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3oab0 Joks a ? 938oso..

Students 35
for Sr.
Sanskrit ,

Explain Venkat Rao's practice of

medicine ?
Why did Venkata Rao faint?
Introduction : The lesson,
Pullela Sriramachandrudu. qt yq' was taken from the book, 'hT, written by Sri
Venkata Rao's denial to do
name was Venkata Rao. That boy medical service : Some of the villagers took a boy to a
rash collision caused by adoctor, whose
was in a faint state, because of a
villagers requested him to do medical vehicle. The
hours are over. I would not treatment for the boy. Venkata Rao angrily told
practice medicine beyond the fixed them, "My working
villagers then begged him, "We are aware of time, despite the advent of God."
worthy of your merciful treatment in this your observance of time. But, is it not true Sir that we The
always think of your own pleasure." hour of danger?" The doctor
shouted out, "Oh idiots ! You
"Is it not correct that the
once". doctor too is a human being ? Is
relief not required for him? You get out at
Venkata Rao insulting the
being able to do anything. But, avillagers : The villagers were about to go out with a
courage for himself and said, "Dearyoung man out of the hopeless face not
Sir ! you are blaming villagers camne before the doctor
us that we are while creating
have brought to you an thinking of
extremely injured boy, who is quite unknown to us
medical help. But, you say
our own pleasure. We
that we look for our own and asking you to serve him
time this is !" pleasure and self-interest. Alas ! What a
Listening to this,the doctor cruelly said
cheating plan! You are trying to get the medical with twofold anger, "Hey !
treatment for him free telling Who is not aware of your
that he is unknown to you.
MATERIAL for Sr. Students
make you get mt ot the plae with the aid of servants". That young man too,
hi guNn ange, said, "Dear sir, we shall give you the fee as far as possible tor our
HNWtN IN sutthtenn it \ujst me vu and see the oy'y fce, ity is sre to arise in your heart, if you
grave ntition ot such afne boy", Then, an old man came before them and said, "Why
nr waste Mtine ivelessly having a quarrel here The hoy's condition is changing critically,

Wie shall o a diternt placequickly, Move on", Al of them left that place. Then, the doctor,
NIniling within himself began to murmur, "Hley dogs ! Get away. Day by day, the population in the
MIntry is gnwing apuppy dies, what shall we lose g Murmuring something further, he went inside
the house, lsing he r with a blow.
Venkat Ran's aBse lite : Venkat Rao was born in a p0or family. His father's name was Subbaran
Sastty. His mther died som atter he was born, His father got him educated straining himself. As Venkala
Rao was hright, he becanme a doctor having red Énely. Arich mun gave him his daughter in marrnage
hinking that, Venkata Rawo was a leamed and wise man. Along with the beautiful wife, he also got a lot of
pnyt As a dotor, he waS earning two to three thousand rupees per day. Because of the money, his
amgane d\aned. He was not honouring even his father. Pointing out his father to a friend who visited
his house, he said, "He is an unknown beggar." '3 a : Listening to this, his father left for his
village, sutlering a lot, In Venkat Rao's belief, marriage was only a business. In his view, money was the
highest ot all the entities,

He theretore mamied Suseela, who was the rich. She was a lady of good character true to her 'name'.
But, Venkata Rao was pretending love for his wife. The reason why their matrimonial relation was
continuing was only Suresh, who was their lone son. His son was the only one who became good to earn
his love ! ln the same place as that of Venkata Rao, a lady, by name Manjuhasini, was appointed as a doctor
in the govemment hospital. She was a co-student of Venkata Rao when he was carrying on the medical
cducation. Venkata Rao began to feel pain that day, as she didn't come to see him still, while being in his own
village. But, his pride stood in the way to meet her on his own, He started to think, "She only should
forward to see me, as lam the one among the rich of the world."
Venkata Rao to faint : Even at the time when Veakata rao was thinking of Manjuhasinee's non
with her in
arrival, he received a call from her over phone. She wanted him to come at once to co-operate
car ready. Then the
doing the treatment for a patient. Venkata Rao then told the driver to soon make the
be brought back."
driver replied, "The car is not working. Also, Suresh, who is in the school has to
have to go to the
Venkata Rao then growing angry, shouted out, "Come on Make the car ready soon. We for an unknown
then showed
government hospital." The car driver was surprised at the care Venkata Rao
took Venkata Rao to
patient who required the treatment, much against his usual behaviour in the past. He
the boy and the villagers
the government hospital quickly. Having reached the hospital, he saw there boy was found to be none
who visied him earlier, just half-an-hour back. The boy was laid up. But, the
other than Suresh, his only son.

