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Mid term Project Report


Submitted by



in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


We hereby declare that the project titled “CFD ANALYSIS FOR DETERMINING
Bachelors of Technology in Mechanical Engineering degree, represents our ideas in our own
words and where others' ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of
academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any
idea/data/fact/source in my submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be
cause for penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or from
whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.





This is to certify that the Minor Project report on “CFD ANALYSIS FOR
submitted is in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelors of Technology
in Mechanical Engineering conducted at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala during the
academic year 2024. This is a bonafide record of work carried out under my guidance and

Instructor (ME)


Date : FEB 2024



We would like to thank Department of Mechanical Engineering INA for helping us in

conducting proper research and completing our work. We are also thankful to our project
guide Asst. Prof. Vidhu Manohar who has helped in the current progess of the project.

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to lab staff of Fluid Mechanics Lab,
CAD/CAM Lab, for the priceless help. We thank them for giving us advice that was
instrumental in the progress of our project. We also thank them for providing encouragement,
guiding us in the right path and having patience to deal with us throughout the duration of our





Ansys is a well-developed software for simulation of different computer models of

structures , electronics , or machine components for analyzing the strength , toughness,
elasticity, temperature distribution , electromagnetism, fluid flow, and other attributes.
Some of the key aspects of Ansys simulation software include:-

1-Finite element analysis(FEA)

2-Computational fluid dynamics(CFD)
3-Electromagnetics simulation
4-Multiphysics Simulation
5-Optical Simulation
6-Explicit Dynamics
7-Pre-Processing and Post processing Tools
8-Parametric Design Optimization

Overall, ANSYS is a comprehensive simulation software package that helps engineers and
research types to gain insights and knowledge about the performance about their designs
without physically building it.
Our main focus will be on developing a virtual model of the venturimeter and simulate it using
the Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) and measure the closeness of the measured values
from the model to the actual experimental values of the venturimeter in the fluid dynamics
Our project is divided in the following parts:-

1-Understanding the fluid flow through and pipe fitting

2-To construct a CFD model in ANSYS for simulation of flow through Venturimeter.
3-To validate the CFD model with the existing venturimeter at FM lab.
4-o extend the study for other pipe fittings.








1. Venturimeter : Diagram and original model.

2. Sections of a venturimeter

3. CFD analysis of a venturimeter


1. Declaration……………………………………………………..………….2
2. Certificate……………………………………………………………….....3
3. Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………...6
4. List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………....7
5. List of Figures…………………………………………………………....8
6. Abstract…………………………………………………………………
Chapter 1 – Introduction........................................................................10
1.1 Background of study……………………………………………………...10
1.2 Objective…………………………………………………………………….11
1.3 Timeline……………………………………………………………………...11
1.4 Scope of Study……………………………………………………………..11
Chapter 2 – Methodology…………………………………………………..12
Chapter 3 – Literature Review……………………………………………..13
3.1 Variables to determine type of flow…………………………….13
3.2 Venturimeter………………………………………………………….14
3.2.1 Types of venturimeters ………………………………………...14
3.2.2 Flow sections of venturimeters…………………………..……15
3.2.3 Efficiency of venturimeters ………………………………..…..16
3.3 ANSYS…………………………………………………….…………...17
3.2.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics………………………….…….18
3.2.2 Algorithms in ANSYS………………………………………...….19
3.2.3 Equations of CFD……………………………………….………..20
Chapter 4– Bibliography……………………………………………..…….23


1.1 Background Of Study

Nowadays its highly impossible to construct a model and to simulate its behavior in
various physical and chemical conditions. With the growth of technology in the recent
past it has made possible to construct virtual models of the existing physical models in
the computers to check the compatibility and approximate the results of these models in
various physical conditions. Ansys is one of those softwares which makes it easier as
well as convenient to check the following. It constructs virtual models which function on
the basis of the fed mathematical equations one of them is “Navier Stokes
Equations”.These equations are are difficult to solve by any human hence these are
solved by computers by method called iteration. Ansys,Inc is an american multinational
company which has its headquarters in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. It develops and sells
CAE/Multiphysics engineering simulation softwares for product design testing and
simulation and offers its products and services to its worldwide customers.
Ansys Mechancial Finite Element Analysis software is used to simulate computer
models of structures, Electronics , Or machine component analyzing the strength,
toughness, elasticity, temperature distribution, electromagnetism, fluid flow, and other

