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On March 9th 1776, Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher and

economist wrote and published the book “The Wealth of Nations”. In this
book, he described the capitalist system that was upsetting the
mercantilist system. The argument behind mercantilism was that wealth
was fixed and finite, that meant that a nation should sold their products
to other nations without buying anything in return (just as an exchange).
The part he defined as “Invisible Hand”, is about was about natural
forces that guided people’s own interest to satisfied their necessities,
without the government’s intervention. The definition about “Invisible
Hand” can be linked with the “Free-Market Capitalism”, since it is an
economic model that promotes the free flow of exchange between us as
individuals or as a nation also without the government’s interventions, in
which the market can price all their goods or services without the
We can finish saying that Smith, principally, in certain way encouraged
us to just care about us (self-interest) to get prosperity. He argued that
giving everyone the chance of free trade (produce or exchange good as
whatever they wanted to) peoples self-interest will bring prosperity. He
wanted us to have the vision of abundancy and freedom for everyone
and to put in practice the savings, hard work and self-interest.

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