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Memory plays a very important role in our learning and
psychological growth. Memory is regarded as a special
ability of our mind to store what has been previously
learn to recollect it after some time.
According to wood worth- memory consists in
remembering what has previously been learned.
According to Reborn- the power that we have to store
our experience and to bring them into the field of
consciousness sometime after experiences have
occurred as memory.
Type of memory
1. Immediate memory/ sensory memory
2. Short term memory
3. Long term memory
Immediate memory/ sensory memory-
In this memory information forgetting typically within
1 second. Immediate memory is needed when we want
to remember a thing for a short time and then forget it
which helps us to learn a thing immediately with speed
and accuracy.
Example. We look a mobile number form the contact
list and remember it but after making a call we usually
forget it.
Short term memory-
STM holds a relatively small amount of information
about 7 items for a short period of time ( 15-30 sec)
through not nearly as short lived as the immediate
Long term memory LTM
Long term memory has unlimited capacity of
information stored clay, year, month, and even a life
time. LTM cords information according to meaning,
pattern and other characteristics with the help of LTM
we can store retain and remember most of the thing in
our life. At recorded notice and thus make things quite
easy. LTM can be categorized into follow-
1. DECLAVATIVE MEMORY- Memory related to the
factual information like dates and facts such as
bike has 2 wheel.
2. PROCESSERAL MEMORY- Memory related to the
skills s habits like how to ride a bike or hit a tennis
Declarative memory is also categerired into 2
3. SEMANTIC MEMORY- Memory related to general
knowledge is round.
4. EPISODIC MEMORY- Memory related to
biographical details of our individual lives
Eg. Date of birth, qualification etc.


meaning full s suits the needs, motives s purposes
Of individual can long times may be reproduction
easily when needed.
memorization is greatly depends upon the size and
quantity of the material to be memorized.

If the amount of material falls within the

reasonable limit of the individual’s memory,
satisfactory result can be achieved. But in case it
crosses one’s reasonable limit no such result is
likely to be achieved. The greater amount the
greater efforts in memorization is needed.


Success in the process of memorization depends

much of the methods of learning or memorization
adopted by the learner.
It is always good to follow the principle of
association in learning of memorization. Always
attempts should be made to connect it with one’s
previous learning of the hand and with so many
related things on the others.
Example- ‘CAUTION’ For cancer symptoms

Repetition and practices- the things repeating

and practiced frequently are remembered for a
longer time in compression to those for which
little or no time is spent for repetition and
Whole and part methods-there are 2 method
of memorizing a things.
Example- take a poem it is to read the poem
again & again from the beginning till the end
as a whole. In the other method the poem is
divided into parts and each part is memorized
Space and no spaced method-in the spaced or
distributed practice method of memorization,
the principle of ‘work and rest’ is followed for
example- if one has to memorized a piece of
poetry by this method he will be advised to go
on repeating it after some time he will be
given some rest.
Grouping and rhythm- Grouping and rhythm
also facilitated learning and help in
Example- a telephone number 567234678 can
be easily memorized and recalled it we fried
to group it as 567234678.
Recitation- after reading a lesson a few times,
the students must try to review the whole
things without the help of a book this method
is referred to as self recitation .
The learner’s state of mind and the situation-

 Will to learn- material read heard or seen

without interest or inclination is difficult to be
remembered or recalled at a later time.
 Interest and attention- interest as well as
attention are essential for learnint and
memorization. A person who has number
interest in what he learns will not given clue to
attention to it and consequently will not be
able to learn it.
 Arranging better learning situation-
environmental factor also affect the learning
process. A calm and quite atmosphere and
stimulating environment proves to be an
effective aid to learning.
 A learner’s internal factors- learner’s physical
and mental health and emotional state at the
time of learning as well as reproduction of the
material learn.
 Provision for change and proper rest- adequate
sleep and rest helps to relive the fatigue and
monotony. A mind which is fresh is naturally
able to learn more and retain it for a longer
period then a mind which is dull and fatigue.
Theory of memory provides abstract representation of
how memory is believed to work. There are some
theories proposed over the years by various
1. Theory of general memory function-
This theory focusing of 3 distinct process of memory
these are encoding, storage and retrieval.
 Encoding- it is the process of receiving sensory
input and transforming it into a code which can be
 Storage- it is a process of actually putting coded
information into memory.
 Retrieval – it is the process of gaining access to
stored coded information when it is needed.
Memory is seldom an accurate record of what was
Level of processing theory
 Structural- this is shallow processing looking at
what the words look like.
 Phonetic- processing the sound of word.
 Semantic- this is a deep processing considering the
meaning of word.

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