He saw there Manjuhasini, who was examining the boy's respiration. He found her displaying her
deep sorrow. He
sad signal through her lips. Venkata Rao, becoming shy, was completely absorbed in a
then fainted.
Conclusion: Thus, with the arrogance caused by wealth, Venkata Rao, turned himself into a
permanent scar even on such a holy profession as the medical line, while ultimately losing his own son.

|IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students


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38 IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students

Sanskrit )

Write down the plans told by the paternaB Grandmother, to protect the trees ?

Describe the care taken by Kesarasimha in protecting the trees ?

Introduction : The lesson, 'q0HGGI TYI48T was taken from the book, 'HhdehTG4, written
by Padma Shastry.
The paternal grandmother- The protector of trees : Once upon a time, in the kingdom of
there lived a farmer. He had a son named Kesarasimha. His parents were rearing cattle and selling fruits.
She used to lay
The paternal grandmother of Kesarasimha was very much interested in growing the trees.
the snow-fall.
grass on the trees during the winter to protect them from

She also protected trees from animals.

Making Kesarasimha interested in the growing of trees : One day, Kesarasimha cut down the
branches of the trees. His grandmother felt very sad for this. She found fault with him, She told him that
him to grow trees. so as to eat
she was growing plants just as how she brought him up. She further told
fruits. "If we grow trees, we get the god's favour. The mother earth becomes favourable and merciful
towards us. We get flowers, fruits and firewo0d from trees. If people who are tired take shelter and rest
under the shade of the trees, their tiredness shall get eliminated."
On listening to the above words of his grandmother, Keasarasimha was influenced very much. He
started to help her in growing trees and began to soW new plants.
|IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students 39

The growing of trees and the life-style : His grandmother expired while Kesarasimha was sixteen
years old. He was ivorried very muoh remembering her. One day, his grandmother appeared to him in
dream. In the dream he hugged her and cried. She consoled him and said, "Oh my dear! Idid not die. As
my body became thin, Itook a new body." His grandmother appeared to him as a young woman instead
of the old. He said to her, "Please come back home, It is empty without you. The plants grown up by your
hands are remembering you". His grandmother said to him, "At present I cannot come back from my
place. Everyday do planting of the new seedlings. By doing so, you can forget me. This is the life-style."

Gransmother's appreciation to Kesarisimha for his care in growing the trees : Eversince his
grandmother appeared to him in dream, he began to serve the trees carefully. His grandmother appeared
to him again in dream. This time, two angels were there with her. His grandmother put a silver plate in
front of him. There were different kinds of amazing fruits. Kesarisimha took a fruit and began to eat. He
never ate such a delicious fruit earlier. After that dream, he earned alot of money by selling the fruits.
After a long time one day, his grandmother appeared to him again in the dream. This time, she appeared
to Kesarisimha like an angel wearing a white dress sitting on awhite throne. .He
saluted her. She was very
pleasant and said, "I am very happy. You are doing a good thing by growing the plants. From
there shall be no disease in our village". now on,

Grandmother describing the benefits resulting from the growing of trees : On listening to the
words of the grandmother, Kesarisimha was surprised and questioned, "I did
not grow any medicinal
plants. How then, do the diseases fail to make an entry"? Then the
grandmother said to him, "My Dear
Boy ! We are getting fresh air from the trees. By that, we get good
She clapped her hands. Then, two angels came there. She said,
"Please show the green city and the
white mountain to my grandson". When the angels clapped their hands,
tied with white horses. Kesarisimha sat in the chariot. The there appeared a white chariot
angels followed him. On the way a pure and
fresh river was flowing. Also, the snow-covered
mountains and trees full of flowers and
Kesarisimha was very happy. His grandmother said again, "In this world, there is muchfruits were seen.
the trees. They provide us good soil, good water and good air." importance for

"If we cut down the trees at will, the temperature on the

earth shall increase. The snow shall melt
away. The sea_ cross their shores and encroach upon the land. AIl the
people have to suffer. By making
a study you can know all the secrets. So, there is every
necessity of doing the research." Later Kesarisimha
offered his respects to his grandmother and again took the plunge to
plants. He strongly decided to help the society, by growing the plants.involve himself in the growing of
Conclusion : In this way, grandmother told Kesarisimha about the plans of
improve his devotion and care towards their protection.
growing trees, so as to

40 IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students



why do people of valued mind retire to forest life?

