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_1672 Morton AVe.; L.A. 90026 MA 5-8427
:rw,vs LETTER NO, 9
May' 1966
TH!S IS NO TIME for complacency! We don't like to sound like
kill-joys when so many people are jubilant in the belief that the
new proposals for a trade show and convention cente'r are so un-
questionably superior that the City Council could not possibly
decide n-ow to destro'y Elysian Park. .
BUT THE PROMOTERS are still pressing for the Elysian Park.
site and it only takes eight votes to approve the give-away. The
with which the Council majority .APPOINTED a new councilman
in the 4th District, 9-5, overriding voter demands for an election,
is an ominous sign. Speaking and voting for elections were: Coun-
cil President T1mberlak'a and Councilmen Bernardi, Bradley, Braude
ancl B:otla.rid.
.. THE trEw COUNCILMAN, John Ferraro, president of the Police Com-
.... Jnis.sion . .;;md a Ybrty appointee, did not answer our query as to his
stand dn. the proposed destruction of Elysian Park. We hope he
' will stuay the issue thoroughly to find out the reasons. for so
;;;J1luch:.n;Eia,t,ad opposition,. and that he. will vote against the plan to
rob the people of their park. All those who are determined to
save Elysian Park should write and tell him why
............. --................ ....... -. . ..
NO DATE has yet been set for the next hearing on the Conven-
tion Center site. At their last joint meeting, the Recreation and
Parks and Finance Committees voted to seek reports from various
City Departments on six sites --Bunker Hill, Pico-Figueroa, Ex-
position Park, Ambassador Hotel, Airport (Westchester) and Elysian
Park -- and to ask the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for an
evaluation of the Bunker Hill proposal. For the first time the
opinion of the City Planning Dept. is being sought
.... _',('HE,,JOINT COMMITTEES, however, decided to refer their request
for departmental reports to City Council, but we do not
know when it will be taken

Plans to construct a new Stad.ium Way, sacrificing the stately
colonnade of palms, destroying the seclusion of the Recreation
,.J:..odge . and-cutting off its entrance were designed to "pave the way"
to the convention center. But even if it is placed elsewhere,
the threat of the multi-lane road remains, The Citizens Committee
has prop:osed an ALTERNATE ROUTE that would serve the stated pur-
pose O'f' fllcilitating the f'low of traff'ic, but outside the park.
Maps .s)1o)l1ing our proposal, with an explanatory letter, have been
.. s.ent t .. o .p.ity officials. If you want a copy, send. us a note.
< -,- ' ,.,,. ......
",.,_ ,,_ "' .; '"=!'"' -'
.. of' the inimitable satire, "That Was the Park
1fas," was a rousing success. Special thanks go to Audrey
Miller, producer; Harry Tarsky and Leo Kovner, directors and
authors, and a wonderful cast f'or t'w."' delightful evenings and a
del1.ghtful gain f'or our legal fund of to $600!
Resolutions opposing use or Elysian Park f'or a convention
center have been passed L.A. County Democratic Central Commit-
tee, 40th A.D. Democratic Committee, China Town Democratic Club,
Chinese.itomen's Club Juniors, Tarzana Property OWners Ass'n, Lith-
ographers and Photoengravers Union Local 262 and L.A. Leather,
Luggage and Handbag Workers' Union, Locel 213L.
CAJ\IDIDATES -- Forty-eight candidates pledged support to sav-
. .in.g.E;:l,y,g,ian Park .in reply to auestionnaires sent out by our Commit-
tee. Write in for complete list of those who back our fight.
MEMBERSHIP NEARS l,OC.O -- Our membership is now 990! We
want--tod:ouble it! (Use blank on reverse side.)
ST.EERING COMMITTEE -- Irene Abbott, Nancy Liakakos and Gon-
zalo Molina have been welcomed as new members of our Steering

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