conditions for this unit in

Consult with stakeholders


Evaluator/Supervisor Initials

Observation number 1 2 Evaluator's Comments

a. Presents opportunities for change for

consideration in a clear format    

b. It takes a leading role in analyzing the problems

and directing the discussion.    

c. Ask open-ended questions to encourage all

stakeholders to contribute, e.g., "tell me    
about...", "describe...", etc.

d. Use inclusive language (gender-neutral,

culturally sensitive) when consulting and    
negotiating with stakeholders.

e. Actively listens during the consultation, e.g.

nodding your head, using verbal stimuli such as    
u-huh, etc.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Consult with stakeholders


Evaluator/Supervisor Initials

Observation number 1 2 Evaluator's Comments

f. Use collaborative techniques to gain support to

prioritize an opportunity for change.    

g. Use problem-solving skills to identify the

benefits and risks associated with the    
opportunity for change.

h. Confirm the change processes that need to be

followed.    

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Assessment Task 2 – Observation Checklist 2

Student's name

Student ID Number

Unit Code & Title

Advisor's Name

Supervisor's Name

Evaluation Summary

For the evaluator: For the student:

These observations should be carried out while the Your evaluator will observe you using the criteria in
learner demonstrates the performance results, skills, the following checklist to ensure that you meet the
and knowledge required to make a presentation to requirements of this evaluation. This can be done in
stakeholders. a simulated environment.
Ensure that the environment meets health and safety Read this checklist before your hands-on demo to
requirements prior to assessment. Regardless of make sure you understand the requirements.
whether the task is simulated or performed in a real
workplace, you will need to ensure access to the
necessary resources that are listed in the evaluation
conditions for this unit in

Make a presentation to stakeholders


Evaluator/Supervisor Initials

Observation number 1 2
Evaluator's Comments
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory SU SU

a. Matches the content to the audience's level of

   

b. Use a logical presentation structure    

c. Use clear, precise language (including avoiding

   
jargon or unnecessary technical terms)

d. Speak confidently and clearly    

e. Use visual aids, such as graphs, diagrams, and

graphs to explain concepts and numerical data.    

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Make a presentation to stakeholders


Evaluator/Supervisor Initials

Observation number 1 2
Evaluator's Comments
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory SU SU

f. Identify how the proposed change will support

the achievement of the organization's goals.    

g. Use inclusive language (gender-neutral,

culturally sensitive) to explain concepts.    

h. Seek feedback and leave time for questions

   

i. Actively listen to respond to comments.

   

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Remarks, Statement and Signature

Evaluator's Comments

Place of Assessment

Evaluator's Name

Evaluator's Statement I declare that all requirements of Assessment Task 3 have been satisfactorily
completed and verbally authenticated if necessary.

Advisor's Signature Date

Supervisor's Name

Supervisor's signature Date

Student's name

Student Statement I declare that I have been informed and accept the results of this part of my

Student's signature Date

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Appendices to Assessment Task 2

Appendix 2.1: Query Log
Use the query log below to record your stakeholder inquiry for Assessment Task 2, Step 3. You can
make these inquiries by phone, email, or in person. Use the table below to record your three queries.

Student's name

Student ID Number Date

Unit Code & Title

Advisor's Name

Query 1

Date of consultation: 10-10-2023 Name of Stakeholder Maria Chu


Query Method: email Job Title: Chief Operating

Officer (COO)

Prioritizing opportunities for change Advice

Staff Environmental Training: Priority: High Take into account the annotations given and the
priority ranking of the opportunities for change
Reason: Only 10% of staff have completed
to start working on them
environmental training, indicating a significant
gap in the company's environmental
Improvement in the Recruitment of Qualified
Personnel: Priority: High
Reason: Difficulties in recruiting qualified staff
and high vacancy rates in some stores are an
obstacle to efficient performance and customer
Rewards & Recognition Program Update:
Priority: Moderate
Reason: Although no specific weaknesses are
identified, an update can increase staff
motivation and engagement.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Query 1

Risk in Opportunities for Change Advice

Staff Environmental Training: Risk: Resistance Implement an effective communication strategy

to change by staff, possible disruption in to explain the benefits of environmental
operation during training. training and provide incentives for
Improvement in the Recruitment of Qualified
Personnel: Risk: Persistent difficulties in Involve employees in the design process and
finding qualified candidates in the labor clearly communicate the benefits of the new
market. program.
Rewards & Recognition Program Update: Risk:
Possible resistance from staff who are
accustomed to the current program

Benefits of the Opportunity for Change Advice

Environmental Training of Personnel: Benefits: Consider the benefits that can be gained by
Greater environmental commitment, addressing these opportunities for change in the
compliance with regulations and improvement future
in the company's image
Improved Hiring of Qualified Personnel:
Benefits: Greater operational efficiency,
improved quality of customer service and
reduced vacancy rate.
Rewards & Recognition Program Update:
Benefits: Increased staff motivation and
satisfaction, which can lead to increased
productivity and retention.

Recommended change management process Advice

Staff Environmental Training: Start with clear Conduct a detailed analysis of staffing needs,
communication about benefits, provide establish strategic partnerships, and develop
effective training resources, and establish key attraction and retention strategies
performance indicators to assess impact.
Rewards and Recognition Program Update:
Involve employees in the design of the new
program, provide training on the changes, and
regularly communicate benefits.

