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Is AI dangerous to human life?

Affirmative Negative

(D)1. Invasion of Privacy (Thành) 1. AI plays an important role in

Privacy is a basic human right that everyone personal information security
deserves. However, Artificial Intelligence + Rather than a password for your phone, a
lock for your house, or a key for your
may lead to a loss of privacy in the future. vehicle, AI offers you with a facial id,
Even today, it is possible to track you easily which is more convenient and safer for your
as you go about your day. Latest equipment to identify you. This will secure
your personal information as well as your
technologies like facial recognition can find home or automobile from criminals or
you out in a crowd and all security cameras robbers.
are equipped with it. The data gathering
EX: Various product types that incorporate
abilities of AI also mean that a timeline of AI technology include
your daily activities can be created by antivirus/antimalware, data loss prevention,
accessing your data from various social fraud detection/anti-fraud, identity and
access management, intrusion
networking sites. detection/prevention system, and risk and
compliance management.
In fact, China is currently working on a
Social Credit System that will be powered
by Artificial Intelligence. This system will events/blog/ai-is-playing-an-increasingly-
give all Chinese citizens a score based on important-role-in-cybersecurity-for-good-
how they behave. This may include and-bad#:~:text=AI%20boosts
behavior like defaulting on loans, playing %20security,and%20risk%20and
loud music on trains, smoking in non- %20compliance%20management.
smoking areas, playing too many video
games, etc. And having a low score may
mean a ban on travel, having a lower social
status, etc. This is a prime example of how
Artificial Intelligence can lead to access in
all parts of life and total loss of privacy.
(Tuyết) Loss of Human Jobs (Thúy) Support human in many fields.
As Artificial Intelligence becomes more and Whether or not AI is a threat to humans
more advanced, it will obviously take over depends on how humans deal with them.
jobs that were once performed by humans. The AI once said that if humans treat her
According to Zippia, by 2030, between 400 well, she will treat them well and she will
million and 800 million people may be try to use all their intelligence to make the
affected by automation and be forced to find world a better place. Currently, artificial
new employment globally. Up to 375 intelligence is helping and supporting
million people might also need to change people in many different fields such as
their occupational categories—some of healthcare, manufacturing or technology. AI
which have never existed before—and pick helps people save labor and enhance work
up new skills. efficiency and quality, which can help the
economy and human life become more
This might increase the gap between the rich developed and stable. For example, in the
and poor even further. If robots are field of medicine, artificial intelligence can
employed in the workforce, this means that assist doctors in inpatient care. Clinically
they don’t need to be paid like human Selective Emotional Support Networks
employees. So the owners of AI-driven (CDSS) can analyze a patient's condition
companies will make all the profits and get based on indications and statistics.
richer while the humans who were replaced Therefore, doctors can control and grasp the
will get even poorer. So a new societal setup patient's condition more easily.
will have to be generated so that all human
beings are able to earn money even in this Refu
scenario. She said that The AI once said that if humans treat her well, she will treat them
statistics/ well and she will try to use all their
intelligence to make the world a better
Refu: place. It's true but not alway true. As AI
She said that the development of AI caused becomes more advanced, it could potentially
many people to lose their jobs and widen the exceed human intelligence. This means that
gap between rich and poor. I think this is not AI systems may be able to make decisions
always true. In the evidence you said that that are beyond our understanding, which
many people who were replaced by AI lost could lead to situations where we are unable
their jobs and had to find new jobs. This to control. This lack of control could result
shows that the employee is not unemployed, in unintended consequences or even harm to
they are just changing to a new job. There humans.
are many fields where AI can't completely Deepfakes is an example of AI going out of
replace humans at present such as medicine, control and causing great harm to humans.
construction, art, ... so AI can replace This AI is able to manipulate human faces
humans in some areas or parts to improve using advanced image recognition
efficiency, bringing many economic technology, creating fake videos or photos
benefits. People can choose lighter jobs to that can be used for malicious purposes such
earn a living and spend more time taking as revenge porn or political propaganda.
care of their health and family. moreover, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook,
she did say that when using a robot, she has become a victim of "deepfake"
doesn't have to pay like an employee. this is technology. A video has been created using
true, however, owning modern this technology that shows Mark Zuckerberg
technological equipment also requires a allegedly admitting to stealing user data and
huge expense. In addition, to be able to use having control over the future. Despite some
it for a long time and effectively, the differences in voice, the AI-generated
company needs to regularly maintain and impersonation of Mark Zuckerberg is
repair it, leading to higher costs. Most AI difficult to distinguish from his actual voice.
machines also need certain conditions to
work like electricity or the internet, so the hinh-su/deepfake-hiem-hoa-den-tu-tri-tue-
company has to pay for this as well. So, not nhan-tao-i690827/
all companies can completely replace
employees with smart devices, but only use
it to support people. For example, to invest
in a spraying aircraft, it needs from 200 to
600 million VND, not including repair or
maintenance costs during use. This cost is
quite large compared to human use and not
everyone can invest.

There haven't been any real cases about AI
Used to develop or control autonomous threatening human’s lives since the
weapons advancement of AI technology.
AI programmed to do something dangerous, +Even the robot Sophia used to proclaim,
"I'll destroy humans," but she later claimed
as is the case with autonomous weapons that as long as humans treat her fairly, she
programmed to kill, is one way AI can pose will be amicable with humans in return.
risks. It might even be plausible to expect +However, everything she stated was just
pre-programmed by humans.
that the nuclear arms race will be replaced
with a global autonomous weapons race.
Russia’s president Vladimir Putin said:
rè: it is essential to differentiate between the
“Artificial intelligence is the future, not only technology itself and its application. The
for Russia, but for all humankind. It comes risks associated with autonomous weapons
with enormous opportunities, but also are primarily related to the decisions made
by humans, such as policymakers and
threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever military authorities, rather than inherent
becomes the leader in this sphere will flaws in AI. So the point is, rather than
become the ruler of the world.” putting all the blame on AI's danger, we
need to focus more on improving AI so it can't do such dangerous things.

.AI can cause
+ Social media
through its
powered algorithms
is very effective at
target marketing.
+ They know who
we are, what we
like and are good at
surmising what we
-AI know what we
like and are good at
surmising what we
think make life
more convenient &
+e.g :In Facebook,
when we search or
access sth those
ads will appear
regularly in our
newsfeed easier to
find the things or
information what
we’re looking for
+Besides, cameras
are nearly
everywhere easier
for the police to
catch criminals as
camera can capture
their face and body
+ China's social
credit system gives
everybody a
personal score
based on how they
bahave help ppl be
more conscious,
reduce bad


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