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Universidad Politécnica de YUcatán

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Leader: Mauricio Vila Dosal

Mauricio Vila is a Mexican politician who has held the position of governor of the state of
Yucatán since 2018. Before his term as governor, Vila had a rising political career. He
served as a federal deputy in the Mexican Congress, where he was the president of the
Youth and Sports Commission, as well as a member of the Budget and Public Accounts

In addition to his political experience, Vila has been recognized for his work on economic
and social development issues in Yucatán. During his tenure as governor, he has
implemented various policies and programs to promote economic growth, improve
infrastructure, and strengthen public services in the state.

1. Mauricio Vila's Leadership Theory:

- Governmental Transparency and Efficiency: Vila could strongly believe in the

importance of transparency in public administration, aiming to ensure that
government actions are clear and accessible to citizens. This implies a
commitment to accountability and the disclosure of relevant information.
- Economic and Social Development: He might center his theory on promoting
economic growth and enhancing social welfare in Yucatán. This could involve
implementing policies that foster investment, job creation, and equitable access to
basic services such as healthcare and education.
- Sustainability and Environmental Care: Vila could advocate for a sustainable
development approach, seeking to balance economic growth with the preservation
of the environment and natural resources in the region.

2. Mauricio Vila's Attitude:

- Openness and Empathy: He could demonstrate a receptive attitude towards the

opinions and concerns of citizens, showing empathy towards their needs and
- Determination and Commitment: His attitude might reflect a firm determination and
commitment to the improvement of Yucatán, showing unwavering willingness to
address the problems and challenges facing the state.
- Optimism and Confidence: He could project optimism and confidence in the future
of Yucatán, inspiring others to work together to achieve common goals.

3. Mauricio Vila's Principles:

- Honesty and Integrity: He might firmly adhere to principles of honesty and integrity
in exercising power, seeking to build citizens' trust in his leadership.
- Responsibility and Accountability: He could prioritize responsibility and
accountability in governmental management, assuming responsibility for decisions
made and their consequences.
- Respect and Diversity: He could promote respect for the cultural, ethnic, and social
diversity of Yucatán, recognizing the importance of inclusion and equity in society.

4. Mauricio Vila's Behavior:

- Proactive Action: He could take proactive measures to address the problems and
challenges facing Yucatán, demonstrating leadership in implementing effective
- Collaboration and Teamwork: He might foster an environment of collaboration and
teamwork, seeking to involve diverse political and social actors in the quest for
- Effective Communication: He could communicate clearly and effectively with
citizens, informing them about government policies and actions, and actively
listening to their opinions and concerns.

Mauricio Vila Dosal's leadership philosophy, based on his trajectory and actions as a
politician and governor of Yucatán, appears to be grounded in several key principles:

1. Transparency and Accountability: Vila has promoted transparency in government

management, ensuring that government actions are clear and accessible to
citizens. He has implemented accountability mechanisms to ensure responsible
actions are taken and adequately reported.
2. Economic and Social Development: He has focused on promoting economic
growth and improving social welfare in Yucatán. He has implemented policies and
programs to foster investment, create jobs, and enhance access to basic services
such as healthcare and education.
3. Sustainability and Environmental Care: Vila has advocated for a sustainable
development approach, seeking to balance economic growth with the
preservation of the environment and natural resources in the region. He has
taken measures to protect the natural environment and promote sustainable
4. Collaboration and Teamwork: He has fostered an environment of collaboration
and teamwork, seeking to involve diverse political and social actors in the search
for solutions. He recognizes the importance of working together to address
challenges and achieve common goals.
5. Effective Communication and Active Listening: Vila has strived to communicate
clearly and effectively with citizens, informing them about government policies
and actions. Additionally, he has demonstrated a willingness to actively listen to
the opinions and concerns of the population, incorporating their ideas into

In summary, Mauricio Vila Dosal's leadership philosophy is characterized by his

commitment to transparency, sustainable development, collaboration, and active
listening to citizens. His approach seems to be oriented towards improving the well-
being of the population and promoting economic growth in Yucatán.

Bibliographic References

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