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The Doorbell Rang Lesson Plan

Big Idea: Understand that Division is equal sharing

I can statement
 I can share cookies so that each person has the same cookies
*On the carpet* Today we will be reading this book, can someone tell me the name of
this book? The Doorbell Rang. I want you all to turn to the person next to you and share what
you think this book is going to be about. Make sure you are listening to your partner because you
will be sharing aloud what your partner thinks this book will be about. Kids share what they
think this book will be about so they might say doorbells, sounds, lots of kids. What did your
partners say they thought this book will be about? Comment based on their response. If they said
they think it will be about ringing a doorbell, I would say what made you think that. Have you
ever heard of the word division if so where? Then ask their responses. Do you know what it
means and how it relates to math? We will be completing a worksheet about this book and
writing division number sentences.
Whole Group Stuff
 I will be reading this story and as I am reading I want you to think about how to separate
the groups of cookies we will be reading about. I start reading the book and stop after the
second page. How many kids are sharing the cookies, 2. How many cookies did they each
get, 6. Then I would continue to read. I will stop after the 4th page and Now how many
children are there, 4. How many cookies they each get now? 3. If they are having trouble I
will remind them that when there were 2 kids each kid got 6 cookies. Then I will continue to
 After page 8 when Peter and his little brother come in I will stop and ask the same
questions, how many kids are sharing the cookies now, 8, how many cookies will each kid
get, I will let them think about this one and leave time for them have an answer, 2. After that
I will read then stop the page after the other kids come in and how many kids are now in the
house sharing cookies, 12. How many cookies do each of them get, 1 each. I will read the
rest of the story and Turn to the person next to you and tell them what you thought about the
 I will model how the worksheet should be filled out with the numbers from the book. I am
going to show you all how I want you to fill out the worksheet you are going to complete.
How many children were there at the beginning of the story, 2. I will write 2 on the
whiteboard. How many cookies did each of them get, 6, and I will right that on the board too.
How can we make this into a number sentence? If they need help, I would tell them to draw
pictures or use their manipulatives. After they draw a picture or write out 12/2=6 or 6*2=12
or 6+6=12. How to make it a multiplication or division number sentence? Or if they are
having trouble doing that to draw pictures of the story problems. I would also tell the class
that I love cookies and 12 would not be enough for me so instead I am going to make 36. So,
if I were the only one eating the cookies I would get 36 cookies. What would be a
multiplication problem sentence that I could write for this problem? 1*36=36. I will give
them the number of children then they will have to figure out the number of cookies each get
and the number sentence. I will now put you into partners and you will be completing this
worksheet with your partner. I am going to pick the partners right now, I will pair them up to
who they are sitting next to on the carpet we are sitting at. I except to see two colors on the
paper for the two different students. I do not want to see one color or I don’t want to see one
person telling the other person what to write, I want both of you to discuss about the
problems before writing it on the paper and I want both of you to understand what you are
writing. Your learning target for today is that you can share cookies so that each person has
the same cookies and that you can write a division number sentence.
State the problem to be solved or the question to be answered: Division is equal sharing
 Individual Accountability- writing in a different color than their partners and there need
to be the same amount of work for each student so not one student is doing all the work.
 Group Goal: One piece of paper that is shared with equal amounts of students writing.
 Key Questions:
Clarifying Questions: What are you doing here? What do we already know? What
are we trying to find out? How many cookies are there? How many children have to
split the cookies?
Eliciting Questions: Why did you do the problem this way? Can you explain your
strategy? How did you get your answer? Why is this here?
Extending Questions: What is another way you can solve the problem? Can you do
this differently? What about if there were ___ cookies? Why does that make sense for
the problem?

Assessment: What I am looking for is that you guys can write a division number sentence and
that you show me different ways you solved the problems. I want you guys to try to use a
different strategy halfway through the worksheet.

Summarize: Have three pairs of students write their strategies on the board. Grab your papers
and sit on the rug next to your partner. Turn to your partners and discuss what strategy was most
like the strategy you and your partner used. What was the same, what was different? Have them
talk for a little and the ask What did the people whose strategies are on the board do. Have other
students who did not write on the board try to figure out how their peer solved the problem and
work through it a different way. I would ask the eliciting questions right here too but reword
them to What did they do here or what did ___ and ___ do here? How did they come up with that
and ask the class how ___ and ___ solved this problem? If they used multiplication I would then
go back and ask them if they can write a division sentence instead, and if they are stuck we could
work it out together by asking what we already know. I would compare and see what was similar
about the strategies like how the picture is just the repeated addition and subtraction of the
cookies and counting by numbers aka multiplying. We will go through the one row as a class on
the rug then I will say Check your answers for the next few rows. I will write number sentences
for the following rows and have the students ask questions if they got it wrong.

I will pass out index cards and ask them what division means or give me an example of a
division number sentence. You will be doing this on your own and when you finish you can
bring the card up to me at the front.
 Enrichment: I would substitute different numbers in the chart that have remainders and
see if they can figure that out.
 Remediation: I can use smaller numbers or use manipulatives or if needed I can help
them because they are already using a graphic organizer and working with a partner.

There are 36 cookies write a problem yourself and decide how many children to divide the
cookies between.

Number of Children (given) How many cookies will each Math sentence
child get?

2 18 36/2= 18

4 9 36/4= 9

6 6 36/6= 6

12 3 36/12=3

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