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Report Number: R1




JANUARY 10, 2024

Report Number: R1








JANUARY 10, 2024


In the pursuit of promoting environmental well-being, the Government of Nepal deemed it

essential to commission a committee, led under my chairmanship, to undertake a meticulous
study on the pervasive issue of noise pollution in industrialized towns. This report outlines
the imperative necessity of our work, recognizing the gravity of noise pollution's impact on
both the populace and the ecological landscape.

The comprehensive nature of this study involved a collaborative effort from committee
members, experts, and various stakeholders. It delves into the intricate details of current noise
pollution levels, enforcement mechanisms, and potential strategies for improvement. In
acknowledging the necessity of this report, we aim to provide a robust foundation for
informed decision-making to address the adverse effects of noise pollution and foster a
healthier living environment.

Our endeavors were not without the invaluable contributions of government officials,
industry representatives, community leaders, and citizens who shared their insights. This
report stands as a testament to their commitment and is presented with gratitude. We
anticipate that the insights gleaned from this work will serve as a guide for policymakers,
industries, and communities, ultimately contributing to the achievement of a quieter,
healthier, and more sustainable future for Nepal's industrialized towns.


I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Government of Nepal for recognizing
the gravity of the issue and entrusting our committee, under the chairmanship of Binisha
Maharjan, with the responsibility of conducting this vital study. The support and resources
provided by the government were instrumental in the successful completion of our research.

I would like to acknowledge the unwavering commitment and expertise of our committee
members and experts who dedicated their time and effort to thoroughly investigate the
various facets of noise pollution. Their insights and collaborative spirit greatly enriched the
depth and quality of this report.

Our appreciation extends to government officials, industry representatives, community

“leaders, and citizens who willingly shared their experiences, perspectives, and data. Their
valuable contributions were indispensable in shaping the findings and recommendations
presented in this report.

I would like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the authors and editors involved
in the preparation of this document. Their meticulous efforts ensured that the report met the
highest standards of accuracy and clarity.

This report stands as a collective achievement, made possible by the collaborative efforts of
all those mentioned above. It is our hope that the recommendations outlined herein contribute
to meaningful and effective measures in addressing noise pollution for the betterment of our
industrialized towns in Nepal.





1. Introduction……………………………………………………………....1

1.1. Background………………………………………………………….1

1.2. Methodology………………………………………………………...1

1.3. Objectives…………………………………………………………...1

2. Result……………………………………………………………………..2

3. Discussion………………………………………………………………...3

3.1. Impacts of Noise Pollution…………………………………………. 3

3.1.1. Health Effects…………………………………………………4

3.1.2. Occupational Hazard………………………………………….4

3.1.3. Environmental Impact…………………………………………4

3.1.4. Community Disturbances……………………………………..4

3.1.5. Environmental Impact…………………………………………4

3.1.6. Global Impact…………………………………………………5

4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………..7

5. Recommendations………………………………………………………...8

7. References………………………………………………………………...9

8. Glossary…………………………………………………………………10


This report investigates the impact of noise pollution in Nepal's industrialized towns,
presenting a qualitative analysis of the current situation and proposing mitigation strategies. It
explores the regulatory framework, public awareness programs, industry best practices, and
health monitoring. This report also attempts to highlight the necessity of aligning regulations
with international standards, fostering community engagement, incentivizing noise reduction
technologies, and conducting regular health studies. The report aims to guide stakeholders
toward a collaborative approach for a quieter, healthier living environment.



1.1. Background

In the modern world, development in technology, in commerce, communication and

education has enhanced the urban growth both in developed and developing countries. With
global urbanization, there have occurred many environment problems causing pollution and
environmental degradation. Out of many environmental problems, noise has emerged as one
of major urban environmental pollution. Environmental noise pollution has not been an
entirely new phenomenon, but rather has been a problem that has grown steadily worse with
time. Noise can be defined as any unwanted, distributing or harmful sound that impairs or
interferes with hearing causing stress, hampers concentration and work efficiency or cause

1.2. Methodology

This research was conducted by questionnaire set up in both Nepali and English languages.
Altogether, 150 questionnaires were taken for the study. The sampling was taken randomly in
five cities (Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Birgunj) and the survey was
conducted directly through industrial area visits and electronic mailing system.

