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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello and Good morning to my beloved audience. Today, we as the 9G class representative
will present you all a story called " a Cat and a Fox " but before we begin please let us
introduce ourselves.
Im Vanessa Rahma Lita as a narrator
im Major Lara Justine as a fox
im Freya Artanti Lituhayu as a cat
And im Florenda Aura Suci as a wolf
Please enjoy our story !

Vanessa : Once Upon a Time, there was a fox who was known for his naughtiness and sly
act, There also lived a pure and innocent white cat. Even though their personality are
completely different from each other, they somehow ended up having a great friendship.

One day when they were hanging out, the fox was just boasting on how clever and smart he
is, as usual.
Juju : " hey cat ! Do you want to know what happened yesterday ?! "
Freya : " whatt?? what happened ?? tell me tell mee !! "
Juju : " So, yesterday i tricked yet another dumb monkey to pick up fruits for me ! hahaha,
monkey are so dumb ! "
Freya : " woww, you're so smart fox.., i could never be like you ! "

A few minutes go by, they suddenly heard the barking of a wolf in the distance

Freya : " oh my god !!! Run fox, Runnn !!! "

As they were running, without hesitation the cat does the only single plan that she knows and
that is to climb up a tree.

Freya : " Save yourself fox quickly !!!! "

Before he could finally make up his mind, the wolf had already caught up with him.
Florenda : " stupid stupid fox, do you think you can run away from me ? AHAHAHAHA,
IMPOSSIBLE! you'll die in my hands. "
Juju : " do YOU think you can catch me ! In your dreams dumb wolf ! "

(The fox ran as fast as he can, hoping that he would lost the wolf. But, the wolf ran faster and
jump at the fox )

Juju : " NO NO NOO !! Please don't kill me i beg you !! "


When the wolf is done eating and left the corpse of the fox, the cat pitifully said

Freya : " It's better to have one working plan than a hundred you can't choose.. "

So, the moral value we can take from this story is that a single working plan is always better
than hundred of doubtful plans.
And that my friend is the end of the story, wassalamualaikum wr wb

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