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(Diamond Campus)

Name: __________________ 1st Term

Class: Pre- Nine Paper: Math
Total Marks: 50 Time: 2hrs
Checking ______________ Rechecking ______________
Q#1: Choose the correct option. /10
1. The idea of matrices was given by
a. Arthur Cayley b. John Napier c. Henry Briggs d. None
2. The matrices are denoted by
a. Capital Letter b. Small Letter c. Big Letter d. Both A & C

3. The order of matrix 4 5 6 is [1 2 3

a. 2 by 1 b. 2 by 2 c. 2 by 3 d. None
4. [ 1 6 7 ] is called ___________.
a. Row Matrix b. Column Matrix c. Both d. None
5. [ 1 2 ] + [ 2 −6 ] =?
a. [3 4] b. [3 -4] c. [-3 4] d. None
6. Product of [ 1 4 ] 1 []
a. [10] b. [-10] c. [9] d. [-9]

7. The order of the Transpose of 6 −1 9 is [2 3 1

a. 2 by 2 b. 2 by 3 c. 3 by 2 d. All

|1 2|
8. 3 6 is equal to
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. None

9. Adjoint of −1 −4
a. |−41 −32 | b. [−41 −32 ] c. [ 21 −4
] d. [−4
−1 2 ]

10. Inverse of Identity Matrix is called ____________.

a. Additive Inverse b. Diagonal Matrix c. Identity Matrix d. Scalar Matrix
Solve these short questions (8*3=24)
1. Define rational number.
2. Write a short note on the history of matrix
3. Define Diagonal Matrix.

2 4 1 4
] [
4. If A= −3 9 B= 8 −4 than find 4a-2b ]
[ ][
1 2
5. Find the product of the matrices. 3 4
−1 1
1 2 3
4 5 6 ]
−2 6
6. A= 3 −9 , find Multiplicative Inverse.
7. Define Identity matrix.
8. Simplify: 125 (8)

Subjective type
Solve these questions (4*4=16)

1. 3 x−4 y=4 , x+2 y=8 , solve by Cramer’s rule

2. If A= 6 [ a+3 4
−3 4
6 2 ][ ]
than find the value of a and b

(216) 3 1
3. Simplify: −1
× (25) 2
n 5 4 n−1
(81) .(3) −(3) .(243)
4. Simplify 2n
(9) (3)3

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