Where did brahmachani (the celibate) live ? For what purpose?
agra vasthabhumau tavanakoqroma
yì agUAIÀ sfgTAAI gfafarqvneyI Srithivishanachamo

capabilities, put in his attempt?
What for Chanakya, within the scope of his

before he left the city ?
What did Rakshasa Amatya do

Kaha (338o ?
E: TuaH AfaRTa ? JSo SSESSáD
wood of penance) ?
Who entered the tapovana (the

decided on ?
What was that, Kashyapa Suryohosy Sraclniha


2 x 3=6


For the one who is brave, is it not correct that, the

ornaments are equivalent to petalS ?


Is it not true that wise men give up their anger

towards people who present humility ?


3. qafrgk0 GH NTI PP (SS95) sswoo S935. Kumuda told to

the king Kusha.


With that, keep back the thought of

assigning tome the burden of the princely throne.


42 IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students

Imyself become the one, who wrote the
mark of blot.

Oh Son! Endorse this word of mine.

Bring about cheer for the kingdom surrounded by people.

The enemies, being unafraid, are advancing thoughtlessly.

He, the great King was made to be the one, devoid of the chariot.

IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students 43


Always beblissful firmlythrough acts of fun and


Vishnu that is Sripathi, the husband of Lakshmi

Devi, is present in a pillar.


They adored the one, who fulfilled all the



44 ATERIAL for Sr. Students


2 x3=6

. r G: lasáo aoD He is a thief.


The Royal servants have shown you all to me and said, all of you are my friends.

Who isthe king of Lata Desha? A friendship with him!What's up with that ?

prominent beings.
Atpresent, this forest is associated with many

IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students 45


OhLord!This one (Sanjeevaka), a renowned person, is desirous of heingintroduced to you,

How it be known that he (the lion) is thinking of killing me ?

The boy's condition is critically getting worse, moment by


Oh! Idiots !Why do you always have

concentration only on your individual pleasure ?


Nobody else ! Suresh only is his son.

46 IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students


Iam the daughter of avalorous father!

HeR HsGhct fadq I3obs aaN Soboadw sán. Prepare the funeral pile instantly.

3. 4a T HE: |l ss& 8aNoso áo. Your honourable self is not my Ratnasimha.


Students 47


1. fagh41geag IST f~ aafa ? 1. qrqr: YEAsfT 5: Ffa ?

What would Vikramanka Deva's Who was not angry, despite being struck with
bring about ? stones ?

Which would remove the dark ?

What for was the emperor surprised ?

3. heÀ H A ?
3. HHa aía fazaHrzAN F: ft ? For whom, a charity, if made, could become a
vain deed ?
What would Vikramanka be missing, while. T HA RIG
Somadeva was present ?

Sa orbáo ?
What would be resulting by Vishnu's will and
Whowould ever be interested in bringing on might ?
well-being to the world ?

2. ATR: farvgeíry: faz4cilg ?

Which would generate fragrance to both What did the demon, Hiranyakashipa do ?
hands ?

How did Chathürbhuja (Lord Vishnu), who
Whose life is useless ? destroyed the demon, shine?

48 IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students


2 x 3 = 6,

1. q7: 3rm f f gyasfa

What did Harshavardhana tell Bhandi ? What would the trees give us?

Whowas Nirghatha ?
2. hE: a e ?

Where did Kesarasimha live ?

Inwhich situation (that Rajyasri found her
self in), the king saw Rajyasri ? How did the rivers flow in the way?

? JSO)

Yamuna to drink How'Chinta' was playing on,despite being

Who went to the banks of alone ?
water ?

Who left on favouring with a pledge for How Ratnasimha was carrying out the works?
ing the fear eliminated ?

Why did Ratnasimha get into the fire ?

JS63S aoswzá ?
3TMA: 3Ira ufgari fEi
Who was killed in the war? And, by whom ? A. aT:

Students 49

IX. HeuH HrTI 5x1=5


What kind of ashoulder that Kusha looked at?

2. FN: EHIGT ?ssáá S es ÔKOSIS ? Which arrow was taken by Kusha ?

F4NRU: h farfd: ?"áwáêSôcoaÑog" Qá0d 8003a&36 ?

By whom was 'Kumudwathi Parinayaha' composed ?

1. qt: gAa a UTg ? KOKKe) S63S IS K0oSXra ?

Just like ariver, what is that, the riches of akingdom should hold ?

Who became pleased with the king, Ahavamalla ?

3. Agh4SH_TGY : RY ?"ároa BPóso" Já B00K ?

Who composed, Vikramankasya Oudaryam' ?

What is that the great people look on, as similar to the blades of
grass ?