The objective of this project is to construct a CFD Model in ansys for the simulation of fluid
flow through venturimeter. And to validate the CFD model with the existing venturimeter in the
Fluid Mechanics lab of Indian Naval Academy by comparing the experimental values and the
simulated values of Coefficent of Discharge that we will get from the simulation.

1.3 Timeline

Jan -Feb 24  Study / Literature survey

 Deciding flow conditions and other values
 Making geometric model in ANSYS

Mar -Apr 24  Meshing

 Creating simulation conditions
 Test run of CFD scheme

Jul -Aug 24  CFD scheme run

 Validation of CFD Scheme
Sept 24  Modeling any two pipe fittings and adopting CFD scheme
 Validation with known results/ analytical methods
Oct -Nov 24  Report preparation
1.4.Scope of study
The scope of our project is to construct a CFD model of the venturimeter in ANSYS and simulate the
fluid flow through it and calculate the Coeffeicent of discharge and validate the computed result

1. The beginning of the project involves theoretical study of the fluid flow through different
pipe fittings especially the venturimeter and the venturi effect, through various sources like
textbooks and audiovisual notes across the mechanical academia.
2. Moving on to the practical aspect of the study of the flow of the fluids through various pipe
fittings, in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, and re-performing the experiments.
3. For the simulation testing, forming a geometric model on the software Solidworks, and
transferring the model to ANSYS for CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis.
4. Analysing and comparing the obtained results from the simulation and then comparing it
with the results obtained from the experiments in the lab and testing the correctness of the
virtual model.
3.1 Variables used to determine type of flow:
Certain variables used to determine the fluid flow are as follows:-
1. Velocity (v):

- Velocity is a vector quantity defined as the rate of change of position with respect to time. In
fluid dynamics, it describes the motion of fluid particles, indicating both speed and direction.

2. Density (ρ):

- Density is a fundamental property of fluid representing mass per unit volume. It influences
the compressibility of the fluid; denser fluids are more resistant to compression.

3. Pressure (P):

- Pressure is a measure of force per unit area. In fluid dynamics, it reflects the internal energy
distribution within the fluid. Variations in pressure drive fluid motion.

4. Temperature (T):

- Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of fluid particles. In compressible

flows, temperature changes influence the speed of sound and density.

5. Viscosity (μ):

- Viscosity characterizes a fluid's internal resistance to flow. It arises from molecular

interactions between fluid particles and affects shear forces and boundary layer development.

6. Length Scale (L):

- The length scale is a representative dimension in the flow field, crucial for defining the
Reynolds number. It could be the diameter of a pipe, a wing's chord length, or any relevant
7. Reynolds Number (Re):

- Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity comparing inertial forces to viscous forces. It

helps predict flow regimes; low Re indicates laminar flow, while high Re suggests turbulent

8. Mach Number (Ma):

- Mach number quantifies the relative speed of a fluid compared to the speed of sound. It
classifies flow conditions into subsonic, transonic, supersonic, or hypersonic.

9. Friction Factor (f):

- The friction factor characterizes the resistance to flow in a pipe. It's important in modeling
pressure losses due to friction, influencing the efficiency of fluid transport.

10. Specific Heat (Cp or Cv):

- Specific heat measures the heat energy required to change the temperature of a unit mass.
It's crucial for understanding how fluids absorb and release energy during processes.

11. Entropy (s):

- Entropy is a thermodynamic property reflecting the disorder or randomness of a system. In

fluid dynamics, it plays a role in analyzing the irreversibility of processes.

These variables are interconnected through governing equations, such as the Navier-
Stokes equations and thermodynamic relations, providing a comprehensive framework for
understanding the intricate behavior of fluids in diverse scenarios.

