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Justify the title of the text in relation to global happenings.

The novel second class citizen by Buchi Emecheta is a novel that discusses and portrays important
themes such as sexism and misogyny, racism, irresponsible husbandhood, and immigration all issues
which are still prevalent in our society today, through the story of its protagonist, a young Ibuzan woman
named Adah from childhood in Nigeria to adulthood in England.
Buchi Emecheta's novel "Second Class Citizen" is undoubtedly linked to global happenings, as it
addresses issues that are prevalent not only in Nigeria, where the novel is set, but across the world. The
novel tells the story of not only Adah but women of color everywhere. Adah is first seen as a second-class
citizen in her country due to her status as a woman and due to this even her date of birth is not seen as
important enough to be recorded and she is not allowed to go to school much less have many of the
opportunities her own brother Boy is allowed. This a plight that many women all over the world are
victims of, especially in countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan where women are disallowed from going to
not only school but numerous social events solely due to their gender.
The title itself suggests that Adah is treated as inferior to others because of her gender and cultural
background. This theme is not only relevant in Nigeria but is also seen worldwide, where women and
minorities are often held back and discriminated against in education, career opportunities, and other
aspects of life. Furthermore, Adah's struggles with poverty and the lack of resources are exemplary of the
global economic divide, where the wealthy have ample resources and opportunities while the poor
struggle to survive. Adah's experiences also highlight the struggle of African immigrants and minorities in
the West from the backlash and disadvantages she faces trying to keep her children with her to the
numerous times she and her husband are denied housing due to their status as parents and race all this
reflects the widespread discrimination and prejudice faced by immigrants and minorities in western
societies. It also highlights the reality that even when immigrants are given access to opportunities,
they're frequently subjected to different standards and discrimination which is in fact exactly what makes
them second-class citizens.
At its core, the text speaks to a broader issue of social inequality, which is a global phenomenon.
Adah's striving to be free and equal in a society that demands conformity is a universal story. This is
especially true for women and minorities, who have historically been granted fewer rights and fewer
chances. There are numerous times in the novel where we see Adah actively suffering and yet unable to
truly do anything about it such as when she faced poor treatment in her uncle’s house, when she
attempts to get “the cap”, and every time she is beaten by her husband Francis, reflecting the plight of
women everywhere simply because regardless of where she goes due to her race and gender she is a
second class citizen.
In conclusion, the title "Second Class Citizen" is not only relevant to Nigeria but is related to global
happenings as it addresses issues of gender inequality, economic disparity, the struggles of African
immigrants, and the broader problem of social inequality across the world. The story of Adah reveals the
harsh reality faced by countless individuals worldwide who belong to marginalized groups and struggle to
be seen as equal.

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