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20-3A: The Reformation Begins Name: ___________________

I. (598) Early Calls for _______

a. Educated EUs were influenced by ___________ humanism – began to criticize the wealth and power of the
__________ _______ (CC). In 1517, a ________ monk named ________ ________ (ML) questioned authority
b. At first, ML wanted to reform CC, why events are called the ____________ - produced a new form of
Christianity called ____________.
c. Church officials had grown ________ by collecting taxes – some bishops acted like kings by building _______
and providing jobs for their relatives – yet in many villages priests could barely ________. In addition,
churches began offering indulgences – a granted a ________ for a person’s sins. Members who performed
“good _____” such as giving money to build a church, could receive this
d. People were ______ about CC’s focus on money. In 1370s, an English priest named John _______ preached
Christians needed only to recognize Jesus as head of the CC, not the ______
e. Wycliffe also claimed all religious truth came from the Christian ______ - he ___________ many passages
from Latin into English
f. Renaissance humanism led to a new movement called _________ humanism
g. Best known Christian humanist was Desiderius _______ - believed people should use their _______ to
become better Christians
h. 1509 – wrote a book called Praise of ________ - especially attacked the wealth of Renaissance _______
II. Luther’s Reformation - ML – his rebellion led to a religious __________ that changed Europe
a. 1483 – ML became a ________ and faithfully followed CC teachings – still worried about his soul
b. ML’s doubts grew after he visited ______ - shocked to find priests there made fun of CC rituals
c. Back in Wittenberg, _______, ML searched for answers
d. 1517 – Pope Leo X needed money to rebuild St. Peter’s– to get that, he sent monks out to ____ indulgences
e. ML prepared a list of ___ arguments against the indulgences –also nailed them to the _____ of Wittenberg
Cathedral – became known as the Ninety-Five ________
f. ML – Popes could make ________ - only true guide to religious truth was the ______, finally all Christians
could confess their sins directly to God without the help of a ______
g. Pope Leo X – 1521, he ______________ML – can no longer belong to church – then, a _____, or council of
German princes met in the city of _______
h. ML’s ideas led to creation of the first Protestant church, known as _____________
i. During 1520s, peasants suffered as a result of poor crops & high ______ - though they could stand up to the
______ nobles
j. Peasants looked to ML for support – at first, ML ________ with their cause however, ML also feared
________ - he told peasants that God had set up the gov’t above them and they must _____ it – the nobles
soon _________ the peasants
k. Whyt was CC unable to stop Protestantism in 1500s? 1 – Protestant had the support of some EU _______.
l. The Holy Roman Empire – included about _____ German states. 1519, ________ V became the Holy Roman
Empire – also ruled _____, the Netherlands, parts of Italy, and territories in the ___________
m. German rulers – wanted to keep their ____________ - many became Lutheran. After breaking with the CC,
rulers took over Catholic _______ in their territories
n. Rulers could impose their own church taxes & keep the money for ____________
o. Charles V went to _____ with Lutherna rulers – not able to defeat them. In 1555, an agreement known as
the _____ of Augsburg ended fighting – each German ruler could decide the _______ of his people. The
Peace of Augsburg allowed the division of Germany into a ____________ North & a __________ south.
III. (603) The Reformation Spreads
a. As the Reformation spread, different forms of ______________ developed. Soon after Lutheranism began in
Germany, many people in nearby _______________ accepted Protestant ideas.
b. John _________ was born in France in 1509.
c. Eventually, Calvin fled from ________ because it became too dangerous to talk about Protestantism – found
safety in Geneva, _____________
d. Agreed with Luther that ______ alone brought salvation, but added other ideas – main idea was that _____
decides the final outcome of all events in the universe. Therefore, God has already chosen who will go to
_________ & who will not – belief is called ________________
e. Most followers believed that they were among the people who would be _______ - to prove it, they worked
_______, behaved well, and obeyed the laws of their town.
f. Another idea of Calvinism is that church members, not ______ or bishops, should choose the clergy. Because
of Calvinism, people began to think that they could _______ government leaders.
IV. The Reformation in ___________ (UK)
a. In England, religious change at first did not come from _______ officials or the people – it started as a
political quarrel between the ______ & the _____
b. Henry VIII ruled UK from 1509-1547 – belonged to the _______ Family – had no ______ to follow him.
Catherine, the first of Henry’s _____ wives, had children, only one of her children, _____, survived
c. Henry had fallen in love with ____ Boleyln, - asked the pope to _______, or declare invalid, his marriage
d. The pope ________ Henry’s request.
e. Henry had the Archbishop of Canterbury end his _________ to Catherine – then married Anne Bolelyn. In
response, the pope ____________________ Henry. In 1534, he had Parliament pass the Act of
_______________ - the act made the king _______ of the new Church of England.
f. Ordered all bishops & priests in UK to accept it – some how refused were ________. Henry seized the _____
of the Catholic Church and gave some of it to his _______ - made sure they remained _______ to Henry
g. The Church of England became known as the _________ Church – accepted ______ Protestant ideas, but it
kept most Catholic _________. UK Catholics supported Henry’s Catholic daughter ______ when she became
h. As queen, Mary __________ the Catholic Church in England & arrested those who opposed her – more than
____ Protestants were burned at the stake – UK were horrified and turned against her, calling her
“________ Mary”
i. Mary died in 1558 – her half-sister _____________, the Protestant daughter of Henry VIII & Anne, took the
throne as Queen – she restored the Anglican Church.
j. Most English people were ___________ with the Anglican Church. Some, however, had become _________ -
became known as __________ because they wanted to purify, or cleanse, the Anglican Church
k. Queen Elizabeth tolerated the ____________. When _______ I became king in 1603, however, the Puritans
faced opposition. He and later his son, King _________ I, closed Puritan churches and imprisoned Puritan
leaders. Many Puritans left England and settled in North __________ to practice their religion freely.

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