Document of Feature 14EST (Employee Status and Date of Retirement)

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Employee Status and Date of Retirement / End of Contract

feature 14EST

This feature returns a value to indicate the employee status and the date of retirement / end of contract.
The EA or EC Annual Tax Report (RPCTEAL0_01) reads the return value of this feature to get the employee status
and the date of retirement / end of contract.

This feature makes a decision based on the values of the following fields of the Field String for Feature - Infotype
0001 and Infotype 0016 (PMEL0) structure:
o BUKRS - Company Code
o WERKS - Personnel Area
o BTRTL - Personnel Subarea
o PERSG - Employee Group
o PERSK - Employee Subgroup
o INFTY - Infotype
o SUBTY - Subtype
o ITBLD - Infotype Screen Control
o DYNNR - Number of the following screen
o FCODE - Function code
o ITYGR - Infotype Group Number
o MASSN - Action Type
o MASSG - Reason for Action
o MOLGA - HCM Localization
o MOABW - Personnel subarea grouping for absence and attendance types
o TCLAS - Transaction Class for Data Retention
o USERG - User group
o PERNR - Personnel Number
o ANSVH - Work Contract
o ABKRS - Payroll Area
o TMART - Task Type
o CTTYP - Contract Type
This feature returns a value in the format of String1/String2/String3.
For String1, you can set the following return values:
o 1 - Indicates the employee status is "Management of the organization"
o 2 - Indicates the employee status is "Permanent"
o 3 - Indicates the employee status is "Contract"
o 4 - Indicates the employee status is "Part time"
o 5 - Indicates the employee status is "Interns"
o 6 - Indicates the employee status is "Others"
String2 is optional. You can set the following return values:
o YYYYMMDD - A date, indicating the employee's date of retirement / end of contract.
o Y+3 - Indicates the employee's date of retirement / end of contract is the payroll period end date from the
selection screen plus 3 years. 3 can be replaced by any digits. For example, run the report for tax year 2023
and payroll period end date on the selection screen is 2023-12-31. Then date of retirement /end of contract is
o B+KEPFRA - Indicates the employee's date of retirement /end of contract is the employee's birthday plus 60
years. "EPFRA" can be replaced by any payroll constants from view V_T511K. Its default value is 60.
o E - Indicates the employee's date of retirement / end of contract is end date of Contract Elements (0016)
Infotype (if available).
If employee's termination date or contract end date (Valid Until) from the Contract Elements (0016) infotype is
provided, String2 is ignored.
String3 is optional. You can set the following return values:
o A date type from the Date Specifications (0041) infotype, indicating the employee's date of retirement /end of
o A task type from the Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype with the value in the Processing indicator field as
"New Task" or "Task in Process", indicating the employee's date of retirement /end of contract.
If the employee's termination date or contract end date (Valid Until) from the Contract Elements (0016) Infotype or
the value of String2 is provided, String3 is ignored.

The employee status and the date of retirement /end of contract is compulsory to be completed.

You set the return value of this feature as "3/E". Then employee status is "3" and date of retirement /end of contract is
contract end date (Valid Until) from the latest record of Contract Elements (0016) Infotype in that tax year. If Valid
Until does not exist, date of retirement /end of contract is end date of Contract Elements (0016) Infotype. If Contract
Elements (0016) Infotype does not exist, date of retirement /end of contract is blank.

Determination of Tax Splits for tax reporting (LTSPT) feature

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