Task 5 To 8

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TASK 4 to 8

Task 5:

-Problems in my neighborhood:

1) Currently, Madelena is being affecting by the heavy traffic of the cars, motor cicles, buses and
trucks, this problem is common in the morning and at night because in yhe morning people go to
work and at night they return to their homes, this problem could be dangerous for children
because they need to go to study in the morning if there are a lot of car the can suffer an accident

-One way to solve this problem is to provide more and better road quality.

2) In madelena the bicitaxis are being frightened by the police, this is a huge problem because a lot
of people of madelena need this trasnportation for going to their jobs in the morning and take the

-One way to stop this problem is to ask the Ministry of Transportation for help and fight for the
rights of the workers.

3) In madelena we can find some dangerous zones where people could be in danger of being

-The best way to solve this problem is to provide attention and service to these areas of frequent

Task 6:(Skills)

Sell products online

-First question: the main requirement is to be disciplaned and have the willingness to learn and
advance on the way of entrepreneurship

-Second question: The best way to improve in this business model is by watching videos and trying
to set up a website also you can improve by getting free courses or events.

-Third question: I was able to learn about this business model by buying a course from a YouTuber
who taught me how to set up a store, how to makr marketing and how to find winner products.

-Fourth question: The most difficult was try to get the best knowledge to achieve the success in
this business model and also the fear when starting since I did not want to lose money therefore I
always wanted to play it safe but this disappeared since I realized that failures are part of my own

Task 7:

Nikola Tesla
1) Nikola Tesla is famous because he was one of the best inventors of his time who created
the Tesla bin and other technological means that have advanced to the present day.
2) Nikola Tesla became famous in 1943 when his patent was returned to him as the creator
of the radio which had been stolen by Marconi , Nikola Tesla is also known today for being
a genius and lover of electricity as he contributes to many projects that have helped make
daily life easier.
3) We can find some achievements of this inventor such as the alternating current motor,
radar, radio, x-rays, the transfer of electrical energy wirelessly, remote control, the
electron microscope, measurement tools and climate control.

Task 8

Apologize letter:

Dear Gabriel,

I hope this letter finds you well I want to take this opportunity to express my deep regret for my
past actions. After reflecting on what happened, I realize that I should have acted differently.

I understand that my actions have caused you pain and distress, and for that I want to sincerely
apologize. I should have been more considerate and understanding at that time I acknowledge
that I made a mistake and I deeply regret the consequences of my actions.

In the future I commit to learning from this experience and being a more attentive and responsible
person. We value our relationship greatly and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Once again I deeply regret my actions and the pain they caused you. I should have acted
differently and I regret not doing so at the time.


Johan Rivera

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