3.2 Venturimeter
A venturimeter is a flow measurement device consisting of a tube with a constricted
throat. As fluid passes through the narrowest part(Throat), Its velocity increases, causing
a pressure drop. By measuring this pressure difference ,the flow rate of the fluid can be
determined . Venturimeters are commonly used in pipes to measure the flow of liquids
and gases.
The venturimeter’s efficiency relies on the conservation of energy principle, emphasizing
the transformation between kinetic and potential energy within the fluid. As the fluid
approaches the constricted throat, it’s velocity increases, leading to a decrease in static
pressure. This pressure reduction is a manifestation of the kinetic energy gained by the
fluid due to the narrowing of the tube.
To quantify this relationship,engineers utilize the Bernoulli’s equation, which equates the
sum of the kinetic energy , potential energy, and fluid pressure along the streamline.In the
context of a venturimeter, the equation highlights the inverse relationship between fluid
velocity and static pressure.
The venturimeter’s design optimally balances the need for accurate measurements and
minimal disruptions to the fluid flow. The smooth transition from a wider section to a
narrower throat ensures that the fluid experiences minimal turbulence, which could
otherwise distort measurements.
Calibration and precise geometric considerations are essential to ensure the
Venturimeters accuracy across a range of flow conditions. Additionally, factors such as
fluid viscosity and temperature variations can influence the meter’s performance,
necessitating careful calibration and corrections in practical applications.In essence, The
venturimeter represnts a sophisticated integration of fluid dynamics principles and
engineering precision, making it a cornerstone in the measurement and control of fluid
Figure 1 – Venturimeter
(a)Diagram (b)Real life

3.2.1 Types of Venturimeters

There are primarily two types of venturimeters namely:-

1:- Classical Venturimeter:-This is the traditional design, ehere the venturtube is an

integral part of the pipeline. The tube features a smooth, gradual transition from awider
inlet to a narrower throar and then back to a wider outlet. It is suitable for a permanent
installations where a consistent and accurate measurement of fluid flow is required.

2:-Inserted Venturimter:- In this type, the venturi section is a separate piece that can be
inserted into an existing pipeline,it is often used for retrofitting into pipelines without the
need for significant modifications to the existing system. Inserted venturimeter offer
flexibility in terms of installation and maintenance.
3.2.2 Flow in different sections of a venturimeter
If we look into different types of flow in different sections of the venturimeter:
1. Converging Section:

- As fluid enters the converging section of the Venturi meter, the cross-sectional area

- According to Bernoulli's equation, which relates kinetic energy, potential energy, and
pressure in a fluid, as the cross-sectional area decreases, the fluid velocity increases.

- The pressure decreases as the fluid gains kinetic energy.

2. Throat:

- The throat is the narrowest part of the Venturi meter, resulting in the maximum fluid velocity.

- Due to conservation of mass, the flow rate is constant throughout the Venturi meter. As the
area decreases, the velocity increases.

- Bernoulli's equation indicates that the pressure is at its minimum at the throat due to the
increased kinetic energy.

3. Diverging Section:

- In the diverging section, the cross-sectional area increases, causing the fluid velocity to

- As the fluid velocity decreases, kinetic energy is converted back into potential energy,
resulting in a pressure recovery.

- The careful design of the diverging section is crucial to minimize energy losses and ensure
accurate measurement.

4. After the Venturi Meter:

- Beyond the Venturi meter, the fluid continues to adjust its velocity and pressure back toward
their initial values.

- The downstream piping configuration can influence the extent of velocity and pressure

5. Pressure Measurement:

- The flow rate through the Venturi meter is determined by measuring the pressure difference
between the converging section and the throat.

- A pressure tap is typically located before and after the throat to measure these pressures.
In summary, the Venturi meter exploits the principles of fluid dynamics, specifically Bernoulli's
equation, to measure fluid flow accurately. The design ensures a controlled change in velocity
and pressure, allowing for precise flow rate measurements based on the pressure difference
between specific points within the meter. This makes Venturi meters valuable for applications
where accurate flow measurements are critical.