Reflection on the Consultation 1 Improvement

What changes, if any, will you make to improve the Broadening Consultation to Different
outcome of the upcoming consultations? Stakeholders
Wider consultation, proposing practical solutions Consider Long-Term Impact
and a focus on long-term impact would be key areas
to improve the outcomes of the upcoming

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Query 1

consultations. Additionally, maintaining open Rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation

communication and being willing to adapt as
circumstances evolve will be essential to the success
of change initiatives.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Query 2

Date of consultation: 10-10-2023 Name of Stakeholder David Mifsud


Query Method: Email Job Title: Chief Financial

Officer (CFO)

Prioritizing opportunities for change Advice

Based on the financial outlook, it is It is important to consider those opportunities

recommended to prioritize opportunities that that have a tangible impact on the
lead to a significant improvement in organization's financial results in the short and
profitability and operational efficiency. This medium term. It is also crucial to assess the risk
could include cost optimization, revenue associated with each opportunity and determine
maximization, and effective management of whether the necessary investment is justified by
financial resources the expected return.

Risk in Opportunities for Change Advice

Financial Risk: Some exchange opportunities A detailed analysis of the financial and
may involve a significant initial investment, operational risks associated with each
which could affect liquidity and financial health opportunity should be conducted. It is
in the short term. The organization's ability to important to have contingency plans and a
absorb these costs should be carefully analyzed. strategy in place to mitigate these risks should
they materialize.
Implementation Risk: Depending on the
complexity of the initiative, there may be risks
associated with successfully executing change.
This includes potential delays, technological
challenges, or resistance to change from staff.

Benefits of Opportunities for Change Advice

Improved Profitability: By taking advantage of It is important to clearly communicate the

the identified opportunities, the organization expected benefits to all stakeholders involved in
has the potential to increase its profit margins implementing the changes. This will help create
and therefore improve its overall profitability. a sense of purpose and alignment throughout
the organization.
Optimization of Financial Resources: The
effective implementation of certain changes can
lead to a more efficient and effective allocation
of the organization's financial resources.
Sustainable Growth: By capitalizing on these
opportunities, the organization can experience
stronger and more sustainable growth over the
long term.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Query 2

Recommended change management process Advice

Detailed Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis Transparency and open communication are
of each opportunity, including financial, critical throughout the change process.
technical, and organizational impact Ensuring that all parties involved are aware of
assessments. and aligned with the goals of the change is
essential for success.
Strategic Planning: Develop a detailed plan that
includes clear goals, assigned responsibilities,
and a realistic timeline.
Communication and Training: Effectively
communicate proposed changes to all
stakeholders and provide appropriate training to
ensure successful adoption.
Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation:
Establish key performance metrics and tracking
mechanisms to assess the impact of changes
and make adjustments as needed.

Reflection on Consultation 2 Improvement

What changes, if any, will you make to improve the To improve future consultations, it is important
outcome of the upcoming consultations? to:
1. Define clear objectives.
By implementing these adjustments, upcoming 2. Actively listen and show empathy.
consultations are likely to be more effective and
generate richer and more valuable information for 3. Adapt the communication to the interlocutor.
4. Refine questions and topics.
5. Plan and structure the consultation.10.
Continuously evaluate and adjust the
consultation process.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Query 3

Date of consultation: 15-10-2023 Name of Stakeholder Elizabeth Madden


Query Method: Email Job Title: General Marketing


Prioritizing opportunities for change Advice

Prioritise strengthening online presence and It identifies the opportunities that have the
promoting environmental commitment through greatest potential to make a positive impact on
digital marketing campaigns. This can have a Australian Hardware's strategic objectives. It
positive impact on brand perception and considers factors such as scope, feasibility, and
customer engagement impact on organizational performance.

Risk in Opportunities for Change Advice

There is a risk that some marketing strategies Conduct a detailed analysis of the potential
may not resonate with the target audience or obstacles and challenges that might arise when
that the competition will respond aggressively. implementing the changes. Envision alternative
Therefore, it is crucial to conduct market testing solutions and mitigation strategies to minimize
and analysis before implementing significant risks.
changes to marketing strategies

Benefits of the Opportunity for Change Advice

The opportunity for change has benefits such as Quantify and qualify the expected benefits of
an increased online presence and an each change opportunity. Establish key
environmentally conscious marketing strategy performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to
can attract a wider and more engaged customer measure the real impact on the organization.
base. This can result in increased sales and
improved brand reputation.

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Query 3

Recommended change management process Advice

Conduct a thorough review of current Take an iterative and flexible approach to the
marketing strategies and pilot new initiatives change management process. Set clear
prior to large-scale implementation. In addition, milestones and encourage constant feedback to
he suggests maintaining open communication adjust and improve initiatives as they are
with the marketing team and being willing to implemented.
adjust strategies based on the results obtained.

Reflection on Consultation 3 Improvement

It's important to recognize that each stakeholder Setting Clear Expectations

provided unique and valuable insight into the
company's current situation and potential areas for
Ask for concrete suggestions
improvement. This underscores the importance of Document & Track
continuing to involve these key parties in the
decision-making process and in the implementation
of operational changes

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Assessment Task 2 BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organizational change

Appendix 2.2: Risk Management Plan

Complete the following risk management plan by identifying a minimum of five risks or barriers
associated with the proposed change.

Student's name

Student ID Number Date

Unit Code & Title

Advisor's Name

Risk/Barriers Impact Probability Strategies to mitigate risk

Staff Resistance High Moderate Effective communication about the benefits of

to Change change.
Offer training and support to adapt to new
Involve team leaders in the implementation

Difficulties in Moderate Loud Implement efficient scheduling tools.

Establish clear communication channels for
Assign specific responsibilities for schedule

Impact on Initial Moderate Moderate Make a gradual transition to the new

Productivity schedules.
Set clear metrics and goals to measure

Challenges in High Moderate Provide training on remote work tools and

Technological software.
Adaptation for
Offer dedicated technical support to solve
Remote Work
technology problems.

Potential Moderate Moderate Clearly communicate changes to customers

Customer and highlight benefits.
Establish feedback channels to address
with Service

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