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Lesson 23-1A: American Revolution Name: ___________________

I. (664) Britain’s American Colonies - The first ________________ English colony in North America was set up by
the Virginia ________ in the area that is now Virginia. The Company owners wanted ________.
a. Early 1600s, Puritans in England were _________________ for their beliuefs – members were punished and
made to suffer.
b. In 1620, a group of Puritans known as the __________ left UK for America. Sailed across the ocean in a ship
called the ______________ & landed in what is today state of Massachusetts – settlement called _________
c. In 1630, about _____ Puritans founded the MA Bay Colony – others soon followed.
d. Other people seeking religious _________ set up colonies elsewhere – for example, English ________
founded Maryland in 1634. The _______, a religious group, established Pennsylvania in 1680.
e. Native Americans – at first the two groups lived ____________. The English learned Native’s ________ skills.
As more arrived, however, the relationship worsened – Americans often died of __________ brought by
English or in ________ with the settlers over land.
f. By early 1800s, the English had _________ colonies along the Atlantic Coast. Settlers in northern colonies
found a ______ or moderate climate and _______ soil. In the South, large ___________ worked by enslaved
__________ people grew crops for export.
g. To attract more settlers, VA Company gave colonists right to _______ burgesses, or representatives
h. Set an example of _________________ gov’t, or a gov’t in which people _______ representatives
i. Before leaving the Mayflower the Pilgrims signed an agreement called the Mayflower __________ - agreed
they would choose their own leaders and make their own ______
j. Over the years most colonies developed ______________ or written plans of gov’t
II. Road to Revolt – In 1707, England united with Scotland to form _______.
a. US shipped their _____ materials to UK, in return they received UK _________________ products. To
control this trade, UK passed the _______________ Acts
b. The colonists at first ____________ the trade laws. Later, colonists wanted to produce their own
_________________ goods. They also wanted to sell their products _____________ if they could. Many
colonial merchants began _____________ goods in and out – shipping products without paying ________
c. Between 1756 & ______, UK & France fought a war. When UK _______, it gained nearly all of France’s North
American empire. The conflict, however, left UK deeply in ________.
d. 1765, Parliament passed the _______ Act, which taxes newspapers & other ________ material. The
colonists responded by ______________ UK goods – refusing to ____ specific products in protest
e. Finally, nine colonies sent delegates to a Stamp Act ____________ in NYC. United under the slogan “No
_____________ without ________________!”. The UK backed down but it still needed money.
f. US attacked royal ____ collectors. Worried, the UK sent toops to _________, Massachusetts
g. In 1770, a Boston crowd threw ______________ at UK soldiers. The soldiers fired their weapons – _____
people were killed. The even became known as the Boston __________. Parliament repealed, or cancelled
all of the taxes except the one on _____
h. Parliament passed the ____ Act – allowed the UK to ship tea to colonies without paying the ____ that
American tea merchants had to pay.
i. A group of protestors __________ themselves as Native Americans. Boraded the UK ships in Boston _______
& dumped their tea into the water.. – known as the Boston Tea _______
j. To punish the colonists, Parliament passed laws that shut down Boston Harbor and placed Massachusetts
under ________ control. Also required colonists to ______ & feed UK soldiers. The colonists called these
laws the _________ Acts. 1774, delegates met in Philadelphia at the First Continental __________.
Lesson 23-1B:
I. (669) A war for Independence
a. Boston soldiers set out to destroy colonial weapons being stored in the twon of _________. 1775, they met
armed colonist at ______________ & fought the first battle of the American Revolution
b. 1775, the _________ Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. It created an army with George
______________ as commander. Members sent an appeal to King George III, but he __________ to listen
c. 1776, in a pamphlet called __________ _______, writer Thomas Paine called on the colonists to break away
from UK
d. On July ___, ________, the Congress issued the ______________ of Independence (DOI). Written by Thomas
_____________ of VA, stated they were separating and forming a new _________ - the USA.
e. He referred to John ______’s idea that people can overthrow a gov’t that ignores their ________.
f. The DOI turned the conflict into a _____ for independence. The US had ______ and less_disciplined soldiers
than the UK. However, they had a ________ general in Washington. The UK had the disadvantage of trying
to fight a war a long way from _________. Also, they had to conquer the _______ country to win.
g. The turning point came 1777 when the Americans won the Battle of _________ in NY. ________, Uk’s old
enemy, realized the colonists might win and agreed to help the Americans.
h. The final victory came in 1781 at the Batle of _____________ in VA. Peaec talks began & two years later, the
treaty of _______ ended the war.
i. The US at first was a ___________________ - or a loose union of independent states. Its plan of gov’t was
called the AOC – created a national gov’t, but the ______ held most powers. Soon clear that the AOC were
too _______ to deal with the new nation’s problems.
j. To change the AOC, ____ met in Philadelphia They decided to write a ________________ for an entirely new
national gov’t – set up a ________ system which divided powers between the national gov’t & the states.
The delegate divided power between ____________, _____________, & ____________ branches. A system
called ______ & __________ enabled each branch to climit the powers of the others.
k. 1789, George Washington was elected the first ____________ of the USA. That same year, a Bill of _______
was added to the Constitution. Guaranteed certain rights – included freedom of _________, speech, & press
– and the right to _____ by jury.
l. The US constitution was shaped by _________________ principles. One of these is _________ ___________,
or the idea that gov’t receives its power from the people. Another principle is ____________ gov’t, or the
idea that a gov’t may use only those powers given to it by the people.

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