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Sonny Johnson Professor Jason Roche Visual Communication 1120 9 February 2024

Signals can be used every day in bad or good ways. There are many signals, such as hand

gestures, facial expressions, and clothing. They can be used to convey messages, which can also

be misinterpreted. I have used these signals daily since I was a kid.

Hand gestures are a form of nonverbal communication with different meanings and

messages. Some common hand gestures include the thumbs up, thumbs down, and OK sign.

Hand gestures can be used for things such as to get what you want and are used if someone does

not want to be heard in a specific situation. For example, the opposing coach knew all our plays

during a basketball game. So, my coach used hand gestures such as thumbs up, thumbs down,

and a balled-up fist to throw the opposing coach off. To my surprise, it worked, and we scored

every time. Like the opposing coach, many people can interpret hand gestures wrong, making

one confused and frustrated.

The next signal is facial expressions. Facial expressions are nonverbal signals that

involve the movement and positioning of facial muscles to express emotions, attitudes, and

intentions. Common facial expressions include a smile meaning happiness or friendliness, a

frown showing sadness, and raised eyebrows expressing surprise or disbelief. Facial expressions

play a crucial role in human communication, as they provide helpful insights into our emotions

and intentions, allowing for a deeper understanding of nonverbal signals.

The final signal is clothing. Clothing is a means of communication and self-expression

through color, style, symbols, accessories, and context. Clothing can signify wealth, poverty, and

religious affiliation. In my visual communication class, my classmate Cole wore a suit. I

assumed he came from a job interview but he just wanted to dress nicely.

In conclusion, nonverbal communication includes hand gestures, facial expressions, and

clothing, which convey messages and express emotions.

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