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Hint of Evolution from Comparative Anatomy

Another hint of evolutionary concept is from the comparative anatomy. Structures from different species which
have similar internal framework, position, and embryonic development are considered to be homologous.
Homologous structures may perform different functions in the species living in the different environment, or it
may have the same origin but different functions.

Here are some example of homologous structures: forelimbs of dog, bird, lizard, and whale, which are
structurally the same, but functionally different. Structures of unrelated species may evolve to look alike,
because the structure is adapted to similar function. These are called analogous structures. Analogous structures
have similar functions but different origin.

Examples are wings of birds, bats, and insects that have the same function but different in origin.

Front limbs of man, cat, horse, bat, whales, and other mammals are made up of same kinds of bones, they just
vary only in size and function differently he presence of homologous structures is a strong indicator that the
organisms evolved from common ancestors. This type of evolution is called
divergent evolution.

Divergent evolution is the splitting of an ancestral population into

two or more subpopulations
that are geographically isolated from one another.

Convergence is an increase in similarities among species derived

from different ancestors as
a result of similar adaptation to similar environment. In convergent
evolution, analogous structures of unrelated organisms from
different ancestors develop similar function such as butterfly
wings and bird wings.

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