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Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Student Name: Amaira Mitruka

Date of Birth:
Grade: LKG
School: Samanata School
Date of IEP Meeting: 2080-11-08
IEP starting Date: 2080-11-08
IEP ending Date: 2080-12-30

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:

Amaira is a good student of samanata school. She has good ability of learning academics as well
as the behavioral intervention tasks. She is able to continue the basic reading and writing
activities to achieve the academic target of Grade LKG. She has some behavioral challenges and
our concerned challenge is pushing others. She has a good communication skill. She uses Verbal
communication. She has a good social skills like sharing toys, waiting and playing with peers.
Amaira is age appropriate for most of the functional skills.

First Term Goals

1. Communication: Amaira will increase expressive communication skills by using at least 5

functional words or phrases independently in daily interactions with peers and adults.

2. Social Skills: Amaira will demonstrate improved social skills by initiating and maintaining
at least one reciprocal conversation with a peer during structured group activities, with
prompting as needed.

3. Academic: Amaira will improve reading skills, writing skills by correctly completing the
related to a grade-appropriate text with 80% accuracy during reading and writing

4. Behavior: Amaira will demonstrate improved self-regulation skills by using a provided

coping strategy (e.g., deep breathing, taking a break) to manage frustration or anxiety in
at least 4 out of 5 instances.

Curriculum guide
1. Attending Skills:
a. Makes eye contact when given the instruction "Look at me"
b. Responds to the direction "Hands down"
c. Sustains eye contact for 5 seconds in response to name.
d. Makes eye contact in response to name from a distance.
e. Asks Yes! When name is called

2. Imitation Skills
a. Imitates gross motor movements
b. Imitates actions with objects
c. Imitates fine motor movements
d. Imitates oral motor movements

3. Receptive Language Skills

a. Identifies familiar people
b. Follows verb instructions
c. Identifies verbs in pictures
d. Identifies objects in the environment
e. Points to pictures in a book

4. Expressive Language Skills

a. Points to desired items in response to "What do you want?"
b. Points to desired items spontaneously
c. Imitates sounds and words
d. Labels objects
e. Labels pictures
f. States or gestures yes and no for preferred and non-preferred items
g. Labels familiar people

5. Pre-academic Skills
a. Matching ( i. Non- identical objects ii. Objects by association)
b. Counts Objects

6. Self-help Skills
a. Hand wash

Some Suggestion for Home
1.Please make a routine and follow at least for one Shift as described.
2.Please make visual friendly environment at home as described.
3.Please follow the method for hand Washing as described.
4.Please follow the technique for privacy as described.

Reinforce List

Parents Name- Class teacher Name-

Signature Signature

Approved By -



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