Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

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Nombre: Yuli Marcatoma

Curso: 3ro BGU “A”
Fecha: 23-10-2023
Advantages and disadvantages of
Technology has been advancing lately all over the world, for or against. This essay
presents a detailed study whose objective is to inquire into the subject of
technology. For this purpose, a review of relevant sources was carried out in order
to draw meaningful conclusions.
Communication is better we can talk to family and distant friends with applications
like whatsapp, facebook, among others, they have cut distances, The founder of
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, sees technology as a tool to connect people and build
online communities. (Másmóvil Blog Oficial, s.f.)
In addition we have access to information through google platform sources that
helps students to fill with knowledge. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has
dedicated a large part of his life to philanthropy, using technology to address
global issues such as health and education. (CNN, 2023)
There are also medical advances that have allowed health professionals to provide
more effective and personalized care such as laser surgery, cancer detection
machines, among others.
However, along with these advantages, technology has also brought with it a
number of challenges. Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking warned about the
dangers of poorly controlled artificial intelligence, expressing concerns about its
potential to surpass human intelligence and threaten the survival of humanity. Too
much time spent on social networks has led to social isolation, no longer
conversing with family and this can have a negative impact on people's mental
health, as human contact is fundamental to emotional well-being. (La Vanguardia,
Due to technology there will be unemployment, automation and artificial
intelligence will eliminate human workers which will cause damage to the
economy and they will no longer be able to bring food and clothing for the family.
Technology has raised substantial privacy and security concerns. The increasing
amount of personal data stored online has increased the risk of privacy breaches
and identity theft. Cyber threats are a constant concern in the digital age, and data
security has become a critical priority.
In conclusion, technology is a powerful tool that has brought with it a diverse set
of advantages and disadvantages. Its impact on society depends largely on how it
is used and managed. The key is to strike a balance between leveraging the
advantages it offers and mitigating the disadvantages to ensure a healthier and
more equitable technological future.
CNN. (July 12, 2023). Bill Gates says the risks of artificial intelligence are real, but
we can deal with them. Retrieved from
La Vanguardia (June 2, 2023). The popular British astrophysicist appealed to the
popularization of science and technology as a guarantee of democratic progress
when receiving the Prince of Asturias Award. Stephen Hawking and the technology
that will improve -or destroy- the world. Retrieved from The popular British
astrophysicist appealed to the popularization of science and technology as a
guarantee of democratic progress when receiving the Prince of Asturias Award:
Másmóvil Official Blog (n.d.). People who revolutionized the world of technology.
Retrieved from

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