Figure 2 – Different Sections of a Venturimeter

3.1.2 Effliciency of Venturimeters

The efficiency of a venturimeter , often referred to as the discharge coefficent(C d), is a
dimensionless parameter that relates the actual flow rate through the venturimeter to
the theoretically predicted flow rate. The efficiency is expressed as a coefficent because
it takes into account factors like friction, Turbulence, and imperfections in the
venturimeter designs.
The formula for calculating the efficiency of a venturimeter is:-


Qactual is the actual flow rate measured by the venturimeter
Qtheoretical is the flow rate predicted by the ideal conditions using the bernouli’s equation.
Cd is the discharge coefficient, representing the efficiency of the Venturimeter.

Now its important to know that the doscharge coeggicent can vary with factors such as
Reynolds number, Fluid properties, and the specific design of the venturimeter.
Calibration and careful consideration of these factors are essential for accurate flow
rate measurements.

ANSYS is a widely used simulation software suite in the field of engineering and
physics. It offers a range of tools for finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid
dynamics (CFD), electromagnetic field simulation, and more. ANSYS is utilized for
simulating and analyzing the behavior of structures, materials, and systems under various
conditions. Some key aspects of ANSYS simulation software include:

1. Finite Element Analysis (FEA): ANSYS enables engineers to perform structural

analysis, thermal analysis, and modal analysis using the finite element method. It helps
predict how structures will respond to different loading conditions.
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): ANSYS CFD tools simulate fluid flow and heat
transfer in a virtual environment. This is crucial for understanding aerodynamics, thermal
management, and fluid behavior in various applications.

3. Electromagnetics Simulation: ANSYS provides tools for simulating electromagnetic

fields, including electric and magnetic fields. This is used in the design and analysis of
electrical systems, antennas, motors, and more.

4. Multiphysics Simulation: ANSYS allows for the coupling of different physics simulations.
For example, it can analyze the interaction between structural mechanics and fluid
dynamics in a single simulation.

5. Optical Simulation: Some versions of ANSYS include tools for optical simulations,
useful in designing and optimizing optical systems.

6. Explicit Dynamics: ANSYS Explicit Dynamics is used for simulating highly transient,
short-duration events, such as impact or crash simulations.

7. Pre-processing and Post-processing Tools: ANSYS provides tools for model setup,
mesh generation, and post-processing of simulation results.

8. Parametric Design Optimization: Engineers can use ANSYS to perform optimization

studies, exploring various design parameters to find the best-performing design.

Overall, ANSYS is a comprehensive simulation software package that helps engineers

and researchers gain insights into the performance of their designs before physical
prototypes are built. It is widely used across industries such as aerospace, automotive,
electronics, and more.

3.2.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics

ANSYS CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is a specialized part of the ANSYS

simulation software suite dedicated to simulating and analyzing fluid flow, heat transfer, and
related phenomena. Here are key features and applications of ANSYS CFD:
1. Fluid Flow Simulation: ANSYS CFD is used to model and simulate the behavior of fluids,
including liquids and gases, under different conditions. This is crucial for understanding
aerodynamics, fluid dynamics in pipes, or around objects.

2. Heat Transfer Analysis: The software enables the simulation of heat transfer in various
systems. This includes conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer processes.
3. Turbulence Modeling: ANSYS CFD includes advanced turbulence models to capture the
effects of turbulence in fluid flows accurately. This is important in scenarios where flow
patterns are complex.

4. Multiphase Flow: It allows for the simulation of flows involving multiple phases, such as
gas-liquid interfaces or solid-liquid interactions.

5. Chemical Reaction Modeling: ANSYS CFD can be used to simulate chemical reactions
within fluid flows, making it valuable for applications in chemical engineering and combustion

6. Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI): For scenarios where the interaction between fluid flow and
structural response is essential, ANSYS CFD can be coupled with structural simulations to
perform FSI analysis.

7. Combustion Analysis: ANSYS CFD is employed in studying combustion processes in

engines, furnaces, and other applications. It helps optimize combustion efficiency and reduce

8. Particle Transport: It can simulate the transport and behavior of particles in fluid flows,
useful in applications like spray modeling, sedimentation, and pollution studies.

