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1. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity?

2. Which of the following statements is true?

3. The following are perceptions about persons with disabilities (PWD), except.
4. This philosophical concept refers to an agreement between the individuals and the state by which
the individuals in the community must surrender several liberties in exchange for social order.
5. Which of the following statements is true?
6. This view believes that after death, the soul will either go to heaven or hell, depending on the
judgment anchored on how the person lived his or her life on earth.
7. The following are perceptions about persons with disabilities (PWD), except.
8. How can prudence affect freedom of choice?
9. Luis honed his piano skills thrice a week using an advanced piano piece. Meanwhile, Jenna
only pract
10. “Dialogue is an exchange in which people discover something new.” This best means that
dialogue ______.
11. It is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

12. The following are significant changes that brought about the Industrial Revolution, except?
13. What is the term for a list of all the goals, dreams, and achievements one wishes to attain before

14. What is the endpoint of all biological functions that sustain a living organism?
15. Why is physical death a fearful endpoint for many people?

16. Who among the following is most likely to have already discovered the meaning of life?

17. Which of the following statements is true?

18. According to John Locke, what is the purpose of the government?

19. We are now in a 'throwaway society'. Many things are 'instant'. The same is true with our trash.
What does this scenario lead to?

20. Which concept about human relations and society is correct?

21. An organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory
and culture.
22. The ___________ of a human being is essentially rooted in society and human relations. For
instance, if there is no family to take care of an infant, the infant will eventually die.

23. This philosophical concept refers to an agreement between the individuals and the state by
which the individuals in the community must surrender several liberties in exchange for social
24. Which of the following is the result of technical improvements to the economic sphere?

25. A metaphorical figure idealized by Thomas Hobbes that represents the society as a whole where
it ordains the people for peace and unity.
26. Choose which is the meaning of “freedom as an intrinsic and essential property of man.”
27. What is the endpoint of all biological functions that sustain a living organism?
28. Which philosophical concept suggests that death gives meaning to life because it imposes limits
and creates urgency?

29. He stated that man outside of civilization and society is “Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and

30. He contributed greatly to the concept of society and stated that man by nature is a social animal
and always has the tendency to establish bonds with others.

31. A place created by people who believe that someday it will make their lives better.
32. He is famous for the statement “God is dead.”

33. Death is a certain reality.

34. What does Nietzsche want us to realize?

35. What do you call a complete loss or absence of hope?

36. What do we mean by ‘God is dead’?
37. What is the best way to do it before we die?

38. Who among the following is most likely to have already discovered the meaning of life?
39. John Rawls, an American philosopher proposed the idea of the original position where people
must be imagined wearing the ______________, or no knowledge of one’s own characteristics such as
gender, race, or social status.

40. In which statement shows the BEST example of the usage of responsible freedom?

41. Who is the father of existentialism?

42. When reason ends, ________________ begins!
43. You are a philosopher and you have been tasked to create a new concept of freedom that
considers the well-being of both the individual and society. Which of the following would be your new
concept of freedom?

44. It is to do something although you know that something unpleasant or dangerous could happen.
45. What is the best way of living a true Christian life?

46. Kierkegaard argues that the leap of faith requires a commitment to what kind of relationship
with God?
47. Jobie was having a hard time understanding the lessons, causing her to lose interest in
studying. She justified herself by blaming the problem on her teachers. Do you agree with her?

48. How can you say that man is ready for death according to Christian philosophy?

49. What is the meaning of your life according to Soren Kierkegaard?

50. For Kierkegaard, what does it mean when you take a risk?

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