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[Sender’s Name]

[Address line]

[State, ZIP Code]

[Letter Date]

[Recipients Name]

[Address line]

[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] –Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am submitting this letter as a resignation from my job as the employee relations assistant that is to be
put into effect immediately.

As you may know, I love my job, and I always do the best I can to ensure delivery with the best possible
results for any and all projects that involve me. I consistently work hard, and I am very much involved
and active in other company matters. However, I was very disappointed to learn that once again, I have
not been selected as a candidate eligible for promotion. I feel like my work for the past years have
earned me the right to move up at least a step in the company hierarchy. I am very frustrated that I am
still in the very same position as when I entered the business one year ago.

I also received a warning of poor job performance which is totally irrelevant with my past performance.
This hurts me very much that this make my mind to write this resignation letter apart from all other

Although I am very much hurt and disgruntled by these events, I would like to express my gratitude for
all the things I have learned during my stay in the company and all the opportunities I have been

My replacement, as I was informed, shall be arriving next week, and I will be more than happy to help
with the smooth transition of things.


[Senders Name]

[Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] – Optional

cc: [Name of copy recipient] – Optional

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