What is that Samudra (the ocean) is desirous of, despite being
complete and absolute in toto ?

50 IPE STUDY MATERIAL for Sr. Students


How manydelects have to be given up by the man?

Whatwould anasty person superficially spcak (in front of us) ?

Whose quality is indescribable (or beyond words) ?

3. : HSG A GIq ? JSs° sON dok&rdáo ? With whom should one not mingle ?

Listening to whose words, the king became happy ?

Who made Rudrama quiet rewarding?

Devi, kill ?
Whom, did the sword employed by Rudrama

3y&B ? How was Murari described ?
1. uf: ¨iggT: 5RY ?sD00 Jewdo

2. ? sosáoáo& JBK O? Who was born from the pillar ?

3. gfete: farvqeaíg4 : 4R ? Roodo

trbags83 `8s baá ?
Hiranyakashipa ?
With which Nrisimha split

Students 51

X. 5x1=5

1. dR: R: ? e (etd goe) J8 ? Who was the king of Lata Desha'?

2. JHYF: ARm: ? sss esÁDKBOStsÉ JSK NHboSod8 ?

Who was appointed to follow the maiden ?

With whom to fight against, the angry Mathakala came ?

1. get: hi yiaI ? gPese os&S Bi8oOKS ? Where did

Rajyasri make an entry?
2. Tch: : ? 8as83|b Js& ? Who was Divakaramitra ?

3. aI 3A0QTEI ? oS5JS oSá abAerá ? Who remained for Harshavardhana?

Who were the ministers for Pingalaka, the lion ?

2. A: 5:?ss&ts o? Who was

3. Hah: hr4 AuE: ? sodsá Nod
In which, Sanjeevaka was
Jaodbosadá ?
appointed ?



In what kind of family, was Venkata Rao born ?

What is the name of Venkata rao's father ?

TA9I al ? Jáoe D3 ? Who was the lady doctor ?


With which the grand-mother used to cover the trees in the winter ?

Inwhich Kesarasimha involved himself with care?

3. Ít: g4 sdH ? `3SRoaVO JA 3ãw Kobo3á ?

How did Kesarasimha earn money ?

faret h yifddI TEg ? Ooad JSOBs hosacá ?

By whom was Chinta Devi

What is the name of the young prince ?
YAy:T4 afHE: |
herself ?
Todo what, Chinta Devireadied

Students 53

XVI. TTafsavaft rázr I f faraa 5x 1= 5


(a Ì a:)

18. fvafa (afa ftar: fafa)

9. arti 4Íi TATata I
19. 48 E l 3H: I(Te3H TSA:

20. qa fagus yraHfH

Note : In the Question paper all

questions shall be given in Sanskrit language only. In this
study material, Telugu & English
students' better understanding.
translations for the questions are given only for the

(54 IPE ST! Y

MATERIAL for Sr. Students
0209 (New Syllubus)
Total No. of Questions 16 Regd.
TotalNo. of Frinted Pages -4 Part - || No.
SAMSKRIT, Paper-ll Max. Marks : 100
Tme: Hours (Second Languago)

1x 6 = 6

1x 6 6

1x 6=6

2 x 4 = 8
1) 4aA: AH aaf afr ? 3) &RZTH feaffa fAfeY ?
4) 341 TH: fã hrcl 4RIGYEA:?
2x3 6

3) 3T6T- A yARY: ?
HUIH ? 4) rs stefafa]: ?
2) R0 Ga0 6
2 x3 = 6

4) TÌg: I
2 x3= 6
4) 1H: faVqaÍOrg: fH60q ?
2 x 3 =6

? 3) qA1: 3q f f£ H s ?
4) toE: aHffor pq srg ?
Students 55
for Sr.

4) A: y: fa atn
5) 4: A4a ?

5 %1=5
1) 4) äyenas faa: aT4 faH ?
2) frqr4A: 6: ? 5) faratti qfrai rg ?
3) HIAN: : ?

4 x 2=8
1) : 2) aga1
3) 4 4) P :
7) aaz 8) 24:

4x 2 =8
1) tfA + 2) 44 + q3
3) A + 1: 4) e + HH:
5) 1214: + 184 6) l : + h
7) 44 + faifa 8) Tug: + 444
XIV. Z: rEt: A-err-q4TA rzreftá qvfor ferga I 2x4 8
1) 46 2) 3) 41

3 x 2=6
1) 49mgfaH 2) yaafd: 3) QT4:
4) faiá 5) VIdAiurigat 6) fazmaef

5x1= 5




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