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Safety Policy

All levels of management are accountable for safety performance and are
committed to providing safe, healthy, secure work conditions and attitudes with the
objective of having an accident-free workplace.

Making safety excellence part of all activities strengthens the organization. The
organization’s leader is committed to:
 Ongoing pursuit of an accident-free workplace, including no harm to people,
no damage to equipment, the environment or property.
 A culture of open reporting of all safety hazards in which management will
not initiate disciplinary action against any personnel who, in good faith,
discloses a hazard or safety occurrence due to unintentional conduct.
 Regular and ongoing support for safety training and awareness programs.
 Regular audits of safety policies, procedures and practices are conducted.
 Monitoring industry activity to ensure best safety practices are incorporated
in to the organization.
 Providing and promoting the necessary resources to support this policy.
 Requiring all employees be responsible for maintaining a safe work
environment through adherence to approved policies, procedures and
 Requiring all employees to familiarize themselves and comply with safety
policies and procedures.

From Safety Management System Toolkit of International Helicopter Safety Team
From Bangalore International Airport cerca 2009
Safety Policy

Management is committed to providing safe, healthy, secure work conditions and

attitudes with the objective of having an accident‐free workplace. The
organisation’s owner/CEO is committed to:
(a) Ongoing pursuit an accident free workplace, including no harm to people, no
damage to equipment, the environment and property
(b) A culture of open reporting of all safety hazards in which management will not
initiate disciplinary action against any personnel who, in good faith, discloses a
hazard or safety occurrence due to unintentional conduct.
(c) A culture of open reporting of all safety hazards
(d) Support for safety training and awareness programs
(e) Conducting regular audits of safety policies, procedures and practices
(f) Monitoring industry activity to ensure best safety practices are incorporated in
to the organisation
(g) Providing the necessary resources to support this policy
(h) Requiring all employees to have the duty to maintain a safe work environment
through adherence to approved policies, procedures, and training, and shall
familiarize themselves, and comply with safety policies and procedures
(i) All levels of management are accountable for safety performance, starting with
the owner/CEO. To be a good leader, you must be a good safety leader
(j) The organisation is strengthened by making safety excellence an integral part
of all activities

From Civil Aviation Advisory Publication CAAP 2011 by GCAA

From the GAIN Handbook cerca 2000 (one of my favorites). Transport Canada also
uses this sample in 107-001-e
Among our core values, we will include:
Safety, health and the environment
Ethical behaviour
Valuing people
Our fundamental safety beliefs are:
Safety is a core business and personal value
Safety is a source of our competitive advantage
We will strengthen our business by making safety excellence an integral part of all flight and
ground activities
We believe that all accidents and incidents are preventable
All levels of line management are accountable for our safety performance, starting with the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
The five core elements of our safety approach include:
Top Management Commitment
Safety excellence will be a component of our mission
Senior leaders will hold line management and all employees accountable for safety performance
Senior leaders and line management will demonstrate their continual commitment to safety
Responsibility & Accountability of All Employees
Safety performance will be an important part of our management/employee evaluation system
We will recognise and reward flight and ground safety performance
Before any work is done, we will make everyone aware of the safety rules and processes as well as
their personal responsibility to observe them
Clearly Communicated Expectations of Zero Incide nts
We will have a formal written safety goal, and we will ensure everyone understands and accepts
that goal
We will have a communications and motivation system in place to keep our people focused on the
safety goal
Auditing & Measuring for Improvement
Management will ensure regular conduct safety audits are conducted and that everyone will
participate in the process
We will focus our audits on the behaviour of people as well as on the conditions of the operating
We will establish both leading and trailing performance indicators to help us evaluate our level of
Responsibility of All Employees
Each one of us will be expected to accept responsibility and accountability for our own behaviour
l Each one of us will have an opportunity to participate in developing safety standards and procedures

We will openly communicate information about safety incidents and will share the lessons with
l Each of us will be concerned for the safety of others in our organisation


ALL levels of management will be clearly committed to safety.
 We will have clear employee safety metrics, with clear accountability.
We will have open safety communications.
We will involve everyone in the decision process.
We will provide the necessary training to build and maintain meaningful ground and flight safety
leadership skills.
The safety of our employees, customers and suppliers will be a Company strategic issue .

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