1.3. Objectives

The objective of this study is to comprehensively assess and address the impact of noise
pollution in industrialized towns in Nepal.


Industrial machines and processes produce industrial noise. The noise may contain
predominantly low or high frequencies. They are impulsive or have unpleasant and disruptive
temporal sound patterns. The mechanical processes like weaving, blasting, pressing, drilling,
cutting, metal chipping and riveting etc. can possess a significant occupational health hazard.
The industrial workers are predominantly exposed to industrial noise that can have serious
impact on their health. We have measured machines and processes in different industries
within Kathmandu valley and outside. They have found that noise levels were high in textile
industries, metal works, cement industries and flourmills. The highest recorded noise level
was 120 dB(A) at Balaju Kapada Udyog.

Altogether 150 samples covering different environmental settings were surveyed. During
survey, the entire respondents had shown familiarity in relation to noise pollution. Out of
total respondents, 30% had shown ignorance on health effect of noise pollution. The major
health effect induced by the noise pollution was observed as lack of concentration. Irritation,
fatigue and headache were also other major health effects caused by noise pollution. Chest
pain and nausea were the least health effects observed according to the respondents.


In our environmental noise pollution survey, the major noise related health effect according
to the respondents was lack of concentration, which has also been correlated in other studies.
It has been seen that noise can adversely effect on performance of cognitive tasks such as
reading, attention, problem solving and memorization. Although, noise induced arousal may
produce better performance in simple tasks in the short term, cognitive performance
substantially deteriorates for more complex tasks. It has also been observed that children
performance is poor in comprehensive tasks whose school are situated in busy areas of city
and suffer from noise pollution.

Previous studies have shown that environmental noise could give rise to psychological and
psychosomatic symptoms in the form of headaches, fatigue irritability and annoyance, which
is also present in our study.

Sleep Disturbance is a major effect of environment noise. Exposure to noise can induce
disturbance of sleep in terms of difficulty to fall asleep, alternation of sleep pattern of depth
and awakenings. After effects of noise-disturbed sleep are reduced perceived sleep quality,
increased fatigue, depressed mood or well-being and decreased performance. In our survey,
only little less than 25% respondents have reported about sleep disturbance, whereas,
majority of the respondents have reported about the after effects of noise disturbed sleep.

In the literature search on noise induced health effects, very limited information on noise
induced psychosomatic symptoms like chest pain and nausea was found, which were the least
health effects observed in our study.

3.1. Impacts of Noise Pollution

The impacts of noise pollution due to industrialization can be widespread and affect various
aspects of both the environment and human well-being. Here are some key impacts:

3.1.1. Health Effects

 Hearing Damage: Prolonged exposure to high levels of industrial noise can cause
permanent damage to hearing, leading to hearing loss.
 Stress and Anxiety: Noise pollution is known to contribute to stress and anxiety,
which can have long-term effects on mental health.
 Sleep Disturbance: Industrial noise, especially during nighttime, can disrupt sleep
patterns, leading to insomnia and sleep disturbances.

3.1.2. Occupational Hazards

 Worker Health: Employees working in industries with high noise levels may face
occupational hazards, including hearing impairment, stress-related illnesses, and
decreased productivity.
 Communication Challenges: Excessive noise can hinder communication among
workers, leading to misunderstandings and potential safety issues.

3.1.3. Environmental Impact

 Wildlife Disruption: Industrial noise can disrupt natural habitats and affect wildlife,
leading to changes in animal behavior, migration patterns, and communication.
 Ecosystem Imbalance: Noise pollution can contribute to an imbalance in ecosystems,
impacting the interactions between species and their environments.

3.1.4. Community Disturbance

 Quality of Life: Residents living near industrial zones may experience a reduced
quality of life due to constant noise, affecting their overall well-being.
 Social Isolation: Excessive noise can contribute to social isolation as individuals may
avoid outdoor spaces or community gatherings.

3.1.5. Educational Impacts

 Learning Disturbance: Schools located near industrial areas may experience

disruptions in the learning environment, affecting students' concentration and
academic performance.

