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To satisfy the minimum requirements for this course, you should be able to: Discuss the nature of energy by: giving examples of different forms of energy and examples of energy converting from one form to another (Section 6.1, page 230) explaining the differences between energy (E) and work (w), between thermal energy and temperature (T), and between thermal energy and heat (q) (Section 6.2-6.3, page 231239) converting between units of Joules, calories, and Calories (1 Cal is a kilocalorie = 1000 cal = 4184 J) Demonstrate an understanding of thermochemistry by: explaining the relationships among the following: system, surroundings, and universe; open system, closed system, and isolated system; exothermic process and endothermic process; internal energy (E) and enthalpy (H); E, H, qv, and qp (Section 6.3 all of it) sketching an energy diagram such as that shown in Figure 6.3 of the text given the energy changes in the processes involved associating the sign of H with whether the process is exothermic or endothermic (Section 6.4, page 241) using a thermochemical equation to calculate the quantity of heat involved in a reaction given the quantity of reactants and the enthalpy change for the reaction on a mole basis, or to calculate the amount of reactant needed to generate a given amount of heat ( Demonstrate an understanding of thermodynamics by: explaining why energy (E), pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T), and enthalpy (H) are state functions and why heat (q) and work (w) are not state functions (Section 6.3) calculate the amount of work done when a gas changes volume at constant pressure using the equation w = PV = -RT(n) (work and heat section page 235-237, example 6.1) stating the first law of thermodynamics in words and perform calculations using the mathematical equivalent of the first law (E = q + w) explaining the sign conventions for heat and work (Table 6.1) Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of calorimetry by: explaining the difference between heat capacity (C) and specific heat (s) and converting one to the other using the relationship C = ms (Section 6.5, page 246) performing calculations using the equation q = msT or q = CT (Section 6.5, page 246) using constant pressure calorimetry data to calculate the enthalpy of reaction (Hrxn = qp) or to calculate the specific heat of a substance (page 249-250) Calculate the standard enthalpy of reaction (Horxn) using: standard enthalpies of formation (Hof ) of reactants and products (direct method, equation 6.18) (Section 6.6, page 252-254) Hess's law (indirect method) (page 254-255) Recommended additional problems: 18, 26, 34, 46, 58, 124

Worksheet Chapter 6

An OPEN SYSTEM can exchange ______ and ________. A CLOSED SYSTEM can exchange _____ but not ______. An ISOLATED SYSTEM can exchange neither ______ nor ________. Draw a beaker filled with HCl and NaOH, and label the following: system, surroundings, molecules within the system.

In an exothermic reaction, heat from the system is given off to the surroundings. The resultant energy of the system is higher/lower and the change in energy is +/- (circle the correct answers). The energy difference is the heat given off to the surroundings. In an endothermic reaction, heat from the surroundings is absorbed by the system. The resultant energy of the system is higher/lower and the change in energy is +/- (circle the correct answers). The energy difference is the heat supplied to the system by the surroundings. Key terms: Thermodynamics: study of energy and its transformations Energy (E): ability to do work or transfer heat. Units used: joules or calories (4.184 J=1 calorie) Kinetic energy (KE) energy of motion (KE=1/2 mv2) Potential energy (PE) energy of position; energy stored in chemical bonds First law of Thermodynamics energy can be neither created nor destroyed (but energy can change forms) work (w) energy used to cause an object to move against a force. (work=force*distance=PdeltaV for chemical system) heat (q) transfer of energy due to a temperature difference Temperature (T) = a measure of KE (ex. The motion of the particles in a chemical system) Internal energy sum of all KE and PE of all components of a system ( = q+w) Enthalpy (H)-heat absorbed or released under constant pressure State function: a property of a system that does not depend on the history of the system, only on its present condition

In thermodynamics, state functions are delineated with CAPITAL letters (H, E, P, V, T). q (heat) and w (work) are not state functions. But qp and qv are state functions. Why? At constant pressure, the enthalpy change ( H) of a chemical reaction equals the heat transferred from the system to the surroundings by the reaction (qp). Most reactions are carried out at constant pressure. When enthalpy is included in a chemical equation it is called a thermochemical equation. (Enthalpy is a state function, and it is an extensive property.) At constant volume, the E equals qv (because no work is done if V=0).

Is the delta H of the following reactions positive or negative? a. Combustion of methane (hint: your hands get hot): b. Evaporation of acetone (hint: your hands get cold): c. Freezing of ice (distractor: your hands are cold): A gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature from a volume of 10.0L to 20.0L against an external pressure of 1.0 atm. If the gas also absorbs 250 J of heat from the surroundings, what are the values of q, w, and E?

Heat of Enthalpy Calculation (a) and Specific Heat/Heat Capacity Calculation (b) An MRE Flameless Ration Heater weighs approx 1.5 oz, and contains a mixture of Mg (s), Fe (s), and salt. For this example, assume the packet contains 1 mole of Mg (s). To get the packet to start heating your food, you read and follow the directionsand add water! The water initiates the following reaction (using Fe and NaCl as a catalyst): Mg (s) + 2H2O (l) Mg(OH)2 (s) + H2 (g) + heat a. How many kJ are released into the surroundings (your food) in the oxidation of 1 mole of Mg (s).

b. How much water can you heat to the MILSPEC requirement (increase its temperature by 100 deg F in 12 minutes) if you were able to harness all of this energy and not dissipate it into the rest of the universe?

c. How many grams of Mg (s) would you need in your FRH to heat an 8 oz serving of chili by 100 deg F (your chili has an average specific heat of 4 kJ/(kg deg C) (assume all energy from the chemical reaction is used to heat your chili).

Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CS2 (l) using Hesss Law: C(graphite) + O2 (g) CO2 (g) H0 = -393.5 kJ/mol S(rhombic) + O2 (g) SO2 (g) H0 = -296.1 kJ/mol CS2(l) + 3O2 (g) CO2 (g) + 2SO2 (g) H0 = -1072 kJ/mol

A flameless ration heater, or FRH, is a water-activated exothermic chemical heater included with Meals, Ready-to-Eat (MREs), used to heat the food. US military specifications for the heater require that it be capable of raising the temperature of an eight-ounce entree by 100 F in twelve minutes, and that it display no visible flame. The ration heater contains finely powdered iron and magnesium metals, and table salt. To activate the reaction, a small amount of water is added, and the boiling point of water is quickly reached as the reaction proceeds.

Chemical reaction
Ration heaters generate heat in an electron-transfer process called an oxidation-reduction reaction. Water oxidizes magnesium metal, according to the following chemical reaction: Mg + 2H2O Mg(OH)2 + H2 + heat This reaction is analogous to iron being rusted by oxygen, and proceeds at about the same rate; that is, slowly. So on their own, the reaction between magnesium and water is simply too slow to generate usable heat. To speed up the reaction, the developers (see U.S. Patents 4,017,414 and 4,264,362) mixed metallic iron particles, and table salt (NaCl), with the magnesium particles. Iron and magnesium metals, when suspended in an electrolyte (such as salt water), form a galvanic cell -- a "battery" -- that can generate electricity. (For an example of how to build such a battery, see When water is added to a ration heater, it dissolves the salt to form a salt-water electrolyte, thereby turning each particle of magnesium and iron into a tiny battery. And because the magnesium and iron particles are touching each other, they become thousands of tiny shortcircuited batteries; which quickly burn out, giving up heat in a process the patent-holders called "Supercorroding Galvanic Cells". *** Find more good chemistry of MRE information at:

Zesto-Therm's Flameless Ration Heater (FRH)

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