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What is the role of LDAP?

How do you create and manage GPOs?

How do you create mailboxes using Exchange Online?

What is NTFS and ReFS?

What is a certificate authority?

How do you install a webserver?

How do you apply file permission?

How do you create DNS records?

How do you create a VM in vCenter?

How do you create a VM in Azure?

Light Weigh Directory Access Protocol is a centeral directry serice which is used for authenticating
objects like , Users, Group and Printers etc. It stores the info and perform action as needed.

GPO can be applied in multiple ways,

1. Local Environment 2. Domain Environment
In domain, we can use GPO Console to Edit and apply group policies on Domain Computers and
Users. In Workgroup system we can use gpedit.msc commnd to apply the policy.
on the management console, Use the search to find the desired user
Right-click on the user, then
Click Enable mailbox from the context menu

Both are file system by microsoft and used to store data in sequencial way to make it fast and reliable,
Additionally ReFS is advance and can automatically verify and repair file corruption without using Check
Disk (CHKDSK), while NTFS require CHKDSK. Because of this, compared with NTFS, ReSF is more flexible
and can better protect the integrity and availability of data.
A certification authority (CA) is responsible for attesting to the identity of users, computers, and
organizations. The CA authenticates an entity an identity by issuing a digitally signed certificate. The CA
can also manage, revoke, and renew certificates.
Login with required permissions to install role, then Click Server Selection, and then select Select a
server from the server pool. Select the required server and then click Next. Click Server Roles, and then
select Web Server (IIS) in the Roles list. Click Install to install the role

In order to aply file permissions, login with admin role, open file properties > Select Security Tab > then
> Click on user you want to change the permission or add new user if you want to assign new
permissions, if you can't change the permissions, then go to advanced and Replace all child object
permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object

we can use cli and gui for this.

open DNS management console, then select the required primart server name where you want to
add A,C or any record > Expand Forward lookup Domain > then select primary zone name (domain
And right click and add required record.

Selcect the required host or resource group where you wanted to create a VM, then right click and
creaet new virtual machine > provide the name> select object group or datacenter as needed>choose
> provide guest os info > select reuired hardware incl, RAM, CPU etc > VM name > Finish

Login on Azure portal >Enter virtual machines in the search > Under Services, select Virtual machines. >
In the Virtual machines page, select Create and then Virtual machine. > Choose Subscription model
>Choose resource group > Vm name, region, security and image and specs > select zone > define user
name, password > in bound rules per protocol reqirements > finish
Harish Parameswaran
used for Authentication and access

while configuring mailbox, there is an option to
giving access or quota to users , through which
you can create user mailbox

in active directory there is an option for IIS, after
adding and future we'll configure IIS into the
server, then configure web server


DNS- there is a option for creating "New Record"

within DNS Manager
Not much exp with VM, use hyperview option to
create a VM
Bhaktabatsala Dwivedy
Go to AD > Go to tools> Group policy management > open dashboard>option domain >once
expanded you'll get option GPO>Click on GPO to see existing> you can right click and create new
GPO as per requirement>link GPO to site or domain

You have 2 groups in AD - Distribution and security - if you want to add a user - you have to add
them to distribution group, remaining things to be completed though exchange server
NTFS - new technology filing system; ReFS - Resilient filing system
Certificate Authority is a certificate produced through any vendor tool required to access any
particular application/standard an organisation. Used for setting up access and has to be uploaded
on system to enable that access.

In the file server> right click on the required> folder> properties>security >go to sharing option, add
user using their details > Select which type of permission you want to give to the user (read/edit,

Go to tools>DNS management>then go domain name> expand>you'll find forward lookup zone and
reverse lookup zone> In forward lookup zone - expand with right click and create required DNS.


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