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TASK 9 TO 12



Mr. Marcos

Industries exe

Hi Mr marcus i am writing this letter to apply for this job, i graduated from college the last year, i
studied mechatronic engineer in nacional university, i am interested in this job because i want to
lean how can i make robots, this topic is important for me and i consider that i know many things
about electronic and i like the mechanic, at this moment i am learning English in Smart and in the
future i will create my own company in Colombia.


Johan Rivera

Task 10:

Machu Picchu, the Inca city that was never found by the Spanish conquistadors, was built on a
mountain above the Urubamba valley in Peru at 2,400 meters above sea level. the main language
spoken in this place is the Spanish and it is considered one of the wonders of the world, this place
is called as the palace of the stairs and it was built by the incas, the people like to visit this place
for the views and the architectural constructions.

Task 11:

one day i had a date with a girl in plaza of americas, we went to a mall and we eat hamburger in
the coral corral also we watched mario bros at the cinema, at the first everything was fine but
when i am going to carry her to home while we were walking at street 5 men threatened us and
unfortunately i lost my cellphone.

Task 12:


this movie was produced by Damien Chazelle in 2014 and it has a duration of 1 hour with 47
minutes.whiplash is my favorite because all moment while i was watching the movie i was
interested also i learned a lot seeing this movie like you never have to give up and you always have
to achieve your dreams.the history of this movie is very interesting because it talks about a guy
and he wants to become in the best musician and be remembered by the whole world but He had
to suffer a lot to get it

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