9. Post-processing Tools: ANSYS CFD provides powerful post-processing tools for visualizing
and interpreting simulation results. Users can generate plots, animations, and reports to
analyze the performance of their designs.

Engineers and researchers use ANSYS CFD across various industries, including aerospace,
automotive, energy, and environmental engineering, to gain insights into fluid dynamics and
thermal behavior without the need for physical prototype.

3.2.2 Algorithms used in ANSYS

ANSYS, as a simulation software suite, incorporates various numerical algorithms
depending on the specific analysis being performed. The algorithms used in ANSYS are
based on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) principles.
Here are some key algorithmic components:
1. Finite Element Method (FEM): ANSYS employs the finite element method for structural
analysis. This numerical technique divides a complex geometry into smaller, simpler
elements, allowing for the accurate simulation of structural behavior.

2. Finite Volume Method (FVM): In computational fluid dynamics simulations within ANSYS,
the finite volume method is often used. This method discretizes the fluid domain into control
volumes, facilitating the analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer.
3. Iterative Solvers: To solve the large systems of linear equations arising from discretized
models, ANSYS uses iterative solvers. These solvers iteratively refine the solution until
convergence is achieved.

4. Adaptive Meshing: ANSYS incorporates adaptive meshing algorithms, which dynamically

adjust the mesh resolution during simulations. This helps focus computational resources
where they are most needed, improving accuracy and efficiency.

5. Turbulence Models: ANSYS CFD utilizes various turbulence models, such as k-epsilon, k-
omega, or large eddy simulation (LES), to capture the effects of turbulence in fluid flow.

6. Coupling Algorithms: In cases where different physics need to be coupled, such as fluid-
structure interaction (FSI), ANSYS employs algorithms to ensure the proper interaction
between different simulation domains.

It's important to note that ANSYS is a commercial software package, and the specific details
of its algorithms are proprietary. The software's effectiveness lies not only in the algorithms it
uses but also in the integration of these algorithms into a user-friendly environment, allowing
engineers and researchers to perform complex simulations without deep expertise in
numerical methods.
Figure – 3
CFD Analysis of the venturimeter

3.2.3 Equations used in CFD

The equations used in ANSYS CFD are based on the principles of fluid dynamics
and heat transfer. The specific set of equations depends on the type of simulation being
performed (e.g., incompressible or compressible flow, laminar or turbulent flow, steady-state
or transient analysis). Here are some fundamental equations commonly employed in ANSYS
1. Navier-Stokes Equations: These equations describe the conservation of momentum in fluid
flow and are the foundation for simulating fluid motion. They consist of three equations for
each spatial direction (x, y, and z).

2. Continuity Equation: This equation ensures mass conservation and is used to model the
incompressibility of fluids. It represents the conservation of mass within the fluid domain.

3. Energy Equation: The energy equation accounts for heat transfer within the fluid domain. It
includes terms for conduction, convection, and viscous dissipation.

4. Turbulence Models: ANSYS CFD often incorporates turbulence models, such as the
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. These models introduce additional
transport equations for turbulence quantities like turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate.

5. Species Transport Equations: In simulations involving multiple fluid components or

chemical reactions, ANSYS CFD includes species transport equations to track the
concentration of different species.

6. Heat Transfer Equations: For simulations involving heat transfer, ANSYS CFD employs
equations that describe heat conduction, convection, and radiation within the fluid domain.

7. Equation of State: ANSYS CFD uses an equation of state to relate pressure, density, and
temperature, which is crucial for compressible flow simulations.

It's important to note that ANSYS CFD is a commercial software package, and the specific
implementation details and equations are proprietary. Users typically interact with the
software through a graphical user interface, specifying simulation parameters and boundary
conditions without directly manipulating the underlying equations. The software then solves
the governing equations numerically to provide simulation results.

1. An Introduction to ANSYS Fluent 2022 Book by John Matsson

2. A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. K. Bansal

3. Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. s. Khurmi



6. www.byju’

7. Figure 1 – www.byju’

8. Figure 2-

9. Figure 3 –

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