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Lesson 18-4 Name: ___________________

I. (528) Southeast Asia: History & Culture – SE Asians developed their own traditions, though they were influenced
by ______, ______, & _____
a. SE Asia has 2 parts – one is a ___________ area made up of long, winding _________ - the other is a large
_____________, or chain of islands
b. ____________ ranges cross mainland SE Asia – between the ranges are narrow ______ ________ & broad
coastal ________ - lowlands are rich in _________ soil
c. S&E of mainlands are thousands of mountainous islands – hold many active ________. One particular
danger comes from _________ - a huge ocean wave caused by an underwater ___________
d. Sea trade & inland mountain barriers shaped SE Asia into a region of many ________ groups, languages, &
religions – as a result was never _______ under a single gov’t
e. Early peoples grew ______, raised cattle & pigs – believed in ________ - the idea that spirits exist in living &
nonliving things
f. Artisans made a ______ of detailed patterns later called batik
g. 100s – Hindu traders from ______ reached coastal areas of SE Asiaa – over time, people of region blended
_______ & _______ ways with their own traditions
II. Kingdoms and Empires – from 500 – 1500 many kingdoms & empress thrived – states on the caost became
___________ or ____________ powers that controlled shipping
a. The ancient ______ were one of the first people in SE asia to develop their own state &* culture
b. 900s, Viet rebelled against China’s weakened ______ Dynasty –won independence
c. New state was modeled on the gov’t of ________ & was known as Dai Viet -
_____________ became its official religion. Just as in China, Viet gov’t were selected
through ______ ___________ examinations
d. West of Vietnam is present-day country of __________ - home of the _______
people. During 1100s, founded an ________ that covered much of mainland SE Asia
e. Based their rule on ______ & _______ ideas from India. Increased their power by presenting themselves as
_____________ to their people
f. Architecte created a new style of building based on _______ & local designs. Most magnificent structure was
________ _____.
g. By 1440s, building costs, high ______ & internal revolts had weakened the _______ Empire – in 1432, the
______ , a neighboring SE Asia people, captured the _______ city of Angkor.
h. The earliest _______ settlements arose along the border of China. 700-1100 moved southward, set up a
kingdom at ___________, in what is today north central Thailand
i. Artisans from China taught making of ______ - ________ monks from India converted many Thai
j. ~1350 a new Thai kingdom known as ________ arose – capital city located where city of _______, present
capital, stands today
k. The ____________ kingdom lasted for about 400 years
l. West of Thai a people known as the ________ developed a civilization – capital city called _______.City
became center of _______ learning & culture –adopted Buddhism as well as _____ political institutions
m. On the _______ peninsula & islands of ____________, independent states developed
n. Despite common cultural ties, the ______ developed into many rivalries. However, a Malay state arose of
Java & Sumatra in present-day _________ - controlled trade route passing through Strait of ________
o. _______ ______ tradeers & Missionaries settled coastal areas – many converted ______. First major Islamic
center was ______ - a trading port on Malay Pensnsula.

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