3.1.6. Global Impact

 Climate Change: Some industrial processes that contribute to noise pollution may also
have associated environmental impacts, contributing to broader issues like climate

Fig:Percentage of industries

Fig: Industrial Noise Control



Noise pollution is emerging as an environmental problem in majority cities of areas in Nepal.

This can cause negative impact on public health and welfare. The findings underscore the
significant adverse effects of noise pollution on the well-being of residents and the
environment. The formulated strategies, ranging from regulatory enhancements to industry
collaboration and community engagement, provide a roadmap for mitigating noise pollution
effectively. By fostering continuous dialogue and emphasizing public awareness, this report
envisions a future where industrialized towns in Nepal strike a harmonious balance between
economic growth and the preservation of a quieter, healthier, and more sustainable living
environment for all. The committee urges stakeholders to embrace the recommendations
presented herein to catalyze positive change and ensure the well-being of current and future


After a comprehensive study on the impact of noise pollution in industrialized towns in

Nepal, the Committee recommends the following actions to mitigate the adverse effects and
promote a healthier environment:

1. Strengthening Regulatory Framework: Review and update existing noise regulations to

align with international standards. Implement stricter enforcement mechanisms to ensure
compliance with noise limits.

2. Public Awareness Programs: Launch public awareness campaigns to educate citizens and
industries on the harmful effects of noise pollution and the importance of reducing it.
Encourage community participation in noise control initiatives.

3. Industry Best Practices: Work closely with industries to promote and adopt noise reduction
technologies and best practices. Provide incentives for industries adopting sound-proofing

4. Health Monitoring and Research: Conduct regular health studies to monitor the impact of
noise pollution on the residents of industrialized towns. Invest in research to explore
innovative solutions for noise reduction.

5. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement: Foster collaboration between government

agencies, industries, and local communities for effective noise control measures. Establish a
platform for continuous dialogue among stakeholders to address emerging concerns.




1. Decibel (dB): A unit of measurement used to quantify the intensity of sound. In the context
of this report, it represents the level of noise pollution.

2. Regulatory Framework: The set of rules, standards, and guidelines established by

authorities to govern and control various aspects of industrial activities, including noise

3. Community Engagement: Involves actively involving residents and local communities in

initiatives and decision-making processes related to noise pollution control.

4. Health Monitoring: The systematic collection and analysis of health-related data to assess
the impact of noise pollution on the physical and mental well-being of individuals.

5. Sound-Proofing Measures: Techniques or materials used to reduce the transmission of

sound, often applied in industries to minimize noise emissions.

6. Public Awareness Campaign: An organized effort to inform and educate the public about
the harmful effects of noise pollution and promote community participation in noise control

7. Stakeholder: Any individual, group, or organization that is directly or indirectly affected by

or can affect the outcome of noise pollution control measures. This includes government
agencies, industries, and local communities.

8. Collaborative Dialogue: Continuous and open communication among different

stakeholders, fostering cooperation and joint efforts to address emerging concerns related to
noise pollution.

9. Incentives: Rewards or benefits provided to encourage specific behaviors or actions, such

as the adoption of sound-proofing measures by industries.

10. Environmental Well-being: The overall health and sustainability of the environment,
encompassing factors such as air and noise quality, biodiversity, and ecological balance.

11. Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, often involving a
balance between economic growth and environmental conservation.

12. Harmonious Balance: A state of equilibrium where industrial activities coexist with
environmental well-being, minimizing adverse impacts such as noise pollution.

13. Psychosomatic Symptoms: Physical symptoms that arise from mental or emotional stress,
such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and annoyance, which may be induced by noise

14. Impulsive Noise: Noise characterized by sudden and sharp variations in sound intensity,
often associated with industrial processes like blasting, pressing, drilling, and riveting.

15. Health Effect: The impact of noise pollution on an individual's physical and mental well-
being, including effects such as lack of concentration, irritation, fatigue, and sleep

16. Urbanization: The process of population concentration in urban areas, often accompanied
by increased industrialization, leading to environmental challenges such as noise pollution.

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