Farhan Rafael Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Istilah-Istilah Artinya

1. Law: 1. Hukum
2. Lawyer: 2. Pengacara
3. Suspect: 3. Mengira
4. Legal Standing: 4. Kedudukan Hukum
5. Judicial Review: 5. Peninjauan Kembali
6. Justice Collaborator: 6. Kolabolator Keadilan
7. Supreme Judge: 7. Hakim Agung
8. Court: 8. Pengadilan
9. Contitutional Court : 9. Pengadilan Konstitusi
10. Penal of Judges: 10. Majelis Hakim
11. Human Right: 11. Hak Asasi Manusia
12. Customary Law: 12. Hukum Adat
13. Imprisonment: 13. Hukum Penjara
14. Life Sentence /Life Imprisonment: 14. Hukum Seumur Hidup
15. Death Sentence: 15. Hukum Mati
16. Detention: 16. Penahanan
17. Amnesty: 17. Amnesti
18. Claimant / Plaintiff: 18. Penuntut
19. Suspect: 19. Mengira
20. Witness: 20. Saksi
21. Expert Witness: 21. Saksi Ahli
22. Eye Witness: 22. Saksi Mata
23. Law maker: 23. Anggota Parlemen
24. Breaker: 24. Pemecah
25. Prisoner: 25. Tawanan
26. Guilty: 26. Bersalah
27. Case: 27. Kasus
28. Justice: 28. Keadilan
29. Jurisprudence: 29. Yurisprudensi
30. Presumption of Innocence: 30. Praduga Tidak Bersalah
31. Attorney General: Jaksa Agung 31.Jaksa Agung
32. Evidence: Fakta-fakta/bukti 32. Bukti
33. Violence: 33. Kekerasan
34. Victim: 34. Korban
35. Arrest: 35. Menangkap

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